Showing posts with label genocide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label genocide. Show all posts

Most Republicans Refuse to Take Coronavirus Vaccine. WONDERFUL! Your Death Will Make America Great!

COVID-19 has hit people in Republican-led states hardest, study finds.

The study suggests that policy differences between the two parties regarding safety measures, such as mask and social distancing policies, likely account for the disparity.

SEE? I Told You So... Just Like Smoking Tobacco, It'll Kill You!

MEME - i will survive - covid 19 shot gregory vanderlaan self
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A Side Effect of Joe Biden's 1994 Crime Bill That Caused Mass Incarceration of Black Men is... Eugenics... Genocide... REALLY!

Millions of Incarcerated Black Men Did Not Father Children. Causing a Great Whitening of The Population as Black Genes Were Locked UP.  

Women Selected White Men to Father Their Children BY DEFAULT. This is an Example of GENOCIDE... Years ago it was Called Eugenics... Whatever... White Genes were passed on to the Next Generation While Black Genes Were Prevented... Is This really that different from Mass Castration? 

Eugenics: the study of how to arrange reproduction within a human population to increase the occurrence of heritable characteristics regarded as desirable. Developed largely by Francis Galton as a method of improving the human race, it fell into disfavor only after the perversion of its doctrines by the Nazis.

Rainbow Spiral by gvan42

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and on a Different Subject: Class War
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a Letter to the Editor in Chico, CA

Partisan jabs convolute the debate?!? Politicians, bureaucrats, the ruling elite, petite bourgeoisie and professional-managerial class refuse to accept the imminent threat of ecological, economic and social collapse, and the existential threat climate change poses. Neoliberal fundamentalism is a bipartisan affair that ignores the social costs of unrestrained capital. Moreover, this naive desire for civility and both-sides-isms obscures the spectacle of an astroturf political stunt bordering on a lynch mob. That kind of irrational fear is manipulated to some pretty horrific ends, and it’s your job to undermine it.
On the subject of flaccid leadership, Huber’s letter last week was a sad technocratic defense of the indefensible. What services can we conjure without funding? Will housing magically appear because the business community finds a heart? Yeah, right.
As an affluent white man, Huber can’t see how police terrorize the exclusively poor (especially black and brown) underclass. Criminalizing poor people is wrong, even dressed with platitudes. His vote was a grotesque betrayal of his supporters who wanted a humane approach to the housing catastrophe. He’s a fool who played right into the mob’s rope-burned hands.
Steve Breedlove, Chico

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I support Bernie for president. He is the one who can decontaminate us from the autocratic self-serving Trump regime. He has some good plans for the American people that will actually see the cost go down and improve our lives.
Remember that he alone will not be able to improve our lives. We must take back the Senate and put the government in the hands of the people. The Constitution says “government of the people, by the people, for the people.” It does not say welfare of corporations and corporate farms, which amounts to corporate socialism.
As Harry Truman said, socialism is a “scare word … for almost anything that helps all the people.”
Harvey Nelson, Chico

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I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed. I build stuff out of wood and use a lot of tools. Man’s very first tool was probably a stick. Way better than our fingers for digging roots, grubs and earwax. Everything that has ever been made evolved from that first stick. We improved on it and became good at making tools, too good.
A good tool can make things. A great tool can make a lot of things. We make too many things. We are being buried by things. Tools are a means to an end, perhaps our own end. I see a deconstruction of one kind or another on the horizon and can’t help but wonder what our world would have looked like had our ancestors just held onto that first stick and we dug our graves with it instead of burying ourselves in all of the crap we’ve made.
Danny Dietz, Chico

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Though it’s a sad story, James Mark Rippee is fortunate to have such a loving family. Many out in the streets are not so lucky. As one who has worked in a state hospital in the 1970s and who has witnessed 5150s stemming from bad drugs, I have watched the debate between mandated treatment and civil liberties and seen helpful and harmful effects of both.
One concept is at the crux of it: the continuum between freedom of choice and mandated treatment. Freedom of choice is available if one isn’t a danger to themselves or others. Mandated treatment protects one from doing harm and provides medical help. This has always been the stated circumstance for a 5150: danger to self or others.
While civil liberties are a birthright, they stop when one does harm. The concept of freedom always pairs with personal responsibility. Mandated treatment helps an individual to gain the tools of education and self-advocacy leading again to self-sufficiency.
For either the medical community or law enforcement to release someone into the community who has been known to inflict harm is absolutely shirking the very responsibility they have been vested with and sworn to uphold.
Mary M. Nordskog, Paradise

