Showing posts with label cheney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cheney. Show all posts

Join the Cult of Moral Greyness! Now Accepting GNU Members... Anti-Heroes, Misunderstood Victims and those who Embrace Immorality! BIG FUN!

I found this Paragraph in a Debate in Facebook about the Electoral College. Is it a Good Idea or Totally BOGUS? The Author is Dr. Victor Koman. 

He said: "Strange... I remember when it was the Left that accused the Right of being moralistic and uptight for not merely believing in right and wrong, but believing in reflecting morality in law and culture. The intellectual/artistic Left reacted by promoting the cult of moral grayness, creating TV and movies and novels with "anti-heroes", making villains from literature and history into "misunderstood" victims or even heroes in their own way. Pornography was defended and celebrated and immorality was embraced."

I believe it is important to understand the difference between fiction and reality. While there are "anti-heroes" in books, TV and movies, they are much less significant than real life mass murderers. Compare the CHARACTER played by Peter Fonda in "Easy Rider" with George W Bush the Son. I have spoken to actual people that were Iraq War Veterans suffering from PTSD. I worked at the Welfare Department in Eureka, California and my job was to interview real people who were applying for Food Stamps, MediCal, MediCare, General Relief and Social Security Disability benefits. Many of our Clients were Homeless Veterans. Every single one of them believed that the US Government was Totally Wrong about Going to War in Iraq and Afghanistan. Some believed that George W Bush the son was DEMONICALLY POSSESSED... They felt that SATAN was running the US Military. That's the opinion of people who served, and then couldn't take care of themselves when they got back home. The Experience of Committing Murder for Corporate Profit drove those men Mad. We did offer free rent and food stamps... a bed in a room with roommates in a big old Victorian House and about enough Food Stamps to eat for Two Weeks a Month. We also pointed out the location of the free meals... BUT, they had to quit drinking and smoking weed, meth & heroin. Many did not want to stop their addictions... Many found relief from the nightmares by smoking weed and drinking booze... It's a Fact of life that Booze and Drugs Ease the pain... Especially PTSD... The Vietnam Veterans Organization offered Housing and Food every day but many Veterans ridiculed that offer. They said, "If I wanted Free Food and a Home in the Barracks, I'd Just Re-UP and they would also give me a Paycheck." 

In Contrast, None of my Homeless Clients Blamed CHARACTERS in a Movie for their troubles... "reflecting morality in law and culture" is a TOTALLY BIZARRO WORLD concern and has NOTHING AT ALL TO DO WITH REALITY. Obviously, "The Right" has totally lost touch with the concept of Right and Wrong.Recently, President Trump has approved the sale of weapons to Saudi Arabia to be used to kill people in Yemen... The US Congress voted to block this sale but they did not get ENOUGH Republicriminals to make it a VETO PROOF VOTE. Somehow those people feel that killing People in Yemen is a Good Idea! INSANE! 

I have heard of a Movie influencing a person's behavior... A Young Couple in the South took LSD and then watched the Movie "Natural Born Killers" and they they took a road trip and killed people... REALLY! ...and then... There was The Manson Family... OFTEN pointed to as an example of "Hippie Debauchery" and a LOSS of Family Values... (for sake of argument, let's ignore the influence of Charlie spending over half of his life in Jail) ...and... The Altamont Rock Concert where a member of The Hell's Angels Motorcycle Gang Murdered a person... All of these events are part of American History and I Believe they Really Happened. AND We got that Great TV Show "Charlie's Angels" about a Mysterious Powerful Man who got women to do things For Him... Just Like The REAL Charlie who did not actually kill anyone, he got "The Angels" to kill for him. Of Course, when they submitted the plot to the TV Show production gurus, they switched from a BAD CHARLIE to a GOOD CHARLIE... Hey, better ratings, larger demographic, get kids to watch it too... and we can sell DOLLS if we hare Beautiful Women to play the parts. One fact of life is that Charles Manson's Girls tried to earn a living as Topless Dancers in LA but they were NOT HIRED... 

