Letter to the Editor: Wake Up America! President Donald Trump has made America the laughing stock among the world’s nations. What induces us to stand behind a man who cannot open his mouth without lying? Why would anyone want to do business or associate with someone who cannot be trusted, has no values and cannot maintain a position on anything?

EVERYBODY SING! They Say That Waking Up... is... Easy To Do... Now I Know... I Know That It's True... OOh EE... so Chew-Z... Instead of Believing Trump I Think That I'll Be Waking UP! Today! 

Written By Doug Findley:
I can no longer ignore my exasperation concerning the upcoming Presidential election. How in God’s name can the good people of this nation continue to support our President?

This man has made every effort to dismantle the fabric of our society. He has appointed foxes to guard the hen houses of every cabinet department, many of whom come from the very industries that have been regulated by the departments they are now in charge of.

President Donald Trump has made America the laughing stock among the world’s nations. What induces us to stand behind a man who cannot open his mouth without lying? Why would anyone want to do business or associate with someone who cannot be trusted, has no values and cannot maintain a position on anything?

Anyone who professes to follow the teachings of Jesus and also supports Mr. Trump is a hypocrite. Though Jesus preached forgiveness, he also asked that we repent of our sins. Has Donald Trump ever apologized for any of his acts of calculated evil?

That Trump is a puppet of Mr. Putin is indisputable. He believes Putin’s denial of Russia’s well documented meddling in our election over the facts supplied by every one of our intelligence agencies. He has taken funds our Congress designated for military aid to the Ukraine to help them fend off further Russian aggression and diverted them to pay for his “Great Wall.” He has outed a high-level Russian who was a long time source of vital inside information and put that man and his family in imminent danger. We were forced to extract them to safety and lose any future intelligence he could have supplied.  

To ignore this behavior in a trade for Supreme Court appointments he has made placing men with fundamentalist agendas in power is a devil’s bargain.

The President is blatantly pilfering great wealth from our military budget, ordering our Air Force to refuel at a commercial airport in Scotland, and boarding airmen in his nearby resort.

I could go on for much longer but doubt that there would be column space for it. 

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