President Nixon said: "Americans want to know if their president is a crook? Well, I am not a Crook!" Can Trump say the same? They Locked Up AL CAPONE for Income Tax Evasion... Why Not LOCK UP TRUMP?

Great Book: "The Art of the Failed Deal" by Donald Trump. Trump LOST OVER A BILLION DOLLARS BETWEEN 1985 AND 1994, The Decade Documented in this Book. Brilliant Business Advice from the Biggest Loser. Simply DO THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT HE RECOMMENDS!

What IF William "Chicken" Barr and Little Stevie Munchkin BECAME CELLMATES AT OTISVILLE FEDERAL PENITENTIARY? If we Locked Up Donny Boy tRUMP they could sit around all day and Play Bridge... or Hearts... or Spades... Michael "You Dirty Rat" Cohen would make the Fourth Person.

Great Book: "Nobody Hates Trump More Than Trump. An Intervention. " - a Psychological Investigation into the Dark World of Self Loathing Where Trump Dwells... always failing, always being rescued by his father... by David Shields,_Otisville 

How insulting it is to the Drummer for Country Joe and the Fish? Gary "Chicken" Hirsh

Hola mundo: Necesitamos ayuda para vencer a Trump en 2020. Hallo Welt: Wir brauchen etwas Hilfe, um Trump 2020 zu besiegen. Olá Mundo: Precisamos de ajuda para derrotar Trump em 2020. Hallo wereld: we hebben hulp nodig Trump verslaan in 2020. Hello World: We Need Some Help Defeating Trump in 2020.

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The Most Obvious Trouble is Trump's Environmental Policies. He wants to Mine and Burn More Coal, Oil and Natural Gas. POLLUTING THE ENTIRE WORLD... YOUR COUNTRY TOO! His Trade War with China and the EU might cause Global Economic Collapse... 

El problema más obvio son las políticas ambientales de Trump. Quiere minar y quemar más carbón, petróleo y gas natural. CONTAMINANDO TODO EL MUNDO ... ¡TAMBIÉN TU PAÍS! Su guerra comercial con China y la UE podría causar un colapso económico global ...

Das offensichtlichste Problem ist die Umweltpolitik von Trump. Er möchte mehr Kohle, Öl und Erdgas abbauen und verbrennen. UM DIE GANZE WELT ZU VERLETZEN ... AUCH IHR LAND! Sein Handelskrieg mit China und der EU könnte einen globalen wirtschaftlichen Zusammenbruch verursachen ...

O problema mais óbvio são as políticas ambientais de Trump. Ele quer minerar e queimar mais carvão, petróleo e gás natural. POLUINDO TODO O MUNDO ... SEU PAÍS TAMBÉM! Sua guerra comercial com a China e a UE pode causar um colapso econômico global ...

Het duidelijkste probleem is het milieubeleid van Trump. Hij wil meer kolen, olie en aardgas mijnen en verbranden. VERVUILING VAN DE HELE WERELD ... UW LAND OOK! Zijn handelsoorlog met China en de EU kan Global Economic Collapse veroorzaken ...

DEMOCRATS ARE LIKELY TO WIN THE SENATE, THE HOUSE AND THE PRESIDENCY... I may not be Clairvoyant but I can Spot Trends... and this one is obvious... 2020 will be the Dawn of a New Age of Prosperity, Peace and Enlightenment...

Like the Renassance in the 1700s... John Locke... Benjamin Franklin... Thomas Jefferson... George Washington... Bernie Sanders... Elizabeth Warren... Rachael Maddow...

Consider this: It's VERY Likely that the Race will be PRESIDENT PENCE VS JOE BIDEN... Trump will be Impeached, Arrested or Resign in Disgrace before 2020 Election Night... He Has Some SEVERE Health Problems... THAT'S Why He Wrote His Own Medical Report... Junk Food and Old Age is Showing Itself...

Did you Notice that the Stock Market is Going Down Due to Trump's Trade War with China... Wall Street Says... He's an Idiot! DJIA -539 on 5/7/2019 10:30 AM and Continuing to slide... Instead of Treasury Secretary Little Stevie Munchkin worrying about Trump's Tax Returns HE SHOULD BE WORKING ON THE STOCK MARKET LOSING MONEY! DO YOUR JOB, Wanker!

Trump: Murder is not a Crime if the Victim is from A Sh*thole Country... Soldier Pardoned for Iraqi War Crime...

The Top Three Presidential Candidates are all Old White Men. While Women and Minorities are Encouraged to Apply, They Have No Chance of Actually Winning...

Most Voters are Looking for a Father Figure to Take Care of Them. Fact...