For those of you Keeping Score, The Manson Family KILLED Seven People, The Natural Born Killers Movie Fans Killed Two people and Altamont had One Fatality... A Grand Total of TEN People. DO THE MATH! I George Bush the Son caused over 6,000 fatalities in his wars in Iraq and Afghanistan... does that mean he is A THOUSAND TIMES AS BAD AS CHARLES MANSON? Yes, It Does!

"Reflecting Morality in Law." What the Fuct! Is this supposed to imply that Republicriminals WROTE LAWS that Reflected Morality? The Patriot ACT is a perfect example... Authorizing Spying on Americans.. Very similar to the ANTI-HERO of George Orwell's 1984... Big Brother is Watching You.

I often hear the excuse "But Mommy, all the Other Kids are doing it, Why Can't I?" For example: some Right Wing Whack Jobs state that Democratic Presidents were Mass Murderers also and that makes the INSANITY of Nixon, Reagan, Bush the Father, Bush the Son and Trump all Forgiven... It's True that Lyndon Johnson Continued the Vietnam War that Kennedy Started... and in the end 58,000 Americans Died for Nothing. Well, LBJ went back to his ranch and DRANK HIMSELF TO DEATH. Instant Karma Gonna Get You! said John Lennon. Libertarians recommends that we take the power to start a war away from the President. Fine Idea until we actually get attacked... and then that idealistic and naive plan fails. We actually have experienced ATTACKS ON THE USA and It was Really Wonderful that Our President was Commander in Chief of the Military. World War Two and 9/11 are perfect examples of why we need to keep the chain of command exactly as it is now. Libertarian Ideas just Make No Sense. Unless you are a CHARACTER in a Book, Like The Fountainhead, Atlas Shrugged or The Turner Diaries... True, after 9/11 we blew up the wrong country but... that was all George Tenet's Fault... supposedly... at least that's what Evil Dick Cheney says NOW... What ever happened to Donald Rumsfeld? I never hear anything about him. Condi Rice is teaching College at Stanford. Cheney is Campaigning for his Daughter to be Senator from Wyoming. Colin Powell is sometimes seen as a Talking Head on TV News Shows like CNN and MSNBC... Infotainment shows... 30 seconds of news and five minutes of commentary teaching you what to think. 

I look forward to joining another "Cult of Moral Greyness." Presided over by the Nattering Nabobs of Negativity... Did you ever see Rachael Maddow's TV Show about Spiro Agnew the Vice President under Richard Nixon... for a while... until he had to resign in disgrace for taking bribes and getting CAUGHT! Then Nixon appointed Gerald Ford to be Vice President and Later, Ford repaid the favor by Pardoning Nixon... Quid Pro Quo? OH NO! I'm Shocked, Shocked to find Gambling Going on in this Casino! - Casablanca.

I actually have some practical Life experience with Cults... And The WERE Morally Grey! First, I attended 39 Grateful Dead Concerts and ate LSD often. Second, I Joined Alcoholics Anonymous... Often described by outsiders as a Brainwashing Sex Cult. I Have to agree that it's Actually True BUT THAT'S BETTER THAN DRINKING. 

Open the Doors of Perception - gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan Self Portrait

A Brief History of the War In Iraq. OOPS, We Blew Up The Wrong Country. On 9/11 Fourteen (14) SAUDI ARABIAN Hijackers Flew Airplanes into The World Trade Center. Five (5) Were NOT Saudis.

George W. Bush (the Son) felt that He Could NOT go to War with The ACTUAL people that Caused 9/11 so he had the CIA write FALSE Reports so he could start a War Against Iraq. Years Later We Learned that Iraq Had No WMD, Had No ties to Al Qaeda and Had Nothing at all to do with 9/11.

We were Enslaved to Saudi Arabia because we buy their OIL. If We Stopped Buying, Gas Prices would Double, The Cost of Transporting Food (and everything else) to Grocery Stores would Skyrocket and We would Experience Economic Collapse.

However, Bush Knew that Iraq Had NO Atomic Weapons so they were an Easy Target ( they couldn't fight back by Nuking the USA)... Most Americans can't tell the Difference between One Arabian Person and Another so... We invaded...  and it was VERY EXCITING to watch on TV. The News Networks Showed Green Night Vision Films of Bombs Exploding... I Remember that it LOOKED Like a Video Game.

