Showing posts with label digital. Show all posts
Showing posts with label digital. Show all posts

Was Tucker Carlson Bribed to FREAK OUT over M&M Candy TV Ads? Obviously, the Shoes of Animated "SpokesCandies" are an Absurd Topic for a TV News Show. Was it Payola Marketing?

Could it be a "CONTRIVED PANIC" in order to Attract Attention to M&M Candy?

Yes... Because, Now they are Back! and they got Millions of Dollars worth of Free Advertising!

Tucker Carlson's Contrived FREAK OUT over M&M Candy - Sexy Shoes? ABSURD

We Have Seen this Marketing Before!

I Believe the Entire Dr. Seuss "Censorship" Was a MARKETING CAMPAIGN by the Family. "We'll Sell a LOT of Books if We Cull the Unpopular Ones and Turn That Action Into a QuackAnon "CAUSE." The Republicans Will Talk About Dr. Seuss on TV and We'll Get Free Publicity...

Posted: 4/8/2021

---> My Original Rant! <---

From Two Days Ago... I've Changed My Mind Since Then...

Save Dr. Seuss from CENSORSHIP. Six of His Books Will NO LONGER Be Published ON PAPER --->But<--- Electronic Image Files are IMPOSSIBLE To Censor. PIRATES! Share These Images Worldwide! COPY and PASTE at Will!

If we can Save The Whales... and Save The Bay... and Save The Old Growth Redwood Forest... We Can Save Dr. Seuss! THE GRINCH WILL NOT CENSOR SEUSS!

Dr Seuss Art - Censored - Please Pirate These Images and Share Worldwide!
Dr. Seuss Art - Censored
Please Pirate These Images and Share Worldwide!

Here is a Link to an Archive: The "Dark" Art of Seuss...

and a Video of His "Dark" Art:

Dr Seuss Art - Censored - Please Pirate These Images and Share Worldwide!

Prices Soar on Amazon...

McElligot's Pool - $986.56


Dr Seuss Art - Censored - Please Pirate These Images and Share Worldwide!

Dr Seuss Art - Censored - Please Pirate These Images and Share Worldwide!

If I Ran The Zoo:
American Library Association 
Winner of the Caldecott Medal...

About the Randolph Caldecott Medal
The Caldecott Medal was named in honor of nineteenth-century English illustrator Randolph Caldecott and is intended to create more abundant and joyful life in pictures for children. It is awarded to the most distinguished American picture book for children published in the United States during the year, and shall be awarded to the artist whether or not he be author of the text. 

Dr Seuss Art - Censored - Please Pirate These Images and Share Worldwide!

Dr Seuss Art - Censored - Please Pirate These Images and Share Worldwide!

Dr Seuss Art - Censored - Please Pirate These Images and Share Worldwide!

Dr Seuss Art - Censored - Please Pirate These Images and Share Worldwide!

Dr Seuss Art - Censored - Please Pirate These Images and Share Worldwide!

Dr Seuss Art - Censored - Please Pirate These Images and Share Worldwide!

Dr Seuss Art - Censored - Please Pirate These Images and Share Worldwide!


and Then on Facebook, SE Said: 
My issue with the whole cancel culture thing is the fact that people always want to point the blame at liberals even though liberals aren't the ones making those decisions. I get really sick and tired of liberals being blamed for everything. Liberals didn't decide to stop publication of 6 Dr. Seuss books. The Dr. Seuss estate made that decision entirely on their own. But everyone is screaming at "the liberals" instead. Why? If you're so upset about those 6 Dr. Seuss books, why not direct your anger at the Dr. Seuss estate, since they made the decision to stop publishing those 6 books? Instead, I hear "The LIBERALS have CANCELED Dr. Seuss!" usually accompanied by a photo of Green Eggs and Ham or the Cat in the Hat, which are both still being published and have not been "canceled." Same thing with Mr. Potatohead. The Hasbro toy company made a decision - entirely on their own - to change the name of Mr. Potatohead. But sure, let's all turn our anger at "the liberals," who had nothing to do with Hasbro's decision to change the name of one of their toys. And Pepe Le Pew - nobody was even thinking about those old cartoons anymore, but sure, blame half the population for "canceling" those cartoons after Warner Brothers decided ON THEIR OWN that they're not going to show them anymore. I wonder what people would have said if it hadn't been mentioned in the news that those 6 Dr. Seuss books contained racist imagery. What if the story had simply said, "The Dr. Seuss estate has decided to stop publication of 6 lesser-known Seuss books for financial reasons"? I bet there would be no screaming at "the left" for "canceling" Dr. Seuss if that had been the way the story was presented. But because it was mentioned that those 6 books contained racist imagery, the right jumped on the bandwagon and started spreading lies that "the left" has demanded that all of Dr. Seuss's books be pulled from shelves, and it simply isn't true! None of it! But if the racist imagery had never been mentioned, I bet the right would not have even noticed that 6 lesser-known Seuss books are no longer being published. 
Why are people so determined to blame the liberals for things which liberals had nothing to do with? I get that people absolutely DESPISE liberals and want to make the rest of the world view liberals as bad people. But come on. When private companies make a decision to change the marketing of a toy or to stop showing an 80-year-old cartoon, it's ridiculous to try to place the blame on people who had absolutely nothing to do with those decisions. If you're so upset about Pepe Le Pew, contact Warner Brothers! March around in front of their corporate offices with signs! Same with Mr. Potatohead. Why not stage a demonstration in front of Hasbro's corporate offices instead of turning your anger at "the liberals" who had no part in Hasbro's decision? But blaming half the population for something which they had nothing to do with is pointless. All it does is further divide us as a country. Why does the right want to blame the left for everything? Turn your anger at the people who made those decisions! Stop being angry at the wrong people!

