Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Google Search is indexing fewer and fewer of my blog posts. How can I fix this problem? I used to have thousands of blog posts indexed but now, 38...

I post words and pictures... On a wide variety of subjects... Very few videos... I put those on my YouTube channel... It used to be that Google indexed thousands of my blog posts but every day they index fewer... 

Solar power meme free artwork by gvan42

I did notice that one day they visited my blog 15,000 times... I assume they scrubbed it to add data to their AI machine... 

In general, Google search displays an AI overview first... And if you're asking a question, they answer it... And there's no need for you to visit an actual web page... Written by someone who is not employed by Google... Unless you're looking for more information or a different opinion... 

Google image search does have a lot of my content indexed... 

And most of the other search engines use the results from the Bing bot... Famous for being bad quality... 

AI is a waste of Electricity. AI does nothing to improve my life and now they want to restart Atomic power plants so that corporations can make more money, Lay off people and replace them with robots... 

AI is a disaster so far... And soon to become much worse... I keep on seeing advertisements on television saying that you can download an open source version of artificial intelligence... That means that any programmer... Can make it do whatever they want to... Including programmers from North Korea... And Criminals that want to steal money from people...

And then some guy said: "Remember when we were hearing the same thing about water cooled mainframes?"

No, I don't remember people complaining about water-cooled mainframes... I started working in computers in 1975 when Mini computers were popular... The PDP 11 in the VAX... but I have a feeling that you're correct... People are always whining about something... Endless whining... I do remember that selling blank tape and cassette recorders was going to ruin the music industry because people would just record songs off the radio...

Google search indexing problem - meme - gvan42

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