Wanna DIE for tRUMP? Go To a Rally. It's YOUR CHANCE to "Drink the Kool Aid!" Next Coronavirus Super Spreader Event is NEVADA...

and If That FAILS, Jesus Will Beam You Up 
Just Like Star Trek In The Rupture! 

MEME - tRUMP Screamer - Coronavirus - gvan42
Trump Loves All Things Russian.
Moscow Hookers, Nesting Dolls and
Their Version of Roulette that is
Much More Interesting Than
Just Playing for Money!

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
Aretha Franklin - Never Gonna Break My Faith (Official Video) ft. The Boys Choir of Harlem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLbHi92YOhE

The epic failure of Donald Trump Letter To the Editor: Wisdom Here! Thanks Chuck Petty... #TrumpMustResign

The Trump presidency has been an abject failure from the very beginning and history will prove his tenure as the leader of the free world to be the worst in the annals of our democracy.

He has repeatedly failed to bring our country together as a nation by his inability to provide any leadership whatsoever when it was so desperately needed. He has failed the world when he walked away from NATO. He failed again when he said climate change is a hoax, solely blaming the Chinese and dropped out of the world organization. His failed trade wars and tariffs has had a very detrimental effect on many segments of our population, especially farmers and in particular beef farmers by importing 3.7 billion pounds of beef from 19 countries last year resulting in many struggling to survive.

While taking an $18 per head loss, the beef processing companies turn a profit of $600 a head. He failed us when he did not put together a national plan of action against the COVD-19 emergency. He failed us when he stopped funding to the WHO when it is most needed to fight the pandemic. He has failed to protect the American people from the current pandemic by refusing to listen to the advice of his own health experts and the dire consequences that would result from doing nothing. He actually stated “It will go away, it will be like a miracle it will just disappear. “ It is nothing but a hoax perpetrated by the Democrats.” He has failed us when he ignored the facts and refused to take any action in the fight against the pandemic until it was too late, costing untold thousands of lives.

He has failed us in trying to place the blame on anybody or anything but himself. The truth is, those thousands of lost lives lay only at the feet of the President of the United States. The blame cannot be cast elsewhere. The facts are not fake news. He has tried desperately to hide facts from the American people that might be detrimental to the health of the economy and his re-election. It is obvious his only concern is for himself and not anyone or anything else. He is willing to trade lives for the Dow Jones.

Be a responsible citizen and vote in the November presidential election to remove this inept and corrupt despot and return respect, sanity and dignity to the office and to us, the American people.

— Chuck Petty https://www.miamivalleytoday.com/2020/06/06/the-epic-failure-of-donald-trump/

The Idiocy of Donald Trump Letter to the Editor. 

The Mirriam-Webster definition of the word idiocy is as follows: Extremely stupid behavior, notably stupid or foolish-madness-lunacy-insanity. The definition for inept is as follows: Not suitable to the time and place-unfit-bungling- lacking sense or reason-generally incompetent. This accurately describes the personality and mental state of the man currently the leader of the free world, and reminiscent of a man of insanity from the past: Adolf Hitler.

The threat to the USA, our democracy, freedoms and liberty is not Russia and Putin, nor North Korea and Kim Jung-Un, nor China and Xi Jinping. The real and present danger sits in the White House as Donald Trump. The American Psychiatric Association classifies Trump as suffering from a narcissistic personality disorder characterized by exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. He exhibits a preoccupation with power, prestige, and vanity. This condition is also characterized by exploitative behavior to achieve personal gain, exaggeration of skills, and accomplishments and intolerance of the views of others. Pathological narcissism personalities insult others constantly and cannot tolerate criticisms. He is also characterized as a sociopath and pathological liar with repeated lying, and manipulation of others with aggressiveness and consistent irresponsibility. American mental health professionals have long warned us Trump exhibits signs of clinical insanity and we haven’t listened.

In September 2017, a mere eight months in office, 60,000 mental health professionals crafted and signed a petition stating that he has serious mental illness and requested Congress remove him from office, according to article four of the 25th amendment to the constitution that states the president will be replaced if he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. That call has gone unheeded in Congress where Republicans habitually turn a blind eye to Trump’s insanities.

Politifact named Trump the winner of its annual “lie of the Year” award in 2015 with 72 percent of Trump’s public remarks about factual circumstances as false. To date there has been in excess of 18,000 documented and proven lies from this mentally disturbed despot.

