Showing posts with label exorcism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exorcism. Show all posts

REALITY DENIERS: Republicans Have Gone Crazy. They Are a Danger to The USA... They Plan to Outlaw Freedom! Outlaw Abortion, Outlaw Birth Control, Outlaw Gay Marriage...


Vote for Democrats meme

Remember: BLOCK and REPORT Every QAnon Freak! Report Them for Hate Speech, False Statements or Violence... Every Social Media Platform Has a Way to Block People... There is NO REASON In the World that I Would Want to Read Their CrazyTalk®

#ArrestTrump #LockHimUp #QAnonSucks 

QMAGA Freaks meme

Yes, Republicans are blaming, President Biden for the inflation. No one man, not even President of the United States can do that folks. It's corporate greed as displayed here, production and distribution breaks downs, and mostly republican politicians refusing to vote for anything remotely helpful to the American people. The only exception was the Pandemic relief money. However, that being said, the republican politicians kept wanting to reduce the amount Americans would be given to live on, (through no fault of their own) despite record unemployment, and a rampant deadly virus on the loose causing widespread shut downs with many businesses. It baffles my mind how people forget all that...all they were put through by republican politicians during one of the worst times in our nation's and world's history. More baffling is blaming President Biden for all their woes. He wanted people to get help, he tried and tried to get us pandemic relief money, more food assistance for those on government food programs, he kept people from getting evicted from their homes because they couldn't go to work. I could go on and on, but it was the republican politicians who not only didn't want to continue to help, but wanted to reduce help given and then began to say "no" to all help. I ask you who does that to people in need? I think or I would hope you know the answer to those questions. Please vote accordingly.

Lock 'em Up meme

It's interesting when people on the right make comments like, "The left is obsessed with Trump" or "The left can't stop talking about Trump." Of course, they never, ever acknowledge the reasons WHY we need to talk about Trump. Trump is the first president who refused to concede that he lost an election, and instead of the peaceful transfer of power, he rallied his supporters to stage a coup to try to seize power. That was almost 2 years ago, but now he still insists that he actually won the election, and he shows no remorse for his actions on January 6th. Then later, classified documents which did not belong to him were found at Mar-a-Lago, and he refused to return those documents, so the FBI had to go in and get the documents. These things have NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE with any other former president. Is it really so weird that "the left" would talk about these incidents?? It's not as if people are just sitting around talking about him for no reason. He has done things - and continues to do things - which can't be ignored because they are so egregious. How is it possible that anyone does not understand that?
We don't really have any reason to talk about Obama anymore. We don't really have any reason to talk about Bush anymore. The reason is because Obama and Bush have never broken any laws or threatened our democracy in any way. If either Obama or Bush had done the things Trump did, we WOULD talk about them. If a former US president threatens our democracy, of COURSE it should be talked about. Until Trump is finally held accountable for his actions, I hope everyone continues to talk about those actions.

and RB Said: 
By the way, the person that said that considers themselves to be very Left leaning.
and SE Replied:
You understand the reasons WHY people still talk about Trump, don't you? You understand that we wouldn't talk about him if he would stop with the "stolen election" lies and just fade into the background like every past president has done. Surely you can see the difference?

and RB Replied:
I know why you guys talk about him. The man is a media whore that the Left loves to feed. It doesn't matter if what said is good or bad, he knows that his value just goes up.
You're probably not going to like this either: Mark my words, after all of this Jan 6 stuff is done, Trump will not go to jail. He might loose some money (which has never bothered him because he always comes right back) but everyone around him will go down. Hate him or love him, he's not stupid and has got away with this kind of crap all of his life.

and then SE Said:
You're probably right that "Teflon Don" won't go to jail. But are you saying that you think we should just stop talking about the crazy stuff he does? It's not about some irrational obsession with Trump, it's based on the things he does! If any other past president did the things he has done, the media would talk about them just as much!

and RB Replied:
Like I said, talk good or bad about him, he just gets more recognition, fame and worth. All presidents do crappy things. They're just playing political games. Didn't Obama drone bomb an innocent wedding? And how are they all worth millions after getting paid $450K/year? They're not servants of the people, they serve corporations and special interests.

and AI Said:
The Jan 6th hearings have actually chipped away at his remaining support. It’s true there are still a significant number of people who are either completely out of touch with reality or who thrive in the bigoted atmosphere he allows and so still support him.
But his frauds have been laid bare in NY court and that judgement is likely to severely curtail his usefulness and his pocketbook.
It’s going slowly, true, but it is still going in the right directions. Unfortunately, too much still hinges on the upcoming election and the GOP is sure to pull out every dirty trick they can.

