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How to Whip Inflation Now 2022 [FICTION] Since Raising Prices is a Voluntary Choice by Corporate CEOs... WHAT IF?


"What If We Whipped Inflation by USING ACTUAL WHIPS on the People That are CAUSING The Problem? Maybe They Would "Voluntarily" Choose to Lower Prices? Could Happen!" - Said Silly Billy... 

Kelp on the Beach - like a whip - greg gvan42

"Oh, Baby... You Shouldn't Say Things Like That! You'll get Banished from FaceBorg for Threatening Violins!" Replied Sweet Susan... 

"Maybe You're Right... With That New Job I've Got at That High Rate of Pay... Inflation isn't really Much of a Problem... and i Should Focus my Attention on ART! Instead. Look at This!" - Said Silly Billy... 

Heart Art by gvan42

"That's Excellent! You Should Sell That on Your Zazzle Store!" - Advised Susan

"That's a Much Better Use of Your Time Than Writing Eco-Terrorist Ideas and Publishing Them Online. That Last Idea Was a True Horror Show!" - Said Susan Creamcheese

"I Remember..." Said Silly Billy "But It Would Work! As I Said in that Top Secret Email to My Weather Underground Co-Conspirator... "

"The Best Plan Would be for Capitalist Leaders to BEHAVE In a Way That Would Benefit Humanity... For Example: What If The CEO of Chevron Reduced the Price of Gas Instead of Making Insane Profits... How Could that be done? I keep on thinking that KIDNAPPING the CEO and Having him Call his Vice president and tell him reduce prices or the kidnappers will cut off one finger a day until they actually reduce prices... I Figure one the kidnappers actually cut off a couple of fingers and Mailed them to the media... Chevron WOULD REDUCE PRICES!
and With enough Media Attention... EXXON and BP would Voluntarily Reduce Prices... BEFORE their CEO Gets Kidnapped..."

Here's an Example of REAL "Human Energy" - Chevron's advertising Campaign is Greenwashing in order to Distract the Public from INSANE CORPORATE PROFITS caused by High Gas Prices...

REAL Human Energy - Exercise Bicycle Generator diagram
REAL Human Energy - Exercise Bicycle Generator diagram

and Then Susan Said: "What If 'The Men Who Stared at Goats' Movie Really Worked? Could We Use Psychic Energy To Get Stuff Done? WHAT IF Instead of Using Kidnapping and Violins to Modify a CEOs Behavior... We Had a Prayer Circle that Focused our Psychic Energy on His Brain... and Maybe Emailing specific instructions... email the plan of Healing Corporate-Corporate Greed Freaks from their Compulsive Hoarding of Money Syndrome... Those Evil People CAN BE HEALED!"

and Billy Said: "That's a Great Plan... Especially the NOT Going to Prison Part!"

"Let's Build a Social Media Marketing Campaign and... MAKE IT HAPPEN!" Said Susan

"Let's Have Our Rag Tag Tribe CONTACT CHEVRON 
and Tell 'em that Our People will Post a Worldwide "SELL CHEVRON STOCK" recommendation! on Those All Message Boards... 
That Action Can Influence the Stock Price... and It's a Way To Hold Their Stock HOSTAGE Until They Lower Prices at the Gas Pump!" - Said Susan

"Sell Chevron Stock and Buy Carrier or Trane. The Hotter it Gets, The More Air Conditioners People Buy." - said Silly Billy

and This is What She Said in her Email to Chevron Corporate Headquarters: "Please Reduce the Price of Gasoline. I Noticed that When You Raised the Price, Your Profits went Sky High... Basically Stealing Money from Average Americans and Putting it in the Bank Accounts of the Super Rich... That's a Horrible Thing You Did. STOP! No Amount of "Human Energy" TV Ads Will Remove The Bad Taste in My Mouth from Your Corporate Greed... Do You Suffer From Compulsive Hoarding of Money Syndrome? That's a Mental Health Disease That Doctors Can Cure! GET HELP NOW!"

and They Replied: 
Dear Gregory Vanderlaan,

Thank you for your recent correspondence. A Consumer Connection Center Specialist will be working with you to get your concern resolved.

Case number 04943340 has been assigned to your concern. An Initial response should be received within three business days. You may send an email to to check the status of your case at any time. Please reference your case number in the subject line.

Consumer Connection Center 
Chevron Products Company

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
Follow Up Letter from Chevron:
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Dear Gregory Vanderlaan,

Hope you're doing well.