Is this who we want as our president? I hope not. I pray not. A June 4 poll showed that only 26 percent of the respondents viewed the US going in the right direction. Most people now understand what we have is not what we want or need as our leader. Do your patriotic/civic duty and vote in November to remove this sick man from office.

— Chuck Petty https://www.miamivalleytoday.com/2020/06/21/the-idiocy-of-donald-trump/

New Music Video: "The Lock Him Up and Throw Away The Key,  tRUMP's a Danger to Self and Others... Police Code 5150 Blues" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lS1v90vwlSo

#ImpeachBarr - He is a Menace to Society. https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2020/06/impeachbarr-he-is-menace-to-society.html

Skolstrejk för klimatetat #ClimateStrike - Protest Online Using "digital strikes" Instead of Mass Rallies in the Streets - Take Worldwide ECO-ACTION! - Greta Thunberg says: “We Are Striking to Disrupt the System” https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2019/09/global-climate-strike-920-worldwide-eco.html

WHY HAS tRUMP FAILED TO GET ANYTHING DONE? Except, Of Course, He Did Sign the "Help Crazy People Buy Guns" Law... https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2020/06/why-has-trump-failed-to-get-anything.html

Help Us BEAT tRUMP by Sharing These MEMEs on Social Media! #DumpTrump Volunteers Needed World Wide! https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2020/02/hey-russia-if-youre-listening-help-us.html

Music Video: "The Everybody's Laughing at Trump, He's a Dumpster Fire Blues" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fz4Q3CYYHaA

Music Video "Vote for Joe, He's Not Insane!" CAMPAIGN SONG by Gregory Vanderlaan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcUJm5N8Cjw

MEME - Promises Made, Promises Broken - Upside Down American Flag - gvan42

All Earth Beings Are Being Called Upon. . . Arise... The Violet Overgrow is Calling You... Sonic Protest! Why Not Set Off a 130 DB Personal Alarm at the White House? Let Mad King Donald Know that We Think He is an Economic Disaster...

 You could stand in Lafayette Park, Right Across the Street and Create a Disturbance in the Force. Wait for a Day When Trump is at Home... Then Pull The PIN!

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

BENEFIT ART SALE! All Profits Donated to Charity. Original Designs Painted on Coffee Cups, Buttons, Earrings, Posters and BLING! zazzle/gregvan https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2020/06/benefit-art-sale-all-profits-donated-to.html

I remember we played the Drums during an Anti-War Protest when George Bush was President... It Disturbed His Sleep and reminded him that he was Doing Evil... and We Knew It.  

It would be wonderful if another set of protesters set off Sonic Alarms on the Ellipse side of the White House... That way CZAR Donald would be Surrounded! 

For Starts We've Got To End This Worldwide
And Deadly Nuclear Power Industry!
[Email from Jack Nounan]
As a  7.3 earthquake is reported off their shores, as usual Japan tops the week in the news with an announcement for plans to restart 3 more reactors . . . with more protests and new scandals.

Japanese and US nuclear experts warn that another earthquake
hitting Fukushima could spark a disaster 10 times the scale of Chernobyl, the situation inside Fukushima reactor number four is precarious.


What is it we have become among these severest
of limited industrial and dominant choices
of our personal freedoms?

In the gloom of this pool, a 1,331 highly radioactive spent nuclear fuel assemblies each containing dozens of rods,  contains 5,000 times more cesium than was released by the Hiroshima bomb and the pool is just hanging there. We don't know when it could collapse, five storeys above the ground next to the reactor, the reactor building looking now like a hydrogen explosion blew it apart. The blast tore off the roof and caused a reinforced wall of the fuel pool to bulge by up to 3.5 centimetres, the hundreds of tonnes of spent fuel, until this month its only protection from the elements by a white plastic sheet. Some nuclear experts warn Japan is literally playing with fire.

HIROAKI KOIDE: If there's a crack in the pool and water drains out, the fuel rods will be exposed. It will then be impossible to cool the fuel. So if an accident happens, 10 times more cesium than has already been released by the Fukushima meltdown will go into the atmosphere. Depending on which way the wind is blowing, Tokyo could become uninhabitable.

 As soon as possible, those fuel rods should be removed. Earthquakes are striking almost every day around the Fukushima plant...This warning is echoed by international nuclear safety experts, among them, Robert Alvarez, a former advisor to the US Secretary of Energy.

