Showing posts with label black and white. Show all posts
Showing posts with label black and white. Show all posts

Coloring Posters for Sale at My Zazzle/gregvan Store. 24" x 18" Price: $21.80 (Look for Discount Coupons at Random Times)

Coloring Posters for sale on my Zazzle/gregvan Store

More Coloring Posters for Sale at my Zazzle/gregvan Store

Many More Posters! 

OR... If You Own a Printer... 

FREE COLORING BOOK ART: Print The Drawings and Color Using Felt Pens, Pencils or Crayons... Make as Many Copies as You Like... Even More Art at Google Image Search = gvan42 Art

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
And Now for Something Completely Different.
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

On FaceBorg SE Said:

Right-wingers keep blaming the Democrats for inflation, and they think inflation will go away if we have a Republican president. Why do they think this? Do they really think our current president isn't doing everything in his power to get inflation under control? What do right-wingers think a Republican president can do differently? Do they even know, or is it just another excuse for them to bash liberals? If there really is something a Republican president can do which the current president isn't already doing, I genuinely want to know what it is.

Another thing I see a lot is right-wingers saying that "nobody cares about January 6th because people are more concerned about inflation." To me, that's comparing apples and oranges. So because of inflation, "nobody" cares about saving our democracy? It's a really bizarre comparison. I wish someone on the right would explain why inflation means they don't care about our democracy or the Constitution! Make it make sense!

and I Responded:

The Right Wingers are Using the "OOH SHINY" Distraction Technique... With Millions of People Watching the January 6th Committee, they want to Pretend That Most Americans are NOT Interested... because That Event Makes them Look Crazy...

GOP FAILED - Federal Budget Deficit Chart by President

On FaceBorg SE Wrote:

I was getting up at 6:30 am during the week for my job. On weekends, I usually set an alarm for 7:30 to 8, just so I don't throw myself too far out of whack over the weekend and make it even more painful than usual to get up at 6:30 on Monday. I've mentioned in some other posts that I've been having a rough time at 6:30 am lately because of the fact that we're still on Daylight Saving Time, and it's pitch dark at 6:30, and I've been struggling with depression and lack of 
sleep due to the fact that my body thinks it's the middle of the night when it's time to get up, so I haven't been getting any decent rest, and those dark mornings really do a number on my state of mind.
Today is my first day without a job, so I don't have to worry about keeping my body on my work schedule anymore, so I didn't bother setting an alarm last night. I woke up naturally at 8:30. This tells me that the level of daylight at 8:30 is the level of daylight I need in order not to want to die when it's time to get up. In a couple weeks we will move our clocks back, and 8:30 become 7:30, so the level of daylight currently at 8:30 becomes the level of daylight an hour earlier. This is why I love the fall time change so much. Instead of waking naturally with the sun at 8:30, I'll wake up naturally with the sun at 7:30, and then I'll have a nice long day in which I'll be able to get stuff done. This year, that day falls on the weekend of my big move, so I will definitely be putting that extra hour, and the extra energy that comes with it, to good use.

and I Replied:

Like Millions of Wage Slaves, I took Drugs Upon Awakening to "Get Me Going" - Every Day for Decades I Had a Cup of Coffee (or two) and a Tobacco Cigarette... and then I was Ready to Face the Day... Now that I'm retired... I quit smoking Tobacco but Love my Coffee... and I found that Time really has no meaning... The Grocery store is open 24 hours a day... the Internet Never Sleeps... sometimes when I woke up I couldn't tell if it was Sunrise or Sunset... I DO Remember Throwing Away my Alarm Clock... not a BIG DEAL throwing it way out into the forest celebration... but I did put it in the Closet with the other seldom used tools...

NO WAY am I recommending Smoking Tobacco as a Way to Get Motivated in the Morning... Just Reporting What I Did...

and SE Replied:

I'm looking forward to being able to wake up and go to sleep naturally rather than having to be a slave to the clock. I think losing that hour during DST would be a lot less miserable for me if I didn't always have to adhere to a strict time schedule. The days get longer in the summer and shorter in the winter whether we move the clocks or not. It would be so nice if people could just adjust their own schedules according to whatever works best for them. I do love my morning coffee, though...and I find that it works much better to wake me up if I've gotten a decent amount of sleep, which only happens consistently when we're on Standard Time because I feel tired at night and energized in the morning, not the other way around.

