Showing posts with label swamp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label swamp. Show all posts

Another Corrupt TrumpNik. HEADLINE: Students for Trump founder pleads guilty to posing as lawyer in $46K scam... Swamp Creatures "R" US!

Headline: Trump Campaign Ad Features QAnon Signs...
Whether accidental or not, the Trump campaign keeps nodding to QAnon conspiracy theorists, even after the FBI called them a potential source of domestic terror...

Trump is FAMOUS for his Crazy Conspiracy Theories... Remember Birtherism? Remember the Central Park Five? QANON is his Favorite! They spew HATESPEECH for Him! Spawning #MAGAKillers

MEME - MAGA HAT is a Classic Hint that the wearer is INSANE
MAGA HAT is a Classic Hint that the wearer is INSANE

Turning Point USA is a Conservative Youth Group like the Young Pioneers or the QAnon Bakers... They hosted the event where the GOOFY 'residential seal was displayed... Satire is FUN!

However, they said it fired the person responsible and characterized it all as a mistake. OOPS! Sorry, Czar Donald, the Loser...

Fake Presidential Seal Mocking CZAR Donald the Loser displayed at Turning Point USA is a Conservative Youth Group like the Young Pioneers or the QAnon Bakers...
Fake Presidential Seal
Mocking CZAR Donald the Loser

Charles Leazott, a graphic designer, said that he was skeptical of Turning Point USA's account and that it had to be deliberate, as his image was hard to find.

ACTUAL STORE WHERE YOU CAN BUY STUFF Ridiculing CZAR Donald the Loser... "We have pledged to donate 10% of our profits to the American Civil Liberties Union"

Awaken - FREE COLORING BOOK ART! -  Find more at Google Image Search using Keywords gvan42 free coloring book
Find more at Google Image Search
using the Keywords:
gvan42 free coloring book
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GIANT CONTRACT! for The Brand New Secretary of Defense... ESPER is Classic Swamp Creature, he used to work for Raytheon as a Lobbyist and NOW, SURPRISE, SURPRISE They Get a Contract to build ANOTHER UNNEEDED WEAPON! - Obvious Corruption. LET'S CUT DEFENSE BUDGET IN HALF - Since 1945 the US Military has NOT defended the Country Once. Not Once! There was a Need to defend the Country on 9/11/2001 but the Military Failed. Civilians took down the airplane in Pennsylvania. Can't we get TOTAL FAILURE  at a Lower Cost?

HEADLINE: Combined Raytheon And United Technologies Will Pursue Hypersonic Weapons Development...

HEADLINE: 'Unprecedented' wildfires ravage the Arctic... Releasing air pollution that Causes Global Warming... and HEAT! 

More than 100 intense wildfires have ravaged the Arctic since June, with scientists describing the blazes as "unprecedented."

New satellite images show huge clouds of smoke billowing across uninhabited land in Greenland, Siberia and parts of Alaska.
The wildfires come after the planet experienced the hottest June on record and is on track to experience the hottest July on record, as heatwaves sweep across Europe and the United States.

HEADLINE: Woodstock 50 Releases All Artists From Contracts After Maryland Announcement... 
ABSURD! Columbia, Maryland? Merriweather Post Pavilion is a FINE Place but it's Just big enough for a Standard Rock Concert... NOT A GIANT EVENT like WOODSTOCK. Why not hold the Concert at YASGUR'S FARM in New York State? Pathetic!

We have Done it Before and We'll Do it Again. RELEASE tRUMP's TAX RETURNS... Inquiring Minds Want to Know: "IS YOUR PRESIDENT A CROOK?" Nixon turned over Subpoenaed Tax Returns... and That revealed his Failure to pay thousands of dollars in taxes...
HEADLINE: House panel releases documents of presidential tax return request before Trump...  The documents show that in 1973, the Joint Committee on Internal Revenue Taxation requested then-President Richard Nixon’s tax returns from 1968 through 1972 from the IRS, and that the IRS provided the committee with the documents on the same day the request was made.

