Showing posts with label POTUS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label POTUS. Show all posts

What's the Difference Between Trump and Hitler? Serious Question. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE? Inquiring minds want to know!

Trump's Favorite Book Is: "My New Order" by Adolf Hitler... When Trump says he has NOT read "Mein Kampf" ... That Could Be True... because he was too busy reading "My New Order"
What's the Difference Between Trump and Hitler? Serious Question. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE?

"My New Order" has attracted the attention of the press with the rise of Donald Trump as candidate for President of the United States because his first wife Ivana Trump revealed that Donald Trump reads a book of Hitler’s collected speeches, "My New Order", which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed. It can be seen that there are clear similarities between the speeches of Trump and the speeches of Hitler... 

Trump's Favorite Book: "My New Order" by Adolph Hitler...

Was Donald Trump's Family Surname Once 'Drumpf'? YES! His paternal granddad — who came to America at 16 with little more than a name he later changed — lived a true rags-to-riches life... 
Fred Trump, born Friedrich Drumpf, in Kallstadt, Germany, in 1869, had an estate worth $500,000 in today’s dollars when he died in Queens on May 30, 1918, at age 49.

Trump: "The Art of the Failed Deal" Book. Every Deal in that book LOST MONEY. That's why He declared Bankruptcy SO MANY TIMES. Will his Business Stupidity cause the ENTIRE COUNTRY to Go Bankrupt?

The Bogus "Tax Cut for the Rich" Law decreases Revenue while increasing spending... That's a sure recipe for failure...  Frankly Speaking, It's Easier to simply set Dollar Bills on FIRE...

Book: The Art of the Failed Deal by Trump

Donald Trump's 13 Biggest Business Failures.

Help Us BEAT tRUMP by Sharing These MEMEs on Social Media! #DumpTrump Volunteers Needed World Wide! - Massive Unemployment, Endless Business Bankruptcies, the Stock Market Crash and TOTAL FAILURE TO PROTECT AMERICA FROM DISEASE... #2TrillionDollarLoser

When tRUMP CAUSES Global Economic Collapse, You Won't Be Having Fun Either!

Remember: tRUMP is ANTI-CHOICE. His Plan is to Make Abortion Illegal and FORCE Women to Give Birth to Unwanted Children. It's BACK TO THE COATHANGER.

Please Share This TV AD That QUOTES TRUMP Word for Word... Transcript: the Corona virus. This is that new hoax. We have a totally under control. It's one person coming in from China One day. It's like a miracle. It will disappear when you have 15 people and within a couple of days is gonna be down to close to zero. We really think we've done a great job in keeping it down to a minimum. I like this stuff. I really get it. People are surprised that I understand. No, I don't take responsibility. Oh, priorities. USA Action is responsible for the content of this ad.


Trump Signed the Help Crazy People Buy Guns Law #MAGAKillers MEME - gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan
Really! I'm Not Making This UP!
Trump Signed the
"Help Crazy People Buy Guns Law"
H.J.Res 40

MEME - gvan42 - GO to the White House and Blow a Real Whistle. PROTEST Gregory Vanderlaan
GO to the White House and Blow a Real Whistle.
Reject The Boogaloo... 
MEME: QAnon: The Coronavirus was Invented at The Fort Detrick BioWeapons Laboratory... gvan42
QAnon: The Coronavirus was Invented at
The Fort Detrick BioWeapons Laboratory
Free #DumpTrump MEME pirate like share print copy paste
tRUMP has Started Calling Himself "Nobody."
tRUMP has Started Calling Himself "Nobody."

tRUMP Bring on the Hookers MEME gvan42
Find More MEMEs
at Google Image Search
Keywords: "gvan42 MEME"

Vote 4 Joe Biden - Here are some Video Ads that We Can Share... It Costs Nothing to Post these on Social Media... Please Campaign!

America is Fighting Our Way Back! Vote for Biden. There Are Those Who Are Betting Against America... That's a Bad Bet! Our Best Days Are Ahead of Us...

Share this Link!

Vote 4 Joe American Flag meme

Bernie Sanders urges left to back Biden to stop ‘very dangerous’ Trump... Leftwing senator advises ‘unification of progressive people in general’ because threat from Republican ex-president is too great
Please Like and Share this Newspaper Article...

RFK Jr is Asking Troubling Questions. Are Weird Chemicals in our Water Causing Mass Insanity? Should We Legalize Marijuana and Psychedelics? Talking Heads on TV News MOCK These Questions as CrazyTalk® However...

