Trump Ought to Retire because His BRAIN is FRIED! - Let the Young People do the Work...

I remember that Trump was giving a press conference in the town of Paradise, California right after it burned to the ground and he called the town "Pleasure" - That's a very common old folks brain error... The word Paradise and the word pleasure both start with the letter "P" and they have very similar meaning... So when Trump's fried brain was doing data retrieval it looked up the name of the town in the section of his brain that had to do with REALITY...  and out came the wrong word from his mouth... Old people are just like that... 

I myself am an old person... And that's why I retired about a decade ago... Just let the young people do all the work and I'll kick back and relax... I live in a place where we have caregivers that take care of us and if we forget to go to breakfast they'll come and knock on our door...  and if I forget to take a shower then I'll come and tell me...  no reason for me to do all the work... that's what the beauty of retirement is all about and Trump should retire cuz his brain is f****** fried... 

Trump Ought to Retire because His BRAIN is FRIED! - Let the Young People do the Work...
My Short-term memory test at the doctors office... 
I failed the short-term memory test... I was given three words, banana, sunrise and chair... Then I turned the piece of paper over and there was a picture of a clock and I was supposed to fill in the numbers for the hours and I did that.... And then the nurse asked me what the three words were... And I said banana.... Sunrise and clock... Oops...

I was wondering if there are any smart drugs that actually work... Since my main hobby is writing blog posts where I explain my view of reality... It would be handy to be even more insightful than I already am.... If I'm going to write an Epic Novel or whatever being a freaking genius would be a handy skill...

I already play the TV game show Jeopardy everyday and that's a good way to exercise trivia recall... And it is fun... But I decline any of the AARP free memory games that are not fun...

I think it's safe to assume that all of the smart drugs that are advertised heavily on TV do not work and they're just marketing placebos or b******* chemicals... They sure do advertise a lot of smart drugs on the TV show Jeopardy! Because the viewers are interested in that subject...

Anyway... Have you heard of any smart drugs that actually work? The only one that I have been able to research online are coffee and green tea and I already use those... But I don't know where I put my box of green tea it's somewhere in the closet and it didn't seem to have any effect anyway so...

By the way, I'm really enjoying the dictation function of my computer it allows me to generate vast quantities of text much faster than typing especially since my keyboard is failing to type the letters 2, W, S, X and @...