Before the War Started there were MASS Protests Against The War WORLDWIDE. I participated in a March in the City of Eureka, California where about 10% of the Entire Population Was In the Streets... Chanting, Playing the Drums and Waving Protest Signs. We WERE NOT FOOLED by the Fake CIA Reports.

We Protested Every Year At Least Once a Year Until Barack Obama was Elected on a Promise to End the War. Yes, Eventually Everyone WOKE UP. 

The USA Used Depleted Uranium Bullets and Shells In The Iraq War... The Metal Uranium is Much Heavier than Steel and is forms an ARMOR PIERCING Bullet. What Happens is that the Uranium Catches of Fire and Burns a Hole thru the Steel Plates of Tanks, Cars and Trucks. Therefore we left a Vast Quantity of Radioactive Waste in Iraq and That has Caused an Increase in Miscarriages... A Classic Example of Genocide. Those People Over Their Will Not Be Having as Many Children and THEIR GENES Will Not Be Represented in The Future. The Uranium will be Radioactive and Poisonous for thousands of YEARS. AND... At No Extra Cost... We Found a Place to Store the Atomic Waste From Our Nuclear Power Industry. 

American Rock Group GREEN DAY Album "AMERICAN IDIOT" is an Anti Iraq War Anthem... Thanks!

Americans Killed on 9/11 = 3,000 Americans Killed in Response to 9/11 = 6,000 bar chart
Americans Killed on 9/11 = 3,000
Americans Killed in Response to 9/11 = 6,000

Shaking Hands With Saddam.
Donald Rumsfeld Sold Weapons to Iraq
During President Reagan's Years In Office.

We helped Make Him the President Of Iraq. 

Reagan Also Sold Weapons to IRAN...
and then we stepped back and Watched
Them Kill each Other... 
and Laughed and Laughed  and Laughed.

Insightful Report By George Washington University.
Shaking Hands with Saddam Hussein:
The U.S. Tilts toward Iraq, 1980-1984
National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 82
Edited by Joyce Battle

Colin Powell gave a Press Briefing at the United Nations
where he explained the Reasons for going to War in Iraq.

Traditionally, press briefings are held in front of Picasso's
Painting "Guernica" that depicts Insane death from the sky...

Powell was proposing starting a war that would have a lot of
Insane Death from the Sky...

This Image shows what the press conference would have looked like

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It Should be Noted that the Evil Triangle consisted of George W Bush, Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney. Other people who were accomplices to Mass Murder were Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell and The Director of Central Intelligence...George Tenet. 

Do the Math... The Killing of American Soldiers Dramatically Reduced about 1973.

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Photographs of the Eureka Peace March. END the Iraq War before it Starts... Well, Bush started it anyway and now Iraq is a total disaster... Endless War... For Profit. 

Drums 4 Peace

Bandemonium Playing at The Eureka Peace March 

Anti War Protest in Laguna Beach

Believe it or not Cheney and Rumsfeld have been at the CENTER of Washington DC Political Power for over 20 years. Cheney worked for President Ford... He was Hired by Rumsfeld... 

The First thing Dick Cheney did for Ford was Participate in the Cover Up of the Supposed Suicide of Dr Frank Olson of MKULTRA. He arranged for the Widow to receive a large Cash Payment... 

~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~

There were TWO Wars in Iraq. The First One was Commanded by George H W Bush (The Father). He just passed away... 

Rest In Peace George Herbert Walker Bush... 

"He was a very Competitive Athlete. Especially in HORSESHOES." - said Colin Powell. 

He lived in Houston Texas. So, even if You are The Former President of the United States, HURRICANES AND FLOODING rain on you too... 

He was a Fantastic Commander in Chief during the First Gulf War. We had a Specific Mission and When It Was Accomplished, We Left... EXCEPT for the Base in Saudi Arabia that provided Support for Our Combat Troops. We Stayed There For Years... That Base REALLY ANGERED OSAMA BIN LADEN... And That was the REASON Osama Destroyed the World Trade Center in New York City on 9/11/2001... 

