Solar, Wind and Hydro are Cheaper, Faster to Build and Safer... The Only Good Thing about Nuclear Power is It PROVIDES PEOPLE WITH JOBS MAKING YOUTUBE VIDEOS PROMOTING NUCLEAR POWER... No Actual Work in Engineering New Plants... Plenty of Work Cleaning Up Old Plants When They Close... Look at the Disaster at Vogtle. Over Budget, Late...
I Saw a Video on Youtube That Asked the Question: Do we Need Nuclear Energy to Stop Climate Change? Answer: No.
The Engineers at PG&E, SoCal Edison and SMUD have Completely Abandoned Nuclear Power. WHY ARE THE EXPERTS REJECTING THIS FAILED TECHNOLOGY? Because it Costs $9.2 Billion Dollars to Clean up Diablo Canyon and San Onofre... Solar, Wind and Hydro are VASTLY CHEAPER and SAFER... The REAL People That sign REAL Construction Contracts for Power Plants all say NO NUKES! What About all that Solid Waste that Has to Be Stored Safely for 10,000 Years? HUH? Got a CLUE about What we should do with that?
Generate Electricity and Clean Drinking Water AT THE SAME TIME. A Solar Powered Desalinization Plant Would Convert Seawater into Energy, Pure H2O and NaCl. Please Pass this Idea on to Your Elected officials... Massive Federal Funding Needed.
Link to Your US Senators: Link to Your US House Representative:
NO NUKES! Biden's Infrastructure Plan Includes Taxpayer Funding for Nuclear Power Plants. THAT'S CRAZY!
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"No Nukes! President Biden Admits That There Will Be Funding for Nuclear Power Plants included in the Infrastructure Bill. That's Insane. The Rest of the Bill Sounds Great but... Spending Taxpayer Money on a Technology that has been Proven to be a Failure is Not Wise. The Engineers at PG&E, SMUD and SoCal Edison Have Completely Given Up on Nuclear Power. However... It's Costing the Customers $9.2 Billion Dollars to Clean up Diablo Canyon and San Onofre.... Please Remove all Funding for Nuclear Power From this Bill."
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Atomic Waste Casks at PGE Abandoned Nuclear Power Plant Near Eureka, California |
White House Wants Nuclear in Clean Energy Mandate, McCarthy Says... Nuclear energy should be one of the power sources eligible for a national clean energy mandate sought by the White House as part of its infrastructure plan, presidential climate adviser Gina McCarthy told reporters.
McCarthy’s remarks on Thursday came amid concern about the carbon-free fuel source from progressives and some environmentalists who have qualms about radioactive waste and uranium mining for reactor fuel.
Inclusion of nuclear in the so-called Clean Energy Standard, which requires the generation of clean power, could be a boon for companies including NuScale Power LLC, TerraPower LLC, Westinghouse Electric Co., General Electric Co., and Exelon Corp.
Innovation: Drive dramatic cost reductions in critical clean energy technologies, including battery storage, negative emissions technologies, the next generation of building materials, renewable hydrogen, and advanced nuclear – and rapidly commercialize them, ensuring that those new technologies are made in America.
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