AO: I love it when you post breakdowns of stuff!
Honestly I think it’s because people find it easier to use buzzwords and sum it up with some succinct conclusion, a direction to point the blame, more like a performance display to showcase what ‘side they’re on’ (despite there often not actually even being sides) or ammo towards a group of people they think they’re angry at/want to be angry at

SE:  That makes sense, but it's just so frustrating. I hate feeling like I'm being blamed for things I had nothing to do with. I really wish they hadn't mentioned the racist imagery when they reported on the fact that those 6 Seuss books were not going to be published anymore. I would bet money that if they hadn't mentioned the racist imagery, nobody would give a flying f**k about those 6 Seuss books because they're not well-known books to begin with. It wouldn't even have made the news if they hadn't mentioned the racist imagery in those 6 books. But since they DID mention it, it MUST be the fault of "the left." It's just infuriating!

KD: Have you heard your president speak about uh you know the thing? The man is a blithering idiot. God help this country. He’s a puppet. That thing you call a Vice President is calling the shots not Joe. It astonishes me that people hate trump so bad they would rather destroy this country. If our founding fathers could see what this country has become they’d puke.

SE: That's a different subject from this post, but you are entitled to your opinion. You and I have a long history, and I still remember some of our crazy times in Hollywood, and I consider you to be a very dear friend. That's not going to change just because we have differing political opinions. I hope you know that.

KD: I do know that and I always wish you well my friend?

MMS: Extremists on both sides are getting lumped in with the rest of each party. Need to differentiate between Reps/Dems and Extremists.

CF: My understanding is that the right believes those companies are bowing to pressure to erase or alter history and memories or else be ostracized, stalked, fired, labeled racist, etc. That they do so only because they feel threatened to comply. That's what is meant by "cancel culture". As in, yes, they made a "choice", but only because they had a gun to their head.

SE: I understand that that's what they believe, but that doesn't make it true. Those companies weren't bowing to any pressure. Nobody was even talking about Mr. Potatohead or Pepe Le Pew. There was no pressure from "the left" to make those changes. The companies made the decision to make those changes, and "the left" is getting the blame. That's what I have a problem with.

RK: The right (media and elected officials) know that’s not true. It’s just their way of stirring up culture wars and screaming cancel culture just like they scream war on Christmas

SE: Exactly. I swear, the right WANTS the country to be divided. That's why they make up these ridiculous things to be upset about.

 RK:  it’s because they’ve decided it’s a war. On whom or what I don’t know. And it’s sad. I was stunned to read some congressional offices are staffed with just communications teams meant to get their person in public view. Not analysts, not policy people, not constituent services. Yikes!

CF:  In a two-party system, politicians benefit from their constituents seeing the others as the enemy. There's a ton of "othering" in our country as a result, most of it senseless. And people believe what they hear and are told rather than thinking for themselves or listening to more than one angle.

SE: That's true, and it's so frustrating. I just wish people would pay attention to the facts. I keep going back to the Dr. Seuss thing because it's a good example. The FACTS are that the decision was made by the Seuss estate, and it's only 6 books which are mostly unknown. But the right keeps spreading the lie that it was the LEFT who made the decision, and ALL Seuss books are being BANNED, and it's simply not true. I hate when people spread blatant lies designed to make the 'other side' look bad.

