Great TV: The Aware Show by Lisa Garr. Interesting Interviews with Self Help Teachers. for example: John Gray who wrote Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus...

His new book is Beyond Mars and Venus... Worthwhile listening to him... He Knows Stuff!

on Free Speech TV Channel... FSTV...

She also interviewed Marci Shimoff that wrote "Happy for No Reason." - Just watching that conversation made me happy!

Great TV Show: "t0 th3 M00n" - Bitcoin History - Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert - I'm starting to understand. If you want a Currency that DOES NOT NEED THE PERMISSION OF THE US GOVERNMENT, Bitcoin is for YOU.

All financial transactions are controlled by the US Federal Reserve Bank... "The FED" ... Except CryptoCurrency.

 "The Federal Reserve System is the central banking system of the United States of America. It was created on December 23, 1913, with the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act, after a series of financial panics led to the desire for central control of the monetary system in order to alleviate financial crises."

Headline: Bitcoin Threatens To 'Take Power' From The U.S. Federal Reserve. U.S. Congressman Brad Sherman last week introduced a bill to ban bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.
"An awful lot of our international power comes from the fact that the U.S. dollar is the standard unit of international finance and transactions," Sherman said at a meeting of the House Financial Services Committee last week.

"Clearing through the New York Fed is critical for major oil and other transactions. It is the announced purpose of the supporters of cryptocurrency to take that power away from us, to put us in a position where the most significant sanctions we have against Iran, for example, would become irrelevant."

Max and Stacy take you on an exciting journey TO THE MOON in their new series all about bitcoin. They look at the freaks, the geeks, the trolls, the cypherpunks, and all those who got REKT along the way.

In the genesis episode of TO THE MOON, Max and Stacy ask: “What is bitcoin? What was the actual beginning? Was it the genesis block on January 3, 2009? Or the Bitcoin White Paper published on October 31, 2008? Or were the seeds first planted in the early digital currencies created by the cypherpunks a decade earlier?”TO THE MOON also asks: “What did Satoshi want?” Early bitcoin contributor, Amir Taaki, believes Satoshi’s genesis block message was very political, that the decision to publish the Times front page headline, “Chancellor on Brink of Second Bailout for Banks” was not random but rather signals intent. Jimmy Song says Satoshi wanted money that wasn’t controlled by a centralized authority and the best store of value ever created. Giacomo Zucco believes he wanted a monetary policy revolution. TO THE MOON then talks to Bill Barhydt of Abra about cypherpunks, what they wanted and how that influenced the revolution that is bitcoin. Nozomi Hayase says ‘cypherpunks write code’ and the bitcoin code embodies the ideals of natural law. Also in this episode, prominent bitcoiners like investor Trace Mayer, security engineer Jameson Lopp, entrepreneur and coder Rodolfo Novak, and Marshall Long, who was an early miner, provide insight into the ideology and ideas unleashed by bitcoin. The journey then takes them to the radical monetary experiment of QE which began only weeks after the Bitcoin White Paper was first published.

I'm Concerned about the Increase of Suicide in the USA. Highest since 1942. Obviously, the Quality of Life has Declined under Trump but...

It's very likely that Trump will be in Prison in 2021. With a new President and A Democratic Senate and House we are poised to have a FANTASTIC WORLD. 

Call 1-800-273-8255
Available 24 hours everyday

Great TV Show: Redacted Tonight. Satire of TV News but... often they cover real news that mainstream media censors...

On the Channel RT (Russian Television) they have to be viewed SKEPTICALLY... because that entire TV Station has a PRO Russia Bias. DUH...

With reality now seeming like a Shakespearean comedy, perhaps only comedy can truly bring truth to the people. DC-born comedian Lee Camp and a talented cast do just that with RT America’s first comedy show - Redacted Tonight with Lee Camp. This is not your grandparents’ satire program. Every week Redacted Tonight will provide comedy news with a punch. This weekly satire show tackles all the real news stories the mainstream media failed to mention and provides new angles on the ones they do.