ROBERT ALVAREZ: You have a very, very large concentration of radioactivity where the only thing that keeps that radioactivity from being released through a catastrophic fire is a pool of water. That pool is 100 feet off the ground in a structurally damaged building in a high-risk earthquake zone. I mean, what more you can be worried about?
MARK WILLACY: Ever since the meltdowns, TEPCO has maintained a veil of secrecy over what's happening at Fukushima. But one man has managed to penetrate it. Tomohiko Suzuki is a rarity in Japanese journalism: a reporter prepared to put his health on the line to get to the truth.
TOMOHIKO SUZUKI, JOURNALIST (voiceover translation): When I went undercover as a worker at the Fukushima plant, I wore protection gear, but over my sleeve I wore this watch, which has a secret camera inside.

It's about new purpose arising out of seeing through
 our fixes of fettered, severely controlling and contrived
gov/corp. social, economic political vises!

MARK WILLACY: With his secret camera watch and other hidden devices, Suzuki recorded life inside the Fukushima plant. Working next to the reactor four building, he was shocked by what he was told about the fuel pool 30 metres above him.
TOMOHIKO SUZUKI (voiceover translation): I spoke to a worker who helped reinforce the reactor four building. He said the spent fuel pool has vast amounts of heavy water in it and that the steel support frames were damaged, but he told me that the reinforcement of the pool was jerry-rigged, so if a typhoon or a tornado hits, it will be dangerous.
Meanwhile TEPCO says the fuel pool can withstand the next big earthquake, but I can't believe this.


LONDON REPORT: A new report by tax researchers estimates the amount of black money deposited by 'global super-rich elite' in offshore accounts is as much as 13 trillion pounds -
 equivalent of the combined GDP of the US and Japan.

 According to Henry's calculations, 6.3 trillion pounds of assets is owned by only 0.001 per cent of the world's population - a tiny class of the mega-rich.

This reveals a staggering inequality, far worse than official statistics show, as politicians still rely on trickle-down to transfer wealth to poorer people. Nonsense!  It's incorrigible and works only for the greedy!


        Fuku Kids Unwitting Radioactive Guinea Pigs

 Fukushima - Local Children Unwitting (and Unwilling) Radioactive Guinea Pigs
by John C.K. Daly l Oil Price.com
Seventeen months after the earthquake and tsunami that destroyed the Tokyo Electric Power Company's six-reactor complex at its Fukushima Daiichi, discussions continue about the possible effects of the radiation "dusting" the prefecture's inhabitants received, and their consequences.

Far outside most media coverage, 2012 is shaping up to be the media battleground between the massed proponents of the ongoing 'safety' of nuclear power, as opposed to a motley coalition of environmentalists, renegade nuclear scientists and anti-nuclear opponents, largely bereft of media contact.
The 11 March 2011 earthquake and tsunami double punch that effectively destroyed Tokyo Electric Power Company's power plant complex has effectively become the newest "ground zero" in the debate over nuclear power. Advocates pro and con debate the implications of everything from the amount of damage to the release of radionuclides to the long term health effects on the Japanese population.

All sides in the debate are playing for massive stakes, with the Japanese government and the nuclear industry broadly indicating the issue is under control. Accordingly, every issue from the amount of radiation released to the long term health consequences of the Fukushima disaster are subject to acrimonious debate.

What is it we have become among these severest
of limited industrial and dominant choices?

Quite aside from Japan's multi-billion dollar investment
in civilian nuclear energy, dating back to the 1960s,
 there remains the issues of Fukushima's radioactive debris
of  polluting their neighbors.

That said, there is an involuntary irradiated "test" Fukushima group monitored since March 2011 displaying disturbing health abnormalities that may ultimately decide the debate, should the global media report it, forcing governments to debate its consequences.

The issue of nuclear radiation on human health cites besides Fukushima the August 1945 U.S nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the April 1986 explosion of the Chernobyl reactor complex in Ukraine, but in reality, there are no comparisons to evaluate Fukushima.

In contrast, Fukushima Daiichi has been like a suppurating wound,
 leaching radionuclides into the environment since March 2011,
and since then furious arguments have swirled about
not only how much radiation Fukushima released,
 but the potential long term health consequences.

Only two months ago TEPCO stated that the Fukushima debacle may have released twice as much radioactivity than Japan's government initially estimated.

That said, scientists do have a well defined test group - the population of Fukushima Prefecture surrounding the stricken NPP.

