Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Trance Inducing Music Videos: Designed to Cause An Out Of Body Experience... The Beatles, Lothar and the Hand People, Larisa Stow, Sonya Sophia... Try This In Headphones!

Just to start Us out on the Right Path... 
Tomorrow Never Knows by the Beatles... 

Space Hymn by Lothar and The Hand People...

Guided Spiritual Journey by Larisa Stow: Cosmic Music, Spoken Word and Animation... 

Larisa Said: 
Hey Love Warrior! ❤️

Have you heard about an artist called LSDREAM? If not, he's an incredible musician, creating trippy electronic sounds with a spiritual touch. 

I met LSDREAM, Sami, in the summer of '22 at DisclosureFest, where we ended up collaborating live on stage for the DisclosureFest Mass Meditation Initiative.

I was asked by Disclosurefest producer Adrian Vallera to write and lead a live meditation for the festival, with a focus on healing the inner child. He had also asked LSDream to provide the musical backdrop for the meditation. What happened when it all came together was beyond magical. Sami from LSDream spontaneously created an enchanting musical backdrop to my written words that brought the people together in profound meditation.

Recently we met at LSDream's studio to recreate the magical alchemy.

✨ I invite you to try this guided meditation in collaboration with LSDREAM.✨
You can listen HERE.

The 30-minute healing meditation focuses on re-connecting to the wonder and innocence of your inner child (yesss please!) and source self.

LSDREAM launched it on his youtube channel to a live audience of over 1,000 people. There were thousands of live comments that night from people expressing how amazing and life-changing it was for them. 😍🙏 
The video now has around 11,000 views!

Relax and enjoy the guided meditation, and share with your tribe ✨

Larisa Stow: Six Petal Smile Flower - Animation from her Spiritual Journey with LIGHTCODE

Remember: Many People Watch Hate Speech TV... and Experience Anger and Anxiety All Day Every Day... Share this Video with People You Know that Watch FOX NEWS...
Show that There is an Alternative to FEAR...

The Entire Fox News Marketing Plan is to TRIGGER the Lizard Brain in their Viewers... Shouting DANGER-DANGER about Things You Cannot Do Anything About... The Reason This Marketing Plan Works is: Thousands of Years ago, If Someone Shouted DANGER-DANGER... people that paid attention Defended Themselves from Sabre Toothed Tigers... and Survived Long Enough to Have Children... and We STILL Have That Cave Man Brain in US... STRANGER DANGER WARNINGS protected the Tribe from Other Tribes that could steal Food and Women...

Cosmic Writing in the LIGHTCODE & Larisa Stow Video OOBE Animation

OOBE = Out of Body Experience

Another Cosmic Video: Totally Worthy!
Psychedelic Music and Spoken Word Journey
I Used the Larisa Stow Video for Medicine: For Example... I had a Colonoscopy Performed Last Month... The Prep involves Fasting for a Day and Drinking a Gallon of Unpleasant Special Fluid... Instead of Experiencing Anxiety and Worry the Day before the Procedure... I Listened to This Music Video Twice... and Three Sonya Sophia World Tapping Circle Videos... and I Felt Calm and Relaxed... No Need to Worry... 

Here are some Sonya Sophia Videos: 

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