and JA Said:
bringing up an Obama drone strike only highlights one of the most striking differences between Trump and other presidents.
Other presidents have tried to do the right thing, but sometimes get bad intel.
With Trump, though, even when he had good intel, his tendency was to do the wrong thing.
He knew he had lost the election and that the conspiracy theories were false, but he amplified them anyway.
He had guidance that could have helped the country get through the COVID outbreak with less damage and fewer lives lost, but he insisted on resisting science.
meme - Rednecks with guns

Broodmare Cartoon

Miranda Warning GONE - The Evil Supreme Court Has Ruled that Police No Longer Have to Tell Arrested People That They "Have the Right to Remain Silent."

Supreme Court says police can't be sued for not reading out Miranda rights. 
You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. Most people recognize those lines as the familiar warning officers give a suspect in custody. They're known as Miranda rights. But the Supreme Court ruled last month in a civil case, Vega v. Tekoh, suspects who do not receive a Miranda warning cannot sue an officer for damages. That means suspects have no recourse if they are not reminded of rights protected by the Fifth Amendment, like the right to an attorney and that they can't be forced to incriminate themselves.
SCOTUS: Pure Evil - Exorcism Needed Now - Supreme Court Justices - To Be Fair, Not All of the Justices are Evil... Just the LIARS that Overturned Roe v Wade and Made the Miranda Warning Optional

SCOTUS: Pure Evil - Exorcism Needed Now - To Be Fair, Not All of the Justices are Evil... Just the LIARS that Overturned Roe v Wade and Made the Miranda Warning Optional... 

Supreme Court Ruling Rejects the Promise of Miranda Rights.

U.S. Supreme Court's 'Miranda' decision further guts 150-year-old civil rights law. 

#PatriotsArise It Is Essential That We Beat Trump, Take Back the Senate and Keep the House. CAMPAIGN ANY WAY YOU CAN. Online, In The Streets, In Your Own Neighborhood... #Vote4Joe

Make MEMEs for People to Like and Share... Write Books, Write Facebook Posts, Write Songs... Write #DumpTrump in Chalk on the Sidewalk... Walk Down Main Street Holding a Sign that says #Vote4Joe... Perform an Exorcism at the White House... Blow a REAL WHISTLE at tRUMP a Campaign Rally... Start a Legalize Marijuana Smoke-In Upwind of the White House... WHATEVER YOU CAN DO... DO!

Rainbow Heart Sticker at my zazzle gregvan webstore - gvan42
Rainbow Heart Sticker at my zazzle gregvan webstore.

MEME - gvan42 - tRUMP Adulterer Moses

MEME - tRUMP's Trade War is Hurting Montana Farmers - Senator Jon Tester - gvan42

MEME - Vote4Joe - Heart - gvan42

tRUMP IS INSANE! A Call for Invoking the 25th Amendment. When He Causes Global Economic Collapse, Billions Will Die From Starvation. #LockHimUP in a Mental Hospital...

tRUMP quack - Vote for Biden He's Not Insane MEME by gvan42

Letter to the Editor: Trump is psycho.

It’s not merely my personal opinion that Vladimir Putin’s puppet Donald Trump is deranged, delusional, demented and profoundly psychotic.  That’s the educated opinion of the American medical community.

In April of 2017, over 41,000 American mental health professionals signed and submitted the petition “Mental Health Professionals Declare Trump Is Mentally Ill And Must Be Removed,” which in part says the following:  

“...Donald Trump manifests a serious mental illness that renders him psychologically incapable of competently discharging the duties of President of the United States.  And we respectfully request he be removed from office, according to article 4 of the 25th amendment to the Constitution, which states that the president will be replaced if he is ‘unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office’...”

I couldn’t have said it any better myself!   It could not possibly be any more obvious than it already is at this point that the moronic Mad King Trump is completely mentally incapacitated, not to mention stone cold crazy.  Traitor Trump is sinking fast, and the American people are paying for President Trumptanic’s idiotic incompetence with their lives by the tens-of-thousands!

Do any of you asinine Trump acolytes actually believe injecting household cleaners like Lysol or Clorox into your lungs is a legitimate and effective, non-lethal medical treatment for a coronavirus infection, as recently recommended by infamously insane dotard Dr. Donald Trump the plump chump?  

If anyone out there actually agrees with Jim Jones Trump’s psychotic lethal injection recommendation for COVID-19, please seek psychiatric help immediately.  And stop drinking the orange Kool-Aid already, conservative cult members!  Unlike the ridiculous Republican Party, most Americans don’t want to be Jonestowned.