Thanks for sharing your concerns with us.

Many factors figure into the price of a gallon of gasoline. In addition to the higher price of crude oil these days, other factors include the competitive conditions in the marketplace, costs associated with fuel distribution, local, state, and federal taxes, and fixed costs of doing business such as the cost of real estate, buildings, and equipment.

The vast majority of our branded stations across the US are owned by independent businesspeople who make their own decisions about the prices to charge at their stations.

Thank you for again your feedback and allowing us the opportunity to respond to your concerns. 


Jhun Concepcion

Consumer Connection Center Specialist

Chevron Products Company, a division of Chevron U.S.A Inc.

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

I Noticed That in The Letter From Chevron Corporate, the one factor Missing from their list of Causes for High Gas Prices was... WAR PROFITEERING or CORPORATE GREED... 

Headline: Biden accuses oil companies of ‘war profiteering’ and threatens windfall tax. President pleads with energy firms to invest profits in lowering costs for American consumers...

Headline: Big Oil’s Second-Biggest Profit Haul Poses ‘Awkward’ Problem.
Oil majors’ third-quarter earnings set to top $50 billion. Companies are holding back on new investment as cash piles up...

Headline: Exxon and Chevron Made Record Profits as Gas Price Gouging Hit Californians...

I saw Michael Wirth on a TV Interview Program and The Lame Excuses He Made for High Prices/High Profits Made Me Angry... I Had to Change the Channel... He Kept on Saying it Was Someone Else's Fault... and I Don't Believe That! Wirth serves on the board of directors of Catalyst. He is also chairman of the board of the American Petroleum Institute, and is a member of the National Petroleum Council, the Business Roundtable, the World Economic Forum International Business Council, and the American Society of Corporate Executives. SO... If There Ever Was a Man Responsible For High Gas Prices... Mike's The Man!

Corporate Headquarters:
6001 Bollinger Canyon Road
San Ramon, CA 94583, USA
Telephone: +1 925.842.1000
Chevron Guard House - San Ramon, CA
Guard House - Chevron Drive at Bollinger Canyon Drive - San Ramon, CA - an Excellent Place to Have a Protest Match with Signs... 

"Excellent Plan! and I Noticed That Your Email Had NO THREATS... Save That for Later Emails... When We Threaten to Deploy a DDOS Attack on their Website... That Would Get the Attention of the Corporate-Corporate Wankers that Work There... A Distributed Denial of Service would Interfere with their Business Model... and One Thing Those Greed Freaks Fear is Bad Public Relations! Look at How Much they Spend on the "Human Energy" TV Ads... What The F*CK is That Supposed to Mean? The Matrix? Using People as Batteries? or maybe Converting Human Fat to Electricity using Exercise Bicycles Driving Alternators? THAT'S Human Energy!" - Said Silly Billy 
Human Energy - Converting Fat into Electricity Using an Exercise Bicycle Driving an Alternator
Human Energy - Converting Fat into Electricity Using an Exercise Bicycle Driving an Alternator...

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

and Here's Page 1 of the Earth Battalion Manual... 

Book: First Earth Battalion - Jim Channon

[Author's Note: The Movie was Based on the True Story of the US Army's Exploration of Using Psychic Powers as a Weapon of War. Soldiers Lead by Lt Colonel Jim Channon "Dare to Think the Unthinkable." - Some Ask Why was This Project Ended? and the Answer is... It Never Really Ended... The US Army Just took Everything They Learned and Started Training ALL SOLDIERS to be SuperSoldiers... Is the Slogan: "Be All That You Can Be." is Rather Similar to The Conclusions of Lt. Col Jim Channon. and He Wrote a Book, Moved to Hawaii... and Started Giving Training Retreats for Corporate Executives... In Other Words... He Created Heaven on Earth and Lived There! 

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Some people Do Not Believe in "Cosmic Hippy Dippy Freak Powers" But... When I Worked at Radio Shack the Store Managers All Went to a Fire Walking Retreat... Paid for by the Corporation... They Figured That "If You Can Walk On Fire" You Can Run a Store... I participated in Yearly Sales Training Conventions for all Employees and It Did Have a Lot of Loud Rock Music and Chanting... The Song I Remember was "Walking on the Sun" by Smashmouth... 

and The Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Had a Group Meditation in Washington DC - and The Crime Rate Went Down... 
*** (~);-} ***

"So... Lets Tell Our Mind Control Robot Slaves That We Have a New Project! Focus Our Attention on the CEO of CHEVRON and Ask Him To Lower Prices of Gasoline FOR THE GOOD OF THE COUNTRY... He Could Do a ---> We Are Patriotic Americans <--- Marketing Campaign - Email The Troops!" - Said Silly Billy

and he did...