Trump WIMPS OUT Again. Now, he will NOT be doing ICE Raids to round up illegal aliens... two week delay... Not Bombing Iran... No Trade War with Mexico-no Tariffs...

Notice a TREND? Big Talk, NO Action...  All Hat, No Cattle!

Wonderful Satire Website started to Ridicule George Bush the Son (Shrub) --->

Free Coloring Book Art! Promises Made, Promises Broken! designed by Greg Vanderlaan gvan42
Free Coloring Book Art! 
Promises Made, Promises Broken!

Headline: Trump Says He’ll Delay Deportation Operation Aimed at Undocumented Families

Why are ExxonValdez and BP [British Petroleum] advertising on Television? Do they hope ads will cause increased sales? It all seems like Propaganda to convince the public that they are NOT EVIL.

What is this organization called Power Past Impossible? They say Climate Change is Wonderful!  Warm Sunny Days in Alaska All Year 'Round!

Those ExxonValdez ads just really creep me out... They constantly show Trees and Meadows and the Park... and Biology research into alternative slime based fuel... BioWillie!

American Petroleum Institute Launches Pro-Oil Ad Campaign During Super Bowl

Divestment is the opposite of an investment – it simply means getting rid of stocks, bonds, or investment funds that are unethical or morally ambiguous.
When you invest your money, you might buy stocks, bonds, or other investments that generate income for you. Universities (and colleges in the US), religious organizations, retirement funds, and other institutions put billions in these same kinds of investments to generate income to help them run. Fossil fuel investments are a risk for both investors and the planet, so we’re calling on institutions to divest from these companies.
Divestment is also to end to fossil fuel sponsorship. Fossil fuels companies cultivate sponsorship relationships to help create a ‘social licence to operate’. This contributes to the veneer of legitimacy that enables them to keep expanding operations at a time of climate crisis and to stifle the demands for justice of those communities who live on the frontline of their destructive, polluting operations.
We are an international network of campaigns and campaigners working toward freeing communities from fossil fuels. While each campaign is independently run and may bring different emphases and asks depending on their local context, the majority of campaigns are asking institutions to:
  • Immediately freeze any new investment in fossil fuel companies;
  • Divest from direct ownership and any commingled funds that include fossil fuel public equities and corporate bonds within 5 years
  • End their fossil fuels sponsorship

I support an OPTIONAL Medicare For All Plan. If you want to buy health insurance from the government - do it. If you want to pay more for Corporate Corporate Plans - Do that!

I saw a "Stop Medicare For All" advertisement on TV and it's message was that you get faster service with the corporate controlled Healthcare System that we have now than a single payer system like Canada has. What is the REBUTTAL to that argument? I want to blog a reply but, they might be right!

Yes, they wait a longer time in Canada...

One unexpected consequence of a National Health Service would be that Healthcare Insurance Corporations would go out of business. Massive Layoffs... Big loss in the stock market...  Currently those Private insurance companies squeeze vast profits out of patients... SO... Those people that are getting rich will be fighting for their life. Frankly speaking, I would divest from any healthcare company because their stock value will go to zero if Medicare for All becomes Reality. I feel that most of the actual workers would get hired at government jobs because the quantity of service needed would increase... but the senior management positions would be eliminated... those guys would be in Deep DOO-DOO... after ripping off Patients for Decades they would have to go get a REAL JOB!

Critics are more skeptical of the government’s ability to administer coverage on such a large scale, pointing to longer wait times for certain care in some countries with single-payer systems. 

Americans spend far more on health care per person than other developed nations and supporters of a single-payer plan argue it could hold down costs by negotiating or requiring lower payments to doctors, hospitals and drug companies, while eliminating overhead associated with private insurance.

As a result, even though the government would spend much more on health care under Medicare for All than it does now, supporters argue that a single-payer system might reduce total national health spending by some estimates and that money currently going to premiums would help offset the new taxes on individuals and families.

Similarly wealthy countries tend to have both universal coverage (though not always a pure single-payer system) and healthier populations than the U.S., suggesting there’s a workable path to guaranteeing health care.