AI: There have been some very interesting studies done on patterns of thought, fear, and its effect on voting. When we amp up "threats", either real or perceived, people tend to stop analyzing information and thinking critically. They also tend to vote more conservatively.
The "fear" is the point. The regressives have to manufacture wedge issues in order to remain in power. "Cancel culture" is just their latest wedge issue.

Dr Seuss Art - Censored - Please Pirate These Images and Share Worldwide!

Dr Seuss Art - Censored - Please Pirate These Images and Share Worldwide!

Dr Seuss Art - Censored - Please Pirate These Images and Share Worldwide!

Dr Seuss Art - Censored - Please Pirate These Images and Share Worldwide!

Dr Seuss Art - Censored - Please Pirate These Images and Share Worldwide!

Dr Seuss Art - Censored - Please Pirate These Images and Share Worldwide!

Anti FOX NEWS meme - Based on Green Eggs and Ham - I Do Not Like Your Ingraham... gvan42

Dr Seuss Art - Censored - Please Pirate These Images and Share Worldwide!

Dr Seuss Art - Censored - Please Pirate These Images and Share Worldwide!

HEADLINE: Dr Seuss: Six books withdrawn over 'hurtful and wrong' imagery... 

Six Dr Seuss books will no longer be published because of racially insensitive imagery, the company that preserves the author's legacy has said. Among the six children's titles being withdrawn are If I Ran the Zoo, Scrambled Eggs Super, McElligot's Pool and On Beyond Zebra! "These books portray people in ways that are hurtful and wrong," Dr Seuss Enterprises said in a statement .

It said the decision was made after consulting experts and teachers. "Ceasing sales of these books is only part of our commitment and our broader plan to ensure Dr Seuss Enterprises' catalogue represents and supports all communities and families," it added. The other books affected are And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street and The Cat's Quizzer.

The announcement was timed to coincide with the anniversary of late American author and illustrator's birthday.

and Then on Facebook I Read: 
Listen up Buttercups! As someone who actually grew up watching PePe LePew (and all those “BAD” Saturday morning cartoons), I never saw Pepe as a rapist or promoting rapist culture. HELL I didn’t even know what a rapist was. I WAS A CHILD! 
Let me impart my CHILDHOOD thoughts:
The only reason I ever thought the cat tried to get away from Pepe was because she was in fact, A CAT and he was a SKUNK. (For those of you who are biologically/scientifically challenged... Skunks and Cats ARE completely different animals.) Skunks also smelled... bad.
I distinctly remember watching and thinking:
If Pepe catches up with her, she’s going to need a bath. 
That’s it. 
STOP READING MORE INTO OUR CHILDHOOD CARTOONS, BREAKFAST FOOD ICONS, VEHICLE NAMES, and everything else. No one became a rapist, racist, murderer, animal abuser, or dropper of anvils from watching our vintage Saturday morning cartoons while eating Aunt Jemima pancakes. You are, IN FACT, idiots, looking for attention due to the lack of parental fortitude in YOUR own lives. 
You are walking, talking, “grown” infants. Screaming when you don’t get your way resulting in showing the world how truly absurd you are. 
How about WE THE PEOPLE cancel YOU because WE are offended by your feckless, pansy ass, stupidity! 
If you agree Copy & Paste

SC Responded: I agree, although cartoons can influence kids don't think this one did any damage. Now the cartoons that showed when a policeman stopped a car and took the driver to jail - well that had my Dad miss getting a ticket as I would not stop crying - LOL!

DT Said: oh wow you should share that story with the PD. Stories like that really help their much-needed image improvement.

