Our war in Afghanistan has increased the production of opium therefore increasing US deaths due to heroin overdoses.

The USA consumes 80% of the world's heroin. If we simply got out of Afghanistan and let the people there run their own country the Opium Crop would be reduced as it's against the Koran to grow it... Trump is Right - We are Losing the War. We ought to simply surrender just like we did in Vietnam and Nicaragua. That would reduce US deaths from Heroin and Soldier Suicide.

As you can see from the UN Chart above our war has increased the crop yield: Up to the year 2000 the Russians were at war in Afghanistan. Then in 2001 the people of Afghanistan ruled their own country. Then the USA invaded and crop production increased. Most of that Opium eventually comes to America and kills people here.

Americans Use 80% of the World’s Opioid Supply


The Stock Market is at an all time high. That's fantastic for people rich enough to have money to invest.

The top 20% of the people in the USA are reaping the rewards of Trump's Bubble. The bottom 80% are struggling to make ends meet working at low paying jobs. Trump's Stock Market Bubble is all based on the expectation of Giant Tax Cuts for the Rich. I hope he get's that law passed before he is impeached. There is no guarantee that President Pence has the same agenda. Trump's "base" [the top 1%] is not necessarily the same as Mike Pence's.

I wonder how people are supposed to protect their invested money during the inevitable crash that will follow the bubble... Will the government have to bail out the Bank of America again like it did at the end of the Bush Presidency?

Trump's Place in History is Now Secure. He signed the Russian Sanctions Bill despite Putin's Anger.

Great Job, Donald. Like JFK and going to the Moon or MLK and the "I Have a Dream Speech", Donald Trump will forever be remembered for the Russian Sanctions Bill that punishes them for meddling with our Presidential election in 2016.

History is sometimes like this... The Magna Carta was Signed by King John and has turned out to be one of the best documents in the History of the world. King John didn't want to sign the Magna Carta and Donald Trump didn't want to sign the Russian Sanctions Bill but both were faced with a power greater than themselves forcing correct action.


Let's get out of Afghanistan. Trump's Right, we're losing... just like we lost Vietnam and Nicaragua...

If we leave Afghanistan, those people over there will figure out solutions to their own problems. OR... Maybe they won't. How could we possibly care? We have problems of our own and the era of the USA being the Daddy of the world is over. Those people over there have to get along without our help... We went to war in Afghanistan because the Afghan people needed our help fighting the bizarro-world Islamic FUN-da-Mental-Twists... As it turned out, dropping bombs on their country did not help at all and actually helped recruit people to Freedom Fighter [Terrorist] organizations. Who wouldn't want to fight against destructo robots in the sky [drones] raining death? If some foreign country bombed MY home town, I'd be angry too. Have you seen photographs of Mosul? If freedom=devastation, most people would decline. The wars in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Yemen and Afghanistan are simply evil marketing schemes to sell weapons to the Pentagon... Big profit for easy work.  I read now that ISIS has spread to the Philippine Islands... This war between the Christianity and Islam has been going on for a Thousand years and is likely to continue for a thousand more. It's a waste of taxpayer dollars and American lives to continue this pointless fight.

Compulsive Hoarding of Money Syndrome CAN BE CURED.

While the historical solutions of the USA in 1776 and France in 1789 appear appealing on first glance, they would simply not work in a global economy of 2017. A 12 step program might be more efficient. Greed Freaks Anonymous can help the most absurdly addicted capitalists.

Tax Cuts for ALL! It can be paid for by debt and letting our great grandchildren worry about the bill later.

That's Trumps Plan. Coming soon to Congress: Raising the national debt ceiling and what they jokingly call "Tax Reform". What that means is a vast tax cut for the 1% and a small tax cut for the 99%. It's a Win-Win plan! Just like getting a brand new credit card, we can spend NOW NOW NOW and worry about paying back the loan later... Is it possible for the entire country to declare bankruptcy? That's a great way to avoid paying your bills... Trump's done it four (4) times!

"Make America Hate Again" - It's ABSURD to Blame Immigrants for all our troubles....

The Federal Police force called ICE is stopping and questioning anyone who looks like an illegal alien. That means Latinos... Including people that were born in the USA. Including people who's Great Great Great Grandfathers were born in the USA. Since California was settled by Europeans from Spain in the 1769 and most of the cities were named for Saints in the Catholic Church it seems absurd to blame all our troubles on Latinos. San Jose, Santa Barbara, San Diego, San Francisco and Los Angeles are words from the Spanish Language. Viva Junipero Serra, the father of California. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jun%C3%ADpero_Serra

The new bill designed to reduce the number of legal immigrants by half delights Trump supporters but is rejected by big business. Who will harvest the crops of California if we don't have Mexicans do the work? Corporations that hire Mexicans are GLAD to have them here. Hungry? Eat some grapes... Caesar Chaves will look down upon you from Heaven and smile.