And the sixth report of the Fukushima Prefecture Health Management Survey, which was released in April, revealed after the survey examined 38,114 local children that 36 percent of Fukushima children have abnormal thyroid growths.
The Fukushima Prefecture Health Management Survey revealed
that 13,460 children, or 35.3 percent, had thyroid cysts or nodules
 up to 0.197 inches long growing on their thyroids and 0.5 percent
of the children had growths larger than 0.197 inches.

 According to the American Thyroid Association (ATA), thyroid problems from nuclear events occur when radioactive iodine is leaked into the atmosphere and thyroid cells that absorb too much of this radioactive iodine may become cancerous, with children being particularly susceptible.

 Who cares about such an arcane issue? Well, the National Institute of Radiological Sciences conclusions refute the government's assertion that Japanese children in effect received zero thyroid radiation doses from Fukushima.

Re Fukushima children's health, the news just gets better. Two months ago Tokyo Shinbum reported that 60 percent of Fukushima children under 12 have tested positive for diabetes, according to Dr. Miura, the director of Iwase's general hospital.

Because the Strontium-90 radioactive isotope quickly decays to become Yttrium-90, which can concentrate in the pancreas, causing pancreatic cancer or diabetes.

It might do worse than to follow the advice of Australian pediatrician Dr. Helen Caldicott, who after observing that; "It is extremely rare to find cysts and thyroid nodules in children," and added that "you would not expect abnormalities to appear so early - within the first year or so - therefore one can assume that they must have received a high dose of (radiation)" before concluding, "it is impossible to know, from what (Japanese officials) are saying, what these lesions are."

Calidcott also noted that Japanese officials are not sharing the ultrasound results with foremost experts of thyroid nodules in children before noting, "The data should be made available. And they should be consulting with international experts ASAP. And the lesions on the ultrasounds should all be biopsied and they're not being biopsied. And if they're not being biopsied then that's ultimate medical irresponsibility. Because if some of these children have cancer and they're not treated they're going to die."

What is it we have become among these despicable
and limited industrial and dominant choices?


Incoming Reports:

Only touching upon a few of the major stories being released!

* Iraq:    The war that were told Obama ended! Last week, it suffered in one day 29 bombing attacks in 19 cities, killing 111 civilian and wounding another 235. The war is over?!  The same day, Syria's bloodbath consumed about the same number of innocents. But Iraq was "down the page" from Syria, buried "below the fold", as we journalists say; because, of course we gave freedom to Iraq....


* MARIKANA, South Africa (AP)    - Thousands of angry South African workers met Tuesday on a rocky cliff within sight of their platinum mine shuttered by violent protests, shouting demands for more pay, the rage involves longtime struggles and low pay faced by miners an ages long tragedy of human deprivation and corporate greed, a nation whose economy depends on cheap labor pulling precious minerals from the ground.  Police, working with the industry have already killed up to ten. t

* SANTIAGO, Chile:    Hundreds of students occupied high schools and blocked traffic in Chile's capital on Tuesday to demand education reform. Police in riot gear evicted students from several schools but at least seven remained occupied. Changes demanded would fundamentally overhaul a school system privatized since the 1973-90 dictatorship of Gen. Augusto Pinochet.

Mass demonstrations initially raised expectations over poor quality public schools, expensive private universities, unprepared teachers and bank education loans at high interest rates most Chileans can't afford.

*  Europe's Economic Suicide:   Saturday The Times reported a growing phenomenon in Europe: "suicide by economic crisis," people taking their own lives in despair over unemployment and business failure, a heartbreaking story, much about the apparent determination of European leaders to commit economic suicide for the Continent as a whole,
European leaders  failed policies and ideas. It's getting harder and harder to believe that anything will get them to change course.

Consider Spain, now the epicenter of the crisis. Never mind talk of recession, it's a full-on depression, with the overall unemployment rate at 23.6 percent, comparable to America at the depths of the Great Depression, and the youth unemployment rate over 50 percent. This can't go on .


Seeing through
these controlling and contrived social, economic political vices!

What is it we have become?
All Earth Beings Are Being Called Upon
To Rise Up!

Reported on by . . .
Communities For Justice and Peace, Humboldt.Co. Ca.
Sending  out  reports  and research studies, exposing media bias,
holding government  accountable to "The People!"

Promises Made, Promises Broken Two-Tone Coffee Mug FOR SALE!