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

SE SAID: I was just thinking: the people who believe that those 6 Dr. Seuss books are no longer being published because of "the liberals" and their evil "cancel culture" are the same people who believe that they are somehow forbidden from saying "Merry Christmas" even though every year, people try to explain that nobody EVER told ANYONE that they couldn't say "Merry Christmas," but a lot of people choose to say "Happy Holidays" instead because it's more inclusive, but you are still welcome to say "Merry Christmas" if that's what you'd rather say...but a certain segment of society believes that they're FORBIDDEN from EVER uttering the words "Merry Christmas," and they believe it's because the EVIL LIBERALS have CANCELLED Christmas, just like the EVIL LIBERALS have CANCELLED Dr. Seuss. But in reality, neither of these things is true. Dr. Seuss hasn't gone anywhere. Only 6 of his lesser-known books are no longer being published, and this was a decision by his ESTATE, not THE EVIL LIBERALS. And the choice to say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays is your own personal choice to make. No one ever FORBADE anyone from saying one or the other. These people are also the same people who feel that they're being FORCED to comply with health guidelines during the pandemic rather than simply being ASKED to comply. It's baffling to me why so many people believe they're being forced and controlled, and it's even more baffling why they always want to blame the liberals for this so-called "control" that they feel they're under. It must be rough feeling like others are trying to control you. I can't imagine what that's like. I honestly don't understand how we can all be living in the same world, and yet some of us know that we have the freedom to say Merry Christmas, and we know we can go to any library and have access to the entire Dr. Seuss collection except maybe those 6 books which are no longer being published, and we know that it wasn't one of the two political parties who made the decision to stop publishing them, it was Dr. Seuss's estate, and we know that we were never ORDERED to follow health guidelines, we were ASKED to do something simple in order to keep our loved ones and our neighbors healthy during a pandemic. I will never understand how anyone can see any of these things as "control" or "force." It must be rough feeling like you're being controlled when you're not.

VK Repiied:

I think the only places that really enforce what holiday greetings you give customers are when working retail. I remember being told to only say Happy Holidays but yeah otherwise people can say what they want.

SK: When I was at JC Penney, we were never told to say anything particular during the holidays. I usually said "Merry Christmas." I've never been told not to say it, and I've never known anyone who was ever told not to say it.

VK: Yeah, I think it was Safeway in particular that had the no Merry Christmas thing. They were anal about a lot of different things though like having to be clean shaven, no tattoos showing etc

SE: It sounds like it was Safeway's decision to tell their employees not to say it, not something being "forced" by the "evil liberals." LOL

VK: Yeah, I definitely don't think it was anything political with them because "evil liberals" would allow employees to express themselves with beards and tattoos like WF. LOL

AC Said: These are the same people who go to church where they get told what to do every weekend.

I have been asked by employers not to say Merry Christmas at work and had people go full-blown Karen on my because of it.

There are also the same fuckers who have no trouble telling a woman what to do with her body.

SE: Oh yeah, they're total hypocrites. They love control when they get to control women, but any time someone simply ASKS them to do something nice like put on a mask, they lose their minds and say that they're being controlled. You can say no! You're a jerk if you do, but you do have that freedom. Nobody is controlling anybody....but if they had their way, they would have total control over women's bodies.

PC Said: I've just read a review of "Beyond Bad" by Chris Paley. It covers the subject of morals... Are they absolute? Fluid?.. What? ... I'm looking forward to reading the book, because from what I've gathered from the reviews, it could be pretty liberating.

JA Said: I'm waiting for them to scream "Irish cancel culture!" when McDonald's pulls the Shamrock Shakes from their menus, even though they've always been seasonal... but that's just the way things work now.

SE Replied: I still need to get my annual Shamrock Shake. I was thinking of making one, but I'd end up spending more on the ingredients than I'd spend on a shake. But I think I only have until the end of the month before it goes away. 

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

On a Different Subject: Here is a Collection of Beautiful Nude Women Doing Topless Dancing - Animated GIFs <--- LINK!

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Trump: Worst President Ever: 1.11 Million Americans Died from Coronavirus. Stock Market: Largest Loss of Money in History. Massive Harm to Americans Caused by Trade War With China. Job Losses. Huge Lines at Free Food Giveaways. Increase in Homelessness...

Trump's Tax Cut for the Rich Law 
Caused Today's Budget Deficit...


and then on FaceBorg Beth L Jones Said: 

"To All Concerned,

I do not support FOX News at all. I’m offended by the constant lies and demagoguery they pump out on a daily basis. FOX News has been the main driver of disinformation and misinformation in America as it relates to the 2020 election and Donald Trump’s Big Lie; to the ongoing pandemic; the deterioration of political civility; and a sharp rise in anti-democratic/anti-democracy, nationalism and authoritarianism. Yet they’ve never been held accountable.

In the post-Trump era, they’re seemingly thriving. We need to look no further than seeing Fox News's Tucker Carlson and his praise of Vladimir Putin and his war in Ukraine or the jarring contrast between giving credence to Donald Trump’s antics after the 2020 election and privately calling them lies.

