Paula White, Trump's Televangelist... Her Shtick is: The More Money You Give ME, The More Money GOD Will Give You... What an Obscene SCAM! and a Horrible Way to Steal From Gullible Fools...

 Paula White is a Florida pastor who led a prayer at Donald Trump’s inauguration, chairs his Evangelical Advisory Council, and appeared with him at the White House last week as he introduced an executive order regarding “religious liberty.” Befitting her association with an administration occupied by a deadbeat who has spent his life affiliating with various fraud enthusiasts, she is often introduced as “Dr. Paula” despite never having graduated from college and lives a comically luxurious lifestyle despite having driven her previous church into bankruptcy.
MEME gvan42 Get a Brain! Morans - Free Advice for TrumpNiks
Think For Yourself and

  • Her parishioners are usually described as low-to-middle income; she solicits donations from them relentlessly. Heat Street’s reporter attests to seeing a guest preacher at White’s current church telling a man to make a $5,000 “seed” donation to the church—“seed” because it would allegedly be paid back to him with interest by God—while an Orlando Sentinel reporter saw White ask congregants to donate as much as a month’s salary to her. “Every time we give, something supernatural happens,” a third reporter saw White tell worshippers who she had asked to donate as much as “a tenth of your gross income.” She once apparently wrote in a fundraising email that donating to her church “will get God’s attention.”
  • She reportedly owns “several Mercedes”; a Bentley was once photographed in her garage; she and her husband once owned a private jet; she lived in a $2.2 million Tampa mansion. And yet her first church—Without Walls—went bankrupt in 2014 after defaulting on a reported $29 million in loans.

Senate Intelligence Report On Russian Interference In The 2016 Election. CONCLUSION: RUSSIA DID IT TO HELP TRUMP... The GOP is Promoting a KGB Conspiracy Theory... TOTALLY FALSE - UKRAINE Did Not Interfere With the 2016 Election... DUH

and in Testimony at House Impeachment Hearings... Dr Fiona Hill made The GOP LOOK LIKE IDIOTS! Who Could Believe Such Whack Ideas? TrumpNiks! 
MEME gvan42 Get a Brain! Morans.... Free Advice for TrumpNiks!
Do Not Believe The Republiriminals...
They are Lying to You...
Remember: Being a Gullible Fool is Not a Great Way To Live... Liars Will Take Advantage Of You... Just Like Mad King Donald Did in 2016... HA HA! LOSERS!
The GOP is Promoting a Russian Conspiracy Theory...  Totally False but It Distracts from FACTS. The Theory is: "It wasn't Russia that Meddled in the 2016 Election to Help Trump Win, It Was Ukraine who was trying to Help Clinton." That's A KGB Backwards World Psychological Operation.

Fiona Hill, a former National Security Council aide, testified at a public hearing and debunked the theory that Ukraine, and not Russia, conducted a campaign to interfere in the 2016 elections. “This is a fictional narrative that has been perpetrated and propagated by the Russian security services themselves,” she said in her opening statement.

G.O.P.-Led Senate Panel Affirms Russia Attacked Election, and Urges Action. As President Trump amplifies unsubstantiated claims of Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election, the Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee reaffirmed on Tuesday that Russian operatives engaged in a widespread social media campaign to improve his chances in the race.

In a report, the committee backed up the conclusions of the intelligence community, the special counsel and researchers that Russia mounted a broad campaign to interfere in the election. A Russian troll farm central to the election campaign supported “Donald Trump at the direction of the Kremlin,” the committee said.

A GOP-led Senate intel committee report states the obvious: Russia favored Trump in 2016. Trump should really take a look at this Senate report.

MEME gvan42 Trump Sad
and even with Russian Help,
Hillary Got More Votes...
Get A Brain! MORANS

MEME gvan42 Sonic Alarm - Protest at the White House

Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy on Sunday ignored the expertise of US spy agencies, congressional probes and the first half of the Mueller report to lend credibility to Trump's claim that it was Ukraine that meddled in the 2016 election.
Asked by "Fox News Sunday" anchor Chris Wallace whether he believed Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential race, Kennedy answered: "I don't know, nor do you, nor do any others."
"It could also be Ukraine. I'm not saying that I know one way or the other," Kennedy said.
Kennedy was embracing a fresh attempt by the President to cast doubt on the evidence of what US intelligence agencies say was Moscow's operation to undermine faith in the 2016 election, denigrate Democrat Hillary Clinton and to help Trump win.

