Showing posts with label Colorado. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Colorado. Show all posts

At Club Q, Dancers Beat the Madman With His Own Gun... Wonderful! We Ought to Do That Nationwide! Crazy Gun Owners are a MENACE TO SOCIETY...

Let's Simply Lock 'em Up and Throw Away the Key... They Can Engage in their Freakshow Violence Inside Prison Walls!

Club Q Skulls Meme - gvan42

What we know about the Colorado Springs LGBTQ nightclub shooting...

Anderson Lee Aldrich was arrested in June 2021 in connection with a bomb threat that led to a standoff at a Colorado Springs home where his mother lived... How is it Possible That "They" Let This QAnon Whackjob OUT OF JAIL?

Club Q ( a QAnon Hotspot) Was Shot Up with an ASSAULT RIFLE! Colorado nightclub shooting leaves 5 dead, 18 injured. Outlaw Assault Rifles!

Anderson Lee Aldrich

Supposedly the Mass Murderer at Club Q in Colorado... Of Course... He is Innocent Until Proven Guilty,,, or Maybe he'll use the KILLER KYLE RITTENHOUSE DEFENSE... Go Boo Hoo on the Witness Stand and Get Away With Murder...

5 people dead in Colorado Springs Club Q because the Sheriff's dept refused to implement Colorado's red flag law after the shooter had threatened to blow up mother's house and did not even press charges!
Why? Colorado Springs. Home to right wing evangelicals and the shooter's Republicon politicin grandfather have groomed this hater to do what he did! They need to be sued!

Being a CRAZY GUN FREAK is a Hereditary Trait... If Your Grandfather was a Crazy Gun Freak... and Your Father is a Crazy Gun Freak... It's Likely that YOU will be a Crazy Gun Freak! Thankfully, the Number One Cause of Gunfire Death is Suicide... and the Defective Gun Freak Gene STOPS WITH THIS GENERATION! Thanks For Getting Off The Planet!

We Outlawed Machine Guns in 1934... Why NOT Outlaw Assault Rifles?. #NeverAgain - We could end the Killing if we just Collected all the GUNS and Melted them... It would be a Great Source of Free American Metal... Handy for Building Cars OR Washing Machines!

Tommy Gun - Illegal in the USA

MEME gvan42 Outlaw Guns - Stop the #MAGAKillers

MEME gvan42 Outlaw Guns - Stop the #MAGAKillers

MEME gvan42 Outlaw Guns - Stop the #MAGAKillers

MEME gvan42 Outlaw Guns - Stop the #MAGAKillers
 For Unpopular Men, Guns are a Practical Alternative to Having a Girlfriend... Firing a Gun Causes a Massive Endorphin Dump similar to SEX...

Fracking Causes Water Pollution and Health Danger for People. "Split Estate" is a Great Movie Documentary. REMEMBER: FRACKING DOES NOT RETURN A PROFIT... It Is Only Done to Collect Federal Government Subsidies...

This compelling Emmy Award winning documentary shows the dirty side of hydraulic fracturing and natural gas, an energy source the industry touts as a clean alternative to fossil fuels.

Watch the Trailer of the movie.

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HEADLINE: Thanks to the fracking boom, we’re wasting more money than ever on fossil fuel subsidies... You probably know that the U.S. government subsidizes fossil fuel production. But here’s something you probably don’t know: Those subsidies have recently increased dramatically.

HEADLINE: Unnatural Gas: How Government Made Fracking Profitable (and Left Renewables Behind)...

HEADLINE: How Has Fracking Changed Our Future? Will environmental damage from fracking natural gas will outweigh the gains from using a fuel that is cleaner than oil or coal?