However, by Running for President, Women and Minorities CAN GET A LOT OF FREE TELEVISION TIME TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS... THEY GET TO PROPOSE IDEAS... AND GET TO INFLUENCE PUBLIC OPINION... GREAT! Take Elizabeth Warren... She get's to Tell the World about her Ideas and They MAKE A LOT OF SENSE! We could ENACT LAWS That Carry out her worldview IF DEMOCRATS WIN THE SENATE, THE HOUSE AND THE PRESIDENCY... And, It looks like That's Exactly what will happen... 

Sie müssen nicht in den USA leben, um an den Wahlen von 2020 teilzunehmen. Die GLOBAL #DUMPTRUMP-Bewegung lebt und wird online veröffentlicht ... You Do Not Have to Live in the USA to Participate in the 2020 Election. The GLOBAL #DUMPTRUMP Movement is Alive and Posting Online...

Suppose that You are a Member of the German Green Party and you are Opposed to Burning Coal to Create Electricity... CZAR Donald is Promoting COAL, Fracking, Drilling for Oil in the Oceans and National Parks... He is Totally Opposed to Fighting Climate Change... Witness the ABSURD CLAIM of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo that Melting Ice will Free Up Shipping Lanes Near the North Pole... It will be a benefit better than the Panama Canal and the Suez Canal Combined... Obviously, Trump and his Band of Evil Dwarves are Puppets of Corporations... They seem to ignore the fact that Burning Fossil Fuel Causes Global Warming... The Air Pollution Blows All Around The World... and Causes Disaster in YOUR COUNTRY ALSO! Create Some MEMES, Write a Blog, Publish Truth, Write Newspaper Articles... Anyone can Publish Online... I Use Medium, Google Blogger, Facebook, Minds, Ello, Mastodon, Tumblr and Wordpress... You Can TOO! Get a free graphic design program like PAINT DOT NET and create some Satirical Cartoons! The Russians Spent a Hundred Thousand Dollars to Publish PRO-TRUMP Advertisements on Facebook... They Employed an Army of Trolls to Post CrazyTalk online designed to Derail America's Democracy... Maybe they were right and American Elections CAN be influenced remotely... What IF a Million Volunteers Exposed the Insanity of CZAR Donald? No one can deny that his Trade War with China Has Caused Damage to American Farmers, Factory Workers and Consumers... Prices for Products Made in China Have Increased to Pay for the Tariffs... Farmers are having trouble selling their crops... The Trade War Has Caused an Increase of Suicide, Opioid Overdoses and Alcoholism in the last two years... The Super Rich got a Tax Break but the Average Person has experienced Lower Wages and Higher Prices... CAMPAIGN FOR JOE BIDEN FOR PRESIDENT... Why NOT? He's Better than Mad King Donald. 

Keywords: #DumpTrump, climate change, coal, election, German, global, green, ICE, lignite, melting, movement, northwest passage, overgrow, party, resistance, revolt, shipping, USA, violet, World, 

The Same World Translated into German by Google... 

Sie müssen nicht in den USA leben, um an den Wahlen von 2020 teilzunehmen. Die GLOBAL #DUMPTRUMP-Bewegung lebt und wird online veröffentlicht ... Angenommen, Sie sind Mitglied der deutschen Grünen Partei und sind gegen die Verbrennung von Kohle, um Strom zu erzeugen ... CZAR Donald fördert COAL, Fracking, Ölbohrungen in der Ozeane und Nationalparks ... Er ist total dagegen, den Klimawandel zu bekämpfen ... Erleben Sie die Absurditätserklärung des US-Außenministers Mike Pompeo, dass das schmelzende Eis die Schifffahrtswege in der Nähe des Nordpols befreien wird Der Panamakanal und der Suezkanal kombiniert ... Offensichtlich sind Trump und seine Bande der bösen Zwerge Marionetten von Konzernen ... Sie scheinen die Tatsache zu ignorieren, dass die Verbrennung fossiler Brennstoffe die globale Erwärmung verursacht Welt ... und verursacht in Ihrem Land auch ein Desaster! MEMES erstellen, Blog schreiben, Wahrheit veröffentlichen, Zeitungsartikel schreiben ... Jeder kann online veröffentlichen ... Ich verwende Medium, Google Blogger, Facebook, Köpfe, Ello, Mastodon, Tumblr und Wordpress ... Sie können AUCH! Holen Sie sich ein kostenloses Grafik-Design-Programm wie PAINT DOT NET und erstellen Sie Satirical Cartoons! Die Russen verbrachten hunderttausend Dollar, um Werbung für PRO-TRUMP auf Facebook zu veröffentlichen ... Sie stellten eine Armee der Trolle ein, um CrazyTalk online zu posten, um Amerikas Demokratie zu schmälern ... Vielleicht hatten sie Recht und amerikanische Wahlen können ferngesteuert werden ... Was wäre, wenn eine Million Freiwillige den Wahnsinn von CZAR Donald entlarvten? Niemand kann bestreiten, dass sein Handelskrieg mit China den amerikanischen Landwirten, Fabrikarbeitern und Verbrauchern Schaden zugefügt hat ... Die Preise für in China hergestellte Produkte sind gestiegen, um die Zölle zu zahlen ... Landwirte haben Schwierigkeiten, ihre Ernten zu verkaufen ... Der Handelskrieg hat in den letzten zwei Jahren zu einer Zunahme von Selbstmord, Opioid-Überdosierungen und Alkoholismus geführt ... Der Super Rich bekam eine Steuerpause, aber der Durchschnittsbürger hat niedrigere Löhne und höhere Preise erlebt ... .. Warum nicht? Er ist besser als der verrückte König Donald.