He Has a Valid Point! For Example: The National Institute of Health Says:

Endocrine Disruptors in Water and Their Effects on the Reproductive System...
Anthropogenic contaminants in water can impose risks to reproductive health. Most of these compounds are known to be endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs). EDCs can impact the endocrine system and subsequently impair the development and fertility of non-human animals and humans. The source of chemical contamination in water is diverse, originating from byproducts formed during water disinfection processes, release from industry and livestock activity, or therapeutic drugs released into sewage. 

Risk of endocrine disrupting compounds in drinking water...

Access to safe water is a crucial factor in determining environmental sustainability, public health, and economic prosperity. Endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) are an environmental contaminant of growing concern, which undermine the safety of drinking water.

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

LIVE: Democratic Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Delivers Foreign Policy Speech... 

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

The Legalization of Marijuana and Psychedelics Nationwide is OBVIOUSLY a Good Idea. Tax Them and Use the Money to Build Drug Rehab Programs... PLUS: We could Save a Fortune Currently Wasted on Law Enforcement and Incarceration... We COULD Retrain Policemen to Do Something Useful with their LIVES!

A Little Known Benefit to Legalization is FDA Quality Control and Accurate Doseage... Currently, Criminals Selling "ACID" may be Selling a Random Assortment of Chemicals that Make People Feel Strange... For Example: Fentanyl mixed with Methamphetamine... Yes, THAT would take You on a "TRIP" but it could Kill You... 

RFK Jr Button for sale on Zazzle Gregvan

and then on FaceBorg... SG said:
From “Patriotic Millionaires”: “As America’s rich have become richer, they’ve used their fortunes to make investments in the political sphere. Their investments have certainly paid off, as we increasingly have a system of government that caters almost exclusively to the interests – particularly the economic interests – of the wealthy and well-connected. Over the years, their taxes have been cut, financial regulations have been slashed, and efforts to raise the minimum wage and strengthen unions have been squashed – all of which helps no one but the billionaire class. It’s not a coincidence.”
“One prominent example is campaign finance. Thanks to the Supreme Court’s controversial 2010 Citizens United ruling, they’ve flooded our elections with contributions to traditional campaigns, Super PACs, and dark money groups. In the 2022 midterm elections alone, billionaires contributed a total of $1 billion to candidates’ campaigns and Super PACs – which was more than 300 times what they spent a decade ago. In the 2020 election cycle, the top 20 billionaire donors spent twice as much as the entire Biden campaign.”

Take a Break and Listen to Edgar Winter's Frankenstein!

I Plan to VOTE 4 JOE if He Survives until Election Day. After That, I'm Happy to Have Kamala Harris as President. and Then Gavin Newsom in 2028

Sending Cluster Bombs to Ukraine is an OBVIOUSLY IDIOTIC Choice. Has "Dementia Joe" Lost His Ability to THINK?  Why Not Gavin Newsom for President? He's Smart!

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

When is the optimal time for Biden to drop out of the race? TODAY!

Governor Gavin Newsom and Family

Gavin Newsom has stated often that he WILL NOT RUN for President if JOE BIDEN is Running... OK... 2028 is coming... 

But What IF Biden WOKE UP and Realized that his Candidacy is a Danger to the USA??? It's Absolutely Essential that We BEAT TRUMP... and What IF "Dementia Joe" keeps of Making Idiot Decisions? 

Did you know that Joe Nominated "Mr Pure Evil" Elliot Abrams for a Senior Post? WTF!

Headline: Biden to nominate Elliott Abrams, who lied over Iran-Contra, to key panel...

Joe Biden intends to nominate Elliott Abrams, a former Trump appointee on Venezuela and Iran who was famously convicted for lying to Congress over the Iran-Contra affair, to the bipartisan US Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy.

The announcement came wrapped in a list of eight Republican picks for bipartisan boards and commissions released in a White House statement on Monday.

“It’s definitely a way to reach out to neoconservatives, and to throw them a bone,” said the historian and journalist Eric Alterman, who has written about Abrams since the 1980s. “It’s a risky move on Biden’s part.”

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

a Friend said: 
You may not like the messenger but the message is important.