Joe Biden for president, folks.

Jake Pickering

Letter to the editor | Trump, GOP letting Americans down.

Fox News host Lou Dobbs recently opined that Donald Trump was arguably America’s greatest president.

That is absolutely ludicrous.

Trump supporters and the Republican Party lie prostrate at Trump’s feet incredulously denying stark reality.

Trump spends his days watching Fox News, furiously tweeting insane and absurd conspiracy theories peddled incessantly by right-wing wackos.

Meanwhile, America crumbles. One hundred ten thousand Americans have perished in just 60 days and over 1,000 more Americans continue to die daily of COVID-19. Yet Trump claims he is doing a wonderful job. Delusional.

Forty-one million Americans have applied for unemployment in the past 60 days, outpacing the Great Depression.

Yet Trump and Republicans are opposed to the latest Democrat-passed relief bill sending checks to families struggling with rent and feeding their children with food obtained from massive “bread lines” staged countrywide. Shameful.

Trump and Republicans who caterwauled about Barack Obama’s $600 billion deficit produced a deficit of $1 trillion last year and estimates for 2020 are north of $3.5 trillion.

Trump and the Republican Party are massive failures. They continue to coddle dictators, major corporate entities, billionaires, hedge funds and banks while sticking it to state and local governments, first responders and families.

In stark contrast to Dobbs, one voter posted that though she voted for Trump in 2016, she would vote for a ham sandwich in 2020 before she would vote for Trump.

Who couldn’t have said it any better. Amen lady. Vote Democrat like your life and home depended on it.

Richard Chapman

A call to invoke the 25th Amendment.

Shouldn’t Mike Pence be president — at least until January 20, 2021? While in normal circumstances I would never endorse him, he should step in now. It is time for a citizens’ movement to demand the 25th Amendment to the Constitution be invoked and Donald Trump removed from office. Why? Because he is “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office,” as the statute states.

He is clearly not in his right mind. Before the US has even reached the peak of COVID-19 cases (which could stand at 400,000 when you read this), he recklessly said, “I would love to have the country opened up and raring to go by Easter.” While he backed away from that idea — pushed by health expert recommendations — he did so reluctantly and didn’t acknowledge his about-face.

Is it rational to suggest — as Trump did a couple of weeks ago that health professionals told him that more people will die from the economic impact than coronavirus? Equating economic health with people’s lives is, well, crazy. (Trump refused to identify the health experts he fictitiously cited.)

Whenever Trump, flanked by the White House Coronavirus Task Force, steps before the cameras he displays why he is unfit. The doctors serving on that task force — especially Anthony Fauci — witness his rants daily (up close and too personal). Imagine Dr. Fauci leading a delegation to congressional leaders and the Trump cabinet to call for his removal. It isn’t hard to do. You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.

The Teflon president who has survived sex, lies, and Ukrainian tapes — even impeachment — is too dangerous to be allowed to remain in office — not for several more days, let alone several more months.

Tale his tirades against Democratic governors, or his March 20 tirade against NBC News reporter, Peter Alexander, who asked Mr. Trump what he wished to say to those Americans who are scared about the coronavirus spreading across the country. With millions frightened, Alexander gave Trump an opportunity to reassure an anxious nation. In response, Trump spat out, “I say that you are a terrible reporter. That’s what I say — ” and then let loose a torrent of invective against Alexander. What president in his right mind would turn a moment to act as consoler-in-chief into a hysterical rant? (By contrast VP Pence answered, “I would say, ‘Do not be afraid to be vigilant.’”)

Are Trump’s supporters scared more of his wrath than they are of the virus? Are they blind to his erratic behavior? Sen. Mitt Romney was the lone Republican to vote to convict at Trump’s impeachment trial. Why don’t we flood his office calling on the former Massachusetts governor to meet with Dr. Fauci to discuss Trump’s removal.

“These are psychiatric symptoms, not simply boorish behaviors,” Dr. John Talmadge, clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center tweeted recently, suggesting Trump is not sound of mind. “Trump is mentally ill, cognitively compromised, brain impaired.…” We must not become the frog slowly boiling in poisoned water.

With millions of people living through the pandemic being urged — ordered — to stay indoors, and as world economies barely hang on, it is more than irresponsible to continue to use the presidential bully pulpit to proclaim he has “a good feeling” that the antimalarial drug chloroquine could be a cure for COVID-19: it is delusional and a health hazard. No clinical trials have been completed to reliably suggest the drug as a treatment. In fact, an Arizona man died and his wife was hospitalized after they took chloroquine phosphate after hearing Trump suggest it as a possible effective treatment for the virus.