Stichworte: #DumpTrump, Klimawandel, Kohle, Wahl, Deutsch, Global, Grün, ICE, Braunkohle, Schmelzen, Bewegung, Nordwestpassage, Überwachsen, Partei, Widerstand, Aufstand, Versand, USA, Violett, Welt,

Hey Kids, Don't Try This At Home... Satire... One way to Prevent Global Warming is to Reduce use of Electricity. Why Not use a Rifle and SHOOT OUT Half of the Streetlights Worldwide? Vandalism for the Earth! - This is a Joke... Just Kidding! Not a Blueprint for Violet Overgrow Like the Ike and Tina Turner Diaries...

Electricity is often generated using the Dreaded COAL Fired Power Plants... Natural Gas also pollutes... and the WORST IS NUKES... 

Here is a SIMPLE Way to Turn off the lights... 
Eco-Terrorists could Shoot out the Lamp Bulbs using RIFLES. 
Yes, the Government could replace the light bulbs but... that would take time... and money... and depending on the traditional inefficiency... some lamps could be dark for years... Especially if VANDALS simply shoot out the lights again and again... 

ANOTHER WAY TO REDUCE THE AMOUNT OF ELECTRICITY USED IS: Grow Marijuana OUTDOORS in the Free Sunshine... STOP Indoor Farms that use GROW LIGHTS. Citizens could NARC on Growers that Own Indoor Farms... It's easy to tell where they are... they SMELL, and no one lives in the Grow Houses... 

Another Plan is to UNPLUG the Transformers that power modems, computers... They are small black boxes that GET WARM when plugged into the wall... EVEN IF YOU ARE NOT USING THE COMPUTER... The Transformers change AC power into DC twenty four hours a day, seven days a week UNLESS YOU plug them into a power strip with an on off switch... simply switch them off when not being used... It's Easy!

It's Good to see The Bayer Corporation is Such Deep Financial Trouble... They Started Out Great, Aspirin was a Miraculous Invention... But Now They seem to be Experiencing the Bad Karma they generated when they Invented and then Marketed the "NON-Addictive" Painkiller HEROIN... It was an alternative to Morphine... OOPS... Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire...

Recently, Bayer bought the entire Corporation Monsanto... Thinking that they would make a Profit from the Agribusiness Giant... But then Monsanto's RoundUP Herbicide lost Millions of Dollars in a Lawsuit about Causing Cancer... OOPS!

The Stockholders of Bayer are Mad as Hell at the Executive that Planned the Takeover of Monsanto... They accuse him of being "DUMB AS A ROCK."
Headline: Investor Revolt at Bayer to Escalate After CEO Keeps His Job.

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

"It's Dark in the Daytime and Sunny at Night." - Quotations of QANON - An example of "CrazyTalk" - A Phrase Coined by Matt Groening in the Cartoon "The Simpsons." 

Mueller Report Says: Without Russia's Help, Hillary Clinton would be President... Putin was Successful in His Plan to Derail Democracy... And He'll Do It Again in 2020...Trump is Counting on Putin's Help to Win Again....

Putin and Trump worked Separately to Defeat Hillary. They had the same goal but did not coordinate efforts. No Conspiracy... 

That's what the Censored Mueller Report Says... We will find out more when the Entire Report is revealed... However, Today [5/6/2019] We find that AG William Barr REFUSES To Release the Un-Redacted Report to Congress. The House is Charging Barr with CONTEMPT OF CONGRESS. 

The Mueller Report DID Provide an Impeachment Roadmap for Congress to Follow... Detailed Trump/Russia Contacts and Failed Attempts to Obstruct Justice... 

On other News: Little Stevie Munchkin REFUSES to Release Trump's Tax Returns... Obviously Breaking the LAW... 


There is a Law called Inherent Contempt...

