Showing posts with label Tolkien. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tolkien. Show all posts

Corporate Greed Freaks Are Addicted to Money. They Must have increase in quarterly earnings... as told of by Tolkien... "My Precious"... the One Ring of Power... 

HEADLINE: US defense contractors are worried Congress will block billions in weapons sales to Saudi Arabia after Khashoggi's likely assassination.

  • Lockheed Martin Corp and Raytheon Co have been the most active US defense companies with potential sales to Saudi Arabia since Trump announced a $110 billion package last year.

Artist Critiques Capitalism and War, Sells Vials of His Blood on Wall Street...

Compulsive Hoarding of Money Syndrome - meme - gvan42

What IS Bubble UP Economics and How Does it Work? Simply Raise the Minimum Wage to Fifteen Dollars an Hour and Raise all Social Security Checks 15%. Then all Those people will spend the extra money in their paychecks at American Businesses. Increasing Profits. Making Stockholders Happy! Then those businesses will have to hire more people to handle the extra Customers. Decreasing Unemployment Insurance Payments. Everybody WINS! With EMPLOYMENT AT A JOB becoming a Viable Alternative to Selling Drugs for a Street Gang, Some teenagers will choose Employment... Reducing CRIME... Reducing Costs for Prisons... Reducing Costs for Law Enforcement... People will buy more food for their Children. Causing Better Health and Smarter Kids... Starvation is Not Good for Children's Brains... Farmers will sell More. Truckers will move more merchandise to stores. Increased Competition for Workers will cause Everybody's Wages to Go Up. All those Workers will pay more in Income Taxes... That would make the Government happy... Right NOW, we are having a National Debt Ceiling Crisis because the Government is Spending More that it Takes in with Taxes... Bubble UP Economics would reverse that trend... The Money Bubbles UP Through Every Layer of Society... With a rising tide, every boat floats! We Tried Ronald Reagan's "Voodoo" Economics and It Has Failed... "People" Say That Bubble UP! Economics WILL MAKE Employers LAY OFF Workers... However... Employers HAVE ALREADY LAID OFF EVERYONE THEY POSSIBLY CAN... Have you Ever Seen a Business where People Work There but Have Nothing To DO? Never! 

Who Could Possibly be Opposed to the JOY of Bubble UP! Economics? Well, there are people in this world that have COMPULSIVE HOARDING OF MONEY SYNDROME. It's a Mental Health Disease just Like The Crazy Cat Lady…

Bubble UP Economics - meme - gvan42

Never Forget! Three Days That the USA Was Attacked By Enemies... January 6th, December 7th and September 11th...

January 6th, December 7th and September 11th... Three Days the USA Was Attacked By Enemies... Never Forget!

I Have Come to Believe Most of the "Official Story" of 9/11. 

I believe that Saudi Arabians, Lead by Osama bin Laden, Hijacked Airplanes and Flew them into the World Trade Center in New York City. About 3,000 American Died on that Day... and About 6,000 Americans Died in the Crazy Wars that George Bush the Son Started in Response to 9/11... OOPS!

Obviously, He Blew Up the Wrong Countries. We Now Know that Iraq had NO Weapons of Mass Destruction, They had NO Ties to Al-Qaeda and Nothing at all to Do with 9/11... That was a Saudi Operation... However, since we are Enslaved to Saudi OIL, He Couldn't Attack our Masters... so he selected Countries that he was SURE would Not Fight back too strongly... 

Obama in the War Room observing the Killing of Osama bin Laden

And then George Bush the Son Failed to FIND Osama bin Laden... Mighty Strange... They Were both Investors in the Carlyle Group (an Oil Investment Club) ... Maybe George was FAILING INTENTIONALLY to Protect a Fellow Oil Man... 

And then, President Obama Found Osama and Had The Navy Seals Kill Him... and... Osama has NOT Caused any Trouble Since He's BEEN DEAD.

Joe Biden Ended the War in Afghanistan Because NO ONE Could Explain Why We Were There! 