Protest Marches at the White House against the War in Iraq by George Bush the Father. I was on TV... on LSD...

During the Gulf War I went to many protest marches at Lafayette Park across the street from the White House. We played the drums in order to annoy George the Father and disturb his sleep. One day we all walked to the Lincoln Memorial. I had taken an acid trip with my next door neighbors the night before and during the protest I was still tripping. The parade permit was for a certain time period and it expired while I was there. Many people sat down in the middle of the street... to make a point... the protesters that were in the street got arrested and were hauled away in buses to jail. Those of us who were on the sidewalk were not arrested. I was faced with a choice... to stand in the street or stay on the sidewalk... LSD makes events and decisions much more significant. The police were dressed in StormTrooper outfits and Big Black Boots... Like the Blue Meanies in Yellow Submarine... Anyway, I selected to NOT get arrested... Many sat down in the street... but not me. I stand by that decision today. Daniel Ellsberg DID get arrested.

When we were in front of the White House I was interviewed by the TV News. A couple of days later another neighbor of mine said that she saw me "Make a Jackass of Myself" on TV. I told her thank you, because if you thought I was a Jackass, I was doing the right thing...

On another day I played the drums with some Buddhist Monks. They were playing paddle drums in a very odd rhythm. I asked them why they played that odd rhythm and they said it focused the attention... They had to focus so they would be able to play it and THAT freed the mind to go into a meditative trance...

I also met Dick Gregory walking down the street in DC during those protests. I noticed that all the other people on the street were looking at this Old Black Man... Heads were turning... I Said: "I feel like something is terribly wrong in this country, but I'm not sure what." He said. "Thank You for your Opinion." In retrospect, I didn't say the most brilliant thing but... that's what I said.

We were the minority of people in the country... Most people thought that war was a good idea. Iraq had invaded Kuwait...

Years later a different War in Iraq was waged by George Bush the Son. That was a total disaster and eventually lead to Obama being Elected President... He promised to end the War. I went to MANY anti-war protests in Eureka about that War.

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Even Now when Everyone Agrees that the War In Iraq was Astonishingly Stupid Idea... Candidates are criticized for Protesting Against The War.

It’s 2018 and Candidates Are Still Running Attack Ads Against Iraq War Protesters...  Perhaps it’s time for a new strategy.

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Neocon Taking Head now hired to censor Facebook. The Weekly Standard Magazine is to determine What is Fake and What is Real on Facebook. 

Bill Kristol, a frequent Talking Head on MSNBC, is an EDITOR and Author for the Weekly Standard. Most Famous for being wrong about the Iraq War, he is a commentator stating is opinions as if he was a "Wiseman Pundit." While in fact he is "not very bright."

While Millions of people protested against the War in Iraq BEFORE IT STARTED... The Weekly Standard Editor was totally fooled into Actually Supporting the War and Going on TV to Beat The Drums. 

Supposed "Wiseman Pundit" is actually an Idiot who Believed all the False Propaganda published by George W Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld.  "Aw Shucks, I Didn't Know They Were Lying to Me... I'm Just A Simple Country Bumpkin and Don't Know Much About Things Like That." - Quotations Of Billy (The Kid) CrystalMeth. 

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Since August 15th 1945 the US Military has NEVER defended the country. Not once...

That day was VJ Day. Victory over Japan in World War Two... To the Veterans that fought in WW2, Thanks... That was an important Victory against a real enemy. Since Then we have invaded many countries for no valid reason.

There was a need to defend the country on 9/11/2001 but the military failed completely. Civilians brought down the airplane in Pennsylvania... 

Read History, Learn.

Ever since VJ DAY all the wars have been marketing tools to sell weapons. Why not cut the defense budget in half... Refund the Wasted money to the Taxpayers... We keep on going to other countries and choosing sides it THEIR civil wars. Why not let foreigners figure out solutions to their Own problems... OR... NOT figure out solutions to their own problems... I couldn't care less what they do over there. It's THEIR country...

Since 1973 all soldiers have been Volunteers... Why would anyone Volunteer to go Kill People for Corporate Profit?

