Showing posts with label fund. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fund. Show all posts

Bring Our Soldiers Home From Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia. There is NO VALID MISSION. #DefundThePentagon --- Refund That Wasted Money to the Taxpayers.

Whatever Happens Next is TOTALLY UNIMPORTANT... "Those People Over There Ought To Solve Their Own Problems. OR NOT! It's Their Country..." - Quotations of Benjamin Ghazi a QAnon Baker.

Pentagon or Pentagram? - Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan
Pentagon or Pentagram?
Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 

Pentagon or Pentagram? - Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan

Find the Cure... for Compulsive Hoarding of Money Syndrome... MEME by gvan42
Help Find the Cure...
for Compulsive Hoarding of Money Syndrome... 

Green Forest brand Toilet Paper is an alternative to Koch Brothers products. 100% recycled. Remember: Koch Brothers are In Favor of EVIL...

Sure, we may want to boycott Brawny and Angel Soft but... what are the choices?

Green Forest was Formerly owned by Georgia-Pacific, now owned by Planet Inc. Planet was founded in 1989 by Stefan Jacob, who at the time, was living on a small island near Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Tea Party Patriots, Americans For Prosperity, Americans for Tax Reform, National Taxpayers Union, Club for Growth, Heritage Action, Senate Conservatives Fund, Campaign for Liberty, Young Americans for Freedom, Young Americans for Liberty, FreedomWorks, Tea Party Express, Tea Party Nation, National Tea Party Federation

Every time you wipe with AngelSoft, you help fund these political organizations.

Green New Deal - Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42

There Is an Unstoppable Movement To Legalize Marijuana Nationwide, Tax It and Free All the Cannabis Prisoners... and Then... Let's Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics... Let Doctors and Patients Decide For Themselves What Treatment is Best. Get Corrupt Politicians OUT of the Doctor's Office. They KNOW NOTHING About Medicine! They are Just Puppets of Big Pharma.

tRUMP Fired the Entire Pandemic Response Team in 2018... INSANE! #TrumpVirus Has Killed 150,000* Americans SO FAR... More than World War One, 9/11 and Charles Manson Combined! (Death Total as of 7/29/2020)


Release All The Cannabis Prisoners and Use the Money Currently Wasted on Incarceration to FUND SCHOOLS. That's a Smart Approach to Marijuana!

Why keep people in jail for a plant that's now legal? Why PAY $40,000 a year per prisoner for a law that was simply wrong? 

The campaign for legalization is working due to the tireless efforts of people that use social media... Thanks for helping out... 

Release all Cannabis Prisoners - 
Free Art - Copy and Paste it if you want to.

Goofy Text Art Man Bicycle Playing Cards FOR SALE.
MirrorFun Cartoon of a Text Art Man on a Lightning Bolt Background...

Legalize Marijuana Nationwide - FREE Coloring Book ART - Simply Print the Drawings and GO Wild With Felt Pens, Pencils, Crayons or Potatoshop.

Marijuana Leaf - FREE coloring book ART
Marijuana Leaf - FREE coloring book ART

FREE ALL CANNABIS PRISONERS Free Coloring Book by Greg Vanderlaan
420 - Cannabis Leaf - FREE Coloring Book by Greg Vanderlaan
420 - Cannabis Leaf

 Marijuana Leaf Coloring Book Art by Greg Vanderlaan gvan42
Marijuana Leaf Coloring Book Art
Merry Xmas or Merry Wanna? Coloring Book ART by gvan42
Merry Xmas or Merry Wanna? Coloring Book ART
Dancing Text Art Man by Greg Vanderlaan Free Coloring Book Art
Dancing Text Art Man 
Free All Cannabis Prisoners by Greg Vanderlaan Free Coloring Book Art
Free All Cannabis Prisoners
by Greg Vanderlaan Free Coloring Book Art
Mr Text Art Man Goes to Outer Space by Greg Vanderlaan
Mr Text Art Man Goes to Outer Space
at Google Image Search using the Keywords: 
gvan42 free coloring book 

Evil Betsy DeVos interviewed at the "Fund for American Studies" Meeting on CSPAN - a group promoting "Education Freedom Scholarships" - Creepy Name! - They are Likely to be in favor of the EXACT OPPOSITE of what the words mean. NEWSPEAK 1984

It has to be all about stealing money and creating uneducated robot children who believe the Republicrime lies... Christians? leader Roger Ream asked her questions. 

They are in favor of  "School Choice" - Likely Government funding for people to buy tuition at schools without MINORITY GROUPS. Doing what's right for kids... and we know exactly what is right. 

She is Working to close the Department of Education. Make it State and Local, no Federal Education Department. Allow LOCAL discrimination... Racism friendly State and Local Control. 

Betsy is Fighting Education about Socialism - Capitalism ROCKS! The discussion about Socialism vs Capitalism is disturbing - mostly due to ignorance... or a LACK of enough BRAINWASHING... Betsy is promoting the "nextgen initiative" - "reform" of FAFSA Funding for student loans... 