The plan to build a Wall to protect us from "those people over there" has a mega failure history. Consider the Great Wall of China. It was built to keep people on one side safe from people on the other side yet... There are Chinese people on BOTH SIDES now.

Consider the Berlin Wall... It didn't work so good after all... Why not spend our time and money repairing our Infrastructure? Another "Promise Made, Promise Broken". When will Trump accomplish anything? Anything at all? HUH?

It's troubling that The Trump White House staff leaks so much information to the press.

I see in the news that the countries of Mexico and Australia did not leak the content of phone calls between Trump and their Presidents. No, it was employees of Trump that did the dirty deed. NOW, AG Jeff Sessions wants to restrict freedom of the press because of these leaks. It will be an interesting battle as Jeff Bezos, the owner of Amazon and the Washington Post probably has more power than Donald Trump. A true clash of Titans. Are corporations bigger and badder than countries? Long Live Freedom of the Press! Especially Wordpress, Facebook and Blogger!

Did you notice that some guy got 20 years in prison for what he posted to Facebook? He was an "Islamic Terrorist" who posted words encouraging people to kill US soldiers... Yes, THAT guy should go to jail but... it's an interesting question... are MY posts too extreme? are Your tweets a felony? Can words on a social media page be a crime?
I also see that ExxonMobil wants to drill for oil in Siberia. The Russians supposedly have more oil there that the Saudi Arabians have in the Middle East.  Rex Tillerson, the Secretary of State and Donald Trump would LOVE to do business with the Russians... However, the US Congress has no vested interest in doing business with Russia so they passed a Sanctions law punishing the Country of Russia for interfering with our 2016 election. Trump HAS finally accomplished a major legislative victory by signing the Russian Sanctions Bill. His place in US History is now secure... Just like JFK and going to the moon, MLK and the I Have a Dream Speech, Donald Trump will forever be remembered for The Russian Sanctions Bill. It really pissed off Vladimir Putin. Trump FINALLY found the courage to stand up to Putin. Great Job, Donald.

I wonder if Trump would have won without Russian help...

Legalize Marijuana Nationwide and
Free All the Cannabis Prisoners

Do we really want to hand over control of our computer systems to a Russian Businessman? Federal Government says NO.

UPDATE: Kaspersky Lab Antivirus Software Is Ordered Off U.S. Government Computers.
The federal government moved on Wednesday to wipe from its computer systems any software made by a prominent Russian cybersecurity firm, Kaspersky Lab, that is being investigated by the F.B.I. for possible links to Russian security services. Posted 9/13/17

Posted 8/4/17:
Supposedly Kaspersky's early KGB training ended when he started his own business but... What IF... What if Putin asked Kaspersky to upload a ransomware style attack on the USA? As a bargaining chip in the Sanctions debate... We recently saw an attack on the Ukraine with a virus that pretended to be ransomware but was actually just designed to destroy data... Frankly, I recommend buying your antivirus software from an American Company... Norton, PC-Matic or McAfey...

An anti virus program has access to all sections of your computer and receives frequent updates. This is the basic definition of a Trojan Horse. Here is a free gift from Mr. Kaspersky...


I saw Eugene Kaspersky on TV being interviewed by MSNBC... He seems like a nice man and appears to be trustworthy. However, he does live in Moscow and that's because he is a Russian Patriot. He could live anywhere in the world and manage his business online but... He has selected Moscow because it's a great city! He could live in Tahiti, Monaco or NYC or even LA but those locations do not appeal to him.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugene_Kaspersky

What IF... Well, it's simply too late to worry about this because his programs are already installed on Millions of Computers... Have a nice day.

State Dept. Declines to use $80 million in funds to fight Russian Propaganda. I guess it's up to bloggers like me to fight Russian Propaganda.

Remember, if the story is from RT, FOX or Sputnik... It's very likely to be FALSE. Beware of their "news" because they are trying to brainwash you... That's how Trump became Putin's Puppet. Donald Trump is a victim of MKULTRA style Soviet Mind Control program. OOPS, Just Joking!

"Rex Tillerson Rejects $80 Million From Congress to Fight Russian Propaganda Because It Would Anger Moscow."


