Trump is confused about the Vice President's duties. The main job is to BE THERE in case the President Dies. Rarely does the Vice President offer their opinion about public policy... the President makes those decisions...

Trump and the GOP are attempting to blame Kamala Harris for policy decisions made by Joe Biden. The US government doesn't work like that... Duh... 

Another duty of the vice president is to vote in the Senate in case there's a tie... Kamala Harris did cast the tie breaking vote on the bill called the Inflation Reduction Act...

As we all remember: Mike Pence he was silent his entire term... until January 6th when he certified the results of the presidential election after QAnon Freaks stormed the capital building... Chanting "Hang Mike Pence! Hang Mike Pence! Hang Mike Pence!"

Yesterday, Trump was attempting to explain why his speeches make no f****** sense by claiming that it's really four dimensional hyperspace chess... specifically designed to confuse his opponents with what he calls "The Weave" - most people believed that "The Weave" was actually the dead Tribble he wears as a hat to cover his bald spot... 

Trump's toupee is made out of dead Tribbles. That's The Trouble with Tribbles

The Trouble with Tribbles is an episode from the original Star Trek TV show and it's one of the best.

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