...and there are JUST TO MANY liberal teachers and not enough Republicans. "Intellectual Diversity" promoting free exchange of ridiculous ideas via Trump's Executive Order on FREE SPEECH... [Legalizing Julian Assange? - not likely] 

They all report of the wonders of the "University of Chicago Principles" - whatever that is... 

Roger Ream laughingly says "Protests of Evil Betsy DeVos are probably done by PAID PROTESTERS." He just says it as if it was true... WHERE IS MY FREAKING PAYCHECK??? The All White Audience Loved Evil Betsy DeVos... 

~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~

Teach for America foundation funded by the Walton Family (WALMART) pays $4,000 to fund teachers in Public Schools but $6,000 for Charter School Teachers. 

Jon Stewart slams Mitch McConnell over 9/11 victim fund on Stephen Colbert's show... STEVEN COX IS RUNNING AGAINST EVIL MITCH FOR SENATE IN KENTUCKY.

Link To Steven Cox for Senate Campaign:

Jon Stewart went after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert" on Monday to urge him to usher through passage of the 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund.
Stewart and first responders had testified before a congressional panel last week to discuss the need to reauthorize the fund, which was set up after the 9/11 terrorist attacks to help pay for medical and economic losses as a result of the terrorist attacks. Now, 18 years later, it’s running out of money and has to make steep cuts to its payments unless it’s reauthorized.
During the segment, Stewart appears from beneath Colbert's desk to address McConnell, the Kentucky Republican. He started by addressing comments McConnell had made during a Fox News interview on Monday. McConnell had said, "many things in Congress happen at the last minute...we will address it again. I don't know why he's all bent out of shape," referring to Stewart. 

NSA Whistleblower Jailed - He Leaked Drone Airplane Killing Secrets - Espionage Act - 50 year sentence - The Intercept Newspaper - Press Freedom Defense Fund - James Risen
“IT’S LIKE POKING THE BEAR”: LEAKED DRONE-WARS DOCUMENTS LEAD TO A THIRD INDICTMENT OF APPARENT INTERCEPT SOURCE... Insiders say the arrest highlights the risks of publishing full documents. But “the whole leak-investigation process has been politicized under Trump.”
Former Air Force intelligence analyst charged with leaking Obama-era drone secrets
Court documents said the analyst gave classified documents to a reporter that were published on a news site federal officials have confirmed was The Intercept.

Mom's Clean Air Force... A Citizens Group Dedicated to Closing Coal Fired Power Plants and Fighting Air Pollution in Every Way. End Fracking... Please Share This Information with Trump Supporters... Their Children BREATHE! and Trump is In Favor of Coal and Rolling Back Automobile Emission Standards... Increasing Air Pollution...
Moms Clean Air Force is a community of moms and dads united against air pollution – including the urgent crisis of our changing climate – to protect our children’s health. We arm members with reliable information and solutions through online resources, articles, action tools and on-the-ground events... a special project of Environmental Defense Fund.
The 1948 Donora smog was a historic air inversion that resulted in a wall of smog that killed 20 people and caused respiratory problems for 6,000 people of the 14,000 population of Donora, Pennsylvania,[2] a mill town on the Monongahela River 24 miles (39 km) southeast of Pittsburgh. The event is commemorated by the Donora Smog Museum.

An Air Inversion Traps Pollution in a Bubble... Killing People... Like the London Fog that Killed 12,000 People... Remember, The Entire Earth is a Bubble... When we Burn Coal and Gas and Oil the Air Pollution STAYS HERE until Rain washes the smog out of the sky and INTO THE CREEKS...
TELL CONGRESS: SPEAK OUT AGAINST THE TRUMP EPA POISONING OUR BABIES’ BRAINS. Trump’s EPA — under the leadership of acting head, Andrew Wheeler — has hit its lowest, most cynical level in its radical agenda to destroy protections against pollution.

EPA has launched a process to sabotage and ultimately destroy our Mercury and Air Toxics Standards. These are protections that keep a terrible poison from harming our babies' brains. This is a terrifying development because of what it means for our health. It’s also terrifying because it shows that Trump's EPA will stop at nothing to protect polluter profits.

This is an outrage — urge your representatives to speak out against EPA's attack on the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards.

Republican Senators #RUNAWAY from Trump. They Refuse to support "Emergency" to Fund Border Wall Construction... Refuse to ask American Taxpayers to Pay...

Why Didn't they Fund the Wall during Trump's first Two Years? They had control of The House AND the Senate BUT FAILED TO AUTHORIZE PAYMENT... WHY? Because The Majority of Americans DO NOT WANT TO PAY FOR A WALL... It would be Political Suicide to Fund Construction...

Wasn't Mexico Going to Pay For the Wall? PROMISES MADE, PROMISES BROKEN...

We should Teach Nursing and Computer Science at Humboldt State University. Approve Funding for Practical Majors.

We need to fund the Nursing Department at Humboldt State University in Arcata, California. Currently, a person cannot study to become a nurse here... I predict that in the future we will need nurses. No BS degree offered.

Also restore the computer science department... I predict that computers will become popular and students that have CS degrees will be able to get jobs... really... Why NOT teach practical and useful skills at school.