A Million People Need To Surround the White House and Demand That Trump RESIGN NOW!. Spread The Word. WE THE PEOPLE Have Had Enough! Share this Post Worldwide!

MEME gvan42 Demand Trump Resign Now
His policies have directly harmed innocent children, the elderly, patients, consumers, and workers and have wreaked environmental ruin, polluting the air, water, and soil with lethal toxins. He proudly took away protections leaving defenseless humans to suffer more deadly coal dust, coal ash, and coal pollution. - Ralph Nader

Photos of Chico, California... Bidwell Park, Butte Creek Canyon and Big Al's Drive in Restaurant on The Esplanade... and My Memories of Going to College there in 1973... Then I Went Back in the Late 1990s...

Drive North on Highway 5 from Sacramento, 
Turn Right on Highway 32... 
Keep Going until You Get There... 

photographs of Chico California by Greg Vanderlaan gvan42
A Cruising Destination...
(Like the Movie American Graffiti)
Neon sign in the dining room window of Big Al's Restaurant in Chico, CA
Neon sign in the dining room window of Big Al's Restaurant

photographs of Chico California by Greg Vanderlaan gvan42
13 Redwood Trees in Bidwell Park... 

photographs of Chico California by Greg Vanderlaan gvan42
Inside Picnic Area 37 looking at my Van - Bidwell Park on Chico Creek

photographs of Chico California by Greg Vanderlaan gvan42
Butte Creek Canyon photographed on the Skyway to Paradise, California
Real name of a town Named for a "Pair Of Dice"

photographs of Chico California by Greg Vanderlaan gvan42
Mike Swimming in the Sacramento River

photographs of Chico California by Greg Vanderlaan gvan42
City Hall Fountain - Good for soaking feet because it's clorinated

photographs of Chico California by Greg Vanderlaan gvan42
The One Mile Showers and Cantina

photographs of Chico California by Greg Vanderlaan gvan42
Looking Downstream in One Mile Pool - I waded to get this picture.

photographs of Chico California by Greg Vanderlaan gvan42
Looking Upstream in One Mile Pool - I waded to get this picture.

photographs of Chico California by Greg Vanderlaan gvan42
Crossing Chico Creek on Highway 32 near Forest Ranch on the way to Lassen
photographs of Chico California by Greg Vanderlaan gvan42
Sign at The Bear Hole - swimming destination in Upper Bidwell Park

photographs of Chico California by Greg Vanderlaan gvan42
The path to Bear Hole a swimming destination in upper Bidwell park
The Black Rocks are Lava from Mount Lassen

photographs of Chico California by Greg Vanderlaan gvan42

photographs of Chico California by Greg Vanderlaan gvan42

photographs of Chico California by Greg Vanderlaan gvan42

photographs of Chico California by Greg Vanderlaan gvan42

 photographs of Chico California by Greg Vanderlaan gvan42

"The Well" parolee housing and a great place to buy a used car.

"The Well" free baked goods for the poor

My AutoBiography: Growing Up in Los Gatos, California in the 1960s by Gregory Vanderlaan - Chico, Washington DC, Eureka

After high school I went to Chico, California to attend college. My major was biology and I found out that I had no interest in studying that subject or ANY subject AT ALL... I spent a lot of time smoking marijuana, drinking and playing music with my friends. After two years I flunked out. However, I did get to experience swimming in Upper Bidwell Park where the Black Lava Flows from Mount Lassen are. I swam thru a Lava Tube at "Bear Hole"... That tube has been closed by the Park Rangers after a student drowning...  I really enjoyed swimming at One Mile Pool, Day or Night. Not many Parks are open all night long but Bidwell is so long and thin that a fence is impractical. Plus, a fence is, like, totally opposite to the culture of the Chico-Freako! It was super fun to go swimming nude with my girlfriend... Last Year I read her Obituary on the internet... So Sad...

