Showing posts with label necklace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label necklace. Show all posts

Christmas Ornaments For Sale at My Zazzle Webstore... Mandalas, Kaleidoscope Patterns, Swirling Freakouts - You May Add Words if You Want - or Change the Slogans

You May Change the Word if You Want To.
There are Two Layers of Type...
a White Layer In Back and
a Black Layer in Front...

Many Other Christmas Ornaments for Sale: Rainbow Cross, Peace Sign, Psychedelic Art, Ezekiel's Wheel UFO and Many More! 
zazzle gregvan ornaments rainbow cross UFO

newest ornaments on zazzle gregvan
LINK to My Latest Christmas Ornaments. You May Wear Them as a Necklace if You Provide the String... 

4 popular Christmas Ornaments zazzle gregvan
LINK to my Most Popular Ornaments. 

4 more Christmas Ornaments for Sale on zazzle gregvan

Even More Christmas Ornaments for Sale... 

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and Now for something completely different
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Icon for Make a Phone Call

THIS is the Icon for Make a Phone Call... Totally Out of Date! This looks like a Handset from a SIXTIES AT&T Desk Phone... The Reason I'm Bringing this Up Is... One of the Caregivers at Home noticed that another Resident appeared to be Dead... So while she was trying to get a Response from the Resident... she said... "Dial 911" to the Other Care Giver... AND... The Other Caregiver Didn't Know How To Make a Phone Call on our Cordless Phone... FIRST you push the button with this Icon, Then You Push the Buttons "9" and then "1" and then "1" --- and She Couldn't Do That! Because... She has never seen a Phone that Looks Like This!

Math Art by gvan42

I wish people would use the Standard Hyperlink Color Scheme... Blue Letters, Underlined... So many Websites have Random "Artistic" Link Schemes that Make me GUESS which words are the Links... Like on my Google Blog... If I Hover Over my Name the Display Blog Post link Appears... Unless I Hover, The Link I want is Invisible! and often The Scroll bars are hidden... unless I hover over the place that A Scroll bar OUGHT TO BE... Bizarre!

Link Rant - me complaining about hidden hyperlinks

I remember one time I took LSD and Went to the Movies to see "2001 a Space Odyssey" and "THX -1138" --- Well... The Movie THX Had an Absurd Amount of Bright White Light that Hurt my Eyes and Illuminated the Audience... and The Audience seemed much more interesting than what was happening on the Screen... I Walked Out to go explore the REAL WORLD because the MOTION PICTURES seemed so fake and Uninteresting... Just Goes to Show... Planning an Acid Trip Sometimes Just Doesn't Work!

FYI: LSD Causes Dilated Pupils... and Extreme Bright Lights are Painful... Once, I Went to Go Play in the Snow Near Mount Lassen and Had a Terrible Time... Snow Blindness Extreme!

Poster: Ripped Van Winkle SF MIME Troupe

My Slide Into Dementia... Today I couldn't Remember the Phrase "Coat of Arms" so I Substituted the Word "LOGO" instead... and When I Think About it, The Meaning is Very Similar! 

and There was NO WAY that I Could Remember our Family Name "Underhill" - mainly because My Name is Vanderlaan and the Underhills are Distant relatives that Live in New York... 

At the Old Folks Home that I Live in My Care Giver asked me if a Certain Cup was Mine... and she held up my Housemate Tom's Cup... I wanted to Say Mine Has a "Coat of Arms" on it but Couldn't Remember that Phrase... So I Said "LOGO" and She Served me a Cup of Coffee in the Correct Cup... and I READ the Word Underhill...

I'm amused by the Game Show "Jeopardy!" on TV and Play it Every Day... AARP offers Brain Training Games on the Computer but I NEVER Play them because They are NOT FUN... and I'd Rather Have Dementia than do Something that is NOT FUN...  

The Next Day I couldn't Remember the Name of the Movie "The Matrix" - So I Googled "Movie Keanu Reeves  Laurence Fishburne Mr Smith" and Google Found it for me... 

I wanted the Quote about How Humans are a Cancer on the Planet...

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Whenever Someone Says "Namaste" I Always Reply: "I'm Nasty Too!"

