It Appears That We Will Be Ruled By Mad King Donald for the Rest of His Life. HOW LONG IS THAT? 10 More Minutes? One Day? 10 Years? 20 Years? No One Knows... "The Future's Uncertain and the End is Always Near." - Jim Morrison

It Appears That We Will Be Ruled By Mad King Donald for the Rest of His Life. HOW LONG IS THAT? 10 More Minutes? One Day? 10 Years? 20 Years? No One Knows... "The Future's Uncertain and the End is Always Near." - Jim Morrison
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It Appears that We Will Be Ruled By Mad King Donald for the Rest of His Life. How Long is THAT? 10 Minutes? One Day? 20 Years? No One Knows... "The Future's Uncertain and the End is Always Near." - Jim Morrison

by Lothar and the Hand People...

(spoken) Now, sit in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and listen very closely to the sound of my voice. Imagine that there is nothing but you and the sound. Floating freely high above the Earth. Now, as you listen you will begin to relax. Every sound you hear relaxes you further. Just you and the sound. Your arms and legs feel heavy. Very heavy. Like lead. Every sound takes you deeper and deeper. Nothing can disturb you. Every muscle, every part of your body is relaxing further and further as you drift down deeper and deeper. You are floating away from the sound of my voice but you can still hear it. Imagine you are riding down an escalator. Slowly going down farther and farther into deep relaxation. Feels so good. Now, I’m going to count backwards from five to zero and on every number you will go another level deeper. Relaxing more completely on every count until I reach zero. On zero you go twice as deep. Backwards from five to zero. Deeper on every count and on zero, twice as deep. Five, so relaxed. Four… Three… Two… down, down, One… Zero… way, way down. Imagine you are floating high above the Earth in deep space looking out on the universe. Floating free in Space. Uplifted and filled with a silent “Ahh” watching the movement of the stars.
(sung) Standing on the Moon, filled with thoughts of home, Earth so slowly turning, twenty thousand years, human hopes and fears, are we finally learning? Riders together on a Starship of stone, living together, trying together, dying alone. La La, La La La…

Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniac, Bill Gates, Paul Allen, William Hewlett, David Packard, Gordon Moore, Andy Grove, Robert Noyce, Jack Kilby, Thomas Watson, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, William Shockley, Herman Hollerith, Alan Turing, John Von Neuman, Charles Babbage, Fibonacci, Nikola Tesla, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell... If You Don't Recognize any of These Names... Just Google Them! and be Thankful that Great White Men Created Electricity, Computers and the Internet!

History of Silicon Valley: Almaden - IBM's Successful Utopia. Near San Jose, California IBM built an IDEAL WORLD, Later, Silicon Valley was Built and The Light Rail Connected Almaden to The Rest... All the Way to NASA/Lockheed.

Far out in the farmlands south of town, IBM built a disk drive factory in the early 60's. They wanted to attract the world's finest talent so the built nice houses, shopping centers, a golf course, tennis club and swimming pool. This self contained utopia had everything a family could want... It is still there and functioning beautifully. Come visit sometime... it's wonderful.

Later, the entire city of San Jose became interested in computers. Silicon Valley was born.

Trump: "The Art of the Failed Deal" Book. Every Deal in that book LOST MONEY. That's why He declared Bankruptcy SO MANY TIMES. Will his Business Stupidity cause the ENTIRE COUNTRY to Go Bankrupt?

The Bogus "Tax Cut for the Rich" Law decreases Revenue while increasing spending... That's a sure recipe for failure... Frankly Speaking, It's Easier to simply set Dollar Bills on FIRE...

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