I remember Tubing on Butte Creek. During the Spring it was a wild ride due to melting snow coming down from Mt Lassen. During my second time living in Chico my wife and I swam at Oki Dam.

I remember riding my bicycle everywhere because Chico is a totally flat town and parking is difficult to find near campus. In general, automobiles were expensive and unnecessary too. However, some students DID own them and they were handy for visiting San Francisco (Like the time we went to hear Led Zeppelin at Kezar Stadium).

I got to go on a Magic Bus Ride with a many other students to go hear The Grateful Dead at UN Reno. My friend Jimmy played his guitar and I played the Harmonica while everyone else sang along... Then we stayed at a cabin on the North Shore of Lake Tahoe and the next day I ate some LSD and went to hear the legendary "Wall of Sound" at the University of Nevada football field. The Dead had a lot of trouble making that absurdly large public address system work but... we all had fun anyway... Especially playing slot machines after the show and driving down that street where they have giant sculptures of Showgirls.

~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~

In the springtime Chico State has a week long celebration called "Pioneer Days". My friends and I decided that the last place we wanted to be was in town when it was invaded by drunken strangers. We went camping at Yosemite, took LSD and climbed the trail to the top of Yosemite Falls. The higher we got in elevation the Higher We Got... By the time we arrived on top of the mountain it appeared to be moving wildly... as if the granite was dancing. I lay down on my belly and crawled to the edge... That's a great view but really dangerous because it's a tall cliff with no guard rail. We walked down to the valley floor and rode the double-decker bus around... sitting on the top, with no roof... bliss... we also walked to the base of Vernal Falls on the mist trail. I looked at my arm and it looked like a bear, with claws... I went fishing in the river and slapped a fish out onto the shore... just like a bear would. That evening we were playing guitars and my harmonica around the campfire when a ranger ran out of the darkness and tackled me... We were passing around a joint and I was holding it. He gave me a ticket for "Disturbing the Peace" and told us that we had to leave the park the next day or he'd change the charge to possession... In my humble opinion, The Ranger was the one "disturbing the peace" by tackling me...

The next Year we took a camping trip to Hetch-Hetchy reservoir. Another beautiful granite mountain near Yosemite. We took LSD and went free-climbing up a chimney and then hiked around above the tree line. I went down to the edge of the river to admire the bubbling water and accidentally slipped in. Could have died as there was a large waterfall downstream. The water out powered me and took me to the bottom of the pool. I gave up, accepted death and bubbled up to a place on the far shore where I climbed out. A cosmic near death experience... Hey Kids, Don't Do This!

I lived in Chico in 1973 and 1974 and then for a few years in the late 1990s early 2000s. I Joined AA and quit drinking Alcohol. Chico has a big active AA community. Since Chico is Famous as a "Party Town" it makes perfect sense that it's also Famous for being an AA Town too. Going to meetings at Campfire Council Ring behind Caper Acres, Bidwell Park is an experience I will always treasure.  I spent one summer "Rent Free" camping outdoors at Picnic Area 37 in the grove of 13 Redwood Trees.

~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~

In the late 1990s I moved from San Jose to Chico. I took my acoustic guitar, some clothes and lived in a cheap motel.

It was called the "Club Chico" motel on the Esplanade at East Ave and the manager was a skateboard rat. I was glad to live alone after having roommate problems in San Jose. I was drinking heavily at that time and one night I fell asleep while smoking a cigarette and caught the mattress on fire. The manager woke me up and hauled the mattress out into the parking lot. He replaced the mattress with a spare and I stayed there for a couple more weeks. I was expecting that he would be upset about the fire but he just shrugged it off... That motel was often visited by the police... So, just a fire was no big deal to him.

I sold my stock in Radio Shack (about $6,000 worth) before I left San Jose but the Investment company was very slow to pay. I ran out of money before I got paid. Without money I couldn't pay the rent and so I went camping in Bidwell Park at Picnic Area 37 - The Grove of Redwood Trees. I called the investment company every day and yelled at the man who answered the phone. I believe it was a standard company policy to delay payments a couple of months in order to increase profits. They hired college students to answer the phone and make up excuses...