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Today I read on FaceBorg: MWM Said: 
I am convinced that there are three categories of people who call themselves Christians.
-- Traditional Christians follow Paul of Tarsus, and worship Jesus as "God in a man-suit." Many of them are sincere and admirable people. I love any number of this sort of Christian.
-- "There is another group of folks who identify as Christian. Some call themselves Progressive Christians or Red Letter Christians or Jesus Followers. They -- we -- try to live the command of Jesus to love God with all our being and to love all of humanity as we do ourselves and take quite seriously his words about caring for the most vulnerable --'the least of these siblings of mine.' These are folks who understand that that Bible was written by people describing their own efforts to understand the Ineffable, to describe the Indescribable, to explain the Inexplicable. It is not a history or science text, a law book, or a weapon to hammer others with. it is a story of faith journeys. Most of this group of Christians are far too awed by the Creator and too aware of human limitations to claim to possess the only truth about the Infinite. Unfortunately, these folks are quietly living out their faith alongside Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter and so many others while that second group makes all the noise and tries to co-opt the name but not the message of that First Century Middle-Eastern Jewish rabbi."
-- A newer category of Christian hates women, especially a woman's right to control her own body; hates LGBTQs, especially their right to control their own bodies and love whomever they choose; and hates black, brown, red, and yellow people, especially those who do not believe what these "Christians" believe. They firmly believe that the Jesus portrayed in the Christian Testament commands them to vituperate, judge, and condemn. Their image of Jesus is a gun-lover who (amazingly) hates, judges, and all the same people these "Christians" hate.
I try hard to pity these "Christians," because I think a hate-full life must be an unhappy one.
But, dang, on days like these it's hard to do....

and I Replied: Don't Forget the "Backsliding" Christian... I Truly Believed ONCE... I Accepted Jesus Christ as My Personal Savior... ONCE... and Then Never Went to Church Again... And I made Sure that I Sinned... After All, I Wouldn't Want to Have Jesus Die FOR NOTHING... I'm Certain that I'll Go To Heaven... BECAUSE... The Only Requirement is that You Accept Jesus Christ as Your Personal Savior... No Amount of Good Deeds Are Required... God Doesn't Keep Score...

If You Think About It, Christianity is the Perfect Religion if You Work for the MAFIA... Step One: Commit Murder, Step Two: Ask for Forgiveness, Step Three: Get Forgiven... Then... LOOP... Step One: Commit Murder, Step Two: Ask for Forgiveness, Step Three: Get Forgiven... Then... LOOP...

“Thank you to the woman who wrote this:
I’m 14 and I’m struggling in Algebra class. When I ask for help, the male teacher says ‘I’m not surprised, girls aren’t that good at Algebra.’
I’m 18 and go to my first fraternity parties with girlfriends. We don’t ever say it out loud but it’s understood that we need to stick together at these parties and not get separated, for our own safety.
I’m 20 and I’m working as a hostess at the Red Lion Inn in San Jose, near the airport. Men in suits come in to eat after their meetings during the day and I see them take off their wedding rings before heading into the bar next to the restaurant. Every girl who works there learns quickly not to bend too far over because of the short skirts of our uniforms.
I’m 22 and it’s my first day on a new job. My male supervisor gets me into a room alone and I think he’s going to tell me about the job but instead he tells me about how much he likes sex and how he needs to have it every day. I get up and walk out of the room and avoid him after that, but I don’t tell anyone because I’m one of the only women there and I don’t know what to do.
I’m 24 and I’m watching Anita Hill on TV, testifying about a man who wants to be on the Supreme Court. I don’t understand everything I’m watching but I understand that she’s a black woman facing down a panel of white men and she is going to lose because, at 24, I do understand who has power and who does not.
I’m any age in my 20s and I’m walking on the street, in a park, in a city, in a suburb, anywhere. Men tell me to smile, to wait a minute, to slow down what’s my hurry, can I ask you a question, can I stand too close to you, can I demand your space, your time, your attention, hey where you going bitch?
I’m 25. I’m buying my first car and the salesman offers a price I know is way too high. I bring my stepdad to the showroom and the same car is now $3000 less. I smile and buy the car but inside, I’m seething.
I’m any age in my 30’s and I think about where I park, where I go, whether I should get in that elevator that only has one man in it and how I should make sure not to make eye contact with men in the streets. All of this is normal to me and I don’t question any of it.
I’m 35. I’m buying my second car and the salesman says we should wait for my husband to get there before talking about the price but would I like to see the makeup mirror? I tell him I’m a lesbian and, if he’s waiting for my husband, he’s going to be waiting a long time. I leave because I’m learning.
I’m 40 and a woman, Hillary Clinton, is taking a serious run at the Democratic presidential nomination. She’s smart, tough and qualified but she endures endless anger, viciousness, and misogyny and she eventually loses in the primary. Male friends tell me it’s probably for the best because there’s just something they don’t like about her, you know?
I’m 49 and a man who said he grabs women by the pussy is elected as the 45th President of the United States. The night of the election, I feel physically ill and my first conscious thought is ‘my God, the Supreme Court.’ The next morning, I overhear two men laughing and congratulating each other about the election and I feel unsafe in my own country.
I’m 51 and another man who stands credibly accused of sexual assault has just been confirmed to serve on the Supreme Court. I see women on television sobbing, screaming, protesting, crying out in their anguish and their fear. I am so angry. I think of every woman I know and I am so angry.
I am any age, every age. I am a woman. I am a daughter. I am discounted. I am underrepresented. I am underestimated. But I am a voter. Today, that has to be enough.”
~ Author Unknown

