Showing posts with label Tecas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tecas. Show all posts

Eight of the Top Ten States with the Highest Murder Rates are Republican states... The GOP Crazy Gun Laws Cause Death!

Look at our state of California vs. states controlled by Republican governors. Take Texas and Florida as random examples. 
California, lower murder rates per capita than Texas and Florida. 
California, lower violent crime and property crime rate per capita than Texas and Florida. 
California, almost two-times lower gun death rate than Texas and Florida.
As Democrats, we watch these culture wars take shape on the right and we’re constantly on the defense, regardless of the facts.

It’s time to take it to the Republicans on this issue.
Because it is the laws and policies in states led by Republican governors that contribute to higher per capita violent crime and murder rates than states led by their Democratic counterparts.

Thank you,
Gavin Newsom
GOP Equals FAIL - Murder Rate Higher in Red States than Blue States

President Biden's Accomplishments So Far...
  1. Signed the Inflation Reduction Act 

  2. Improved health care for veterans 

  3. Signed the CHIPS and Science Act

  4. Took historic action to address the gun violence epidemic 

  5. Restored American leadership on the world stage

  6. Ended America’s longest war 

  7. Took action to address gender-based violence 

  8. Passed the American Rescue Plan 

  9. Biggest year of job growth in American history

  10. Took action to combat COVID-19

  11. Passed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

  12. Took action to combat the climate crisis and reduce emissions

  13. Expanded health care to millions of Americans

  14. Nominated and confirmed historic judicial nominees 

  15. Took big steps toward a future made in America

  16. Pardoned Marijuana Prisoners

Red State Murder Problem. They Have a 40% Higher Rate Than Blue States

The Red State Murder Problem... 

  • The rate of murders in the US has gone up at an alarming rate. But, despite a media narrative to the contrary, this is a problem that afflicts Republican-run cities and states as much or more than the Democratic bastions.
  • In 2020, per capita murder rates were 40% higher in states won by Donald Trump than those won by Joe Biden.
  •  8 of the 10 states with the highest murder rates in 2020 voted for the Republican presidential nominee in every election this century.

Republican CAUGHT LYING AGAIN! Herschel Walker is a Classic TrumpNik® Totally ANTI-CHOICE Until It's HIS Girlfriend That Wants an Abortion... Then He'll GLADLY PAY for It!

I'm Looking Forward to the TrumpNiks® CIVIL WAR... The USA Will Win and We Will Arrest About 10,000 Traitors for Treason... Wonderful! We Have Already Locked UP 910 Insurrectionists for Failing to Overthrow the USA on January 6th... and More Arrests are Coming! 

#ArrestTrump - Contact the DOJ and Tell 'em to Enforce The Law! #LockHimUP - Here's the Link to Email the Department of Justice.

They Won't Outlaw Crime 
Unless You Tell 'em:

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

On FaceBorg SE Said: 
Are we becoming the movie Wall-E? I've never seen it, but I understand it depicts a future in which people have become obese and helpless as robots cater to their every whim. I feel like this is happening already. If someone never wants to leave their house, they no longer have to because we can now have everything delivered. It used to be that if you needed something or wanted something, you had to put in a certain amount of physical effort to go and get it. Even if what you wanted was food, it used to be that the only food you could get delivered was pizza. Now you can get EVERYTHING delivered. Combine this with the fact that many people now work from home, and we've already got a huge number of people who simply never leave the house. Maybe they don't even leave their bed. I understand that this is great for people who are disabled, but I'm not talking about disabled people. I'm talking about people who are perfectly capable of getting up and expending the minimal amount of energy required to go and get something rather than having that thing come to them. I know I've ranted on and on about how I'd rather go get stuff than have it delivered because I don't like to pay extra for unnecessary things, so I don't want to pay extra for delivery charges or fees when I'm perfectly capable of going and getting the thing myself and saving myself from having to pay those unneccesary extra fees. But it's not just about the money. I don't like just sitting around all the time. I like having a reason to go expend a little bit of energy here and there, even if it's just to go to the store or to go pick up food. I don't want to live a life where I just lay around and have everything done for me. If I can do it myself, why wouldn't I? If I don't get out of the house at least once a day, I feel like I'm going crazy. And when it comes to shopping, I like going and finding the thing I want to buy. I know it's all available online, but there is a certain satisfaction in finding it in the wild. Those of you who are around my age or older, you remember how much fun it used to be to shop for records...and if you were looking for a rare record, how thrilling it was to finally find it. That thrill is lost now that you can just click a mouse and have whatever you want delivered to your door. It's satisfying to put in a bit of effort to get something, plus it forces you to have to get up off your bed and actually move around, and that's something that benefits all of us. Movies are another thing that used to require a slight output of energy. If you wanted to see a movie, you had to physically go to a theater to see it. But now, most movies are available to stream at home, so it's another reason you don't have to expend even a modicum of energy.
There's a reason why people were thinner in past decades. The less energy we have to expend in our daily life, the larger we become.

and I Responded:
I have Care Givers that do All Tasks... They Shop for food, cook, serve and do the dishes. They Take out the trash, do laundry, and remind me to take my pills... We have Gardeners to Take care of the Outside of the House... Moving the lawn, trimming the rose bushes... I have a Guy that Invests my Money... another guy that pays my bills and a third guy that files my taxes... This lifestyle leaves me with ZERO Tasks... But I do get exercise by walking around the neighborhood... It's a Great Life... Totally Wall E...

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