Clearly those who want to watch it can, that’s their prerogative, but I don’t want to pay for it. Can those of us who see what FOX has been doing come together and through a threat to cancel our cable subscriptions demand that they stop including FOX in all basic cable options when they renegotiate their contracts, in order to opt for another source of access to the networks we want to support.

Why is this important?

My concerns aren't that FOX is conservative, but that FOX “News” is not news at all! It's an entertainment channel that seeks to do nothing but spread inaccurate propaganda. Court documents show that in 2020, FOX’s top brass knew that the election deniers they put on the air were peddling lies and were not credible, but they put them on anyway.

Please help me do my part to try and stop this insidious organization from continuing to rip our country apart.I DO NOT wish to directly or inadvertently support anything that's this destructive to our civil society. I have children who deserve to live in a country where truth and justice still mean something. Please help me spread the word and see if we can make something powerful happen this year in 2022!"

Please Like and Share this Blog Post... Thanks!

With the Entire Internet a Fragile House of Cards... Will The Digital History of Our Time Exist at all? Better Make a Paper Backup Copy and Store it in a Fireproof Safe.

 Could an Evil Dictator Delete all Records Tagged: "Michael Moore" and Then Would His Work Never Have Happened? A Digital Worm Designed to Find and Delete the Word "Watergate" could Destroy Every Record of that Event Forever... What If Your Search Engine FINDS NOTHING? Except a Recipe for the Pistachio Salad? 
Watergate Salad is a cool and creamy dessert salad that is a family favorite and always a hit! Loaded with pistachio pudding, pineapple, marshmallows, and pecans, this is a treat that everyone enjoys!

Watergate Salad

What If No Mention of Richard Nixon Remained after the Word Watergate Was Scrubbed From All Online Records? In the Book 1984 They Re-Wrote History Often! 

and with Terrorists Shooting Power Stations... and Causing a Week Long Power Outage by simply Pointing a Rifle at a Transformer... and Then Vanishing into the Night... How Long Before All the Power Goes Out and Billions of People Starve to Death? 
When Moore County, N.C., suddenly went dark last Saturday night, Mayor Carol Haney was perplexed. There'd been no storm, no warning, just darkness on what had been a festive holiday season evening. It turned out a shooting attack on two electrical substations knocked tens of thousands of people off the grid for the better part of a week.
Watergate Office Complex - Washington DC - Nothing Happened Here according to Newly Sanitized History - gvan42

The CIA Tried to Delete all Paper Records of Project MKUTRA and they were 90% Successful in Destroying all Evidence of the LSD Brainwashing Experiment... However... Some Documents Were Mis-Filed and the Employees That Did the Shredding Task DID NOT FIND THEM at that time! Years Later They Surfaced in Response to John D Marks FOIA Request... Someone Had Moved them Back to the Filing Cabinet Called "M" -  With Digital Records... No One Knows Where The Data Went... Power Outages often Result in Entire Disc Drives becoming Unreadable... 

What would Happen during a Power Outage of a  Year? The Collapse of Civilization and a Thousand Year Dark Age? 

Remember: Movies are Useless Without a Movie Projector... Compact Discs are Just Shiny Plastic Without a Disc Drive to Play them On... and Computers Fail Without Electricity... 

Content Just "Vanishes" if It's Not Indexed By Google... For Example: I Have a Blog and The Vast Majority of my Posts are Deemed "Not Worthy" by Google... A Person that Wanted to Read my Words Could Never Find Them... BING has a Different Assortment of Posts Indexed but "No One" Uses BING... 4,850 Posts Published and 811 are Indexed on Google Search... 

My Pages indexed by Google Chart - most are NOT WORTHY.

and Whatever you Post on Social Media Seems to Vanish Very Quickly... I'm a Member of the FaceBorg Group "Things I Remember Growing Up in Los Gatos" and My Posts from 3 Months ago are Impossible to Find... So Whenever I Write Something of Value... I Make a Copy and Post it on and a Couple of other Mirror Blogs...

I Make Multiple Copies because Former Websites I Built Just Vanished When the Businesses Decided that They Weren't Making Money on the Free Website Business... Yahoo Geocities, Tripod and Microsoft Free Websites Vanished Completely... They Did Give Me Six Months to Copy and Paste my Words and Pictures to another Site... But They Just Made a Decision to Stop Wasting Money on That Idea... 
Flower Power VW Bus drawing by gvan42

I just Made Prints of a Couple of Drawings I Did... and They are Now Posted on the Wall of My Home... After I Die, Maybe my family will keep these Drawings in the Shoebox of Family Photographs! 

