Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Skeleton Dance Blues4Allah MASHUP! Watch the Cartoon While Listening to the Grateful Dead Sing... Excellent!

In One Tab, Play the Cartoon with the Sound Off...

In Another Tab, Play the Music With the Sound Loud!

Skeleton Dance Cartoon by Disney

Flip Flops with ART Zazzle Gregvan

and then on FaceBorg I read these Words of Wisdom:
I learned something new tonight, a name for something I've thought about lately but couldn't quite describe - "Toxic Positivity." It's when you are experiencing a horrible time in your life, due to one or perhaps many things, and people automatically speak to you in platitudes, telling you to "cheer up," or "it could be worse," or "keep a positive attitude." It invalidates your feelings, makes you feel you must suppress them, that you are a lesser person if you rage, or grieve, or are simply not okay with what is happening to you at that moment in time. You feel unheard. You don't cry, when you should. 2020 was a bad year for us, 2021 was worse, and 2022 apparently told the previous years "Hold my beer and watch THIS!" I've never bought so many sympathy cards in a single year in my life. Never dealt with such an endless array of disappointments and completely unexpected life-altering developments that occurred one after the other with no time to catch our breath in-between. We've had our share of bad things in the past, but never such an unrelenting year as this one. So from now on, I'm going to watch it. When someone tells me they have a problem, a sorrow, a concern, I will encourage them to talk about it, not rush in with words that make me feel better, but do nothing for them. Because we're human. We are meant to feel, to express, to vent, to pour out our emotions, to be heard. And it is then we can refill with hope, love, joy, and gratitude.

and I Replied:
I remember That I Drank Whiskey for a Week when my Father Died... I Joined AA in the Year 1999... and He died in 2013 BUT... THAT WEEK I REALLY NEEDED A DRINK. and then after a Week... I Quit Drinking Again... and Haven't Had a Drink Since... BUT... If I Had Attended AA Meetings During that Week... They Would Have Given Me Bad Advice... IMHO.

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