We are STILL in Afghanistan and Iraq... Why? What possible Mission could there be?

Imagine if we had spent that money on something useful?

The Punk Rock Band that played at the end of the protest march called for a moment of silence for the Soldiers that lost their lives in the Iraq War...

Then they asked for a MOMENT OF NOISE for those same soldiers...
and played random angry sounds!

Deadheads for Obama

Street Theatre

Joe Biden Voted in Favor of the War in Iraq. Millions of Us Marched in the Streets in Protest Before the War Started... But Not Gullible Joe. He Believed George W Bush's LIES. What A Freaking Chump.

Bernie Sanders REFUSED to be Suckered by The Bush Lies and He Voted Against the War in Iraq. NOTICE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THESE TWO CANDIDATES. PAY ATTENTION TO REALITY!

Obviously, Iraq Had NO Weapons of Mass Destruction, NO Ties to Al-Qaeda and Nothing at All to do with 9/11... Anyone with Half a Brain Knew That... 

****** (~);-} ******

Photographs from an Anti Iraq War Protest March in Eureka, California. We had MANY protest Marches and History Has Proved Bush was Totally Wrong. Dumb as a Rock!

anti war protest march in eureka, ca - Iraq War was an Idiot Action by Bush, Cheney and Dumbsfield
Impeach Sign and Political Theater Actors posing as a Widow with a Baby Buggy and a Gitmo Prisoner... at a Peace March in Eureka, CA... The Iraq War was an IDIOT Action by G W Bush (the son) and his evil henchmen Cheney and Dumbsfeld...

anti war protest march in eureka, ca - Iraq War was an Idiot Action by Bush, Cheney and Dumbsfield

anti war protest march in eureka, ca - Iraq War was an Idiot Action by Bush, Cheney and Dumbsfield

Anti Iraq War Protest in Eureka California 

The Punk Rock Band that played at the end of the protest march called for a moment of silence for the Soldiers that lost their lives in the Iraq War...
Then they asked for a MOMENT OF NOISE for those same soldiers...
and played random angry sounds!

Deadheads for Obama

The Stock Market Crash of 2008 was George W Bush's FAILURE... But Obama Rescued the USA in Less Than Two Months after Taking Office... FACT...

Just Like if Bush was Driving a Car at 100 Miles Per Hour Towards a Cliff, and Suddenly a NEW DRIVER Slams on the Brakes... It Takes Time to Stop The Car... In This Case, 42 Days... and Miraculously, Obama Saved the USA from Global Economic Collapse... Thank You, President Obama!

MEME - American Idiot George Bush The Son - gvan42
American Idiot, George Bush The Son
MEME - Bush's Baked Family - gvan42

MEME - Bush and Mission Accomplished - TOTAL FAILURE - gvan42
Bush and Mission Accomplished Sign = TOTAL FAILURE

Looking at the table below of total returns for the S&P 500 during presidencies since 1929, it is clear that U.S. stock returns have been much better when a Democrat was the president...

Democrats have been better for the stock market
Since 1945, the average annual gain under a Democratic president is 9.7%. Under a Republican president, it's only been 6.7%, according to Sam Stovall, chief equity strategist at S&P Capital IQ.

A striking feature of the U.S. stock market is that it persistently does better under Democratic presidents than Republican ones. 

"Who Shot Dick Cheney?" A Murder Mystery... Not one word is true... It's Fiction! or IS IT?

Detective John Johnson and Officer Billy-Bob Frudge were driving towards the scene of the crime.

"Well," said John, "What do you think about this one, Billy-Bob?"

"Frankly, I'm glad... he was a menace to society and caused a lot of trouble." said Billy-Bob... "However, I'll do my best to bring the murderer to trial and see to it that he gets justice... be it 20 years to life or a medal to wear on his chest"

"Look," said John, "here we are at the Cheney home... "

They got out of the car and walked up to the door.

"Nice job you have done with the police crime scene tape, Officer Jimenez, the bows on either side of the door do add a festive atmosphere."

"Thanks, Sir, I try to make a fine crime scene wherever I go." said Officer Jimenez.

