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"Everybody" criticizes Joe Biden for Being Wrong about the 1994 Crime bill and The Mass Incarceration of Black Men. HOWEVER...

While it is true that the EXTREME punishment for Crack Cocaine in comparison to Powdered Cocaine did lead to VAST Quantities of Black Men to be Incarcerated... Is That Good For America? Think this through... It is unlikely for a person to have children WHILE IN PRISON...  Jails Separate Inmates by SEX. Men in one Facility and Women in a Different one... The Effect is that This LAW has prevented Black GENES from reproducing. Classic GENOCIDE. Future Generations will be Whiter... as Black Women who live in the general population sometimes select White Men as Lovers... and the Black Men In Prison WILL NOT BE PART OF THE GENE POOL... So, we have to decide... Is Genocide a Good Thing? Some say That Depends on The Genes... I will let you ponder that thought. 

My Opinion: Genocide is INSANE. Let the Prisoners OUT. Make the punishment for crack equal to the punishment for Powdered Cocaine RETROACTIVELY. The Freed Prisoners will go back to their families and perhaps they will help raise their own children... get useful jobs... do something of Value to Society. AND... We will save Millions of Dollars Currently wasted on Incarceration!

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