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Third UFO Shot Down in Alaska/Canada/Lake Huron - So Far NO Wreckage Recovered. NO Films from the Jet Airplanes Like the Famous "Gimball" or "Tic Tac" US Navy Films... Were These Airplane Cameras TURNED OFF? One UFO Claimed by a Hobbyist Group. Two Totally Unknown!

NO PHOTOS at All??? 
US Government Claims "Balloon"
Just Like Roswell... 
Verified Film of UFO Taken by US Navy
SO... Where are the Films Taken by the Airplanes of These Three UFO that were Shot Down? 

The Northern Illinois Bottlecap Balloon Brigade spoke with Aviation Week, which says the circumstantial evidence is strong that it was their balloon shot down by NORAD, a partnership between the U.S. and Canada to monitor the skies that’s perhaps most famous for tracking Santa Claus.

Will This Make Space Aliens Angry? Start a War of the Worlds? Neither The Pentagon nor Ottawa Will Say What IT IS. Human Made? Extraterrestrial? 

US Space Force is on HIGH ALERT... 
Ready to Defend EARTH!

It's a “cylindrical object” about the size of a small car flying at 40,000 feet.
What Could That Be? 
Nothing Made by Humans Fits That Description.
UFO on a Cloudy Day - gvan42

What IF We REALLY DO Need a Space Force to Defend Earth? I Was Skeptical when Trump Signed the Authorization because it seemed like he was Fighting Imaginary Boogie Men That were Just a Symptom of His Schizophrenia...

But What IF He was Working with Classified Information That We Just Didn't Know About?

That UFOs are REAL and 
A Danger to Humans!

BIDEN, Tell Us The Truth! 

Friendly Alien in a Flying Saucer by gvan42

Mystery surrounds what exactly was object US jet shot down over Alaska... 

High-altitude object the size of a small car was downed on Friday but its owner and purpose have yet to be identified...

I'm not a Fan of Neil Disgrace Tyson... I saw him on the Ari Melber TV News Show... Talking about the UFOs Shot down over Alaska and Canada and... He Said... With all the Billions of Cameras on Earth Why don't we have a Photo of a UFO... Well... We Have MANY PHOTOS AND MANY FILMS... He was pretending that the US NAVY Film Did Not Exist! See Photo at the top of post... 
Neil loses a LOT of Credibility in this interview. Pretending that we don't have many films of UFOs... It's Sad to See Ari fail to ask the Obvious Question: What about the US Navy Verified Films? and here we are a couple of weeks later... and Two UFOs are Still Unidentified... and the US Government is Pretending that they Can't find any wreckage... Then they Trot out the CLASSIC COVER UP STORY... "Weather Balloons" just like Roswell... Pathetic...

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