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Trump's Failed Economy is ACTUALLY KILLING AMERICANS... Life Expectancy Rates in the US Drop for the 3rd Consecutive Year. WAKE UP & NOTICE REALITY!

Americans Lived Longer When Obama Was President. 

The report was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association and cites the escalation of suicide, drug overdoses, liver disease (alcoholism) as contributing factors.

MEME gvan42 Trump's Failed Economy Increased Homelessness

Especially Hard Hit are Trump's So Called "BASE" - Uneducated Old White Men. Farm Foreclosures are at an All time High - Caused by Trump's Trade War With China. Manufacturing Jobs Went Overseas and Factories Have Closed. Retail Clerk Jobs Vanished as Stores Declared Bankruptcy. There has been a Massive Increase in Homeless Camps since Trump Took Office... With Higher Prices and Lower Wages, The Quality of Life in the USA Has Declined and "Deaths of Dispair" Have Increased. With No Sellable Skills, TrumpNiks are Experiencing Hopelessness... Most Gun Deaths Are Suicides and Many TrumpNiks Own Guns... WAKE UP! Get Rid Of Your Guns BEFORE You Kill Yourself!

99% of Americans Are Worse Off Now than When Obama Was President... We REALLY OUGHT TO "Make America Great Again" --->LIKE IT WAS FOUR YEARS AGO<--- Remember those Golden Years When Everybody Was Buying a New PT CRUISER Car? Obama Helped Pay... Did You Ever Notice That Trump Has Done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING To Help Average Americans?  

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