Free Coloring Book Art gvan42 - fossil fuel subsidy

Free Coloring Book Art gvan42 - fossil fuel subsidy

Free Coloring Book Art gvan42 - fossil fuel subsidy

More About The Film SPLIT ESTATE:

Imagine discovering that you don't own the mineral rights under your land, and that an energy company plans to drill for natural gas two hundred feet from your front door. Imagine having little recourse, other than accepting an unregulated industry in your backyard. Split Estate maps a tragedy in the making, as citizens in the path of a new drilling boom in the Rocky Mountain West struggle against the erosion of their civil liberties, their communities and their health.

and now I see on CSPAN that the House of Representatives is considering allowing Oil and Gas mining on Federal Land. The hearing had representatives from the corporations but I didn't see any environmentalists. There is a lot of money to be made for the State government and the corporations. New executive order by Trump allows Mining on National Monuments and they are moving ahead with drilling without any concern for the people who live nearby.

President Donald Trump signed an executive order in April that called for the U.S. Department of the Interior to reexamine the designation of 27 national monuments. Many of these treasured places house archeaological splendors and extraordinary flora and fauna. Without the official national monument designation, these cherished sites across the United States could be subject to cattle grazing, logging and drilling, according to #27 Monuments project, headed by journalist and filmmaker Brent Rose, who wants to educate the public about what's going on and to drive people to the Department of the Inerior's comments page to voice their concerns before the fast approaching July 10 deadline. Rose is attempting to visit as many of the sites in the U.S. as possible and document the journey on Instagram.

We should Study the Healthcare System in Grand Junction, Colorado as a Model of High Quality at Low Cost.

One thing they do is avoid UNNEEDED Procedures... If a Hospital Makes a Profit by Doing and MRI, then they RECOMMEND doing more MRI Procedures...

They also Threw OUT The Pharma Salesmen who were promoting Their Own Brand Name Drugs... Just Use Generics...

Charge all patients the Same Price... No Matter if they are on Medicare, Medicaid, Private Insurance...

Prevention is COST EFFECTIVE... Fewer Emergency Room Visits.

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Group Health Corporation of Seattle is Doing Good for Patients at A Low Cost...

so is The Everett Clinic in Washington State. Boeing saved 20% in their Insurance Costs...

Places I want to visit: 1. Red Rocks Concert Venue in Colorado. 2. Chichen Itza Pyramid on the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico and 3. the Very Large Array of Radio Telescopes in New Mexico...

It's VERY unlikely that I will visit Colorado because the elevation is too high for me to visit safely. My Father's Business Partner Died on Vacation in Mexico City due to a heart attack caused by elevation. 

It's VERY Unlikely that I will visit Mexico because of the Banditos... I would be afraid of being robbed... and I don't speak Spanish... 

However, the Very Large Array is entirely possible. I saw it in the Movie CONTACT and it looks interesting... and Looking at the Stars at Night in the desert must be wonderful... just lying on my back and looking with my unaided vision... 

White Power Group Questionnaire... They ask if you are of European Ancestry... I guess Spain isn't in Europe... or Portugal...

Spain colonized Mexico, Central America, The Caribbean, Most of South America, Florida, California, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas and Arizona... (THAT'S why there are so many Spanish Names. For Example: Los Angeles=The Angels, San Francisco=Saint Francis of Assisi, Florida=Flower Covered, etc)

Portugal Colonized Brazil...

So, can you be a member of a White Supremacist Group if you have ancestors from ANYWHERE South of OREGON?

Global Warming is REAL and CAUSING Fires in California... Gee, think we ought to take some action??? or JUST DENY Climate Change???

The LOCATION of Wildfires in California is NOT
the same as the Location of Redwood Trees...
Redwoods grow in a Cool Rainy Climate.
The Fires are in Hot Temperature Places
like Paradise, Santa Rosa and Redding.

Global Warming is REAL and CAUSING Fires in California
Colorado is burning also...

Fire near Lake Berryessa

Fire near Clear Lake

I like the music of the STRING CHEESE INCIDENT... They sound a lot like the Grateful Dead.

I'm watching a performance at Red Rock Colorado... I want to go to Red Rocks someday... It's a lifelong goal of mine.
Here is the whole show... over three hours! 7/26/2015
another show in 2017...

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Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - UFO and Alien Hieroglyphics