Showing posts with label rebellion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rebellion. Show all posts

What IF SIX BILLION PEOPLE DIE FROM CLIMATE CHANGE? So What! The Human Caused Air Pollution WILL STOP and The Planet Will Start to Heal.

People in Alaska, Canada and Siberia will Survive and Repopulate The World... OR MAYBE NOT! It's Entirely Possible that Extinction of Humans WILL HAPPEN... 

I figure that in the Immediate Future we can SIMPLY MOVE to the Coast of Oregon and ENJOY THE COOL RAINY CLIMATE... For the Next Few Years, The West Coast From San Francisco to Alaska Will Remain Habitable. After That... Just Keep on Moving North...  

Remember: SOME Life Forms are Doing GREAT With The Warmer Temperatures. For Example: The GREEN SLIME of Florida Loves A Warm Bath! Cockroaches, Ants and Butterflies will Inherit The Earth... 

Are You Fleeing Hurricanes, Wildfires or Extreme Heat? Try The Beautiful Oregon Coast... It's Safe, Cool, Rainy and Real Estate is Cheap. 
Map gvan42 buy Oregon Real Estate Safe Climate Change cool rainy
buy Oregon Real Estate, Safe Climate Change cool rainy

Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 Extinction Rebellion Logo

Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 Extinction Rebellion Logo
Greta Thunberg Climate Protest Sign - SKOLSTREJK FOR KLIMATET

Skolstrejk för klimatetat - Global Climate Strike EVERY FRIDAY - a Worldwide ECO-ACTION! - Greta Thunberg says: “We Are Striking to Disrupt the System” #ClimateStrike

Millions of Trump Supporters #RUNAWAY from Mad King Donald. "He is Insane! Sure, I Voted for Him in 2016 but... I Woke UP! #IMPEACH! Da Mo Fo" - says Benjamin Ghazi - Republicrime Strategist

MEME - gvan42 - Blow a REAL Whistle at the White House - Sonic Rebellion!
Is a Whistle Loud Enough for Mad King Donald
to Hear You In the Middle of the Night?
Qanon Sucks!

We should set off a 130dB Personal Alarm!
On The Street Right In Front of the White House...

Blow a REAL Whistle Near the White House - Cause a Sonic Disturbance and GET RECORDED ON TV NEWS! Reporter Question: What's That SOUND Mr. President? Whistle-Blowing?

 #ImpeachTrump... WE THE PEOPLE Should Peacefully Assemble at The White House and Protest 24 Hours a Day. Bring a Drum... Bring a Whistle... Bring a 130dB Personal Alarm... Make a Joyful Noise and Drive Mad King Donald Crazy!

or an alternative MEME...

My Music Videos:

My Store Where I Sell Psychedelic Art:

My Facebook Page

Click and Enjoy the Bliss!

Auto Workers are Striking Today... Climate Activists Global Strike on 9/20... Eco-Warriors Plan to Shut Down the City of Washington DC on 9/23...

What can One Person DO to Participate in the STRIKE!  Refuse to Go To Work. Refuse to Go To School. Refuse to Drive a Car. Refuse to Fly in a Jet Airplane. Refuse to Run the Air Conditioner. Refuse to _________. (Fill in the Blank) - What You CAN DO Is: Take a Nap, Take a Walk, Skateboard, Dance, Write a Song and Play it on Your Guitar... Hug Your Friend... Look at a Tree... Breathe Deep... Swim... Go Surfing... Write a Story... Write a Poem... Play the Flute... and a Million Other Things... HOWEVER... Question Your Actions... ASK IF What You Do Is Harming Our Future... Think for Yourself... In Your Heart You Know What's Right!

Free Coloring Book Art! Global Climate Strike September 20th More Art at: Google Image Search Keyword: gvan42
Free Coloring Book Art!
Global Climate Strike September 20th
More Art at: Google Image Search Keyword: gvan42

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GM strike: Nearly 50,000 workers walk out at America's biggest automaker.

How to Support the Global Climate Strike on 9/20.
How can I help?
If you want to strike, first, you should understand what it means for you and your job; depending on your occupation, like some state employees, a strike may be considered illegal. As Vice suggests, you might initially suggest to a supervisor to close their doors for the day (or even just a couple of hours) to honor the strike. “Probably this won’t be successful if you work for a large corporation like Chase Bank or Walmart,” Geoff Dembicki writes for Vice. “But small businesses like coffee shops, restaurants, bars, and clothing stores could be receptive. The same goes for medium-size office workplaces.”

