Showing posts with label backlash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label backlash. Show all posts

TRUMP IS A LIAR, LIAR, PANTS ON FIRE... and Yet... Gullible Fools Appear to BELIEVE THE LIES! I see endless Retweets of False Statements... Apparently Posted by People BUT... They Could Be RUSSIAN BOTS!

Are TrumpNiks REALLY THAT STUPID or are they Just BRAINWASHED? We Shall Find Out in 2020 when Trump Loses, and the EVIL GOP is Driven OUT of the Senate and The House... 

I Predict That Good Will Triumph Over Evil... However It will Take the Combined Efforts of Millions Of Patriots to Defeat Putin's Puppet! Please Share this Post and Copy and Paste these MEMEs... 

Free #DumpTrump MEME pirate like share print copy paste


Free #DumpTrump MEME pirate like share print copy paste
DEPORT Melanija Knavs, FLOTUS

We Are Competing Against Troll Farms Trained By The KGB... and Sponsored by the Kremlin... 

I believe that the #ImpeachTrump movement in the Congress will FAIL to Actually Remove Him From Office... BUT THE BACKLASH will Cause Republicriminal Senators to be THROWN OUT OF OFFICE... 

Remember: You Can Campaign IN  FAVOR OF SANITY and Together We Will WIN... and There Will Be A New Age of Peace and Prosperity... CAMELOT 2.0

Free #DumpTrump MEME pirate like share print copy paste

Free #DumpTrump MEME pirate like share print copy paste

Free #DumpTrump MEME pirate like share print copy paste

Free #DumpTrump MEME pirate like share print copy paste

Some Letter to the Editor to the Chico, CA Newspaper... 
Polls don’t matter. It is not OK. It’s no longer arguable. If you are not angry at Trump, you are no longer in touch with reality. You have no respect for truth. It is that simple now. In 1938, 99.5 percent of Germans turned out to vote 98.8 percent in favor of Hitler and Nazi principles. In the slave-owning South, before the Civil War, polls of eligible voters would doubtless have shown near-universal support for continued slavery of African-Americans.

At some point rational people have to recognize something’s awry. A large segment of the populace is not just espousing contrasting views, it is just dead wrong. With a president even many staunch conservatives and lifelong Republicans concede lies like breathing, we need to stand firm and defend our democracy. Trump’s lies and crimes not only cost lives, they also devastate every American principle. Regardless of poll percentages, he must be removed.


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Mockery of Mad King Donald the Corrupt - Satire - #Impeach #DumpTrump #BogusPOTUS Fake Photo Collages and Ridicule... FEEL FREE TO PIRATE THESE IMAGES AND USE THEM IN YOUR OWN SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS, BLOGS - 
free MEME by gvan42 satire of Mad King Donald the Corrupt #Impeach tRUMP NOW!

#Impeach tRUMP Embroidered Baseball Cap FOR SALE!
#Impeach tRUMP Embroidered Baseball Cap
#Impeach tRUMP Embroidered Baseball Cap
by gregvan

Recently Lindsey Graham advised Trump to handle the impeachment like Bill Clinton did and keep his gnat-like attention on the job.

Clinton was impeached for using the power of his office to make an intern fellate him in the White House and lying about it. Instead of the irrefutable evidence that Trump used the power of his office and taxpayer money to force Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky to meddle in our election for Trump’s benefit (which hasn’t shaken any Republican support), the House needs to prove that Trump tried to force Zelensky to fellate him in the White House and lied about it, and it’s a done deal.

Shouldn’t be hard. Sounds just like something Trump would think of, considering he has lied about 13,000 times since he took office, and Zelensky “loves his ass” and “will do anything” Trump wants, according to Ambassador Gordon Sondland’s testimony.


“In my windshield I see fear and faith. Rich and poor from town to town. One owns a Bible, one owns a safe. Neither walks on common ground. Tonight, I drive across America. Mister, can I talk with you. Tonight I drive across America. Oh say, can you see what I see through.”

Words from a song written by Mark Germino for his 1995 CD, Rank and File, hit the mark today, as they did nearly a quarter of a century ago. We are living at a crossroads. The plain and simple choice is either to allow the current electoral and Russian-assisted president to be immune from law, or—forget it. The impeachment inquiry is showing that trying to run this country of checks, balances and laws cannot be overthrown by an immature, wannabe mafia New York autocrat, aka DJT.

We can see what needs to be seen through.


free MEME by gvan42 satire of Mad King Donald the Corrupt #Impeach tRUMP NOW!
Many More MEMEs at

Re “Oh, Democrats” (Letters, by Ray Estes, Nov. 14):

Ray Estes’ recent letter highlights a corrosive, misguided mindset that has permeated our national discourse for years. He describes the current slate of Democratic candidates as “nightmarish,” and sure to fail against Trump in 2020. At the same time, he laments the current administration’s inevitable slide into “dictatorship,” all while offering exactly zero solutions for success or change. He fails to see the tremendous opportunity for systemic change to a government that has drifted away from true representation of the people.