Free Coloring Book Art - Medicare For All - Sanders Institute - print image and color with felt pens, pencils, crayons or Potatoshop
Free Coloring Book Art - Medicare For All
 Sanders Institute - print image and color with felt pens, pencils, crayons or Potatoshop
Free Coloring Book Art - Sanders Institute - print image and color with felt pens, pencils, crayons or Potatoshop
Connect the Dots at the Sanders Institute:
Free Coloring Book ART: Link to MORE, More More!

Back when I was Smoking Marijuana This Blog was very Popular. Over a Thousand Visits a Day. Now that I quit, I get an average of 150 Hits a day... Deep Sigh...

I Guess that I was Creating More interesting Pages when High. I was writing Absurdist Fiction, Travel Photo Pages, Political Ranting and Raving and Psychedelic ART... 

I still do that but I find it very difficult to THINK UP IDEAS for my stories... Just like Edgar Allen Poe and Lewis Carroll, my work was Drug Fueled... 

and Google changed their search algorithm to ignore a trick I thought up when stoned to boost Search Engine Optimization... I copied and pasted ALL THE WORDS from my LABELS File into a blog post and so IF any of those words were searched for... my page was selected by Google... Since there were about 3,000 words in that File, almost every Google Search returned my Blog... Well, That Trick Does Not Work Anymore. 

It looks like this but goes on and on and on...

(~);-}, #13, #299, #BerserkerPOTUS, #BillionDollarLoser, #BogusPotus, #DitchMitch, #DumpDrumpf, #DumpTrump, #hemp, #ImpeachTrump, #MAGAbomber, #nodapl, #ReleaseTheReport, #runaway  

Those were the days!

Blog visits increased dramatically when I was smoking Marijuana - better quality work? or just my google label/keyword trick fooling the search engine - we will never know - gvan42
Blog visits increased dramatically when I was smoking Marijuana - better quality work? or just my google label/keyword trick fooling the search engine - we will never know - gvan42

One problem with having a popular Blog is that My PARANOIA was higher then... maybe that was a side effect of smoking weed but... since I rant and rave about US Government Corruption, Republicans Doing Evil, Ecology, Freedom, liberty and Legalization of Psychedelics and Marijuana... I believed that maybe the FBI, CIA, NSA and Law Enforcement was ANGRY about me exposing their horrible behavior... I do know that they READ INTERNET BLOGS and Social Media so It is entirely possible that I am on a Government List... of Potential Troublemakers that need to be spirited away to secret Concentration Camps... 

and then I noticed a LOT of Unmarked White Vans and Trucks that would park in front of My Neighbors Houses... 

So, one day I drove to the Avenue of the Giants near Eureka and walked across a footbridge to the other side of the EEL river... and felt safe! 

unsolved mysteries 9/11 question airplane hit building near a corner but did not lean towards the damage - defying the laws of physics
unsolved mysteries 9/11 question airplane hit building near a corner but did not lean towards the damage - defying the laws of physics
American Fatalities 9/11 twice as many people died in the reaction to the attack as did in the attack - Bin Laden tricked America into killing Ourselves and Blowing up Iraq - a country that had Nothing to do with 9/11, no WMD and No ties to Al-Qaeda
American Fatalities 9/11 - twice as many people died in the reaction to the attack as did in the attack - Bin Laden tricked America into killing Ourselves and Blowing up Iraq - a country that had Nothing to do with 9/11, no WMD and No ties to Al-Qaeda

How to build a PRE-HACKED Facebook Account... and WHY... Plausible Deniability: Hey, I didn't post that CRAZY CONTENT my account was hacked!

First: Make up a Fake username, password, real name, address, phone number, and email address...

Sign up for a free email account like Yahoo or GMail... so you can respond to emails from Facebook... 

Then make a Facebook Account using all that FAKE data... and then PUBLISH THE USERNAME AND PASSWORD EVERYWHERE... so anyone could use your account to publish anything... 