Dr. Bandy X. Lee, clinical professor of psychiatry at the Yale School of Medicine, told Medhi Hasan of “The Intercept” that Trump “dangerously lacks mental capacity, which he exhibits through his inability to take in information and advice, to process critical information, or to consider consequences before making impulsive, unstable, and irrational decisions that are not based in reality but fight reality.” She pointed out that at coronavirus briefings he exhibits “delusional-level distortion and misinformation” because he is “disconnected from reality.”

Wildfire damage is easy to see. Earthquakes and hurricanes, too. The mental illness of a president endangering our country is right in front of us if we simply open our eyes.

Out of his depth, yes; out of his mind, definitely. Out of office? Only if we push to make it happen.

Syndicated by PeaceVoice, Rob Okun is editor of Voice Male magazine. He can be reached at

TODAY: Massive George Floyd Memorial Protest March - NATIONWIDE - Bring a Whistle - tRUMP LOVES Whistle Blowers - 6/6/2020 - Assemble Peacefully At Lafayette Park in Washington DC


MEME - 140 dB Personal Alarm - Protest at the White House - gvan42
You Might Want to SET OFF a 140 dB Personal Alarm
That Way tRUMP Will Be Sure To Know You Are There!

How to Get There. Park at a Metro (subway) Station in the Suburbs and Ride the Train Into Town. 

Main Event at the St John's Church Near Lafayette Park. (H and 16th Streets) - Use The McPherson Square Metro Stop.


MAP of the Metro System:

Google Map of Where the Metro Stations Are: (so you know where to park)

If you are Flying In, There is a Metro Station at National Airport... Ride the Blue Line to McPherson Square... 

WHAT IF A Million Patriots Surrounded The White House for an Exorcism? Beat a Drum, Blow a Whistle, Burn Some Sage, Dance a Medicine Dance and Demand That The Evil One VACATE The Premises...

MEME gvan42 - a million patriots surround the white house for an exorcism
Thirteen Centers of Drum Circles on
Pennsylvania Ave, 15th Street,
E Street and 17th Street

Exorcise Your Right
To Freedom of Assembly!

Obviously, tRUMP is
Demonically Possessed!

Spread the Word 
Of A Spiritual Healing Ceremony...
Like and Share this Blog Post WORLDWIDE!

Letter to the Editor: Wake Up America! President Donald Trump has made America the laughing stock among the world’s nations. What induces us to stand behind a man who cannot open his mouth without lying? Why would anyone want to do business or associate with someone who cannot be trusted, has no values and cannot maintain a position on anything?

EVERYBODY SING! They Say That Waking Up... is... Easy To Do... Now I Know... I Know That It's True... OOh EE... so Chew-Z... Instead of Believing Trump I Think That I'll Be Waking UP! Today! 

Written By Doug Findley:
I can no longer ignore my exasperation concerning the upcoming Presidential election. How in God’s name can the good people of this nation continue to support our President?

This man has made every effort to dismantle the fabric of our society. He has appointed foxes to guard the hen houses of every cabinet department, many of whom come from the very industries that have been regulated by the departments they are now in charge of.

President Donald Trump has made America the laughing stock among the world’s nations. What induces us to stand behind a man who cannot open his mouth without lying? Why would anyone want to do business or associate with someone who cannot be trusted, has no values and cannot maintain a position on anything?

Anyone who professes to follow the teachings of Jesus and also supports Mr. Trump is a hypocrite. Though Jesus preached forgiveness, he also asked that we repent of our sins. Has Donald Trump ever apologized for any of his acts of calculated evil?

That Trump is a puppet of Mr. Putin is indisputable. He believes Putin’s denial of Russia’s well documented meddling in our election over the facts supplied by every one of our intelligence agencies. He has taken funds our Congress designated for military aid to the Ukraine to help them fend off further Russian aggression and diverted them to pay for his “Great Wall.” He has outed a high-level Russian who was a long time source of vital inside information and put that man and his family in imminent danger. We were forced to extract them to safety and lose any future intelligence he could have supplied.  

To ignore this behavior in a trade for Supreme Court appointments he has made placing men with fundamentalist agendas in power is a devil’s bargain.

The President is blatantly pilfering great wealth from our military budget, ordering our Air Force to refuel at a commercial airport in Scotland, and boarding airmen in his nearby resort.

I could go on for much longer but doubt that there would be column space for it. 

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