Amer Indian Robot with a Headdress by gvan42

and then on FaceBorg I Read: 
I read not just one but two novels recently that involved Ouija boards magically getting people in touch with the spirit world. It was a 2003 episode of "Penn & Teller: Bull----!" that demonstrated the unpalatable truth: All you have to do is blindfold the two people with their fingers on the planchet and let an observer read the planchet's answers, which will look as though a drunken mouse with its tail dipped in ink staggered across the Ouija board.

and I Replied:
I will NOT Play with those devices because they are SCARY... They are Likely to be FAKE but if They are Real, I don't want anything top do with them... I Reject Tarot Cards for the Same Reason...

In the Sci-Fi Novel "The Man in the High Castle" by Philip K Dick... The Characters Throw the I Ching to Help them Make Decisions... The Author Also Threw the I Ching while Writing those Scenes to Help him decide the Direction of the Plot... That's Pretty Dang Clever!

and she replied:
In one of his more readable novels, I think "Stranger in a Strange Land," Robert A. Heinlein suggested that things like Tarot cards, the I Ching, astrology, reading tea leaves, etc, don't have magic powers in and of themselves; they're just tools for people who have ESP to focus their insights. All of them offer multiple interpretations. Did you make that mistake yesterday because Mercury was retrograde, your Tarot card was the Hanged Man, you misinterpreted the yarrow stalks, or the Amazing Randi predicted you would? Or maybe it was just (gasp!) a mistake?

and I said:
The only thing I remember about Stranger was The Water Ceremony... Sharing water was a sacred ritual that bonded the people together... and then I read that at Burning Man there is a Water Sharing Ritual... for the same reason... Mars was a Desert and So is Northern Nevada!

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Here's an excellent rendition of Chatanooga Choo Choo INCLUDING the Tap Dancing at the End!

Actual Reality is Better Than Looking at a Phone, TV or Computer. Smell, Taste and Touch are Missing from Digital Life. However...

Computer Art by gvan42 - Javascript Colortable Program

However there are some Dramatic Advantages to the Digital Life... Touching Actual Humans can Spread Disease... Remember the AIDS Quilt? 
and Sometimes "Surprise" Children! OOPS!

and In The Digital World it's Possible to Come Back to Life after Dying... That's a Basic Concept in "Shoot 'em Up" Video Games... Totally Different than Actually Being a Soldier... OOPS! Stepped on a Land Mine, Now I'm a Cripple for the Rest of my Life! If You Came Back to Life in Reality, They would Name a Religion after You! Look at all the Yadda-Yadda about Jesus!

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

and In Reality I'm a Terrible Artist... I took Acrylic Painting in College and I Admit I'm Pathetic... However, Using a Computer, I'm a Genius!

Rainbow Atomic Power Symbol by gvan42
Rainbow Atomic Power Symbol

Free coloring book art by gvan42 - Arrest Trump Now - DOJ Do Your Job

DOJ: Do Your Job - Arrest Trump Now - Free Coloring Book Art - You can find MORE ART at Google Image Search=gvan42

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Online, "Remote Viewing" is Easy... I've Traveled all over the World using "Television" - a Word that means to See from Afar... and With Google Maps Street View, Satellite Images and Uploaded Pictures from People... I Just Completed a Virtual Journey over the Bigfoot Highway - from Arcata on the West Coast of Northern California to Redding in the Central Valley. I didn't Have to Buy any Gasoline! and I Got to Go Places that I'm Forbidden to Enter... but the Owners are Delighted to Upload Photos! For Example: This Picture of the Control Room at the Vogtle Nuclear Power Plant in Georgia... NO WAY Could I Ever See This in Reality!

Remote View Control Room Vogtle, Georgia

Remote View of the Control Room @Vogtle

Here's Another Virtual Journey: Bridgeville UFO Festival, CA, USA on Hwy 36 in Remote Humboldt County - From Highway 101 thru The Van Duzen River Valley, The Town of Mad River. All the Way to Red Bluff in the Central Valley.

and Virtual Journey: Lost Coast, CA, USA on Highway 211 - From Victorian Ferndale to The Beach, the Mountains of Mateel to the Avenue of the Giants. Humboldt County.