A Reporter jumped out of the bushes and shouted:

"Detective Johnson, Detective Johnson, do you have a statement for the press? Any Suspects? asked "Ace" reporter Clark Kentmeisterslammerdammerdingdong.

"Get REAL, Clark, We just got here." Said John. "However, we have narrowed down the list of suspects... Got a Phone Book? It's likely to be one of those people... or maybe, he's UNLISTED!"

Then they walked into the house.

"Hay, Car-rumba!" shouted John, "What's that smell?"

"Like Lynyrd Skynyrd said, it's the Smell of Death Surrounding us... come over here into the computer room. Look, there is the body. Oh my GOD! BAAAAROOOOUGHCKIOOCHIOOOOFFFFF" and Officer Frudge vomited on The Body of Dick...

"Now look what you've done. You've disturbed the crime scene... How can we do big time professional crime scene investigating if your just going to barf all over the body of Dick?

"Sorry," said Officer Frudge "It's just that I've never seen such astonishing violence... I guess we can tell the cause of death... someone whacked Dick Cheney with a long handled ax about 40 times... and THERE IT IS in the corner"

"You're right! A clue! Put it in an evidence bag... and we want fingerprints from that, call the print team on the phone."

"But, but, but, we don't have an evidence bag that big..."

"That's OK, I bet the Widow Cheney has a leaf bag we can borrow... Let's go ask her."

They call the print team and walk into the other room.

"Good Afternoon, Widow Cheney, this is Officer Frudge and I'm Detective John Johnson"

"Pleased to meet you, care for some punch and cookies?" asked The Widow Cheney.

"Why thanks, is there a place where we could ask you some questions? In comfort, without that smell?

"Of course, let's all go out to the back porch... Maria, bring out some lemonade for our guests".

"Certainly, Mum"

They all walked out to the back porch... and the print team walked in the front door...

"Holy Mackerel," shouted Print Tech #1 "What's that smell?"

"Like Lynyrd Skynyrd said, it's the Smell of Death Surrounding us..." said Print Tech #2. "and look at this... BAROOFAOOGOBOOGOOAAAASHORFURFULTZ" and he barfed all over The Body of Dick.

"Great," said Print Tech #1, "now you've disturbed the crime scene. We're in trouble now"

"Sorry, but it looks like quite a few people have already barfed on the Body of Dick... and look at this, the head is missing! How do they even KNOW if this is really The Body of Dick??? It could be Tom or Harry!"

"I get your drift." said print tech #1 "Look at this, another clue!"

"You are right. When you bumped the mouse on the computer, a word processing document appeared. Let's get Detective John..."

They ran out and got Detective john and all read it...

"Dear citizens of the year 2009...
We are time travelers from the distant future commissioned with cleaning up the errors of the past in order to create a more perfect union. Sadly, our machine has malfunctioned and instead of arriving in 1969 before the Evil Dick Cheney had done damage to the Human Race, we arrived in 2009. However, we are making the best of a bad situation and will kill him now. Later we will try again and aim for a time period BEFORE he has had a chance to do all that evil. Sorry... Your Friends from the Distant Future: Sally42 and Sarah5150."

"Officer Frudge, what do you make from this clue?" said Detective John Johnson.

"Frankly sir, I think it's Bogus. I feel like it is left here to lead us away from the real killer and/or killers. Print it out and put it in the leaf bag with the long handled ax. We might be able to use it to feed absurd stories to the press... Keep 'em out of our way..." said Officer Frudge

"Let's get back to interrogating The Widow. As you know, she is the most likely suspect so far. It's almost always family or someone with a motive."

They retired to the back porch and Detective John Said...

"Widow Cheney, did you husband have any ENEMIES? anyone that would want him dead?"

she sighed...

"As you may already know, there are millions of people worldwide that had a motive. He caused pain and suffering wherever he went. I think the most likely suspects would be soldier's families... Of the over 4,000 soldiers that died in Iraq, I bet there are some angry family members that want to take revenge... Or maybe it's a family member from the million Iraqi's that died... The list is long... Maybe it's the owner of the hardware store in town, Dick went down there last week and raised HELL in front of the customers because he bought a screwdriver and there was no instruction manual to show how to operate it... and he was upset and frustrated so he went to town and yelled at the shopkeeper."