FREE Zig Zag Mandala Artwork - You May Pirate these Images and Use them to Make your Own Decorated BLING! or Buy My Christmas Ornaments for Sale at Zazzle Gregvan -

Like a Tie Dye but Digital! 
Star Art

Ornament - Purple Star Snowflake - Zazzle Gregvan

Zig Zag Artwork for Christmas Ornaments for sale on Zazzle Gregvan

Zig Zag Artwork for Christmas Ornaments for sale on Zazzle Gregvan

Remember: You May Add Words if You Want To. 
Zazzle has a Wide Variety of Typefaces... 

If there isn't enough room to write your MANIFESTO... Write a 

My Most Popular Christmas Ornaments at Zazzle Gregvan

Zig Zag Artwork for Christmas Ornaments for sale on Zazzle Gregvan

Zig Zag Artwork for Christmas Ornaments for sale on Zazzle Gregvan

Zig Zag Artwork for Christmas Ornaments for sale on Zazzle Gregvan

Zig Zag Artwork for Christmas Ornaments for sale on Zazzle Gregvan

Star Pattern by gvan42

and then on FaceBorg a Zen Buddhist Said:
As much as we would always love to be positive and upbeat, the truth is that this is not realistic. Tough times will happen, but that's just the natural course of life.
Without tough times, you would never appreciate the good, so it's natural you will go through periods with a negative mindset. The problem arises when that mindset becomes constant as it will ruin your life.
One of the biggest causes of a negative mindset is fear.
The trick is choosing what you allow into your mind, and what can influence you. This means you might need to turn off the news or avoid people who only bring you down.
But as we mentioned, a negative mindset is nothing but a habit, and any habit can be broken.
Look at negative thoughts like spam email. You wouldn't take a spam email seriously, you just delete it.

"Digital Yin Yang" Ceramic Ornament / Necklace for Sale... a Two Sided Art Object! and Many Many Other Rainbow Spiral Gifts... ALL FOR CHARITY...

"Digital Yin Yang" Ceramic Ornament
You May Wear this Ornament as a Necklace 
If You Can Find a String...
This is a Two Sided Ornament with the 
OPPOSITE ART on the Other Side. 
Click on the Picture to See It.

"Rainbow Spiralism" Ceramic Ornament
by gregvan

"Make America Groovy Again" 
Embroidered Baseball Cap

You May Color This White Hat With a Rainbow of Permanent Markers... Draw a Paisley Design, Peace Signs or a Landscape - Mountains, Trees, Rivers, Puffy White Clouds... WhatEVER makes You BEATIFIC.
available on 4 products

ROY G BIV Rainbow Flag Ceramic Ornament/Necklace - and Many Other Rainbow, Math, Physics and Infinity Gifts For Sale on my Zazzle Webstore - BLING!