Just for fun I drove all over Remote Humboldt County California and Took Pictures! and I Find that Other People Have Done That TOO.
The Bridge at Fernbridge - Humboldt County California
The Bridge at Fernbridge
Humboldt County, California

Duane Flatmo's Dragon in Ferndale.
Duane Flatmo's Fire Breathing Dragon
Kinetic Sculpture

It was Rare that I would Attend the Kinetic Sculpture Race on Day Three 
when they Arrive in Victorian Ferndale... 
Mainly because I had Gone to Day 1 in 
Arcata and Day 2 in Eureka and I Had 
Seen Enough... BUT... Someone 
Else Documented The Finish Line and 
I can See it from the Comfort of my Air Conditioned Home...

Founded in 1975, the Mattole Valley Community Center (MVCC) has occupied this renovated old schoolhouse since 1978. The MVCC is home to many activities. 

Inside the Mattole Valley Community Center - Concert
Inside - Concert
In the Digital World, Time Travel is Easy... Going Backwards in Time... Going Forward is Still a Mystery... Revealed One Second at a Time!

American History: "The Thunder Machine" made by Ron Boise was used by Ken Kesey at the Acid Tests. It was a Giant Sheet Metal Sculpture that you Got Inside and Played like a Drum.

Ken Kesey and the Thunder Machine by Ron Boise
Ken Kesey and the Thunder Machine

I didn't Go to Any of the Acid Tests... 
I was in 6th Grade During the Summer of Love.
But We Have Films of the Grateful Dead playing at

I always wondered... are there any Unique 
Features of People Born in the Spring of
1968? Conceived During the Summer of 
Love... are They Special? 

and then on FaceBORG SE SAID: When it comes to live music, the venue matters to me as much as the band. If I don't enjoy the venue, I'm not going to enjoy the band either.

VKK Said: Do you like shoreline? I used to go there all the time but now a lot of these venues where you have to have clear bags, you can't even bring purses in anymore which is lame... 

and SE Replied:  I used to go there a lot, but I don't think I've been there since the 90's. There wasn't much security back then. People used to bring in outside food, and that was part of the fun, but I don't think they allow that anymore. And I've never been anywhere that requires clear bags. I understand that we need extra security now than we did then, but it does sound like it would be a huge pain.
and I Replied: I went to the shoreline to a Furthur Festival and sat on a grassy hill in the parking lot... all the people that didn't want to spend money on a ticket were there... we had a great time... Many Grateful Dead type bands... and I remember they Played "Tomorrow Never Knows" by the Beatles... and there was the Sound of a Train Driving By... and that really freaked me out because there are NO TRAINS in that area... anyway, Shoreline is built on a Garbage Dump... a Little Heads UP in case you don't care for TOXIC Chemicals...

So the Oakland Stadium is No Good? Wait! There you are in the Front Row of this Video! I See You!

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*Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - UFO and Alien Hieroglyphics

*Tree Sitters Protest Lignite Coal Mine in Hambach Forest, Germany

*The Passage of Roe v Wade Led to Fewer Unwanted Babies Being Born... and 20 Years Later, Less Violent Crime... Because Unwanted Babies Grow Up to Become Violent Criminals...

*FREE COLORING BOOK: Print The Drawings and Color Using Felt Pens, Pencils or Potatoshop... American Indian

*HEADLINE: Deadline for "Real ID" for Air Travel Postponed AGAIN Until May 7, 2025... WONDERFUL!

*My Music Video: FREE ALL THE CANNABIS PRISONERS - A Mockery of Nancy Ray Gun... Jest Say KNOW

*Bubble UP! Economics. Raise the Minimum Wage, Social Security and LOWER Taxes on 99% of Americans. Actually Collect Taxes on the Top 1%... We The People Will Spend that Extra Money in Our Paychecks and it will BUBBLE UP! Throughout The Entire Economy...

*How to Escape the Cult of Trump: Deprogramming by Family Members of the MAGA MORON is Essential... If Someone you Know has been Brainwashed... RESCUE THEM!

*The Best Five Restaurants Near Eureka, California - Eat a Fish, Watch the Boats...

*Trump: "The Art of the Failed Deal" Book. Every Deal in that book LOST MONEY. That's why He declared Bankruptcy SO MANY TIMES. Will his Business Stupidity cause the ENTIRE COUNTRY to Go Bankrupt?

*Photographs of a Journey to the Headwaters Forest - Now a State Reserve... Near Eureka, CA - Plus The Story of How It Came To Be!

*Rainbow Gathering July 1-7, 2024 Will Be In CALIFORNIA... Exact Location To Be Revealed June 15th... and As Soon as I Know, I'll Post Driving Directions and Maps Here... What IS The Rainbow Gathering? For Me, It's Woodstock with Amateur Musicians and I'm in the Band... It's a Week Long Backpack Trip for Thousands of People...