Inherent contempt[edit]

Under this process, the procedure for holding a person in contempt involves only the chamber concerned. Following a contempt citation, the person cited is arrested by the Sergeant-at-Arms for the House or Senate, brought to the floor of the chamber, held to answer charges by the presiding officer, and then subjected to punishment as the chamber may dictate (usually imprisonment for punishment reasons, imprisonment for coercive effect, or release from the contempt citation). [10]

In other news today: Michael Cohen went to Prison today. 

Right wing social media websites: Medium, Big League Politics, InfoWars, NewsWars and The Gateway Pundit... Maybe I should "Troll" them... Post Opposing Viewpoints...

Could be fun! Publishing my Ideas to People that Do Not Already Agree With Me... 

Darryl Cherney Says: As a father, teacher, and neighbor, I am deeply concerned and seek solutions for our school district, particularly South Fork High and Miranda Junior High.

 The shortage of books and teachers, misspending on construction, 2 hour rides on buses a lack of focus on education, paying off 6 figures to a fired administrator while bake sales pay for student activities forces me to consider--as hundreds have for 3 decades--sending my daughter out of the area for junior high and and high school. Despite a general consensus on what is wrong, it seems few have gotten a handle on how to tackle the problem. The time is now to unite to save our youth. They are not just our future--they are our present.

We can make and change our own laws. We can run for office. Let's reduce fees and fines, encourage water storage and fire safety, make it so all farmers are created equal, redirect tax money to our schools & social services, and make the county fix its broken roads before they tell us to fix our stuff that isn't hurting anyone. This county needs a good shaking up.
Darryl Cherney (born 1956) is a musician and environmental activist. He is a member of the Earth First! environmental movement. He lives in Humboldt CountyCalifornia.

¿Está enfurecido por los ataques racistas de Donald Trump contra los hispanos? ¿Te gustaría ayudar a derrotarlo en las elecciones presidenciales de 2020 en los Estados Unidos? Puede hacer campaña a favor de Joe Biden en Facebook incluso si vive fuera de los EE. UU. Like, Share y RETWEET publica que Ridicule King Donald the First.

Escriba lemas, caricaturas, artículos periodísticos, cartas al editor, MEME y publicaciones de blog que expliquen por qué debemos rechazar las políticas insanas de Trump. Indignado por sus hijos secuestradores de personas que buscan asilo en los Estados Unidos? ¿Sabías que ICE persigue a personas que se ven como extranjeros ilegales? Ellos investigan a cualquier persona que tenga un nombre latino ... ¿Sabías que él ha encerrado a más de 12,000 niños en el campo de concentración de Homestead en Florida ... Eso es abuso criminal infantil ... ¡Juntos podemos detener a este monstruo! 

La mayor parte del Roundup de Envenenamiento Por Monsanto ha ocurrido en las ciudades hispanas. Los trabajadores agrícolas rocían RoundUP en los cultivos y luego contraen cáncer. La EPA de Trump acaba de decidir que el Roundup NO CAUSA CANCER y les permite a los propietarios rociar libremente ... Esta acción es obviamente una prueba de que las ganancias corporativas son más importantes que las vidas de las personas ... Especialmente las vidas de los latinos ...

The Same Words in English...

Are you Enraged by the Racist Attacks by Donald Trump on Hispanic People? Would you Like to Help Defeat Him in the 2020 Presidential Election in the United States? You may Campaign in Favor of Joe Biden on Facebook even if you live OUTSIDE of the USA. Like, Share and RETWEET posts that Ridicule King Donald the First. Write Slogans, Cartoons, Newspaper Articles, Letters to the Editor, MEMEs and Blog Posts Explaining Why We Should REJECT Trump's Insane Policies. Outraged by his Kidnapping Children of People Seeking Asylum in the USA? Did You Know That ICE Chases People That LOOK LIKE Illegal Aliens? They Investigate Anyone Who Has a Latino Name... Did You Know That He has locked up over 12,000 Children in Homestead Concentration Camp in Florida... That's Criminal Child Abuse... Together we can stop this monster! 

Most of the Poisoning By Monsanto RoundUP has happened in Hispanic Towns. Farm Workers Spray RoundUP on Crops and Then Get Cancer. Trump's EPA has just ruled that RoundUP DOES NOT CAUSE CANCER and Enables Owners to Spray Freely... This action is Obviously Proof that Corporate Profits are More Important Than People's Lives... Especially Latino Lives...

Joe Biden insults Krusty and John Wayne Gacy... Trump is not a Clown... He's NOT FUNNY at all...

MEME: Joe Biden insults Krusty and John Wayne Gacy... Trump is not a Clown... He's NOT FUNNY at all...

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