Upside Down Flag Signalling Distress 

Promises Made, Promises Broken Two-Tone Coffee Mug
Promises Made, Promises Broken Two-Tone Coffee Mug
by gregvan

Link to All my Promises Made, Promises Broken Products!

Why Has tRUMP FAILED to Make America Great? - Remember the Dead When You Vote... #Purple64ets #PromisesMadePromisesBroken https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2020/07/why-has-trump-failed-to-make-america.html

Trump Says: "Windmills Cause Cancer" - Obviously, He Is WRONG. We Have been using Windmills Safely FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS. #iDIOTbOYtRUMP

tRUMP's "Booming" Economy = MORE UNEMPLOYED PEOPLE THAN EVER BEFORE IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE... https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2020/04/2trilliondollarloser-trumps-booming.html

Trump's "base" is the 1% [the super rich]. They pretend that his "base" is Uneducated White Men but that's a Misdirection. Like a magic act...
... they use misdirection to keep our attention focused on what they want us to see, not what they are really doing. Note that the Environmental Protection Agency has switched mission from Protecting the Environment to enabling corporations to increase profits by reducing expenditures for cleaning up pollution caused by their factories. https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2017/08/trumps-base-is-1-they-pretend-that-his.html

The TRUMP Effect: US SUICIDE RATE HIGHEST SINCE 1945. If Our Glorious Leader is Doing Such a "Wonderful" Job, Why are So Many People Killing Themselves?
Think About This... The Quality Of Life For 99% of Americans is a LOT Worse Now Than It Was When Obama Was President. https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2019/06/the-trump-effect-us-suicide-rate.html

Global Awakening is Real and Happening Now. All around the World People are Refusing to Believe the Corporate Brainwashing...
Much of what we see in the Media is Propaganda designed to make You and I Believe Whatever they are Selling... Be it a Presidential Candidate, a Drug, a Washing Machine, a Car, a Religion OR A WAR! https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2018/03/global-awakening-is-real-and-happening.html

Join the Global #DumpTrump Movement. Anyone, Anywhere in the World May Write to US Senators and House Representatives Using Their Online Contact Forms. Use an American Sounding Name and Use Google Maps - "Search Nearby" to Find a Valid Street Address and Phone Number in the Senator's State. That Way You Will Appear To Be A Voter of Theirs. Tell Them To #ArrestTrump... #LockHimUP Thanks!



Treten Sie der globalen #DumpTrump-Bewegung bei. Jeder auf der ganzen Welt kann über seine Online-Kontaktformulare an US-Senatoren und Repräsentanten des Repräsentantenhauses schreiben. Verwenden Sie einen amerikanisch klingenden Namen und Google Maps - "In der Nähe suchen", um eine gültige Straße und Telefonnummer im Senator-Bundesstaat zu finden. Auf diese Weise scheinen Sie in diesem Zustand ein Wähler zu sein. Sagen Sie ihnen zu #ImpeachTrump ... Danke! Lesen Sie mehr unter: https://gvan42.blogspot.com

Únete al Movimiento Global #DumpTrump. Cualquiera, en cualquier parte del mundo, puede escribir a los senadores y representantes de la Cámara de Representantes de los Estados Unidos utilizando sus formularios de contacto en línea. Use un nombre de sonido estadounidense y use Google Maps: "Buscar cerca" para encontrar una dirección válida y un número de teléfono en el estado del Senador. De esa manera usted aparecerá como un votante en ese estado. Dígales a #ImpeachTrump ... ¡Gracias! Lea más en: https://gvan42.blogspot.com

Bli med i Global #DumpTrump-bevegelsen. Noen, hvor som helst i verden, kan skrive til amerikanske senatorer og husrepresentanter ved hjelp av deres online kontaktskjemaer. Bruk et amerikansk lydnavn og bruk Google Maps - "Søk i nærheten" for å finne en gyldig gateadresse og telefonnummer i senatorens stat. På den måten vil du vise seg å være en velger i den staten. Fortell dem å #ImpeachTrump ... Takk! Les mer på: https://gvan42.blogspot.com

Junte-se ao movimento global #DumpTrump. Qualquer pessoa, em qualquer lugar do mundo, pode escrever para os senadores e representantes nos Estados Unidos usando seus formulários de contato on-line. Use um nome sonoro americano e use o Google Maps - "Pesquisar nas proximidades" para encontrar um endereço válido e um número de telefone no estado do senador. Dessa forma você vai parecer ser um eleitor nesse estado. Diga-lhes para #ImpeachTrump ... Obrigado! Leia mais em: https://gvan42.blogspot.com