You may wear this as a Necklace 
if You can Find a String...
ROY G BIV Rainbow Ceramic Ornament
ROY G BIV Rainbow Ceramic Ornament
by gregvan

Link to All my Rainbow Gifts:

Fibonacci Rainbow Spiralism Shirt
Looks like a shell... 
popular with exercise machines...
Fibonacci Rainbow Spiralism Shirt
Fibonacci Rainbow Spiralism Shirt
by gregvan

Fibonacci Adoration Society of America postcard
Greetings from the President of FASA... a "joke" math club where all members were President... Created in 1972 by a math teacher at Los Gatos High School to be used as Resume Fodder for students applying to snooty colleges Like HAAAVAAAD or Stanford... Places that are impressed by nonsense like this... Fibonacci was the Father of Accounting and DID popularize Arabic numerals in Europe during the 1700s... before him, Europeans used Roman Numerals... quite cumbersome for multiplication or division... 
after all, what is mxlvii divided by lvxxi?
Fibonacci Adoration Society of America postcard
Fibonacci Adoration Society of America postcard
by gregvan

Link to all my MATH Gifts:

Physics Keychain
Physics: Not just for creating Atom Bombs Anymore... 
A lot of research is being done on the underlying nature of reality itself... Is it a wave, is it a particle, is that even a meaningful question? What if...
Physics Keychain
Physics Keychain
by gregvan

Hydrogen Fuel Cell & Peace Spiral Ornament
Different ART on the other side...
Click on the Picture To See It.
Chemistry & Physics give us a better battery 
for storage of electricity.

H2O --> H + O2 --> H2O
Hydrogen Fuel Cell & Peace Spiral Ornament
Hydrogen Fuel Cell & Peace Spiral Ornament
by gregvan

Geology ROCKS! Ornament
silly but it's just the right thing for some people...
Geology ROCKS! Ornament
Geology ROCKS! Ornament
by gregvan

No Nukes is Good Nukes Bumper Sticker
No Nukes is Good Nukes Bumper Sticker
No Nukes is Good Nukes Bumper Sticker
by gregvan

GO! Manned Mission to Alpha Centauri Postcard
Space Travel is just beginning. Write to your president to ask for funding of BIG NASA projects like the Manned Exploration of nearby Stars.
Manned Mission to Alpha Centauri  Postcard
Manned Mission to Alpha Centauri Postcard
by gregvan

Alien Flower Mug
please look at all sides... 
the design wraps around the coffee cup.
Click on the Picture...

Mushroom Vision ART for Sale. Original Designs Printed on Gifts: Coffee Cups, Necklaces, Mouse Pads, Buttons... Embrace Rainbow Spiralism!

Rainbow Mushroom Silver Plated Necklace
Rainbow Mushroom Silver Plated Necklace
Rainbow Mushroom Silver Plated Necklace
by gregvan

Link to All my Mushroom Gifts:

Legalize Nature Button 
a Rainbow Dancing Mushroom
Legalize Medicine Pinback Button
Legalize Medicine Pinback Button
by gregvan

Two Sided Digital Rainbow Yin Yang Symbol 
Large Tote Bag
The FRONT has a Dark Yin Yang. 
The BACK has a Light Yin Yang. 
A Hexagon Rainbow Filled Eastern 
Religion Symbol of Duality. 
One - Zero, Man - Woman, Good - Evil, Light - Dark...
Two Sided Digital Rainbow Yin Yang Symbol Large Tote Bag
Two Sided Digital Rainbow Yin Yang Symbol Large Tote Bag
by gregvan

Link to All My Yin Yang Gifts:

I love You Button
A spherical Yin Yang and Atomic Symbol. 
With editable text... 
Keep these words or write your own.
I love You Button
I love You Button
by gregvan

Yin Yang Mousepad
Yin Yang Mousepad
Yin Yang Mousepad
by gregvan

Link to All My Mouse Pads:

Plant a Tree Mouse Pad
Plant a Tree... Simple yet fun... 
with a Fractal Tree Graphic Design...

Rainbow Alternative to Atomic Hazard Symbol Ornament, Earrings, Necklaces for sale. Both sides have art - Slight Variations to the theme - Could be Worn as a Necklace...

Alternative to Atomic Hazard Symbol Ornament
Alternative to Atomic Hazard Symbol Ornament
by gregvan

Rainbow Atomic No Danger Sign Earrings for sale.

EACH EAR HAS DIFFERENT ARTWORK. Both are Variations on The Theme... NO NUKES!

