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Quicksilver Messenger Service - a San Francisco Trippy Hippy Band that is almost entirely Forgotten... BUT They Were Great!
Have Another Hit of Fresh Air!
What You Gonna Do About Me?
Get Together... Made Famous by The Youngbloods... 

Quicksilver Messenger Service - a San Francisco Trippy Hippy Band that is almost entirely Forgotten...  BUT They Were Great! 
I was lucky enough to See Quicksilver at Winterland, San Francisco with My High School Sweetheart... High on LSD... Sitting in the Balcony, Kissing... The Big Song of the Night was MONA... 

A Friend Named his Son Quicksilver: 

Biff Rose Said:

Gregory Laan writes..
"I don't know anything about your son"
BIFF: He was named after this huge name QUICKSILVER on the side of an 18 wheeler speeding down Hwy 101 to San Jose in a binding rainstorm..we were bound to slow down and get spalsed by this speeding truck and it made a loud noise on the rear windows and Diane the Huntress his MONKK mom said "Oh I know..we'll name the baby Quicksilver"
His main mometn cosmic-wise to me as Musci and Electricity was the day man landed on the Moon Juky 20th 1969..Diane the Monkee Goddess was 7 months pregnant and said "I only went with you to have a kid ...OUCH....I've always had a crush on VaDark Pykes...I mean VanDyke Parks..."
The "OUCH" was cuz Quick quick kicked her from within...and I coulda sworn I heard the voice on the TV nearby say "That's one small step for man and one quick kick for Quicksilver.."...Diane the MONKEE mom's own mother was Myrtle and Myrtle and I had a love affair that manifested in the birth of a song Myrtle's Pies whih I sang on the Smothers Bros Show and which you may hear on youtube.....Myrtle ran a restaurant and I ate free for a year..
..Through Emma Rose age 22 Quicksilver's kid and my grandkid HATE enntered the world...Dine the Monkee Emma's grandmother told the chile "Myrtle hated Biff".....I raise the evel of hate to just call it Monkee Pox...It is permanent as Emma included it in a creative writing essay she submitted when she was a Freshman at the American Univ.....
That happens a lot..I fall in love with my girlfriends' next target is Black Ali out in Grass Valley unless her boufriend's taken her back if she's sobered up...ya never know the details till the skeleton is roughed out thru the Facebook Theatre I'm starting to run in the ground of all being....
It's a dicey situation...Black Ali's mom is named DICEY...Black Ali and Dicey were born the same day..July 20th..the day man landed on the Moon......ouch.

and I replied: Thanks! I Never Knew That!
Quicksilver is another name for the Element Mercury... and Is Mined in San Jose (my Home Town) - Near the Almaden Quicksilver mines are some lakes where Swimming is prohibited. My Parents took us there to go swimming and when I pointed to the sign... saying No Swimming... Mom Said "I think that whoever put up that sign was EXAGGERATING the dangers... because... we've been swimming here all of our lives and never got sick once." Mom Trained me to be Skeptical!
Happy Trails album by Quicksilver Messenger Service - gvan42

What about Me - album by Quicksilver Messenger Service - gvan42

Man, that photo (down below) really brings back memories for me. Thanks Terry Finigan for another great post. Sometime in the early Seventies for maybe six months more or less, I lived right on the other side of that famous snag on Hwy 101 north of Trinidad.
I didn’t own a car at the time and hitchhiked back and forth to Humboldt State College, where I worked and went to school. The snag was a landmark for me.
It all started when I was living in Westhaven in a tourist court not far from Pee Wee’s Market. I was living with a woman, Maureen.
Our friend Rooter Russell was staying out in the garage/guest room and someone called him one morning. I went out to tell him there was a call for him wearing my birthday suit, which is what I slept in. When I turned to return to bed, I looked over to the cabin next door and saw the little old lady next door looking at me stark naked. Her jaw dropped and I guess she called the landlord because next thing we knew it we were told to find a new place to live.
It wasn’t easy on short notice but Maureen had an idea. We would buy a teepee. She had heard that you could make teepee poles by splitting a long 2x4 at a slight angle. The whole thing was partially inspired by my interest in Native American culture. I was taking classes on the subject and for some reason it all seemed like a good idea.
And this is where the snag fits in. There was a brand new campground that had just opened up just across and down the road from Patrick’s Point State Park (now known as Sue-Meg State Park). There were cabins you could rent that had been there for awhile. And the owners had done some work on the top of the hill and created a campground with spots for RVs or camping or whatever. We were the whatever.
They had a big bath house with hot showers and toilets and places to shave or whatever. We put the teepee right next to that. There were dedicated electrical plugs and running water for each site, so we had a place to plug in our tv and the stereo and a hot plate for cooking. For heat, (and sometimes cooking) we had an open pit fire in the middle of the room. I imagine I probably smelled like smoke all the time but since I often wore my long hair in twin braids (yes I was guilty of cultural appropriation), it went with my look.
Maureen had a car to get back and forth to town, but we were mostly on different schedules, so as I said, I mostly hitched to town. I was working at the Jolly Giant Cafeteria and cooked breakfast, so I had to get to work pretty early. So most mornings before 6 I would go through the woods right near the snag and go down to Hwy 101 and stick out my thumb.
After a few false starts figuring out the timing, I had a regular schedule and people who lived north of there would start picking me up. There was a Professor who picked me up and we had some good talks and there was a quiet millworker who appreciated that we were both working men.
It was not a bad setup in general, but there was a major snag: mold. Teepees are used by Plains Indian tribes, and not designed for constant wetness of the West Coast. Anything we did not pay enough attention to developed a coating of mold. After a typical winter we basically gave up on the idea. Mold chased us out.
And as luck would have it, the timing was right: a friend had a little Kit trailer for sale cheap, and we found a place to park it (with no rent) in a place where I had friends, a hippie dream called Moonstone. We took the teepee down and moved into the trailer there. A new chapter began.,But that’s a story for another day.
Tree and Truck Trinidad, CA

Here's a student movie made by Ray Manzarek at UCLA... Starring Ray...

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