Doe mee met de Global #DumpTrump-beweging. Iedereen, waar ook ter wereld kan schrijven aan Amerikaanse senatoren en huisvertegenwoordigers met behulp van hun online contactformulieren. Gebruik een Amerikaanse klinkende naam en gebruik Google Maps - "Zoeken in de buurt" om een ​​geldig straatadres en telefoonnummer in de staat van de senator te vinden. Op die manier zul je een kiezer in die staat blijken te zijn. Vertel ze aan #ImpeachTrump ... Bedankt! Lees meer op: https://gvan42.blogspot.com

Rejoignez le mouvement mondial #DumpTrump. N'importe qui, n'importe où dans le monde, peut écrire aux sénateurs américains et aux représentants de la Chambre à l'aide de leurs formulaires de contact en ligne Utilisez un nom américain et utilisez Google Maps - "Rechercher à proximité" pour trouver une adresse et un numéro de téléphone valides dans l'état du sénateur. De cette façon, vous semblerez être un électeur dans cet État. Dites-leur de #ImpeachTrump ... Merci! Lire la suite sur: https://gvan42.blogspot.com

MEME - tRUMP Joke - gvan42

Why Has tRUMP FAILED to Make America Great? - Remember the Dead When You Vote... #Purple64ets #PromisesMadePromisesBroken https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2020/07/why-has-trump-failed-to-make-america.html

Trump Says: "Windmills Cause Cancer" - Obviously, He Is WRONG. We Have been using Windmills Safely FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS. #iDIOTbOYtRUMP

tRUMP's "Booming" Economy = MORE UNEMPLOYED PEOPLE THAN EVER BEFORE IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE... https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2020/04/2trilliondollarloser-trumps-booming.html

Trump's "base" is the 1% [the super rich]. They pretend that his "base" is Uneducated White Men but that's a Misdirection. Like a magic act...

... they use misdirection to keep our attention focused on what they want us to see, not what they are really doing. Note that the Environmental Protection Agency has switched mission from Protecting the Environment to enabling corporations to increase profits by reducing expenditures for cleaning up pollution caused by their factories. https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2017/08/trumps-base-is-1-they-pretend-that-his.html

The TRUMP Effect: US SUICIDE RATE HIGHEST SINCE 1945. If Our Glorious Leader is Doing Such a "Wonderful" Job, Why are So Many People Killing Themselves?
Think About This... The Quality Of Life For 99% of Americans is a LOT Worse Now Than It Was When Obama Was President. https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2019/06/the-trump-effect-us-suicide-rate.html

Global Awakening is Real and Happening Now. All around the World People are Refusing to Believe the Corporate Brainwashing...

Much of what we see in the Media is Propaganda designed to make You and I Believe Whatever they are Selling... Be it a Presidential Candidate, a Drug, a Washing Machine, a Car, a Religion OR A WAR! https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2018/03/global-awakening-is-real-and-happening.html

#ImpeachBarr - He is a Menace to Society. Please Write to Your Senators and Representatives! He Has Made Crime Legal for Trump and His Evil Henchmen.

420 #ImpeachBarr Twist-0-Rama by gvan42
420 #ImpeachBarr Twist-0-Rama by gvan42

#ImpeachBarr - He is a Menace to Society. Please Share this MEME Worldwide! Thanks - gvan42

#ImpeachBarr - He is a Menace to Society. Please Share this MEME Worldwide! Thanks - gvan42

https://www.senate.gov/senators/index.htm  There is a drop down menu of STATES that this allows you to look up any Senator. 

is the place to start your research for a Representative to the House. Use a ZIP CODE... 

This is what I Said: 
"Impeach Barr - He has Made Crime Legal for Trump and His Evil Henchmen. Barr's Firing of the Attorney in the SDNY goes too far. Barr is SUPPOSED TO ENFORCE THE LAW not protect "connected" people from being arrested. ...and... Legalize Marijuana Nationwide, Tax it and Free all the Cannabis Prisoners. It is a VOLUNTARY TAX. If You Don't Smoke, You Don't Pay. We Could SAVE MONEY CURRENTLY WASTED ON LAW ENFORCEMENT AND INCARCERATION. ...and... Refund the Money to the Taxpayers. More Money Going IN, Less Money Going Out, EVERYBODY WINS! That's a Smart Approach to Marijuana!"

