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Jimmy Carter - Great President: Here's What He Did: Most Famous for Building Houses after he was President. Habitat for Humanity.

On Hospice Care at Home Now... 

Jimmy Carter - President

Nuclear Engineer for the US Navy: Submarines.

Owned the Family Peanut Farm in Plains, Georgia.

He was the Governor of Georgia.
He Beat Gerald Ford to become President in 1977.
He Pardoned all Vietnam War Draft Evaders. 
Added Solar Panels to White House Roof. 
During his term, two new cabinet-level departments—the Department of Energy and the Department of Education—were established.
The end of his presidency was marked by the 1979–1981 Iran hostage crisis, the 1979 energy crisis, the Three Mile Island nuclear accident, the Nicaraguan Revolution, and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
Lost Presidential Election to Ronald Reagan. 

Carter is considered a key figure in the nonprofit organization Habitat for Humanity.
Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter Building Houses with Habitat for Humanity
Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter Building Houses with Habitat for Humanity.

In 1982, Carter established the Carter Center, aimed at promoting and expanding human rights. In 2002, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in co-founding the Center.

He has written over 30 books, ranging from political memoirs to poetry.

While He was Not The Greatest President Ever, In Comparison to The Other Recent Presidents He was Wonderful...

Remember: Johnson=Evil, Nixon=Evil, Reagan=Evil, George Bush the Son=Evil and Trump=Super Evil. 

Kennedy=Great, Clinton=Great, Obama=Great. 

Ford=So So and George Bush the Father=So So.

Imagine Writing 30 Books... I Bet Trump Hasn't READ 30 Books...

Who was the Worst President Ever? Donald John Trump. Remember these FACTS:

Over 1 Million Americans Died from Coronavirus. 
The Stock Market Had the Largest Loss of Money in History. 
Massive Harm to American Farmers and Consumers 
Caused by Trade War With China.  
Trump's Unemployment High 14.7% Biden = 3.4%. 
Huge Lines of Cars at Free Food Giveaways. 
Massive Increase in Homelessness... 

Trump Signed the Help Crazy People Buy Guns Law... 

HJ RES 40...
If a person gets a Social Security Disability Check due to 
INSANITY They No Longer have to Report That Fact on a 
Gun Purchase Background Check..
Save America From Trump #LockHimUP #ArrestTrumpNow meme
CAUGHT! Trump's Laptop Crime: Who Did He Email 
America's Secrets To? Trump's TREASON is a DANGER 
to the USA. #ArrestTrumpNow #LockHimUP

Trump Received Money From Russia for 2016 Election. 

GOP operative convicted of funneling Russian donation to 

Trump’s 2016 campaign. 

Why Hasn't Trump Been Arrested and Convicted for 

This Crime?

Republican political operative Jesse Benton 
was convicted in federal court of funneling 
$25,000 from a Russian businessman to 
Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.
Jesse Benton GOP Criminal - Trump Russia Campaign Contribution

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