"Thanks for your time, Widow Cheney. By the way, is this your book? "101 Ways to Kill your Husband and Get Away with It" by The Widow "X"???

"Oh, NO. That is NOT my book... It's owned by the PUBLIC LIBRARY!" said The Widow Cheney.

"Well, did you check it out?" asked John

"Actually, that's nunya beeswax... Nobody has the need to know what books I check out from the Library!"

"I'm sorry to correct you Widow Cheney, but ever since the passage of The Patriot Act we CAN look at your records... According to the LAW, We DO have a need to know what you read."

"Yes, Detective Johnson, My Husband was a big CHAMPION of that law... you are right, you do have the Authority to look at my library records but NO ONE has ever actually exercised that particular power... They would be ridiculed in the press for months! The value of the records is tiny in comparison to the Public Relations Disaster it would cause... Anyway, It's Maria's Book." said the Widow Cheney.

"AH HA!" said Officer Frudge. "Another clue... Maria has no husband... just the unknown father of her son Richard... and she can't read ENGLISH."

"By the way, Did he leave a will?" asked John Johnson... "We'll get back to you on that, Widow Cheney"

Then they left the house and drove down to the hardware store...

"Look, there are cameras on the front of the store." Said Officer Billy-Bob Frudge.

"You're Right, I bet we can see who bought an ax recently and that's who the killer is. Thank God for security cameras, they have made the world a better place to live for detectives!" said Detective John Johnson.

"Not only for detectives," replied Officer Frudge "They have made the world a better place for VOYEURS! Ever since the Evil Bush made spying on Americans popular, Peeping Toms that work for three letter government agencies have been rejoicing... "

"Yes, that's true Officer Frudge. Let's see the tape and maybe we can do some rejoicing ourselves."

They walked into the hardware store, introduced themselves to the owner and sat down in the office to review the security tape.

"Check this out, it's got four cameras all on one screen... There is a view of the front door from inside the store, a view of the cash register, a view of the back door from inside the warehouse and what appears to be the Ladies restroom." said John Johnson.

Many hours of boring video passed... snores were heard from John Johnson... when suddenly...

"Well I'll be DAMNED! Look at this!" shouted Billy-Bob.


"It looks like your Mother has just entered the Ladies room and has removed a vibrator from her purse."


"And now she's riding it like a wild horse!"

"Stop this tape!" shouted John Johnson "There isn't any valuable evidence on it. Erase it and let's get back to searching for clues... our work here is finished."

"Dang, I was getting ready to publish it on YOUTUBE... but if you're sure there isn't any evidence..."

"Hey, look at this, there's a guy dressed in camo stealing an ax from the store... What's up with that??? Let's ask the owner if he knows who it is."

They interview the owner and he says he saw the guy in camo clothes take the ax but figured that he should just write off the loss because it might not be wise to anger a crazy man with an ax... After all, he might have just needed the ax to cut firewood for a campfire... No one knows who the camo-guy was and he hasn't been seen since...
So, the plot thickens... Who done it? stay tuned, I'll write more later
Note to self... self, write the rest of the story...
Remember to add a paragraph to the story about:
The Last Will and Testament and housekeeper's son, Richard getting a half a million... he looks like Dick... possible motive?
Include a phone interview with Cheney's daughter. Alibi=O.K. She's at the hang gliding/reefer growing commune on Maui. Having a great time. She had plenty of motive (but she got dad to stop molesting her by slicing off his penis with a sharp knife: hense the nickname "Dick") but no opportunity.
Remember to add a scene about:
Torturing the hardware store owner until he confesses... to everything... he killed the Kennedy brothers and Martin Luther King, flew an airplane into the Pentagram on 9/11/2001, invented AIDS while working at Aberdeen Proving Grounds in Maryland, filmed Astronauts walking on the MOON at Warner Brothers Studio in LA, was a Manson Family Singer... etc, etc, etc... They had a quickie "military" trial with no lawyers or defense... locked him up until an "accidental" death...

Case closed.