and then SE Said:
I was just thinking about how exciting it was when the internet first started to become commonplace, and people were first able to communicate with other people on the internet. I remember when AOL would send those discs through the mail with a free trial of a certain number of hours. I first did that in 1996, right before I moved to West L.A. I had never experienced anything like those AOL chat rooms before. I remember how exciting it felt to chat with actual people live! After I moved to West L.A., I made some real-life friends through those chatrooms. I moved back to San Jose in 1997, then moved to Hollywood in 2000, and then I really utilized the internet to make connections and make friends. I honestly don't know what I would have done without the internet at that point in my life. Many of the people on my Facebook feed are people I connected with via the internet when I was living in Hollywood. It was a fantastic way to make new friends and to become active in the Burning Man community, which was a huge part of my life then.
It's been interesting seeing how the internet has evolved since those days. I can see now that we have always wanted and needed social networks. There have been so many: Friendster, MySpace, LiveJournal, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, SnapChat, and probably others that I'm forgetting. I've never used Twitter, SnapChat, TikTok, or Instagram, but I used all of the others. I have very fond memories of all of the earlier social networks, especially LJ. People obviously want and need places where they can share their thoughts and express themselves. And it really can be a wonderful way to make real friends and real connections. I think the main negative thing about the internet is all the false information that gets circulated around. I think it's become too easy for people to believe everything they read on the internet, so there are a lot of people who are very misinformed about what's really happening in the world. But overall, the good aspects outweigh the bad.

and I Replied:
I first started using the Internet at the San Jose Public Library in the Late 1990s. I enjoyed Posting my Thoughts on the Tech Museum Website... and then I later Built My Own Website where I Could Publish Everything I Knew... Yahoo Geocities Yosemite Trails 6803... and Tripod... I had to wait in line to use the computers but was able to ask for help from the other people waiting in line... I remember one time I was Having difficulty and a fellow library patron said... "You have set the Color of Your Words to White and the Background Color is also White." THANKS! Just another Troubleshooting Problem that I would have Never Solved without the Help of Strangers!

and now that I'm Retired I believe that The Internet has Lengthened My Life... In Previous generations, men would stop working, fail to find anything to do with their time and die young... Boredom and a Lack of Purpose killed them... WELL, with the Internet, I've written my autobiography, written 20 suggestions for making the world a better place to live... and Posted my art and music... Written a Novel...
Built a Webstore to Sell My Art and Slogans! 
 That's Kept me Busy! 

GOP Plan: Outlaw Voting, Crown Trump King

GOP Plan: Crown Trump King - gvan42 - meme
I predict the GOP will Win the House in 2022 and Impeach Biden. Remember: Biden would not have to Actually Commit an Impeachable Offense... He would only need to be ACCUSED by Republicriminals! A Majority VOTE!

and then He will Not be Convicted in the Senate. So They will Impeach Him again... and again... and again... perhaps Eight Times before the 2024 election...

Maybe the GOP Will Only Impeach Biden Three Times... So He will Hold the Record of the Most times Impeached... after all they will need to Impeach Kamala Harris as Well... That way the Speaker of the House Becomes President! and they OUTLAW Voting, Crown Trump King and Pass more Tax Cuts for the Rich Laws, Steal all the Social Security Money, Throw all Old People OFF Medicare, Outlaw Abortion and Birth Control, Rewrite all History Books so White People are always Wonderful and Right! Imprison all the Gays, Declare Jesus is the ONE TRUE GOD... and Send all the Non-White Immigrants Right Back Where they Came From!

Help Democrats Win the House and Senate by Sharing Their Campaign Websites on Social Media. Here's a List of Crucial Races... Simply Copy and Paste these Links. This Costs Nothing. Only Your Time and Effort...

Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - 

Make as Many Prints as You Like and 

Color Using Felt Pens, Pencils or Potatoshop!

Happy Birthday - gvan42 - Free Coloring Book Art

Here's a Poster that Anyone Could Print...

Give 'em away at a Party!