COPYCAT - Both "Drain the Swamp" & "Make America Great Again" were Slogans of Ronald Reagan... Trump just PLAGIARIZED Reagan because he can't think of a slogan for himself.

The phrase first became popular in 1983 when President Ronald Reagan said he was in Washington "to drain the swamp," a reference to limiting the reach and growth of government.

Reagan had Buttons printed with the Slogan "Let's Make America Great Again" and we are STILL WAITING FOR THAT TO HAPPEN!

Keywords: #BillionDollarLoser, again, America, copycat, drain, great, idiot, make, mindless vegetable, numbskull, Reagan, slogan, swamp, Trump, wanker, weasel, 

GOP is the Party of The Old White Men... They are Paid Puppets of the Super Rich... Corrupt to the Core...

Proud Boys Street Gang Members at The White House With CZAR Donald the First.

The Proud Boys, The GOP And ‘The Fascist Creep’

Gavin McInnes spoke at a GOP club, then his followers 
violently attacked leftist protesters. Modern American 
fascism finds its foot soldiers.
Upcoming elections for Congress will have a huge impact on the remaining two years of President Donald Trump’s presidency.
House Republicans have been plagued with a number of high-profile scandals, all unfolding within the finals months of this election year. After Democrats unveiled one of their major campaign messages for 2018, their promise to “drain the swamp” may indeed be fulfilled by Democrats in the House and Senate.
corrupt, Republicans, voters, vote, congress, election, drain the swamp, swamp, creatures, House, Senate,
GOP =  Party of the Old White Men

Republican Corruption Defines 2018 Election. Vote For What's Good For Your Wallet... What's Good For Your Family.... Vote Democratic...

The Advantages of Focusing on the Corruption Issue are (1) “corrupt” really is the right word to describe the Trump administration; (2) a concern over corruption transcends philosophical dispositions; and (3) the failure to “drain the swamp” is one of President Trump’s most obvious broken promises. Instead, Trump has turned the swamp into an immense toxic-waste dump. The stench emanates from Cabinet officials driven from office by egregious behavior and from Trump’s own violations of long-standing norms limiting business dealings by presidents and their families.

Trump donor agreed to pay Michael Cohen $10 million to obtain funding for nuclear plant After Trump's victory in 2016, Franklin Haney donated $1 million to inaugural fund.

A Tennessee real-estate developer who owns the Bellefonte Nuclear Plant site in Alabama reportedly sought help from President Donald Trump’s embattled former personal attorney to get a $5 billion federal loan to complete construction of the nuclear power project.

Franklin Haney, a major donor to President Trump, agreed to pay $10 million to Michael Cohen, Trump’s then-personal attorney, if Cohen successfully helped obtain funding for the plant site, including a huge loan from the Department of Energy (DOE), the Wall Street Journal reported Thursday.

No Nukes. Shut Down the Bellefonte
Nuclear Power Plant in Alabama. 

Peace Sign made of Rocks on top of
Mount Shasta, California

Trump plans to Drill for Oil in Alaskan Wilderness Endangering Animals, People. EPA encourages Corporations to Pollute Water and Air. Interior shrinks National Monuments to allow Mining, Logging and Oil Drilling.

Unmistakable Trend, Up with Corporations, Down with People... AND WHY NOT? Corporations donate vast quantity of money to Trump and Republican Campaigns... and they are getting an EXCELLENT RETURN ON INVESTMENT. Corruption is Worse Than Ever... Swamp Creatures Thrive...

Vote Democratic and Throw OUT Trump's Swamp Creatures...

"Unrelenting Attacks" forced EPA Scott Pruitt to Resign. Now we need to START UNRELENTING ATTACKS on the OTHER SWAMP CREATURES in Trump's Administration.

 Pruitt said he must leave the administration because "the unrelenting attacks on me personally, my family, are unprecedented and have taken a sizable toll on all of us."