Speaking of the "Official Story" ---  Some truly Strange Events DID Happen... World Trade Center BUILDING SEVEN Fell Down. No Airplane Hit that Building... Its Collapse Looked like a Controlled Demolition... It takes about a Week to set all the Charges to make a Controlled Demolition Happen... so they would have had to Start Wiring that Building on Sept 4th... Were they TIPPED OFF That an Attack was Coming on September 11th?

Another Unsolved Mystery:

All Photographs of an Airplane at the Pentagon on 9/11/2001 Have Been Deleted. Apparently, The FBI, The US Military, Google, Bing and DuckDuckGo Have ALL Conspired to Remove All Photographs from the Internet... Worldwide...

LOOK FOR YOURSELF! Is This A Deep State Conspiracy? WHY Are They Hiding The Pictures? WHY Are They Hiding The Truth?

Google Censorship PROOF - There Are NO Photographs of an Airplane at the Pentagon on 9/11/2001 on Google Image Search.

Google Put a Lot of Effort to Scrub the Web of All Photographs of an Airplane... So there would be NO EVIDENCE That the "Official Story" is True... WHY? Who Benefits? What is the Advantage of Billions of People Realizing that We Have Been Lied to By The US Government? 

image search Pentagon airplane 9/11 - duckduckgo - zero images found

Try a IMAGE SEARCH on Duck Duck Go... SEE? The "Deep State" has Corrupted The Libertarian Alternative to Google... Everyone, Everywhere is Conspiring to SUPPRESS ALL PHOTOGRAPHS of The Truth! "They" Don't Want You to Know That Saudi Arabians Hijacked An Airplane and Flew it Into the Pentagon on 9/11... WHY???

Try it for Yourself! Type the Three Words airplane Pentagon 9/11 into any Image Search Engine... They are ALL Corrupt! 

FBI Vault - Shiny (Not Burnt at All) Airplane Parts at Pentagon on 9/11 - This is Supposedly "Proof" That an Airplane Was Really There?
FBI Vault Photo - Shiny (Not Burnt at All) Airplane Parts at Pentagon on 9/11 - This is Supposedly "Proof" That an Airplane Was Really There??? BOGUS! There ARE Photographs of a Giant Ball of Fire... How Did This Part Escape UNBURNED?

and then on FaceBorg I Read:

A young couple moved into a new house.
The next morning while they were eating breakfast, the young woman saw her neighbor hanging the washing outside.
"That laundry is not very clean; she doesn’t know how to wash correctly. Perhaps she needs better soap powder.
Her husband looked on, remaining silent.
Every time her neighbor hung her washing out to dry, the young woman made the same comments.
A month later, the woman was surprised to see a nice clean wash on the line and said to her husband, "Look, she’s finally learned how to wash correctly. I wonder who taught her this?"
The husband replied, "I got up early this morning and cleaned our windows."
And so it is with life…
What we see when watching others depends on the clarity of the window through which we look.
So don’t be too quick to judge others, especially if your perspective of life is clouded by anger, jealousy, negativity or unfulfilled desires.

Judging a person does not define who they are. It defines who you are...

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GREAT BOOKS: F Scott Fitzgerald Was "The Kerouac" of the Roaring Twenties... His Books were the Ones That "Everybody" Read: They Told of the Newfound Freedom of the Flappers... "Tender is the Night" ... "The Great Gatsby" ...

Real Name: Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald - His Cousin Wrote the Star Spangled Banner... 

F Scott Fitzgerald and Zelda
F Scott Fitzgerald and Wife, Zelda

Just to Be Clear: Jack Kerouac Wrote the Book "On the Road" that was Popular With Young People in the 1950s... Especially the Beatniks... 

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

I'm spending a lot of time reading since we have a vast library here... 
and Tender Is the Night is totally Different Than Anything I've ever Read... 
It was Published in 1934 during the darkest days of the depression... 
It's all about the lifestyles of the rich and famous... an 18 year old movie star woman and a Married middle aged psychiatrist flirt on the French Riviera during the Roaring Twenties...