I showered at the One Mile swimming pool and ate at the Jesus Center. I also ate at "Food not Bombs" in Train Depot Park and on Sunday I ate at the Salvation Army... with organ music. It was "Chico on Zero Dollars a Day"... I picked up cigarette butts from ashtrays...

I started going to AA meetings every day and stopped drinking. One big influence was New Years Eve 2000. I was in my motel room, alone, drinking and watching the VH1-Behind the Music show. Every band's biography had drug and alcohol abuse problems and then they either stopped using or died. I did a little introspection and saw that I too had a drug and alcohol abuse problem... As a matter of fact, AA has some excellent parties for New Years Eve, Halloween and Christmas.

I remember that there were terrible forest fires in the mountains behind Chico. The air was filled with smoke and the Summer heat was over 100 degrees... I spent every afternoon inside the library playing with the computers. They had the internet for free if there were no students that wanted to use the terminal. Since it was Summer, there were very few students... I also went swimming in Chico Creek a lot. I had to take some defensive action (like swimming) due to the smoke and heat.

In the Fall it started to rain and I moved into a cheap motel. Then I rented a room from some gay women for a few weeks... then I moved in with Victoria... I bought her $300.00 worth of propane and so she had heat in the winter. It gets really cold in Chico in the winter... maybe 30 degrees... cold enough that without propane, you could die... We lived on Highway 99 north of town a few miles in a "granny shack" in the middle of a corral with horses. And Almond Orchards... I got a Job at WREX Plastics as a machine operator...

I remember playing "Witchy Woman" in Chico on Main street with a college girl... Busking for spare change... When she sang I expected to see her head spin around like the exorcist... She was an enthusiastic singer and we collected a LOT more money when she was performing than when I sang solo.

I also played "Witchy Woman" with Mike Gardener (Lou's Son) after the AA meeting at Campfire Council Ring in Bidwell Park. Then we played "Keep your Lamps Trimmed and Burning" to bring the listener back into the LIGHT... Send them into madness then bring them back with an Old Negro Spiritual..

I had a meaningful AA meeting with Lou Gardener. He was the Chairperson and we were discussing making amends. The 12 steps says you should make amends to PEOPLE where needed but it DOES NOT say anything about making amends TO CORPORATIONS. How would you even do that? Should you do that at all? Do we have Freedom to Screw Over Corporations at Will? Who did I really harm? The Stockholders? It was an interesting conversation... His advice was that IF it was bothering me and making me feel guilty THEN I should make amends to someone... Maybe an employee in Management... but if it did not bother my conscience, just let it fade into the past. The point of making amends is to help you stay sober and events that don't bother my conscience are not really significant. He also recommended I stop bragging about my life of crime...

Other songs that were fun to play in public were... "People Are Strange" by the Doors, "Yellow Submarine" by the Beatles and "Time Warp" from The Rocky Horror Picture Show...

Read More on My Facebook Page:

Numbers have cultural meanings... For Example 5150 meaning is Danger to self and others. 1,4,9 is the shape of the TMA in the movie 2001... The Big Black Box. This is my list of every number I can think of and what they mean...

Photos of an Amtrak Train Trip from Martinez to Berkeley to Oakland to San Jose, CA. Along the shoreline of the San Francisco Bay. It was a Wonderful Ride All the Way from Eureka by Bus to Martinez and then Train to San Jose.

But First... American History Mural in Berkeley, CA
Painted on the Side of AMOEBA MUSIC, Telegraph Ave.

All aboard AMTRAK. You get to see locations that are not visible by CAR as there are no roads there... 
Photographs of my Amtrak Train trip from Martinez to San Jose along the East side of the SF Bay - gvan42 Gregory Vanderlaan
Conductor at Martinez Station
Photographs of my Amtrak Train trip from Martinez to San Jose along the East side of the SF Bay - gvan42 Gregory Vanderlaan
Train heading to Sacramento
Photographs of my Amtrak Train trip from Martinez to San Jose along the East side of the SF Bay - gvan42 Gregory Vanderlaan
Train heading to San Jose
Photographs of my Amtrak Train trip from Martinez to San Jose along the East side of the SF Bay - gvan42 Gregory Vanderlaan

