I support an OPTIONAL Medicare For All Plan. If you want to buy health insurance from the government - do it. If you want to pay more for Corporate Corporate Plans - Do that!

I saw a "Stop Medicare For All" advertisement on TV and it's message was that you get faster service with the corporate controlled Healthcare System that we have now than a single payer system like Canada has. What is the REBUTTAL to that argument? I want to blog a reply but, they might be right!

Yes, they wait a longer time in Canada...

One unexpected consequence of a National Health Service would be that Healthcare Insurance Corporations would go out of business. Massive Layoffs... Big loss in the stock market...  Currently those Private insurance companies squeeze vast profits out of patients... SO... Those people that are getting rich will be fighting for their life. Frankly speaking, I would divest from any healthcare company because their stock value will go to zero if Medicare for All becomes Reality. I feel that most of the actual workers would get hired at government jobs because the quantity of service needed would increase... but the senior management positions would be eliminated... those guys would be in Deep DOO-DOO... after ripping off Patients for Decades they would have to go get a REAL JOB!

Critics are more skeptical of the government’s ability to administer coverage on such a large scale, pointing to longer wait times for certain care in some countries with single-payer systems. 

Americans spend far more on health care per person than other developed nations and supporters of a single-payer plan argue it could hold down costs by negotiating or requiring lower payments to doctors, hospitals and drug companies, while eliminating overhead associated with private insurance.

As a result, even though the government would spend much more on health care under Medicare for All than it does now, supporters argue that a single-payer system might reduce total national health spending by some estimates and that money currently going to premiums would help offset the new taxes on individuals and families.

Similarly wealthy countries tend to have both universal coverage (though not always a pure single-payer system) and healthier populations than the U.S., suggesting there’s a workable path to guaranteeing health care.  https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/elections/what-medicare-all-how-would-it-work-n1014256

Free Coloring Book Art - Medicare For All - Sanders Institute - print image and color with felt pens, pencils, crayons or Potatoshop
Free Coloring Book Art - Medicare For All
 Sanders Institute - print image and color with felt pens, pencils, crayons or Potatoshop
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