The answer to the TITLE QUESTION IS:
No one shot Dick Cheney, he did the shooting... of his lawyer!

The End...

But what ever happened to "CAMO-GUY" ???

YANA LUDWIG is running for US SENATE in Wyoming... an Ecology Activist... against Liz Cheney, the Vice President's Daughter...


Mayana (Yana) Katherine Ludwig is a 49 year old Laramie resident who was born in Bemidji, MN, having missed the excitement of the 1960’s by a mere 5 weeks. She is a bisexual woman married to Matt Stannard, the former debate coach at the University of Wyoming and a UW Law school graduate. Matt is a writer, producer, and teacher on cooperative economics and debate. Between them they have 7 kids, 4 of whom are students in Wyoming’s public school system.
Yana has long history of social justice and ecological activism, starting as a kid following her ecologist dad around the Great Lakes as he did toxicology research on bird populations, and land reclamation work on former mining sites.



I favor the full legalization and decriminalization of marijuana, including releasing people who are serving sentences for marijuana-related charges, and wiping the records of all people with marijuana convictions. There should also be recognition of the uneven impact marijuana conviction have had on communities of color and poor communities, and legal corrections for those past harms.


The Green New Deal sets goals (which are great), but not specific policies. The policies need to include green infrastructure, transportation and energy, and focus on economic health for “fossil fuel states” like Wyoming. I favor the bipartisan Carbon Fee and Dividend bill promoted by Citizens Climate Lobby. This would provide monthly dividends to all people, rising over time. We must further use safe, proven technology to capture carbon. The most tried and true method for this is trees. My Billion Tree Initiative would draw labor from two places: states that rely most heavily on fossil fuels currently for their economic vibrancy, and a massive reallocation of military personnel away from overseas war-making, which is disastrous ecologically and leaves vets with high levels of PTSD and depression that is inadequately treated when they come home. 

Note that my 2017 book, Together Resilient: Building Community in the Age of Climate Disruption, has a full platform related to climate.

Neocon Taking Head [Idiot] now hired to censor Facebook. The Weekly Standard Magazine Hired to determine What is Fake and What is Real.

Facebook has empowered a conservative magazine [The Weekly Standard] to suppress liberal viewpoints.

Bill Kristol, a frequent Talking Head on MSNBC, is an author for the Weekly Standard. Most Famous for being wrong about the Iraq War, he is a commentator stating is opinions as if he was a Wiseman Pundit. While in fact he is "not very bright."

While Millions of people protested against the War in Iraq BEFORE IT STARTED... The Weekly Standard Editor was totally fooled into Actually Supporting the War and Going on TV to Beat The Drums. 

Supposed Wise Pundit is actually an Idiot who Believed all the False Propaganda published by George W Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. The Weekly Standard is a news Magazine Edited by Stephen F. Hayes

Stephen F. Hayes is an American journalist and biographer. He is a former senior writer for National Journal. He is now Editor in chief of The Weekly Standard[1] and the author of three books.

Hayes is a journalist. His work has appeared in the New York PostWashington Times,, National Review, and Reason. He has been a commentator on CNN, The McLaughlin GroupFox News ChannelMSNBCCNBC, and C-SPAN.[2]
Prior to the proposed 2003 invasion of Iraq, Stephen Hayes spoke to BBC News, arguing for American intervention: "I think liberating Iraq will send a strong message to IranNorth Korea, other hostile regimes not only because it will show that we will - the United States will not tolerate bullies, especially bullies with weapons of mass destruction, but it will also I think hopefully show what a free liberated people, what a free liberated Iraqi people can do for themselves and it will be - again it will be a fabulous model, not only for the Middle East but for places throughout the world that haven't had these kinds of freedoms in the past or haven't had them realised."[3]
Stephen F. Hayes is the author of three books. His first book, The Connection: How al Qaeda's Collaboration with Saddam Hussein has Endangered America, was published in 2004. It postulated an operational relationship between Saddam Hussein's Iraq and the al-Qaeda terrorist organization called . His major source was a leaked memo from Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Douglas J. Feith to the U.S. Congress on 27 October 2003.[4] His other books were biographies of Paul Wolfowitz and Dick Cheney.

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