Photographs of my Amtrak Train trip from Martinez to San Jose along the East side of the SF Bay - gvan42 Gregory Vanderlaan
Carquinez Bridge, Vallejo
Photographs of my Amtrak Train trip from Martinez to San Jose along the East side of the SF Bay - gvan42 Gregory Vanderlaan
Boat at Oil Refinery
Photographs of my Amtrak Train trip from Martinez to San Jose along the East side of the SF Bay - gvan42 Gregory Vanderlaan
click on the pictures to see them bigger
Photographs of my Amtrak Train trip from Martinez to San Jose along the East side of the SF Bay - gvan42 Gregory Vanderlaan
Oakland Stadium: Home of the Raiders and the A's
Photographs of my Amtrak Train trip from Martinez to San Jose along the East side of the SF Bay - gvan42 Gregory Vanderlaan
Fans leaving the game
Photographs of my Amtrak Train trip from Martinez to San Jose along the East side of the SF Bay - gvan42 Gregory Vanderlaan
Freeway Construction
Photographs of my Amtrak Train trip from Martinez to San Jose along the East side of the SF Bay - gvan42 Gregory Vanderlaan
A Pond in Oakland.
The opposite of the urban blight Oakland is famous for.
Photographs of my Amtrak Train trip from Martinez to San Jose along the East side of the SF Bay - gvan42 Gregory Vanderlaan
San Francisco in the distance...
Photographs of my Amtrak Train trip from Martinez to San Jose along the East side of the SF Bay - gvan42 Gregory Vanderlaan
Cranes at the Port of Oakland.
They look like they're from Star Wars
Photographs of my Amtrak Train trip from Martinez to San Jose along the East side of the SF Bay - gvan42 Gregory Vanderlaan
Miles of graffiti along the train tracks in Oakland... Solid Paintings...
Photographs of my Amtrak Train trip from Martinez to San Jose along the East side of the SF Bay - gvan42 Gregory Vanderlaan
...Someone... thinks this is a good idea...
Photographs of my Amtrak Train trip from Martinez to San Jose along the East side of the SF Bay - gvan42 Gregory Vanderlaan
San Jose Arena

And then when I actually arrived, I visited my dad in Los Gatos, California... There are recreations of the Famous Cats
That Live on Highway 17 as you travel towards Santa Cruz... 
Now someone made exact copies and planted them in a Shopping Center on North Santa Cruz Avenue at Highway #9.

CAT Sculptures in Los Gatos - Photographs of my Amtrak Train trip from Martinez to San Jose along the East side of the SF Bay - gvan42 Gregory Vanderlaan
The Cats Sculptures in Los Gatos, CA
Los Gatos Library - Photographs of my Amtrak Train trip from Martinez to San Jose along the East side of the SF Bay - gvan42 Gregory Vanderlaan
New Los Gatos Library on Main Street
Los Gatos Library - Photographs of my Amtrak Train trip from Martinez to San Jose along the East side of the SF Bay - gvan42 Gregory Vanderlaan
Los Gatos Library Interior-Mac Computers
Photo looking down on the Paul Masson Winery in Saratoga, California from Apollo Heights Road
Looking down on Paul Masson Winery (and concerts)
from Apollo Heights, Saratoga.
Santa Clara Historic Train Station AMTRAK Voyage
Santa Clara Train Station
Looking over the salt flats at Moffett Field in the distance - San Francisco Bay
Moffett Field and Salt Flats
Satellite Photo showing South San Francisco Bay and Train Tracks
Satellite Photo of South Bay showing the train tracks.
You cannot drive a car on this route.
The train trip gives you a totally different view of the Bay Area.
Salt Flats on San Francisco Bay only visible from the Amtrak Train
Salt Factory near San Jose, CA
Cranes and Train tracks in Oakland -  only visible from the Amtrak Train
Cranes at the Port of Oakland
Apartment Buildings in Oakland -  only visible from the Amtrak Train
Apartment Buildings in Oakland
UC Berkeley Train Station -  only visible from the Amtrak Train or BART
UC Berkeley Train Station
UC Berkeley Train Station -  only visible from the Amtrak Train or BART
UC Berkeley in the distance