That Trump ever made it the White House the first place, after watching him only a few times on the Apprentice and after learning a few facts about him, is what I find most frightening. I mean, what does this say about Americans in general? About his supporters especially,  both in office and in general when they refuse to learn the truth about him while watching and accepting all his childish rantings, lies, false brags, belittling others and dangerous threats; what’s wrong that they can’t see his lack of class, common decency and character? Where did America go wrong in teaching the average-even many well educated, what traits are most important in world leaders?
Rachel Maddow Says... 

and I Replied:
tRUMP was selling HATE... and people bought that... Just like Hitler blaming the Jews for all of Germany's problems... there are Millions of Middle Class White People that can see the quality of life is going down... and they wanted SOMEONE TO BLAME and SOMEONE TO SAVE THEM... So tRUMP Blamed the Blacks, The Mexicans, the Women's Libbers, the Gays and the College Graduates... and If you are an Uneducated White Male... THAT MAKES SENSE...

and he was running against Hillary... who was NOT popular with Voters but WAS popular with Wall Street. Hillary was just a Tricky way to let Bill Clinton Serve a Third Term... 

Bernie Sanders was Popular with Voters but Hillary used a Bizarro Trick to get the Nomination... 

I did not vote in 2016 because I was in Bad Health and told my care-giver... "No thanks, don't help me register and vote... somehow they will have to get along without me." and in fact... My vote would have made no difference at all. Hillary won all the California Electoral College Votes without my help... 

The Electoral College System is RIGGED to help Elect White Male Landowners... Just like our Founding Fathers Designed it... NO Votes for Blacks or Women... 

Whatever... We Need to Arrest Trump Three More Times... and Incarcerate Him to Send a Message to FUTURE Madmen that want to Overthrow the USA and Crown themselves King... Don't Do That! We will LOCK YOU UP!

Discrimination is NOW a Human Right - cartoon

Gavin Newsom POTUS Button for sale on Zazzle Gregvan

Secret to Success - rich daddy meme

Biden Harris meme 2024 campaign

Ron Death Santa Theme Park - cartoon

Biden - I did That - meme

see the difference? GOP=Crazy meme

Trump Lies Matter - Button - meme

way to go joe - meme - bubble up economics

Fox Lies Democracy Dies - meme - Tucker Thrown OUT!

Dick Cheney thinks tRUMP SUXX - meme

tRUMP FAMILY in Prison - Lock 'em UP meme

GOP MOTTO - We stand for Nothing - Lie about everything - logo - meme

Jesus Freak Swindler JOEL - meme

No One is above the Law - sign - meme

TrumpNiks® are DUMB - meme

Senator Mike Lee: The way to solve climate change is to have more children... Because we can't think of a solution but our children will be smarter!
Senator Mike Lee's answer to the Green New Deal - Ronald Reagan riding a Dinosaur shooting a gun

Amanda Gorman Quote - meme

Corrupt SCOTUS - Mike Lee's Job for son - Cartoon

Mom's for Liberty is a Terrorist Organization - Cartoon

This is Donald - Don't be like Donald Cartoon

tRUMP will be tried as an Adult - meme

Greta Action meme

help wanted ad for next tRUMP lawyer - satire meme

How we actually make america great - Lock Up the Entire tRUMP Family - meme

tRUMP going Losing and Inviting his loser friends... meme

Time Travelers are trying to REDRUM tRUMP back in 1980 - meme

Time Travelers are trying to 
REDRUM tRUMP back in 1980 - meme

and then of FaceBorg I Read:
TO THE ADMINS OF THIS GROUP: in regards to the post I recently put up that you removed because of the rule of no politics infraction, I am truly, sincerely, and deeply sorry. I legitimately apologize. I was not thinking, apparently. To be honest I was not trying to express any views, start a political conversation, recruit others to my side (because I honestly don't have one), or anything along those lines. I just threw together some stuff I thought was cool and hoped others might also enjoy. As we know Weir is very active in getting people to vote, I've heard many "raps" about it at shows and observed Headcount being present at times and being very active. So, I was just whipping together a few things I thought were neat that went along with the guys we all adore. I swear I had no negative intentions and promise I will try and be more aware with rhe contents of any and all future posts. I would never try and force my opinion on anyone (especially in an area where I don't have one!), and I definitely would not, under ANY circumstances, blatantly offend anyone. So, if that post did actually make it to the feed and anyone saw it and had negative emotions due to it or were offended, I humbly apologize to them as well.

Dancing Bears Peace Sign - meme - Excellent!

Rick Griffin Bob Thomas mashup Steal your Face - surfing eyeball - meme logo grateful dead

Drag Queen Beating Students with a Book meme

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Peace Sign Pie Chart
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Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - UFO and Alien Hieroglyphics