That gives you the freedom to post anything you want without any concern of FBI, CIA NSA or any other Law Enforcement Surveillance... REMEMBER: Hate Speech is a CRIME... 

"Who are the Brain Police?" - Frank Zappa Song

Button Eye Man - Psychedelic ART - Peyote God - Mescalito - question Reality - visions of Paradise - Cosmic
Button Eye Man - Psychedelic ART - Peyote God - Mescalito
- Question Reality - visions of Paradise - Cosmic

Metal GOD Sculpture - Like an Indian Deity - Lost Coast Brewery in Eureka California -  Fisherman Floats used as Base

Metal GOD Sculpture - Like an Indian Deity
 Lost Coast Brewery in Eureka California
Fisherman Floats used as Base 

ACT OUT TV News Show. An Alternative to Corporate Brainwashing. "From Tweets to Marching in the Streets!" Eleanor Goldfield Tells IT Like It IS!

MEME - ACT OUT TV SHOW - Great News Alternative - gvan42

Front Line Battles & The War of Climate Change + Chaos Investors You Never Heard Of... 

This week on Act Out!, you can't know America unless you know U.S. Empire. We sit down with Kevin Zeese, who has recently returned from Venezuela to talk elections, economic warfare, and media blockades. We also take a look at Nicaragua, a country that also finds itself in the crosshairs of our flailing hegemony and economic crusading.

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Bioneers: Speeches by Ecology Activists

Democracy Now! The CLASSIC Alternative TV NEWS Show with Amy Goodman.

The AWARE Show with Lisa Garr. Insightful Self Help Interviews.

The David Pakman Show. Progressive Talk and Opinion.

The Sanders Institute with Bill McGibbon -  Ecology Activist - Author -

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Psychedelic Art by Greg Vanderlaan - gvan42 - trippy hippie cosmic visions legalize natural medicine

Psychedelic Art by Greg Vanderlaan - gvan42 - trippy hippie cosmic visions legalize natural medicine

Solar Power Desalinization Plan - Psychedelic Art by Greg Vanderlaan - gvan42 - trippy hippie cosmic visions legalize natural medicine

Solar Power Desalinization Plan - Psychedelic Art by Greg Vanderlaan - gvan42 - trippy hippie cosmic visions legalize natural medicine

Solar Power Desalinization Plan - Psychedelic Art by Greg Vanderlaan - gvan42 - trippy hippie cosmic visions legalize natural medicine

Solar Power Desalinization Plan - Psychedelic Art by Greg Vanderlaan - gvan42 - trippy hippie cosmic visions legalize natural medicine

Solar Power Desalinization Plan - Psychedelic Art by Greg Vanderlaan - gvan42 - trippy hippie cosmic visions legalize natural medicine

Solar Power Desalinization Plan - Psychedelic Art by Greg Vanderlaan - gvan42 - trippy hippie cosmic visions legalize natural medicine

Solar Power Desalinization Plan - Psychedelic Art by Greg Vanderlaan - gvan42 - trippy hippie cosmic visions legalize natural medicine


The REAL Offensive Content is the Actual Subject of this Newspaper Article... Children being kept in cages... Not the Photo of Shirtless Children... 

Facebook now has the Power to Censor whatever they Want and No One Can Do anything about it... Except to post on Google's Blogger, gab, ello, mastodon, minds and tumblr... alternative social networks... I'm opposed to Corporate Censorship... Especially since a known "Neo-Con" named Bill Kristol has been hired to be the man to actually review posts for "violations of community standards" - He is famous for being WRONG... He thought the war in Iraq was a Brilliant Idea... Obviously a Twisted Individual...

Headline: Facebook’s idea of ‘fact-checking’: Censoring ThinkProgress because conservative site told them to... 

Last year, Facebook announced that it would partner with The Weekly Standard, a conservative magazine, to “fact check” news articles that are shared on Facebook. At the time, ThinkProgress expressed alarm at this decision.