Keywords: #ImpeachBarr, lock him up, disgrace, corrupt, idiot, insane, William, Chicken, Barr, Attorney General, Donald, Trump, Criminal, Senator, Representative, Write, protest, Throw away the Key, Loser, Question Authority, smart, approach, marijuana, Legalize, kind, bud, reefer, madness, law enforcement, incarceration, insanity, taxpayer, revolt, Impeach, William, "Chicken", Barr

#MAGALOSER - Trump FAILS to Fill Arena at His Rally in Tulsa. 6,200 Seats Occupied out of 19,000... Evidently, Not Many People Like Him Anymore. Nationwide, Republicans #RUNAWAY From Trump By The Millions. SAD...

and Now, Ivanka and Jared Blame Brad Parscale... HA HA... They Are Eating Each Other!

MEME - Ivanka and Jared Blame Brad Parscale... HA HA... They Are Eating Each Other! - gvan42

New Music Video: "The Lock Him Up and Throw Away The Key, tRUMP's a Danger to Self and Others... Police Code 5150 Blues" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lS1v90vwlSo

Donald Trump campaign rally does not fill Tulsa arena, and Twitter has sports attendance jokes... 

Empty Seats at Trump's Tulsa Rally - #MAGALoser - gvan42
Empty Seats at Trump's Tulsa Rally #MAGALoser - gvan42

Trump FAIL Rally -  Blue Wave of Seats - gvan42
Trump Rally FAIL -  A Blue Wave of Seats - gvan42
Subdued Crowd... Years ago there was Shouting at tRUMP Rallies... No Longer... SAD...

Sick staff and empty seats: How Trump's triumphant return to the campaign trail went from bad to worse... https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/21/politics/trump-campaign-trail-coronavirus/index.html

K-Pop Stans Successfully Sabotaged Trump’s Tulsa Rally... 

Continuing in their wildly coordinated political organizing, K-pop fans, along with TikTok users, apparently sabotaged President Trump’s rally tonight at the BOK Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale originally projected that the rally would fill the 19,000-seat stadium, with Trump scheduled to make an address to the overflow crowd outside. Instead, the outdoor address was cancelled, and the stadium was more than half empty. Political commentators deduced that K-pop fans as well as TikTok users had mobilized to reserve tickets to the rally, skewing the Trump campaign’s projections and securing the empty seats.


So Sad... tRUMP FAILED TO FILL ARENA... #MAGALOSER Only 12,000 People Attended His Coronavirus Super Spreader Event in Tulsa, Oklahoma... 

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

BENEFIT ART SALE! All Profits Donated to Charity. Original Designs Painted on Coffee Cups, Buttons, Earrings, Posters and BLING! zazzle/gregvan https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2020/06/benefit-art-sale-all-profits-donated-to.html

Playing Russian Roulette at Trump's Coronavirus Rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma. "Let's All Prove That It's a Democratic Hoax. Sign Waiver Here."

tRUMP Loves Everything Russian... Hookers, Nesting Dolls and Their Form of Roulette... Much More Fun Than Playing for Money at Atlantic City!

Trump Screamer MEME - gvan42
"God Will Protect You from Disease."

Help Us BEAT tRUMP by Sharing These MEMEs on Social Media! https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2020/02/hey-russia-if-youre-listening-help-us.html

#DumpTrump Volunteers Needed World Wide! - Massive Unemployment, Endless Business Bankruptcies, the Stock Market Crash and TOTAL FAILURE TO PROTECT AMERICA FROM DISEASE... #TrumpHasFailed

When tRUMP CAUSES Global Economic Collapse,
You Won't Be Having Fun Either!
MEME - Promises Made, Promises Broken - on an Upside Down American Flag - gvan42 Gregory Vanderlaan

"Jesus Will Beam Us Up Just Like Star Trek in the Rapture."

Remember: tRUMP is ANTI-CHOICE. His Plan is to Make Abortion Illegal and FORCE Women to Give Birth to Unwanted Children. It's BACK TO THE COATHANGER.

