Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

#ArrestTrump - His Plan is for the US MILITARY to Prevent Biden from Occupying the White House. A coup d'é·tat. That's Why He Fired Esper... Czar Donald The Corrupt Crowns Himself Glorious Leader For Life! IMHO

#InfectedDonald is Killing Off Republicriminals!
Map of the USA Showing COVID 19 Infection Risk and 2020 Presidential Election Results - RED STATES GET SICK MORE
Map of the USA Showing COVID 19 Infection Risk
and 2020 Presidential Election Results.

Biden=306, Trump=232 Electoral College. 
Joe Biden Wins 2020 Election by a Landslide. 

NEXT: #ArrestTrump for Income Tax Evasion, Insurance Fraud and Campaign Finance Violations... We Have Enough Evidence to Charge Trump With Crimes... He SHOULD Get A Fair Trial! With a Jury, Witnesses and a Judge... Just Like a Real Boy!

It's a Bad time to Be in the Hotel Business... LIKE TRUMP 

He has Massive Loans on Worthless Property... 
and The Russian Mafia is not amused! 

New York's historic Roosevelt Hotel shut down last month, the latest casualty of the coronavirus pandemic that has upended the city's tourism and retail markets.

Many more hotels and retail properties in the nation's biggest cities are struggling.

In the New York area, the owners of 43 hotel loans were delinquent on loans backed by $1.5 billion in bonds as of Oct. 31, according to Trepp LLC, a research firm that tracks commercial real estate markets.

Frankly, The USA would be better off without the Red States... They Suck Up Government Welfare and Pay very little Taxes. In Fact The Last time anyone did Anything of Value in a Red State was Jack Kilby in 1958...

Willie Nelson Can Come Visit the Blue States...
We'll Let Him In...

a bicycle powered Car with a gasoline engine - ove 100 MPG - invented by June Moxon and Ken Biedelman of the Kinetic Laboratory in Arcata, CA
A bicycle powered Car with a gasoline engine - over 100 MPG - invented by June Moxon and Ken Beidleman of the Kinetic Laboratory in Arcata, CA
Darryl Cherney and Mike Schwartz of the Earth First! Band
Darryl Cherney and Mike Schwartz of the Earth First! Band
Mike's Main Band... Absynth Quartet

Kid offering a Flower - Earth First! Band Performing in Arcata, CA
Kid offering a Flower 
Earth First! Band Performing in Arcata, CA

Darryl Cherney has written scores of songs about the actions he and his friends have taken defending the environment, fighting for civil rights, and protesting and mocking the political status quo. He has lived among the redwoods of Humboldt County, California for over eighteen years with solar panels, a wood burning stove, and up a dirt road miles from the nearest power line. He honors both Goddess and God, and likes it here on planet Earth. Alongside Greg King, he co-founded the campaign which resulted in the establishment of the Headwaters Forest Reserve near Eureka, California. 

Mural in  Eureka, CA of a South American Indian with a Hat
Mural in Eureka, CA of a South American Indian with a Hat.
At The Corner of Fifth and A Streets...
by Sonny Wong and Sheik...

Mao Fish Quote - The Origin of the Name "Country Joe and the Fish"
Mao Fish Quote 
The Origin of the Name 
"Country Joe and the Fish"

"The Violet Overgrow" [FICTION - Not One Word is True. Wink Wink] by Gregory Vanderlaan 

 Chapter Zero: 

"tRUMP's EPA=Enable Polluters Agency." Shouted Suzy into the Megaphone. "Let's Flip The Mission! Bring Back Protection of the Environment#FRANCE1789" and Everybody Chanted Along... "#FRANCE1789... #FRANCE1789..."

They Were at a Protest March in Arcata, CA... Disrupting the Military Industrial Complex...

Billy Replied: "Oh Susan, You Are Just Preaching to The Choir Here... All These Earth First! People ALREADY Agree With You... Let's Take Our Message to Washington DC and Speak Truth To Power! Let's Go To The Actual EPA and Raise a Ruckus!" READ MORE AT: 

President McKinley was Assassinated by a Man Who Lost His Job Due To Trickle Down Economics. "The History Book on The Shelf, Is Always Repeating Itself." Lyric from "Waterloo" by ABBA

I'm Doing Research for My Book "The Violet Overgrow" - Maybe a PLOT TWIST! Leon Czolgosz was The Man Who Assassinated McKinley... "Trickle-Down Economics" used to be known as the "Horse and Sparrow Theory" which was responsible for the "Panic of 1896"

Video of ABBA Singing Waterloo: Could It Happen That ANOTHER UNEMPLOYED MAN Assassinates The President? I Sure Hope NOT... tRUMP Needs to Spend the Rest of His Life INCARCERATED to Serve as an Example for Other Criminals...

Statue of President McKinley in Arcata, CA - and a UFO - Ezekiel's Wheel
Statue of President McKinley in Arcata Plaza 
on a Cloudy Day... During a UFO Visit!

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