Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Corporate Greed Freaks are Ruining America. Who Raised the Price of Gasoline? Darren Woods, Mike Wirth, Ben van Beurden, Wael Sawan, Joseph W. Gorder and Bernard Looney. These People are Sick and Need Help.

Remember: Selecting the Price of Gasoline is a Voluntary Choice. These Men Chose to Raise the Price WAY UP and Then Profits Went WAY UP. There was No Valid Excuse for Raising Gasoline Prices Right Before an Election Except to INFLUENCE That Election... To Campaign for Republicans that Promise More Tax Cuts for the Rich... "SEE? Democrats are Doing a Bad Job of Governing... Just LOOK at these Gas Prices! Throw 'em OUT!" Became the GOP Rallying Cry...

Darren Woods, CEO of Exxon... 

Mike Wirth, CEO of Chevron... 

Wael Sawan, CEO of Shell...

Ben van Beurden, Former CEO of Shell...

Bernard Looney, CEO of British Petroleum... 

Joseph W. Gorder, CEO of Valero Energy...

Public Shaming is Likely to be the Best
LEGAL Plan for Making them Behave for the
Good of All Mankind... Instead of Grabbing
All the Gold for Themselves... an example of 
Compulsive Hoarding of Money Syndrome. 

Compulsive Hoarding of Money Syndrome. meme - Fight for the Cure - gvan42

Of Course, The People of France Faced this Exact 
Same Problem in 1789... and OFF With Their Heads
was the Solution... Guillotines in the Public Square.
The Cure for Corporate Greed. - Drawing gvan42

What ever Happened to Trump's Boogaloo

Was January 6th Their Only Action? Did the
Arrest and Incarceration of Over 900 QAnon

Now would be a Great Time for the Boogaloos 
to Come Back and Attack the Ruling Class! These
CEOs of Oil and Gas Companies are CAUSING 
PROBLEMS IN THE USA... Intentional Price
Gouging... Skyrocketing Gas Prices just to Take
More Money from the 99% and Give it to the 1%...
It's the Stockholders That are Collecting The 
Obscene Profits... People Rich Enough to OWN
Oil Companies... The Same People that Are Rich
Enough to BRIBE Senators and Representatives... 
and then those Politicians "MAGICALLY" pass
CrazyLaws® Benefiting The Corporate Greed
Freaks that Bribed Them... Subsidies for Oil and
Gas Companies Totaling TRILLIONS of Dollars!
Tax Cuts for the Rich... Environmental Law 
LOOPHOLES so they Do Not Have To Behave

For Example: The Norfolk Southern Train Company 
Got Brake Laws Repealed so they could Save Money
and Increase Profit... and then They Had a 
Derailment in OHIO and Vast Amounts of Toxic
Poison Spilled and then Caught on Fire... Harming
the People of OHIO... That was a Corporate Greed

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