*Add THIS to Your Bucket List: Swimming at Bear Hole in Upper Bidwell Park, Chico California. Crystallized Black Lava Rocks - Basalt from the Eruption of Mount Lassen.

*Numbers have Cultural Meanings... A list from Zero to Infinity and Beyond... For example: 007 Means James Bond. 420 Means Marijuana. 5150 means Insane... and... 420 + 5150 = REEFER MADNESS!

*"Conspiracy Theories" that are ACTUALLY TRUE. MKULTRA, Cointelpro, CIA-Contra-Cocaine, Donald Rumsfeld Selling Weapons to Saddam Hussein, UFOs are Real... Sometimes people dismiss Truth as "Just a Conspiracy Theory" because they Don't LIKE THE TRUTH.

1967: The Summer of Love... San Francisco, Hippies, Flower Power, Peace, The Diggers, Haight Ashbury, LSD and the Grateful Dead. It certainly has been a Long Strange Trip. Congratulations to all those of us who have survived... One thing is for certain...The culture of the United States was radically different After the 1960's...

*American History: "The Thunder Machine" was a Giant Sheet Metal Sculpture that you Got Inside and Played like a Drum. Made by Ron Boise and used at Ken Kesey's Acid Tests.

For Maximum Effect, Don't Read This Book. Write Your Own! --- "Lessons Learned" by Gregory Vanderlaan. A Lifetime of Trial, Error and Survival Yielded These Words of Wisdom...

My Biff Rose Trip: Driving To a Cabin in the Woods - down The Coast of California from Arcata thru Ft Bragg to Mendocino... An Excellent Adventure!

How To Remove Smoke from Indoor Air. Tape a Filter to a Box Fan. During Wildfire Season the Air Indoors is Bad to Breathe...

Pretty Soon the Filter Turns Brown
from Smoke, Pollen and Dust.

Who WAS Ram Dass? In the Sixties, He was a Psychedelics Researcher and Promoter at Harvard with Dr. Timothy Leary. (LSD, Magic Mushrooms and Peyote) Then He went to India Looking for Enlightenment and Met a Guru. Changed His Name and Published a Great Book... "Remember: Be Here Now" - It Has His Autobiography and then Many ART Drawings Explaining Eastern Religion. Real Name: Dr. Richard Alpert...

Who WAS Ram Dass? In the Sixties, He was a Psychedelics Researcher and Promoter at Harvard with Dr. Timothy Leary. (LSD, Magic Mushrooms and Peyote)

My Autobiography: Growing Up in Los Gatos, California in the 1960s by Gregory Vanderlaan - and Living in San Jose, Washington DC, Chico, Eureka and Orangevale, CA.

I Was Born in 1954. We lived Near the San Jose Airport until they Started Landing Jet Airplanes and We had to move... We went to Los Gatos in 1960. I lived there until graduation from Los Gatos High School in 1972... an Ideal Childhood... FYI: Los Gatos is about 50 miles South of San Francisco on the edge of the mountains between San Jose and Santa Cruz.

I Went to West Valley Jr. College, learned electronics drafting and got a job at System Industries in Santa Clara... I feel blessed that not only did I grow up in a great location but I also grew up at a great time. I missed the Vietnam War by ONE Year and Silicon Valley Was Hiring Like Crazy When I Needed a Job.
Peace Sign Pie Chart
History of the Vietnam War. 58,000 Americans Died for Nothing... Something They Don't Teach in School Now... "Too Controversial" -

During the 1950s Americans went into a Mad Panic about Communists taking over the world. We built thousands of Nuclear Missiles and Fallout Shelters. The US Congress had witch hunts (Joe McCarthy-HUAC) to expose "Commies" who worked in The Hollywood Movie business and blacklisted folksingers that were leading our young people astray with Labor Union Organizing songs.

During the height of this hysteria Vice President Richard Nixon went on Television and explained "The Domino Principle" while pointing to a map of Asia. His theory was...


Who Won the War? DOW CHEMICAL AND HUGHES AIRCRAFT. Selling Napalm, Agent Orange and Helicopters...

Military Death Chart USA

AMERICA'S BOGUS WARS - Since 1945, The US Military Has Never Defended The USA, Not Even Once.

Ever since Victory in Japan, All of Our Wars have been Marketing to Sell Weapons for the Military Industrial Complex.

Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - UFO and Alien Hieroglyphics