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Article entitled "The Dark Side of the Rainbow Gathering" - Basically True - I MET THIS LADY AT THE UTAH RAINBOW GATHERING. She was easy to avoid because she was YELLING loudly all the time

I saw her and Just walked on the other side of the path... I Briefly considered giving her cough drops because she had a sore throat from all that yelling but... I didn't... SO, This article has some validity. However... AFTER I walked on down the trail, I never saw her again... and I DID meet some wonderful people! "Leilani Garcia was arrested Monday for allegedly stabbing a man at the Rainbow Gathering camp. Photo courtesy of the Heber City Police Department."

Another part of this article was about drug abuse and overdoses.. Yes, that part is true also... When I was ready to leave I gave a couple of kids a ride to the Emergency room of the Heber City Hospital... They said that they had taken a helicopter ride to the hospital earlier that week... I believe their story... Some of the new Psychedelics are scary... Many have been invented recently and might be a Horrible experience... Another teenager told me that one of them keeps you high for three days... JUST TOO MUCH!

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