 Three Hearts Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42

Three hearts - the HIGH Point of "My Career" as an Artist was when I painted this Design on a Bed Sheet and Gave it to a local band as their Stage Backdrop. Shawn the Leader Came up with the design of three interlocking hearts... and It's pretty easy to draw if you take a piece of paper and fold it in half then cut Half the Heart shape with Scissors... Unfold and Trace with Felt Pen... and I got to attend a concert at a Farmhouse in Rural Maryland... And the Stage lights/fireworks really set it aglow... since I used "Blacklight" Acrylic Paint! Some guy had a movie camera and we all had a great time until the police showed up and made the Band stop playing - a Neighbor Complained about the Noise... at least That's the excuse the Pigs Made... PORKERS!

Teenage Alien Dance Party - gvan42 - Free Coloring Book Art
Teenage Alien Dance Party
a Poster for a Mating Ritual
Atomic UFO - free coloring book art by gvan42

Pentagon - cut budget - gvan42 - Free Coloring Book Art

Big Blue Wave - gvan42 - Free Coloring Book Art

This is a Design That You Can CHANGE THE WORDS if You Want to... Say Whatever You Want!

World's Worst Job meme - Nazi Atom Bomb Scientist - Werner Heisenberg
World's Worst Job -
Nazi Atom Bomb Scientist -
Werner Heisenberg.

I'm Not Making This UP... There were Real People that worked Night and Day to Give Hitler the Atom Bomb... If Werner Had Succeeded, We All Would
Be Speaking German or Maybe Japanese!

At a scientific conference on 26–28 February 1942 at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physics, called by the Army Weapons Office, Heisenberg presented a lecture to Reichs officials on energy acquisition from nuclear fission.[85] The lecture, entitled "Die theoretischen Grundlagen für die Energiegewinning aus der Uranspaltung" ("The theoretical basis for energy generation from uranium fission") was, as Heisenberg confessed after the Second World War... READ MORE!

But then, After The Nazis Lost, He Stated that he was Glad They Did... #MeToo

Outlaw Guns, Collect Guns, Melt Guns. It's Not Complicated - gvan42
More Free Coloring Book Art

Read Banned Books meme - gvan42
anything is better than NOTHING!
Dr. Seuss, Mad Magazine, Zap Comix
there's some Wisdom to be Had!

KEEP VOTING LEGAL meme - gvan42

Trantor - a Planet that is covered entirely by city - from the Book Foundation by Asimov - gvan42
Trantor - a Planet that is covered entirely by city
- from the Book Foundation by Asimov

Arrest Trump Now meme - DOJ: Do Your Job - gvan42
Arrest Trump Now meme - 
DOJ: Do Your Job

I believe the Gun Nut Gene is passed down from
Father to Son... If Your Grandfather was a Gun
Nut and Your Father Was a Gun Nut YOU are
Likely to be a Gun Nut too! Being a Crazy GUN
NUT crosses Racial Lines and The FREAKS can
Belong to Every Group!


Drawings and Color Using Felt Pens, 

Pencils or Crayons... Make as Many 

Copies as You Like... Thanks! More 

Art at Google Image Search=gvan42

Flying Saucer With a Friendly Alien by gvan42

That Creepy Eye from the Back of
the Dollar Bill -
and Pink Floyd's Wall -
Dark Side of the Moon Prism

2400 pink floyd gvan42 free coloring book

American Indian with Headdress - FREE Coloring Book by Greg Vanderlaan - Blog Labels:  Trump, art, evil, California, protest, idiot, war, disaster, fail, psychedelic, freedom, free, question authority, book, cosmic, fraud, music, ecology, question, global, failure, magic, election, insane, crazy, trippy, mushroom, liar, Donald, quest, #DumpTrump, Eureka, republican, Impeach, visions, vote, GOP, people, video, power, gvan42, loser, corruption, lsd, authority, #ImpeachTrump, Russia, corporate, fire, reality, climate, white, 2020, CIA, EPA, great, President, murder, vanderlaan, money, peace, USA, change, rainbow, campaign, marijuana, NRA, humboldt, American, fake, #BogusPotus, news, arcata, brainwashing, coronavirus, fun, liberty, nuclear, pollution, song, Putin, hippie, house, warming, madness, TV, death, history, guns, love, NSA, revolution, Family, facebook, guitar, #DitchMitch, FBI, corrupt, Congress, bogus sanity, Sanders, Chico, hippy, police, #runaway, absurd, economy, waste, legalize, solar, Republicans, Russian, World, life, coloring, mkultra, obama, rich satire, senate, wall, crime, lie, #MAGAKiller, America, March, cannabis
American Indian with Headdress

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Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - UFO and Alien Hieroglyphics