Showing posts with label Morse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Morse. Show all posts

Vote for Jessica Morse - US House CA03 - A Democrat Seeking to Beat Republican Kevin Kiley - The CA03 District is from Mount Lassen to Lake Tahoe to Death Valley... and the Sacramento Suburbs near Folsom Prison. Let's Make the US HOUSE BLUE!

The Primary resulted with Kiley getting 55.1% and Morse Getting 42.9%... With 47% of the Votes Counted... SO... They Both are in the Runoff Election November 5th... GO GO GO!

Kevin Kiley *Rep.69,067
Jessica Morse Dem.53,842

Remember that Kevin Kiley was part of the Idiotic GOP Failure to Recall Governor Gavin Newsom... 
The turning point for the campaign, according to Newsom’s strategists, came in the governor’s adoption of aggressive mask and vaccine mandates — both widely popular in California — and in Newsom’s avalanche of spending depicting his top Republican opponent, Larry Elder, as an anti-science clone of former President Donald Trump.

Jessica Morse

I applaud the House of Representatives for passing these critical aid packages. We cannot allow Russia’s authoritarian aggression to go unchecked. For months, MAGA extremists have played politics with funding for Ukraine, and today, they failed. The consequences of Ukraine losing are too high. If Russia advances further, a NATO ally could be next — drawing in not just our dollars, but our troops. As your next Congresswoman, I look forward to continuing the fight to protect democracy at home and abroad.

Headline: Who is Kevin Kiley and what would he do as governor? He's an Anti-Vax Freak!

Jessica Morse US House CA03 - A Democrat Seeking to Beat Kevin Kiley

I’m so honored to have earned the endorsement of the
League of Conservation Voters Action Fund in my race to represent #CA03 in Congress! LCV are on the frontlines in the fight to tackle the climate crisis. They are a leading force for good – working to keep our communities healthy and sustainable, confront environmental injustice, and strengthen our democracy. I’m honored to have their support!
— with League of Conservation Voters.
Jessica Morse

Congressman Pete McCloskey established Earth Day more than 50 years ago. His work to protect our environment laid the foundation for the progress we continue to make here in California.
I was grateful for the opportunity to visit with Pete today to thank him for his support and advice over the years. Please join me in sending love to him and his wife, Helen.

#CA03 is not only home to the most beautiful mountains of California, it’s also the headwaters for 60 percent of California’s water supply.
This Earth Day, help me ensure we flip the seat and get an advocate who will protect this vital ecology while fighting the climate crisis that threatens our homes and future.

Jessica Morse - house party

Jessica Morse

Did you know that I'm the only woman challenger in California to move forward after our March 5th primary?

In a year where reproductive freedom is unquestionably on the ballot, the fact that I’m the only woman left to draw the contrast is both sobering and cements my commitment to ensuring that we have a voice in Congress.

I have a big fundraising deadline for the end of the first quarter of 2024 this Sunday, and if I’m going to be the last woman standing in California after polls close on November 5, I need your help to reach our next major benchmark. Chip in before Sunday to send me to Congress this November so we can get to work!

Let’s do this for your daughters and granddaughters.

Jessica Morse announced on Tuesday that she’ll run in Eastern California — in an attempt to unseat Republican Congressman Kevin Kiley in District 3.

Jessica Morse   Mourning the passing of former State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Delaine Eastin.

Jessica Morse

Mourning the passing of former State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Delaine Eastin. I had the privilege of running alongside Delaine on the campaign trail in 2018 when she was running for governor. She embraced my campaign and supported it with great enthusiasm. I will forever be grateful for her advice and friendship.

Delaine was a model for how to lead as a public servant. She paved the way for more women to run for office and serve in leadership roles, and she was incredibly generous with her time and energy — uplifting me and others even during her own campaigns.

I loved watching Delaine deliver passionate speeches about her efforts to ensure our education system provided students with the necessary support and tools for success in the classroom. She was a fierce advocate for school food programs, ensuring our kids had the nutrition they needed. Delaine also fought for smaller class sizes and advocated for inclusive policies, pushing for our schools to provide essential resources to students with disabilities. Her work directly improved the educational experiences of countless students in California, and will reverberate for generations to come.

I’m sending love and support to Delaine’s family and friends. Let us honor her legacy by continuing to advocate for the causes she cared about so deeply. Rest in power, Delaine.

49er Rose

Jessica Morse announced on Tuesday that she’ll run in Eastern California — in an attempt to unseat Republican Congressman Kevin Kiley in District 3.

Five years ago, shortly after the #CampFire decimated the town of Paradise, I went up to help. I filmed this video thinking I was going to help for a few days but ended up on the ground through the next month working side-by-side with local heroes who, with resilience, strength, and courage rebuilt their community.
I met a paradise school board member who had lost her home in the fire, but was going shelter by shelter to track down each of her students to ensure they were safe.
Emulating their resolve, I spent the next four years working every day to prevent wildfires like the Camp Fire. I didn't relent until we had a state-wide strategy and resources to actively mitigate these fires. We now have tools and resources to meet the fire crisis head on so other communities don't need to test their courage and grit like the people of Paradise. #ParadiseStrong #CAWildfire

When Jessica Morse sees a problem, she runs toward it and wants to help solve it. In Congress, she will do what she always does when facing a problem: listen and learn, find common ground to build a coalition of support, and put forth the best ideas to solve it. Jessica needs your support to protect what’s important – our homes from wildfire, our paychecks, our healthcare, and abortion rights.

map of US House District CA 03

Email Kevin and tell him what you think!

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