ALL My Latest Products:

BLACK HAT HACKER Embroidered Hat for sale.
Slogan is Embroidered in BLACK THREAD on a BLACK HAT making it Difficult to Read... It's a JOKE!
BLACK HAT HACKER Embroidered Hat for sale.
BLACK HAT HACKER Embroidered Hat for sale.
by gregvan

Rainbow Alternative to Atomic Hazard Sign
Art designed using a Program I Wrote... Colors of the Squares is Calculated using an Algorithm.
Rainbow Alternative to Atomic Hazard Sign
Rainbow Alternative to Atomic Hazard Sign
by gregvan

Postcard for sale.
Art computed by a Javascript Program I Wrote. and then Potatoshopped in paint dot net
Rainbow Alternative to Atomic Hazard Sign Postcard
Rainbow Alternative to Atomic Hazard Sign Postcard
by gregvan

Make America Greta Again Embroidered Baseball Cap FOR SALE

Climate Change is Real and we all ought to DO SOMETHING... I don't own a Car... Rarely do I travel except I walk all over the place... every day... and... Everyone Should STOP FLYING IN JET AIRPLANES! 
Make America Greta Again Embroidered Baseball Cap
Make America Greta Again Embroidered Baseball Cap
by gregvan

Large Tote Bag - TWO SIDED! 
with different art on each side... 
Both are Variations on the Same Theme... 
Rainbow Alternative to Atomic Hazard Sign Large Tote Bag
Rainbow Alternative to Atomic Hazard Sign Large Tote Bag
by gregvan

Rainbow Atomic No Danger Sign Ornament
TWO SIDED NECKLACE - Different Art on each side - Both are Variations on the Atomic Symbol. BUT Enlightened!
Rainbow Atomic No Danger Sign Ornament
Rainbow Atomic No Danger Sign Ornament
by gregvan

Rainbow Atomic No Danger Sign Large Tote Bag
TWO SIDED ART. Each image is a Variation on the Theme... NO NUKES!
Rainbow Atomic No Danger Sign Large Tote Bag
Rainbow Atomic No Danger Sign Large Tote Bag
by gregvan

Two Sided Greeting Card - Rainbow Atomic Symbol
Different Art on each side... Unfold the card and thumbtack it to the wall... for an Automatic Visual Mantra...

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Who WAS Ram Dass? In the Sixties, He was a Psychedelics Researcher and Promoter at Harvard with Dr. Timothy Leary. (LSD, Magic Mushrooms and Peyote) Then He went to India Looking for Enlightenment and Met a Guru. Changed His Name and Published a Great Book... "Remember: Be Here Now" - It Has His Autobiography and then Many ART Drawings Explaining Eastern Religion. Real Name: Dr. Richard Alpert...

Who WAS Ram Dass? In the Sixties, He was a Psychedelics Researcher and Promoter at Harvard with Dr. Timothy Leary. (LSD, Magic Mushrooms and Peyote)

My Autobiography: Growing Up in Los Gatos, California in the 1960s by Gregory Vanderlaan - and Living in San Jose, Washington DC, Chico, Eureka and Orangevale, CA.

I Was Born in 1954. We lived Near the San Jose Airport until they Started Landing Jet Airplanes and We had to move... We went to Los Gatos in 1960. I lived there until graduation from Los Gatos High School in 1972... an Ideal Childhood... FYI: Los Gatos is about 50 miles South of San Francisco on the edge of the mountains between San Jose and Santa Cruz.

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Peace Sign Pie Chart
History of the Vietnam War. 58,000 Americans Died for Nothing... Something They Don't Teach in School Now... "Too Controversial" -

During the 1950s Americans went into a Mad Panic about Communists taking over the world. We built thousands of Nuclear Missiles and Fallout Shelters. The US Congress had witch hunts (Joe McCarthy-HUAC) to expose "Commies" who worked in The Hollywood Movie business and blacklisted folksingers that were leading our young people astray with Labor Union Organizing songs.

During the height of this hysteria Vice President Richard Nixon went on Television and explained "The Domino Principle" while pointing to a map of Asia. His theory was...


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Military Death Chart USA

AMERICA'S BOGUS WARS - Since 1945, The US Military Has Never Defended The USA, Not Even Once.

Ever since Victory in Japan, All of Our Wars have been Marketing to Sell Weapons for the Military Industrial Complex.

Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - UFO and Alien Hieroglyphics