Showing posts with label Ralph Nader. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ralph Nader. Show all posts

Joe Biden is President. No Longer is there a Need to EXORCISE The White House... GOOD TRIUMPHED OVER EVIL... Here is a Post from Long Ago During The Dark Ages...

EXORCISM at the WHITE HOUSE. A Million Patriots Need To Surround it and Demand That Trump RESIGN NOW!  JOIN US For A Spiritual Healing Ceremony... Spread The Word!

Beat the Drums, Blow A Whistle, Burn Some Sage, Chant, Sing and Dance All Day and All Night Until The EVIL ONE IS DRIVEN OUT... MAKE A JOYFUL NOISE!
If You Cannot Come To Washington DC,
Stage an Exorcism in Your Own Home Town. 

Ask Yourself: "What Would Abbie Hoffman DO?"

Chords and Lyrics Included So You Can Record This Song and Make a HIT RECORD!
MEME gvan42 Map of Arrest Trump Rally Exoricsm at White House

MEME gvan42 Demand Trump Resign Now

Trump's policies have directly harmed innocent children, the elderly, patients, consumers, and workers and have wreaked environmental ruin, polluting the air, water, and soil with lethal toxins. He proudly took away protections leaving defenseless humans to suffer more deadly coal dust, coal ash, and coal pollution.

"Never mind impeachment, millions of Trump’s victims, regardless of how they voted in 2016, should demand his resignation. A million-people march should surround the White House and peacefully make this demand repeatedly."

He has taught us that if we do not look ourselves into the mirror, the three horsemen of fascism, lawless plutocracy, and oligarchy will run our beloved country into the ground, if not over the fiscal cliff.
The spin on the Trump impeachment frenzy you're not hearing – but really really need to. Plus, the difference between a whistleblower and a status quo whistler. Next, Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap joins Act Out to talk constitutional amendments, working inside vs. outside the system and finding hope – without optimism – in the fight.

Everyone Meet Up at Lafayette Park!

During the First Gulf War I went to many protest marches at Lafayette Park across the street from the White House. We played the drums in order to annoy George the Father and disturb his sleep. One day we all walked to the Lincoln Memorial. I had taken an acid trip with my next door neighbors the night before and during the protest I was still tripping. The parade permit was for a certain time period and it expired while I was there. Many people sat down in the middle of the street... to make a point... the protesters that were in the street got arrested and were hauled away in busses to jail. Those of us who were on the sidewalk were not arrested. I was faced with a choice... to stand in the street or stay on the sidewalk... LSD makes events and decisions much more significant. The police were dressed in Stormtrooper outfits and Big Black Boots... Like the Blue Meanies in Yellow Submarine... Anyway, I selected to NOT get arrested... Many sat down in the street... but not me. I stand by that decision today. Daniel Ellsberg DID get arrested.

When we were in front of the White House I was interviewed by the TV News. A couple of days later another neighbor of mine said that she saw me "Make a Jackass of Myself" on TV. I told her thank you, because if you thought I was a Jackass, I was doing the right thing...

On another day I played the drums with some Buddhist Monks. They were playing paddle drums in a very odd rhythm. I asked them why they played that odd rhythm and they said it focused the attention... They had to focus so they would be able to play it and THAT freed the mind to go into a meditative trance...

I also met Dick Gregory walking down the street in DC during those protests. I noticed that all the other people on the street were looking at this Old Black Man... Heads were turning... I Said: "I feel like something is terribly wrong in this country, but I'm not sure what." He said. "Thank You for your Opinion." In retrospect, I didn't say the most brilliant thing but... that's what I said.

We were the minority of people in the country... Most people thought that war was a good idea. Iraq had invaded Kuwait...

Years later a different War in Iraq was waged by George Bush the Son. That was a total disaster and eventually lead to Obama being Elected President... He promised to end the War. I went to MANY anti-war protests in Eureka about that War.

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Senate Intelligence Report On Russian Interference In The 2016 Election. CONCLUSION: RUSSIA DID IT TO HELP TRUMP... The GOP is Promoting a KGB Conspiracy Theory... TOTALLY FALSE - UKRAINE Did Not Interfere With the 2016 Election... DUH

and in Testimony at House Impeachment Hearings... Dr Fiona Hill made The GOP LOOK LIKE IDIOTS! Who Could Believe Such Whack Ideas? TrumpNiks! 
MEME gvan42 Get a Brain! Morans.... Free Advice for TrumpNiks!
Do Not Believe The Republiriminals...
They are Lying to You...
Remember: Being a Gullible Fool is Not a Great Way To Live... Liars Will Take Advantage Of You... Just Like Mad King Donald Did in 2016... HA HA! LOSERS!
The GOP is Promoting a Russian Conspiracy Theory...  Totally False but It Distracts from FACTS. The Theory is: "It wasn't Russia that Meddled in the 2016 Election to Help Trump Win, It Was Ukraine who was trying to Help Clinton." That's A KGB Backwards World Psychological Operation.

Fiona Hill, a former National Security Council aide, testified at a public hearing and debunked the theory that Ukraine, and not Russia, conducted a campaign to interfere in the 2016 elections. “This is a fictional narrative that has been perpetrated and propagated by the Russian security services themselves,” she said in her opening statement.

G.O.P.-Led Senate Panel Affirms Russia Attacked Election, and Urges Action. As President Trump amplifies unsubstantiated claims of Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election, the Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee reaffirmed on Tuesday that Russian operatives engaged in a widespread social media campaign to improve his chances in the race.

In a report, the committee backed up the conclusions of the intelligence community, the special counsel and researchers that Russia mounted a broad campaign to interfere in the election. A Russian troll farm central to the election campaign supported “Donald Trump at the direction of the Kremlin,” the committee said.

A GOP-led Senate intel committee report states the obvious: Russia favored Trump in 2016. Trump should really take a look at this Senate report.

MEME gvan42 Trump Sad
and even with Russian Help,
Hillary Got More Votes...
Get A Brain! MORANS

MEME gvan42 Sonic Alarm - Protest at the White House

Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy on Sunday ignored the expertise of US spy agencies, congressional probes and the first half of the Mueller report to lend credibility to Trump's claim that it was Ukraine that meddled in the 2016 election.
Asked by "Fox News Sunday" anchor Chris Wallace whether he believed Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential race, Kennedy answered: "I don't know, nor do you, nor do any others."
"It could also be Ukraine. I'm not saying that I know one way or the other," Kennedy said.
Kennedy was embracing a fresh attempt by the President to cast doubt on the evidence of what US intelligence agencies say was Moscow's operation to undermine faith in the 2016 election, denigrate Democrat Hillary Clinton and to help Trump win.

A Million People Need To Surround the White House and Demand That Trump RESIGN NOW!. Spread The Word. WE THE PEOPLE Have Had Enough! Share this Post Worldwide!

MEME gvan42 Demand Trump Resign Now
His policies have directly harmed innocent children, the elderly, patients, consumers, and workers and have wreaked environmental ruin, polluting the air, water, and soil with lethal toxins. He proudly took away protections leaving defenseless humans to suffer more deadly coal dust, coal ash, and coal pollution. - Ralph Nader

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