Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

New Futurama episodes on Hulu. Sadly. The quality of the shows is not very good... I got a one month free trial of Hulu and then canceled after I Finished all the New Episodes...

The main reason I was disappointed with the quality of the shows is they don't seem to have any endings to the plots... Time runs out and they show the credits without having a conclusion... Most of the previous episodes ended with a "Zinger" or Revelation of some Cosmic Realization... But not these episodes...

But I'm glad I took the one month free trial because I was curious about the new season... Now I know...

While it was impossible to cancel my subscription using their website, they did provide a telephone number and I was able to call and talk to an actual human that spoke English and she canceled my subscription for me...  Wonderful... 

New Futurama episodes on Hulu. The quality of the shows is not very good...

And now a word from our sponsors!

Clever slogan button for sale at Zazzle Gregvan
This button comes standard with the slogan shown... 
An Ironic Street Theater Freak Out... 
however, you may say whatever you want... Go nuts!

you may change the words!
Publish a joke, your own Cosmic revelation or a Manifesto... and if there isn't enough room to write your Manifesto try writing a Mini Festo instead! 

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