After graduation with a BS CIS, I immediately got a job at the County of Humboldt. I used a computer all day every day interviewing clients and entering their data. Then I used the computers to determine eligibility and what benefits clients would receive. I learned how to use a computer at HSU and would not have gotten the job without this knowledge. I also became the "go to" guy when other employees were having trouble with their computers. I wrote a series of step by step instructional emails for troubleshooting common problems. When a co-worker called me, stumped... I just emailed the solution and became the Hero for the Day...

You may apply for work at:

Single Payer Medicare for all Americans paid for by cutting Defense Spending.

If we simply stopped funding the F-35 bomber project we could afford healthcare for everyone. This airplane is a total waste of taxpayer dollars as the Pentagon plans to only buy 60 airplanes...

I oppose building "The Wall" prototypes near San Diego wasting $20 Million. The People of the USA will NEVER fund building the Mexico Wall ever.

We will be left with walls to nowhere. Permanent structures of Absurdist Sculpture that future generations can point to and laugh at how crazy we were. These prototypes will be the only structures built ever and a lasting insult to sanity.

Prototypes of what new sections of a wall on the Mexican border might look like should be completed by late summer, a Department of Homeland Security official said Tuesday.
Ronald Vitiello, acting deputy commissioner of Customs and Border Protection, said up to eight prototypes will be up by September so that DHS can decide which design is best for building hundreds of miles of new barrier along the border, as called for by President Trump.

Fund the Manned Mission to Alpha Centauri. It's Our Destiny.

It's our Destiny... To Colonize Space. We could afford Epic Voyages to the Stars if we simply stopped funding stupid stuff... We ought to be colonizing space, contacting ET and become part of the galaxy wide community... Instead we spend our money arresting people for marijuana... a totally worthless expanse. We fund wars over oil... and who's "invisible friend" is better... Absurd. 

Support the Manned Mission to Alpha Centauri
Like a Noah's Ark for Colonizing Space.

It should have the ability to grow its own food and take many seeds to plant at the colony we build for permanent settlement.

Remember to take:
Humans (Women, Men and Children)
Animals... Elephants, Giraffes, Cats and Dogs... Everything except Rats,  Mosquitos and Cockroaches... include Spiders and Ants... could be useful...
Plants... Corn, Trees, Wheat and Marijuana. Bring enough so that the trees can produce oxygen for breathing.
Fish... There be Whales, Captain... Dolphins, Tuna, Trout...
and those brightly colored Tropical Fish... I just like them.
Birds... after all, where would we get bird poop if we forgot to bring birds?

Spare Parts and the ability to build spare parts we forgot to bring...
Satellite Dish communication to the Internet.

The spaceship we build to colonize the stars has to be complete. If we forget to bring coffee plants or pizza... sorry... no delivery service available.

Hospital facilities. Especially important to hire pediatricians to deliver children and help them survive.

Other essential plants. Opium Poppies for chronic pain. Magic Mushrooms for mental health...

The design of the spaceship should include artificial gravity.  Easy to implement as the ship will be accelerating for half the voyage and decelerating for the other half. Assuming that it may take a very long time to get to Alpha Centauri, it would be very healthful for the astronauts to be able to visit a planet if one is found and not have their bones destroyed by lack of gravity. This is especially important for people born in space.

There ought to be research laboratories for creating new life forms. DNA. Genetic Engineering. What if, when we get there a new type of life form is needed to survive the bizarre climate of the new world? Something that breathes methane for example...  Well, unless we are able to change the climate of the new world...
It would be handy to change the lifeforms we bring to be compatible with what we find there. This would be a fine place to experiment with designing better humans... The basic flaw with Genetically Modified Humans is... What if they don't like us? A trend of life is to reproduce your own DNA without concern for all other DNA... What if they decided that there were too many old style humans and reduced the population from 7 billion to 100,000 people. That would help with problems caused by pollution and consumption. If we did our GM far away from here, there would be less opportunity for trouble.

and bring many single celled organisms... if all else fails, life can evolve from that.

Since the journey to Alpha Centauri will take a very long time, keeping the voyagers busy and sane is essential. They could do astronomy as the visibility far away from the sun would be better due to a dark sky. They could also actively try to contact aliens. If there was a ring of bright LED lights all around the spaceship, they could blink on and off in non-random patterns... For Example: a Fibonacci sequence or simply counting up... Any alien that observed such lights might conclude that they were odd and go investigate. The LEDs could broadcast in Visible light, infra-red and ultra-violet so they would be more visible to aliens that have eyes different than ours.

Also: astronauts could be kept busy writing songs, art and books and then beaming the results back to Earth. This will become more difficult as time goes on. The Star Alpha Centauri is 4 light years away... That's a slow internet connection...
What if we visit Kepler-186f, the newly discovered earth-like planet?
Too far away for easy access. 490 light years...
Should we contact any life forms that already live there before bringing in our own DNA? Certainly we don't want to kill them all off by introducing a human style disease... We made that mistake when Europeans colonized America.

Comments? email me at gregvan[at]yahoo[dot]com
or just comment on this blog post...
We Have the Technology...
We Just Need the Funding...

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Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - UFO and Alien Hieroglyphics