Compulsive Hoarding of Money Syndrome - meme - gvan42
Whip Inflation Now - Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42

Here's a Related Story!

The Violet Overgrow - An Eco-Warrior's Journey by Gregory Vanderlaan - [ FICTION ]

"The Time Has Come for the Violet Overgrow of the Ruling Class!" Shouted Suzy into the Megaphone.

"Will You Shut The F*CK UP?" said Billy "Don't You See That Short Haired Guy Wearing a Wig? He's an Obvious NARC! We Will Get More Done IF We are a Bit More Clandestine from Here on Out."

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Disclaimer: This Story is Hopelessly Out of Date: It was Written in 2020... a Dark Time in American History... Thankfully, The American People BANISHED tRUMP to Mar-A-Loser, Florida and Democrats Took Control of The White House, The US House of Representatives and The Senate... 

But It May Become All Too REAL if QAnon Takes the House and They Impeach Biden again and again and again...

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Chapter Zero: 

"#FRANCE1789 #FRANCE1789" Shouted Suzy into the Megaphone. 

"The EPA=Enable Polluters Agency. Let's Flip The Mission! Bring Back Protection of the Environment#FRANCE1789 #FRANCE1789"
and Everybody Chanted Along... 
"#FRANCE1789... #FRANCE1789..."

They Were at a Protest March in Arcata, CA... Disrupting the Military Industrial Complex... 

Billy Replied: "Oh Susan, You Are Just Preaching to The Choir Here... All These Earth First! People ALREADY Agree With You... Let's Take Our Message to Washington DC and Speak Truth To Power! Let's Go To The Actual EPA and Raise a Ruckus!" 
and So They DID!

The Violet Overgrow - An Eco-Warriors Journey by Gregory Vanderlaan - cover art - gvan42

Billy Started Making Plans for "Storming The Castle" and In His Mind He Remembered Exactly What it Looked Like... He Started Daydreaming... Floating Off Into a Trance... ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM

Trance Inducing Animation by gvan42

Editor's Note: Remember, Secret Messages are Revealed By Hovering on an Image: Move Your Mouse Onto the Picture and Like Magic, Words Appear!

EPA building in Washington DC - Smithsonian Museum of American History - Washington Monument
The EPA Building on the Right
The Smithsonian on the Left.

When He Awoke, He Noticed That Susan Had That Faraway Look in Her Eyes... 

He Said: "Susan, You Have That Faraway Look in Your Eyes... What's Troubling You?"

"Did You Ever Notice That tRUMP'S 'Boogaloo' and Charles Manson's 'Helter Skelter' are THE SAME PLAN? Start a Race War by Having White People Commit Insane Murders and Provide CLUES That Make The Crime Look Like Black People Did It." 

"Well, Yes Susan... There are MANY Similarities Between tRUMP and Manson." Said Billy "Thankfully We Have an Alternative Plan... 'The Violet Overgrow' --- But I Sense That Something Else is Troubling You."

"What Does The Sun Look Like?" Asked Susan... "It's a Valid Question. Since You Can't LOOK At The Sun, It's Difficult To Describe What It LOOKS Like. I Often Lay Awake at Night... Questioning Reality... " 

Billy Replied: "Actually, Susan, You CAN Look at The Sun Without Damaging Your Eyes. On Extremely Smoky Days It Is Possible to Look Directly At It and It Looks Like a Perfect Circle, About the Size of a Quarter Held At Arm's Length. It's an ODD Whitish Orange Red Color. The Smoke Blocks Most of the Sun and so... This is NOT EXACTLY What the Sun Looks Like BUT... It's as Close as We Can Get. With Global Warming Causing Massive Wildfires Here in California... EVERYONE Knows What The Sun Looks Like! And Just by Co-incidence... The MOON Also 
Looks Like a Perfect Circle, About the Size of a Quarter Held At Arm's Length. A Perfect Example of Random Chance... Not a Hint That the Universe is Organized... or anything Like THAT!"

 and the Story Goes On and On and On...

Click on the LINK to Read More!

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