Please Share This TV AD That QUOTES TRUMP Word for Word... Transcript: the Corona virus. This is that new hoax. We have a totally under control. It's one person coming in from China One day. It's like a miracle. It will disappear when you have 15 people and within a couple of days is gonna be down to close to zero. We really think we've done a great job in keeping it down to a minimum. I like this stuff. I really get it. People are surprised that I understand. No, I don't take responsibility. Oh, priorities. USA Action is responsible for the content of this ad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkMwvmJLnc0


Free #DumpTrump MEME gvan42.blogspot.com pirate like share print copy paste

MEME - Beat Trump Like a Pinata - gvan42

MORE: https://gvan42.blogspot.com/search?q=MEME

Trump Signed the Help Crazy People Buy Guns Law #MAGAKillers MEME - gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan
Really! I'm Not Making This UP!
Trump Signed the
"Help Crazy People Buy Guns Law"
H.J.Res 40

MEME - gvan42 - GO to the White House and Blow a Real Whistle. PROTEST Gregory Vanderlaan
GO to the White House and Blow a Real Whistle.
Reject The Boogaloo... 
MEME: QAnon: The Coronavirus was Invented at The Fort Detrick BioWeapons Laboratory... gvan42
QAnon: The Coronavirus was Invented at
The Fort Detrick BioWeapons Laboratory

Trump Supporters are Killing Themselves in Record Numbers. Suicide, Alcoholism and Opioid Overdoses are increasing Among Uneducated White Males. (Trump's "Base")

Hope for the future is declining among Trump voters. There is a growing realization that Trump has not done anything to improve the quality of life for the people of the working class.  Chance of getting a good job is low. Trump is only helping the super rich get more money...


and then on Facebook... Brainwashed TrumpNiks Disagree: Barb Bradley Sr. Gregory Laan I don't think so. We're very happy with our President. He gives us hope and the truth. You stupid Dems/libs are the ones so irate and losing it in record numbers. Before you start spewing your venom, get your facts straight. And the uneducated makes are in the Dem. Party, always have been on purpose. That's what they recruited them, because they are needy and gullible. Trump's base seem to be educated,, thinking people and of course, you don't understand us or our President. LOSER

"The Forces Driving Middle-Aged White People's 'Deaths Of Despair'. 
In 2015, when researchers Anne Case and Angus Deaton discovered that death rates had been rising dramatically since 1999 among middle-aged white Americans, they weren't sure why people were dying younger, reversing decades of longer life expectancy.
Note the USMC Flag at Trump's Homeless Tent City
Matt Foley: Van Down By The River - SNL -
After their cleaning lady finds pot in the house, parents (Phil Hartman, Julia Sweeney) hire motivational speaker Matt Foley (Chris Farley) to talk to their teens (David Spade, Christina Applegate) about drugs and their future. 

Now the husband-and-wife economists say they have a better understanding of what's causing these "deaths of despair" by suicide, drugs and alcohol. In a follow-up to their groundbreaking 2015 work, they say that a lack of steady, well-paying jobs for whites without college degrees has caused pain, distress and social dysfunction to build up over time. The mortality rate for that group, ages 45 to 54, increased by a half percent each year from 1999 to 2013."

What is going on, then, with death rates for middle-aged whites? Case and Deaton aren't sure, but they argued that alcohol abuse, suicides and the opioid epidemic have something to do with it. The rate of fatal "poisonings" for instance — a category that includes drug overdoses — more than tripled among middle-aged whites since 2000.
Economic struggles have likely contributed as well. Case and Deaton also found that the increase in the death rate has been driven by people with less education. For those without a college degree, the economy in recent decades has been increasingly miserable. This may explain why some have turned to self-destructive behaviors, such as drug and alcohol abuse.


Hillary Clinton Found Totally Innocent! "LOCK HER UP!" FAILED... However, Many Republicriminals Went To Prison... Roger Stone=Guilty, Paul Manafort=Guilty, Mike Flynn=Guilty, Michael Cohen=Guilty, Rick Gates=Guilty, George Papadopoulos=Guilty, Alexander Vanderzwaan=Guilty, Maria Butina=Guilty, Paul Erickson = Guilty, Duncan Hunter=Guilty, Chris Collins=Guilty, George Nader=Guilty


Where 'despair deaths' were higher, voters chose Trump

Counties where life expectancy fell also swung to Trump, the researchers found.

Trump's Failed Economy is ACTUALLY KILLING AMERICANS... Life Expectancy Rates in the US Drop for the 3rd Consecutive Year. WAKE UP & NOTICE REALITY!

Americans Lived Longer When Obama Was President.

The report was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association and cites the escalation of suicide, drug overdoses, liver disease (alcoholism) as contributing factors.


MEME gvan42 Trump's Failed Economy Increased Homelessness

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