Alternatively, use your lunch break to join a local demonstration; you should check out the Strike With Us’ website to find nearby events. Depending on your location, Climate Strike events might be taking place throughout the week, too. And if calling out sick is out of the question, you can donate to organizations like the US Youth Climate Strike (all proceeds will go toward future strikes and initiatives according to their GoFundMe page). And make a public statement of support on social media and help amplify the strike’s message.

Climate activists hope to bring U.S. capital to standstill on September 23.
Environmental groups, including Extinction Rebellion, said on Wednesday they plan to shut down traffic in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 23 and bring daily life to a standstill to demand action by U.S. politicians on tackling climate change. 
The roughly 15 groups planning the protest include traditional environmental groups like 350 DC and Friends of the Earth Action, as well as groups that focus on other issues, such as Black Lives Matter and Code Pink, a women-led group promoting peace and human rights.

Kaela Bamberger, an activist aligned with Extinction Rebellion DC, said the coalition plans to ratchet up pressure on policymakers by shutting down traffic at major intersections because rallies, marches and petitions have not worked.

“This is definitely a next-level action. The urgency of climate change warrants such an attempt to disrupt business as usual... to make it impossible for people with decision-making power to go about their daily lives as if we are not in the climate emergency,” Bamberger said in an interview.

CNN and MSNBC are NOT reporting about the Extinction Rebellion Protests in London... Their Corporate Masters Don't Want You to Know about 480 People Being Arrested in a Climate Change Protest... Fight Censorship... Write a Blog...

I assume that the reason Corporations that sell Cars, Prescription Drugs, Booze and Insurance do not see a Profit in Ecology... If you are a person that Drives a Car Less... there is no great incentive in Buying A Brand New Ram Tough Truck! With a Magic Folding Tailgate... Eco-Warriors ride the Bus... 

Headline: Greta Thunberg hopes to join climate protests during London visit.

Swedish 16-year-old, who is taking campaign to parliament, keen to be part of Extinction Rebellion action.

Extinction Rebellion Protest London - - Greta Thunberg leads Student Walkout for the Climate

Extinction Rebellion protesters begin blockade of central London... Ecology... In the End, it's the Only Thing that Matters... Wildfires in California, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Ice Melting in the Arctic... 

On Monday morning, a group of demonstrators with trees, plants and solar panels in tow barricaded Waterloo Bridge, one of five locations being targeted by environmental campaigners in the city as part of the protest, which is expected to continue for at least a week.
The demonstrations are part of a global campaign, orchestrated by British climate organization Extinction Rebellion, which includes rallies in at least 80 cities across more than 33 countries, demanding governments "take decisive action on the climate and ecological emergency."


We are standing up to the fossil fuel industry to stop all new coal, oil and gas projects and build clean energy for all.

The kid is all right: Friday's worldwide climate protest sparked by Nobel-nominated teen... 

It's been quite a week for 16-year-old Greta Thunberg, a Swedish climate activist who was nominated on Wednesday for a Nobel Peace Prize.

On Friday, the streets took over, as tens of thousands of students in 112 countries turned out to join her call for action to combat climate change.

In the U.S. alone, some 100,000 young people were participating in at least 400 separate protests in all 50 states, organizers said. 

In Washington, around the U.S. Capitol, hundreds of students gathered Friday bearing signs saying “I Want You To Panic,” “Time is Ticking” and “It’s Our Future.”

Worldwide, the turnout for the "School Strike For Climate" protests at some 1,700 locations from Berlin, to Hong Kong and from New Delhi to the edge of the Arctic Circle.

Extinction Rebellion Ecology Group. FIGHT FOR LIFE... Interview on ACT OUT! TV News BY ELEANOR GOLDFIELD 
We are facing an unprecedented global emergency. The government has failed to protect us. To survive, it’s going to take everything we’ve got.

1. The Government must tell the truth about the climate and wider ecological emergency, reverse inconsistent policies and work alongside the media to communicate with citizens.
2. The Government must enact legally binding policy measures to reduce carbon emissions to net zero by 2025 and to reduce consumption levels.
3. A national Citizen’s Assembly to oversee the changes, as part of creating a democracy fit for purpose.

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Policing is a public health issue. Some recent victories combined with ongoing grassroots organizing outline the importance of addressing state-sponsored violence as a health hazard that has distinct causes and therefore, distinct solutions. Next, Extinction Rebellion wants to save humanity. Here's how they're going about it. You in?

ACT OUT! Tv Show by Eleanor Goldfield - Coloring Book Art

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Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - UFO and Alien Hieroglyphics