Amoeba Music Record Store on Telegraph Ave

Sore Window of Amoeba Music

BART Train -  visible from the Amtrak Train ride from San Jose to Martinez
Bay Area Rapid Transit
McMansions in North Berkeley -  visible from the Amtrak Train ride from San Jose to Martinez
McMansions in North Berkeley
My Bus that Takes me Back to Eureka, California  at the Amtrak Train Station in Martinez
My Bus to Eureka
I do remember that on my way Home to Eureka, I was sitting up close to the Driver of the Bus and... I asked if he could drop me off at the Exit near my House... Since I had no Luggage in the Underneath Compartment and since we had become friends chatting with the other passengers... he said Yes! and POOF! I Walked Home... That's the Unexpected High Quality Service that you just don't get in the City... Since Eureka is a Small Town, We Get Small Town Hospitality!

Another Fabulous Train Ride by Amtrak was to Seattle, Washington... then Transfer to the Monorail so I could Visit the Space Needle Park... My ultimate goal of that trip was the EXPERIENCE MUSIC PAVILION. 
Dedicated to Jimi Hendrix and Curt Cobain. 

I ate TWO Marijuana Cookies, Drank a Cup of Very Strong Coffee and Just FLEW to that Museum. Out front there was a Musical Instrument Toy designed to be played by random Visitors. It was a Chromatic series of Tubular Bells that were whacked by a pool ball strung on a taught wire. Most of the other players were elementary school children so the sound was RATHER CHAOTIC but It was the High Point of that Trip. The inside of the Museum was not that great... although they had a sculpture that looked like a tornado made out of musical instruments... Guitars, Drums, Trumpets... 

However, on such a High Dose of Marijuana, I was more interested in Observing the Beautiful Women Tourists than any of the Exhibits. 

Later that Day I ended up in the Downtown Business District at Quitting time on a Friday Afternoon in the Springtime. There was a Band Playing GRUNGE Music in the Park and the Office Workers were Exploding out of their Cubicles and Making Plans to go Swimming, Boating and Camping... The sheer JOY of Freedom was Powerful... Secretaries and Men in Suits RIPPING OFF THE NECKTIE... and Cheering! 

anyway... GO TO SEATTLE! The Monorail Ride is EPIC.
I did not go up in the Space Needle because there was a LONG LINE and I was Having fun on the Ground... Listening to a Live Peruvian Flute Band with Guitars playing INCA Songs.
and eating a Astonishing Kraut Dog with Mustard...

If you can't go in person to Seattle, there is a Great Elvis Presley Movie called "It Happened at the World's Fair" that allows you to see all the sights and sounds 
AS THEY WERE IN 1963. And He Sings...

and YET another train ride... this time I also used the Light Rail in Santa Clara County... Riding the Train after Grateful Dead Concert in Santa Clara 6-28-2015 - Jerry Garcia's Ghost Visited us...

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My Autobiography: Growing Up in Los Gatos, California in the 1960s by Gregory Vanderlaan - and Living in San Jose, Washington DC, Chico, Eureka and Orangevale, CA.

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I Went to West Valley Jr. College, learned electronics drafting and got a job at System Industries in Santa Clara... I feel blessed that not only did I grow up in a great location but I also grew up at a great time. I missed the Vietnam War by ONE Year and Silicon Valley Was Hiring Like Crazy When I Needed a Job.
Peace Sign Pie Chart
History of the Vietnam War. 58,000 Americans Died for Nothing... Something They Don't Teach in School Now... "Too Controversial" -

During the 1950s Americans went into a Mad Panic about Communists taking over the world. We built thousands of Nuclear Missiles and Fallout Shelters. The US Congress had witch hunts (Joe McCarthy-HUAC) to expose "Commies" who worked in The Hollywood Movie business and blacklisted folksingers that were leading our young people astray with Labor Union Organizing songs.

During the height of this hysteria Vice President Richard Nixon went on Television and explained "The Domino Principle" while pointing to a map of Asia. His theory was...


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Military Death Chart USA

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Ever since Victory in Japan, All of Our Wars have been Marketing to Sell Weapons for the Military Industrial Complex.

Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - UFO and Alien Hieroglyphics