The Weekly Standard has a history of placing right-wing ideology before accurate reporting. Among other things, it labeled the Iraq War “A War to Be Proud Of” in 2005, and it ran an article in 2017 labeling climate science “Dadaist Science,” and promoted that article with the phrase “look under the hood on climate change ‘science’ and what you see isn’t pretty.”

Headline: Reminder that Bill Kristol and the Neocons are Always Wrong About Everything...

Chuck Collins of - Interesting Talk on Pirate Television. - A Cure for Excessive Wealth Disorder.

Wealth Inequality is Wrecking the USA and He has a Plan to Solve this crisis: Tax the Rich, Pay the Working Poor $15 an Hour. It's called BUBBLE UP ECONOMICS and it's an Obvious Winner. 

He says that Many Rich People Today had the Advantage of Government Sponsored Education and Housing Loans. Programs that do NOT exist anymore... If The Rich would Pay their Fair Share of Taxes we could Afford Zero Interest College and Home Loans... The Poor would use those Government Benefits to Raise their own standard of living and become Middle Class. Just Like We Did Right After World War TWO. 

Here’s a simple test to determine whether politicians are carrying water for the richest 0.1 percent.
Three individuals — Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffett, and Bill Gates — have as much wealth as half of all U.S. households put together.

Since the economic meltdown of 2008, the lion’s share of income and wealth growth hasn’t gone just to the top 1 percent — it’s gone to the richest one-tenth of 1 percent. This 0.1 percent includes households with annual incomes starting at $2.2 million and wealth over $20 million.

Chuck Collins: "Reversing Wealth Inequality"

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and now for something completely different
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Obama, others warned Trump that pulling out of Iran nuke deal could lead to war...
"The choice we face is ultimately between diplomacy or some form of war," then-President Barack Obama said in 2015. But Trump Failed to Listen, causing Current Crisis... DUMB!

General Electric to scrap California power plant 20 years early. Gas Powered Turbine Uneconomical in compared to Cheap Wind and Solar.

EX-TRUMP SUPPORTER: I WAS 'REALLY AN IDIOT' TO THINK HE'D BE A GOOD PRESIDENT... Weissman replied that Trump "is not mentally fit to be President," an argument that George Conway has long made despite being the husband of a top Trump administration official.

A Twitter user dedicated to educating people about narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders added to the conversation that mental health care professionals have shared similar opinions of Trump for the last three-and-a-half years...


Freight Shipments Sinking Globally, US Joins the Parade: Global Recession Starts... Trump's Insane Trade War is CAUSING RECESSION WORLDWIDE.

Kamala Harris Said to Me: Dear Mr. Vanderlaan, Thank you for taking the time to contact me about Russian interference in our 2016 presidential election. I share your deep concern about Russia’s effort to undermine our democratic process and interfere in our election.

Free and fair elections are the cornerstone of our democracy and must be vigorously protected. On January 6, 2017, a report drafted by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the National Security Agency (NSA) concluded that Russia’s President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at our presidential election. According to this report, Russia’s goal was to undermine public faith in our democratic process, boost the prospects for electing President Trump, and discredit Trump’s opponent.
The fact that Russia interfered in a U.S. presidential election was later corroborated by separate investigations conducted by the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, of which I am a member. The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, in particular, found that the Russian government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump and worked to influence the election in his favor. Furthermore, despite security improvements since 2016, U.S. election infrastructure remains vulnerable to potential interference in the upcoming 2020 elections.
In April 2019, Special Counsel Robert Mueller released his report, which found several instances of potential collusion with a foreign government, and did not definitely clear President Trump of obstructing justice. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again here—the Special Counsel’s report is essentially an impeachment referral to Congress. It’s now Congress’s responsibility to hold this president and this administration accountable. As your Senator, I will continue to work to shed light on what happened in the lead up to the 2016 presidential election, and ensure that future U.S. elections are safeguarded against attacks.
Thank you again for writing about this issue of great importance and concern. If you have additional questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact my Washington, D.C. office at (202) 224-3553. 

Kamala D. Harris
United States Senator

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Pretty Soon the Filter Turns Brown
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Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - UFO and Alien Hieroglyphics