Let's Attack Betsy DeVos Next...

She Opposes Education and wants to keep Americans Illiterate BECAUSE Uneducated people vote Republican...

Evil Betsy DeVos
6 reasons Betsy DeVos is extremely the worst, in case you forgot why she makes you angry.

Speechless EPA boss Scott Pruitt is accosted in a DC restaurant by a mom cradling her young son, who accuses him of ruining the environment

Enable Polluters Agency (AKA: Environmental Protection Agency) Administrator Scott Pruitt became the latest member of the Trump administration to face an angry showdown with a member of the public over the president's divisive policies.
Pruitt was dining with a friend at Teaism restaurant in Washington DC on Monday, when he was confronted by local teacher who urged him to resign over the reported irreparable damage he is causing to the environment.
Walking over with her two-year-old son in her arms, Kristin Mink told Pruitt: 'This is my son, he loves animals, he loves clean air, he loves clean water.'

Great Book: "Trumpocracy: The Corruption of the American Republic" by David Frum - How Trump is looting America in order to steal more money for himself.

Bestselling author, former White House speechwriter, and Atlantic columnist and media commentator David Frum explains why President Trump has undermined our most important institutions in ways even the most critical media has missed, in this thoughtful and hard-hitting book that is a warning for democracy and America’s future.

"From Russia to South Africa, from Turkey to the Philippines, from Venezuela to Hungary, authoritarian leaders have smashed restraints on their power. Media freedom and judicial independence have eroded. The right to vote remains, but the right to have one’s vote counted fairly may not. Until the US presidential election of 2016, the global decline of democracy seemed a concern for other peoples in other lands. . . . That complacent optimism has been upended by the political rise of Donald Trump. The crisis is upon Americans, here and now."

Quietly, steadily, Trump and his administration are damaging the tenets and accepted practices of American democracy, perhaps irrevocably. As he and his family enrich themselves, the presidency itself falls into the hands of the generals and financiers who surround him.

While much of the country has been focused on Russia, David Frum has been collecting the lies, obfuscations, and flagrant disregard for the traditional limits placed on the office of the presidency. In Trumpocracy, he documents how Trump and his administration are steadily damaging the tenets and accepted practices of American democracy. During his own White House tenure as George W. Bush’s speechwriter, Frum witnessed the ways the presidency is limited not by law but by tradition, propriety, and public outcry, all now weakened. Whether the Trump presidency lasts two, four, or eight more years, he has changed the nature of the office for the worse, and likely for decades.

In this powerful and eye-opening book, Frum makes clear that the hard work of recovery starts at home. Trumpocracy outlines how Trump could push America toward illiberalism, what the consequences could be for our nation and our everyday lives, and what we can do to prevent it.

End Trump's Corruption. Vote Democratic in 2018. ZTE: He changed US Foreign policy due to a personal business investment.

Recently, Trump imposed sanctions on a Chinese phone maker ZTE. Then China invested 500 million dollars in a Trump golf course - resort in the Philippines. Now, Trump wants to save the phone maker ZTE by removing sanctions. It looks like he changed US Foreign policy due to a personal business investment.

Jared Kushner asked the country of Qatar to invest in his building at 666 Fifth Ave. Qatar said no. Trump joined the Boycott/Embargo of Qatar by Saudi Arabia. Later, Qatar said yes to Jarad and now the US Foriegn Policy changed to oppose the Boycott/Embargo. Obvious Bribery/Extortion...

Scott Pruitt of the EPA took a trip to Morocco to sell Liquified Natoral Gas. The EPA has no connection with sales to foreign countries. That's part of the Commerce Department. Taxpayers paid for the trip and many security guards. Scott's landlord in Washington DC benefitted from the sale Scott made. Scott's landlord gave Scott a dramatic discount on rent. Quid Pro Quo.

It seems like Trump has not "Drained the Swamp" but done the exact opposite... Letting his own friends benefit from corruption...

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