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For many concerned about homelessness and unhoused humans in our community, there’s a profound conundrum: What is most humane?
Is it more humane to leave a mentally ill individual to sleep under a bush in wet clothing, or to compel them into case-managed treatment? Is it more humane to leave addicts passed out in alleys, or to require they enter treatment to overcome their addiction?
To “compel” and “require” are to coerce. Coercion is to wield control over another’s freedom, and as such comes with grave responsibility. Coercion should never be taken lightly or applied as a blanket remedy; it requires careful consideration of an individual’s situation, and the likelihood of them harming others or themselves.
Alternatively, housing first paired with supportive services, adopted by Butte County, the state of California and numerous other jurisdictions around the country, has been proven to assist many mentally ill and addicted individuals in addressing their challenges. Because it removes them from the daily struggle to survive on the street, it allows them and their service providers to focus on recovery rather than where they will sleep that night, how to protect themselves or where to get their next meal.
Scott Huber, Chico
Editor’s note: The author is a member of the Chico City Council.

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The perilous gap between mental health services and community need is easily witnessed by engaging with human beings in mental health crisis.
Like the panicked-to-terror young woman threatening suicide over the thought of being placed into a mental institution. “No, I won’t ever go back!” Or the young man who tells his case manager he doesn’t want to go to a mental health hospital, who is then released back onto the streets from his Behavioral Health hold. He ultimately bled to death impaled on a barbed wire fence.
It’s often difficult to assess who would benefit from forced care, and for whom this would be perceived as a death sentence. The starker reality is the number of mental health hospital beds are woefully insufficient to address the crisis without incarceration, which is the de facto “forced care” mental health treatment model for the seriously mental ill.
Bill Mash, Chico

"Everybody" criticizes Joe Biden for Being Wrong about the 1994 Crime bill and The Mass Incarceration of Black Men. HOWEVER...

While it is true that the EXTREME punishment for Crack Cocaine in comparison to Powdered Cocaine did lead to VAST Quantities of Black Men to be Incarcerated... Is That Good For America? Think this through... It is unlikely for a person to have children WHILE IN PRISON...  Jails Separate Inmates by SEX. Men in one Facility and Women in a Different one... The Effect is that This LAW has prevented Black GENES from reproducing. Classic GENOCIDE. Future Generations will be Whiter... as Black Women who live in the general population sometimes select White Men as Lovers... and the Black Men In Prison WILL NOT BE PART OF THE GENE POOL... So, we have to decide... Is Genocide a Good Thing? Some say That Depends on The Genes... I will let you ponder that thought. 

My Opinion: Genocide is INSANE. Let the Prisoners OUT. Make the punishment for crack equal to the punishment for Powdered Cocaine RETROACTIVELY. The Freed Prisoners will go back to their families and perhaps they will help raise their own children... get useful jobs... do something of Value to Society. AND... We will save Millions of Dollars Currently wasted on Incarceration!

GENOCIDE: The Secret Agenda behind Mass Incarceration of Black Men. It's unlikely that they will Father Children when Locked Up.

I've lived in Washington DC and Interracial couples are very common. Black people and White people are often friends and there are thousands of "Light Skinned" Children. For Example: President Obama... One White Parent and One Black Parent.

There is a trend among Law Enforcement to Sentence Black Men to longer prison sentences. Often a policeman will ignore minor drug offenses like possession of Marijuana when committed by White People... DUI, Minor in possession of Alcohol are crimes that are traditionally forgiven when done by White People... But Black people are arrested and locked up for the same crimes.

I believe it's a plan by the Ruling Class to reduce the quantity of Black People in our society.  

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