Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

FREE ALL CANNABIS PRISONERS. Save the Taxpayers a Fortune Wasted on the Failed War on Drugs. RELEASE all that Entrepreneurial Talent to Jump Start the American Economy!

Legalize Weed Nationwide, TAX IT, Layoff Unneeded Police. Retrain them to be Teacher's Classroom assistants... Teach Reading, Writing and Arithmetic. Use the empty prison cells to house the homeless. GEE! THAT WAS EASY!

FREE ALL CANNABIS PRISONERS. Save the Taxpayers a Fortune Wasted on the Failed War on Drugs. RELEASE all that "ONTA PENURIAL" [entrepreneurial] Talent to Jump Start the American Economy!
Ask Yourself: Am I getting a GOOD VALUE for all that money I spend providing Food, Shelter and Beatings for all those Druggies? Is there ANY ADVANTAGE AT ALL to Warehousing People for a Crime that ISN'T EVEN ILLEGAL ANYMORE? WHAT THE FUCT ARE WE DOING???

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