Legalize Marijuana Nationwide bill introduced in the US Senate. Honorable Cory Booker author.

The US Senate has an opportunity to Legalize Marijuana and Release all Cannabis Prisoners. This would increase tax dollars flowing into the US Treasury and reduce payments for incarceration. It's a Win-Win bill for the American People. Does Legal Weed help with the Opioid Addiction Death crisis? Would there be less use of actually dangerous drugs like OxyContin and heroin if there was a safer alternative? Watch Senator Cory Booker as a valid candidate for President in 2020. He just might win!

"U.S. Sen. Cory Booker is proposing a far-reaching bill that would both legalize marijuana at the federal level and encourage states to legalize it locally through incentives.
The New Jersey Democrat’s bill, called the Marijuana Justice Act, has virtually no chance of passage in the Republican-controlled Congress and in a presidential administration that’s decidedly anti-marijuana. "

"Sen. Cory Booker Wants to Make Marijuana Legal Across U.S.— Could That Curb Opioid Epidemic?" - "I've seen a lot of very compelling preliminary data that shows there is a drop in opioid overdoses in areas that have better access to marijuana," Booker said in a phone interview with NBC News on Tuesday, adding that he looked forward to seeing more research.

Donald Trump: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire. CAUGHT on tape. Verified by Sarah Huckabee Sanders

The President of Mexico says he didn't call Trump at all last week. Trump claimed he called and congratulated Trump for the great job Trump was doing on illegal immigration.

The Head of the Boy Scouts says he didn't call Trump at all Last Week. Trump says the boy scout called to tell Trump that Trump gave the greatest speech ever at the jamboree.


Sarah Huckabee Sanders verified that Trump Lied.

---------------------- (~);-} -----------------------

Last week, President Trump gave a highly partisan speech to the quadrennial Boy Scout Jamboree that a leader of the organization later ended up apologizing for. Not withing standing that apology, Trump maintains that his speech was “great” and that the Boy Scouts told him so:

President Trump said the head of the Boy Scouts called his recent address “the greatest speech that was ever made to them,” days before the chief scout executive apologized for the president’s remarks.
Trump faced criticism for the speech last Monday, which many saw as inappropriately political for the jamboree setting.
Trump denied to The Wall Street Journal that there was any “mixed” reaction to his speech, noting the standing ovations from the crowd. His comments to the Journal were first made public in a transcript of the interview Politico published Tuesday.
“And I got a call from the head of the Boy Scouts saying it was the greatest speech that was ever made to them, and they were very thankful,” Trump said. “So there was — there was no mix.”

The Boy Scouts, however, are basically denying that any such call took place:

Read more: http://www.outsidethebeltway.com/donald-trump-is-a-serial-liar-even-when-it-comes-to-trivial-issues/#ixzz4odLMKHiH


Trump Financial Crimes: $10 million dollar fine for Money Laundering at Casino. SOHO Tower & The Russians.

Special prosecutor Robert Mueller is looking into Financial Crimes committed by Donald Trump and collusion with the Russians during the Hacking of the US Election of 2016.

FinCEN Fines Trump Taj Mahal Casino Resort $10 Million for Significant and Long Standing Anti-Money Laundering Violations

WASHINGTON, DC – The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) today imposed a $10 million civil money penalty against Trump Taj Mahal Casino Resort (Trump Taj Mahal), for willful and repeated violations of the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA). In addition to the civil money penalty, the casino is required to conduct periodic external audits to examine its anti-money laundering (AML) BSA compliance program and provide those audit reports to FinCEN and the casino’s Board of Directors.

The Trump Taj Mahal casino broke anti-money laundering rules 106 times in its first year and a half of operation in the early 1990s, according to the IRS in a 1998 settlement agreement.
It's a bit of forgotten history that's buried in federal records held by an investigative unit of the Treasury Department, records that congressional committees investigating Trump's ties to Russia have obtained access to, CNN has learned.

Financial-Crimes Monitor to Share Records in Trump-Russia ProbeSenate committee requested the data from Treasury’s FinCEN

Dirty money: Trump and the Kazakh connection FT probe finds evidence a Trump venture has links to alleged laundering network

 A Financial Times investigation has found evidence that one Trump venture has multiple ties to an alleged international money laundering network. Title deeds, bank records and correspondence show that a Kazakh family accused of laundering hundreds of millions of stolen dollars bought luxury apartments in a Manhattan tower part-owned by Mr Trump and embarked on major business ventures with one of the tycoon’s partners.

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