It's a form of "Wealth Porn" - Something poor people could read as escapism... 

and to make it even more bizarre: It's an autobiography - kind of... 

one thing I have noticed is the greatest authors have disastrous lives... 
Edgar Allen Poe and Lewis Carroll with their Opium and Alcohol Addictions...  
Phillip K Dick and his Amphetamine Troubles... that certainly caused his paranoid view of the world... at one point he was working full time at his wife's jewelry  making business AND Writing all night on his books!   That left ZERO time for sleep... and eventually it killed him... 

and then I just found out that Hemingway committed suicide... I wonder why?  

OK... I Found Out. He Had Electroshock Therapy and It burned his brain so he couldn't write anymore... so his life had become pointless... a word of warning... never have Electroshock Therapy...   

I've been to his house on Key West and It looked great! It had a rope bridge to his studio over the garage... and NO ONE ELSE could walk across that bridge... so if someone wanted to talk to him they stood on the ground and shouted up to the doorway... if it was open... 

Tender Is the Night is the fourth and final novel completed by American writer F. Scott Fitzgerald. Set in French Riviera during the twilight of the Jazz Age

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~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Great Books! Read 'em before the Fascist GOP Bans 'em.

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

The Monkeywrench Gang by Edward Abbey,

1984 by George Orwell,

The Search for the Manchurian Candidate by John Marks,

The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe,

The Whole Earth Catalog by Stewart Brand,

One Flew Over The Coo Coo's Nest by Ken Kesey,

My Problem Child by Dr Albert Hofmann,

Remember, Be Here Now by Ram Dass,

Still Here by Ram Dass,

The Psychedelic Experience by Dr Timothy Leary and Dr Richard Alpert,

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenence by Robert Pirsig,

America's Bogus Wars by Gregory Vanderlaan,

Island by Aldous Huxley,

Foundation by Isaac Asimov,

Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein,

You are not the Target by Laura Huxley,

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley,

The Time Machine by HG Wells,

Around the World in 80 Days by Jules Verne,

Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll,

Thru the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll,

The Wizard of OZ by Frank Baum,

Tom Sawyer - Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain,

The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allen Poe (and Everything else he wrote),

The Call of Cthulu by HP Lovecraft,

The Teachings of don Juan by Carlos Castaneda,

The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz,

The Art of the Failed Deal by don Trump,

Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds by Charles Mackay,

The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle,

2001 by Arthur C. Clarke,

Dune by Frank Herbert,

The Black Cloud by Fred Hoyle,

The Lord of the Rings by J R R Tolkien,

The Hobbit by J R R Tolkien,

The Violet Overgrow by Gregory Vanderlaan,

Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card,

The Bible by Various Authors (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John,
Ezekiel, Enoch, Peter, Paul and Mary),

The Caves of Steel by Isaac Asimov,

I, Robot by Isaac Asimov,

Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley,

Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda,

Alcoholics Anonymous by Bill W.

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Quest 4 Fire... Got smokes but Know Lighter... so I'm looking for a Match. Fiction; Blue Cheese Gone Bad" a REDRUM YRETSYM

rOBOT wearing Sunglasses
One Ring to Rule Them All
Murder Mystery - "Blue Cheese Gone Bad"

"Blue Cheese Gone Bad" - A Murder Mystery - Not One Word is True, It's Fiction!

Prolog: In the beginning, Doggod created the Heavenz and the Dirt. Later, he/she/it would create Blue Cheese... I've always wondered about The First Guy to eat Blue Cheese... It Looks and Smells Poisonous but it's actually really Good! That First Guy had Courage or bad eyesight... or maybe he was just REALLY Hungry.