Two of the leading candidates, Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, are true progressives who have spent much of their lives battling the oligarchs of American society on behalf of the rest of us.

Mr. Estes disparages Sanders as an independent who is “four years older and unhealthy.” Bernie has been fighting for the poor and working class of this country for half a century. The integrity he has shown throughout his career is stunning, especially when compared to the craven party leadership of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. While others are content to line their pockets with lobbyist cash from massive companies, Bernie is intent on building a movement of actual human beings to turn things around.


Bernie Sanders won the Michigan and Wisconsin 2016 primaries, winning a total of 23 primaries.

Obama campaigned on hope and change, but he shortchanged ordinary Americans on change, so they lost hope and over 9 percent of them voted for Trump. Those voters are likely to vote for Sanders, being enthused by his integrity, authenticity and courage to deliver real change to make the lives of all working families better.

Your beloved status quo has created obscene, colossal and growing income/wealth inequality where the richest .1 percent take in over 188 times the income of the bottom 90 percent.

Change is coming and is very necessary.

LC-Butte Valley

Orwellian times

Eric A. Blair possessed supernatural ability. His remarkable perception of the world we currently live in was faultlessly predicted in his book written in 1947. Blair warned of a world in which democracy failed and totalitarianism took control. A world not interested in the good of others, but interested only in power. His book, Nineteen Eighty-Four, should send chills down the spine of anyone watching the Trump impeachment inquiry hearings this past week.

He warned “the party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears.” Sound familiar? Is it any wonder that Trump is so enamored by ruthless dictators like Vladimir Putin, Bashar al-Assad, Kim Jong Un, etc.?

Former news commentator Bill Moyers said he fears for the nation’s survival for the first time in his life. Hear, hear. Eric A. Blair, who used the pen name George Orwell, warned people like Trump’s emblazoned “poorly educated” supporters that they are “perfectly ready for dictatorial methods and systematic falsification of history, so long as they feel it is on their side.” If you want a picture of Trump’s future, imagine a boot stomping on a human face—forever.


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tRUMP's Impeachment Insurance.
Leave Me Alone or You'll Get Mikey...

Get Your FREE #DumpTrump Coloring Book at - and FREE MEMEs - Man holding a Sign that says: "This is a Sign" Absurdist Theater or End Times Warning?
Man holding a Sign that says: "This is a Sign"
Absurdist Theater or End Times Warning?

Theater critic

Well, it seems you now must have a willingness to be tracked, a smartphone and a credit card to go to the movies. I’m talking about a new reserved-seating system that you must use to purchase a ticket. It’s a people-unfriendly system that does not take into account the needs of the elderly and disabled, but does encourage you to buy your ticket in advance over the internet.

This has been building for a while—since they stopped printing their listings, started a members-only club and a game app to further track their customers (brag to your friends!). Now they are not even bothering to print legible listings for the ticket booth. Additionally, the lights they put in so you can see your seat number ruin the movie experience and shine into the corners of your eyes. People will start coming in at the last minute so they don’t have to watch those ads.

Allowing a company a monopoly in your community means that you will trust them to serve that community, and at the old location Cinemark did. I remember one woman’s grateful letter to the editor explaining how their low-cost matinees helped her through a loss. Now they are getting bossy.


Lamenting drug prices

As an older American, I know that ever-rising costs for life-saving and life-enhancing medications are endangering older Americans. And younger folk often have to choose between medicines and putting food on the table as well.

This is a travesty, especially when there are bipartisan proposals in Congress right now, today, that could help fix this. Now is the time for our representatives to enact legislation to help us.

Now is the time for members of Congress to vote yes on bills that lower drug prices.


Lose the gun ads

Regarding the Sportsman’s Warehouse ad for its “Pre-Black Friday Sale,” I ask you to institute a policy of nonviolence in advertising.

In August, data came out about mass shooters. They had early childhood trauma and violence, had an identifiable crisis point in their lives, studied other shooters to seek validation and they had the means. In regard to school shootings, 80 percent obtained guns from family; in workplace shootings the perpetrators were legal gun owners.

We have not had a mass shooting in Chico, but each week the middle of the CN&R invites us to purchase a gun. To the deeply traumatized individual who has hit the wall with his stressors isn’t that a reminder and invitation?

We should be doing all we can to prevent gun violence. Getting that advertising out of the CN&R would be one small step. Despite all of California’s vigorous gun laws we lead the nation with more mass shootings in which four or more people were killed or injured in 2019 (Gun Violence Archive.) We must do better to intervene. This is just one needed Action.

Why Not Wake UP? It's Fun, It's Free,
and Everybody's Doing It! 

Repeal Trump's "HELP CRAZY PEOPLE BUY GUNS" Law. People that Receive Social Security Disability due to Insanity SHOULD NOT OWN GUNS. Trump signed that law in 2017... Obviously, he was wrong... Now is the time to reverse Trump's Mistake! #MAGAKillers SUCK

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