Disclaimer: No, I did not Google the keywords "untraceable poison" at the Public Library using the sign in name "John Smith". You would have to ask Mr. Smith about that.

~~~~~ Clues! ~~~~~

The murder weapon was a kitchen knife that was recently used to cut Blue Cheese. The yeast that makes the cheese blue has a Unique DNA and the poLice were able trace it to the specific company that grew it. Extremely expensive, the cheese was sold at Trendy Yuppie Shops that deliver... and know where you live... and are coming to get you... nyah ha ha ha ha

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter Zero ~~~~~~~~~~

Read More at:

Great Book: "Bored of the Rings" by Harvard Lampoon (Satire of Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien)

Bored of the Rings is unquestionably a comic masterpiece as well as a brilliant parody of J. R. R.Tolkien's famous The Lord of the Rings trilogy. A gem of irreverence...filled with an incredible menagerie of mad characters including lustful Elf-maidens and a roller-skating dragon. A side-splitting swipe at the Eternal Quest and the castles, wizards, drugs and other folderol of "ancient" lore...

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*Bubble UP! Economics. Raise the Minimum Wage, Social Security and LOWER Taxes on 99% of Americans. Actually Collect Taxes on the Top 1%... We The People Will Spend that Extra Money in Our Paychecks and it will BUBBLE UP! Throughout The Entire Economy...

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How To Remove Smoke from Indoor Air. Tape a Filter to a Box Fan. During Wildfire Season the Air Indoors is Bad to Breathe...

Pretty Soon the Filter Turns Brown
from Smoke, Pollen and Dust.

Who WAS Ram Dass? In the Sixties, He was a Psychedelics Researcher and Promoter at Harvard with Dr. Timothy Leary. (LSD, Magic Mushrooms and Peyote) Then He went to India Looking for Enlightenment and Met a Guru. Changed His Name and Published a Great Book... "Remember: Be Here Now" - It Has His Autobiography and then Many ART Drawings Explaining Eastern Religion. Real Name: Dr. Richard Alpert...

Who WAS Ram Dass? In the Sixties, He was a Psychedelics Researcher and Promoter at Harvard with Dr. Timothy Leary. (LSD, Magic Mushrooms and Peyote)

My Autobiography: Growing Up in Los Gatos, California in the 1960s by Gregory Vanderlaan - and Living in San Jose, Washington DC, Chico, Eureka and Orangevale, CA.

I Was Born in 1954. We lived Near the San Jose Airport until they Started Landing Jet Airplanes and We had to move... We went to Los Gatos in 1960. I lived there until graduation from Los Gatos High School in 1972... an Ideal Childhood... FYI: Los Gatos is about 50 miles South of San Francisco on the edge of the mountains between San Jose and Santa Cruz.

I Went to West Valley Jr. College, learned electronics drafting and got a job at System Industries in Santa Clara... I feel blessed that not only did I grow up in a great location but I also grew up at a great time. I missed the Vietnam War by ONE Year and Silicon Valley Was Hiring Like Crazy When I Needed a Job.
Peace Sign Pie Chart
History of the Vietnam War. 58,000 Americans Died for Nothing... Something They Don't Teach in School Now... "Too Controversial" -

During the 1950s Americans went into a Mad Panic about Communists taking over the world. We built thousands of Nuclear Missiles and Fallout Shelters. The US Congress had witch hunts (Joe McCarthy-HUAC) to expose "Commies" who worked in The Hollywood Movie business and blacklisted folksingers that were leading our young people astray with Labor Union Organizing songs.

During the height of this hysteria Vice President Richard Nixon went on Television and explained "The Domino Principle" while pointing to a map of Asia. His theory was...


Who Won the War? DOW CHEMICAL AND HUGHES AIRCRAFT. Selling Napalm, Agent Orange and Helicopters...

Military Death Chart USA

AMERICA'S BOGUS WARS - Since 1945, The US Military Has Never Defended The USA, Not Even Once.

Ever since Victory in Japan, All of Our Wars have been Marketing to Sell Weapons for the Military Industrial Complex.

Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - UFO and Alien Hieroglyphics