Trump Assassination FAILED. "Somehow" The Secret Service "Forgot" to Check for OBVIOUS SNIPER LOCATIONS! Was This a Staged Media Circus? An Inside Job? a False Flag Operation???

Crisis Actor Script: 
Grab Ear, Duck, Squish "Ketchup" Packet, 
Stand Up, Wave Fist and Shout Fight Fight Fight!

Trump Assassination FAILED. "Somehow" The Secret Service "Forgot" to Check for OBVIOUS SNIPER LOCATIONS! Was This a Staged Media Circus? An Inside Job???

MOTIVE??? Stock Market Swindle?
MOTIVE??? Stock Market Swindle?
Check for Suspicious Purchase Activity
Trump Assassination FAILED. "Somehow" The Secret Service "Forgot" to Check for OBVIOUS SNIPER LOCATIONS! Was This a Staged Media Circus?
The Second Amendment Guarantees That A 20 Year Old White Republican Can Buy a Rifle and Shoot at Former Guy Trump... GET OVER IT!

A man who claims to have seen the alleged gunman open fire on the Trump rally has quite a story -- including the lead-up ... not to mention apparently being ignored after trying to notify law enforcement.

The guy, who called himself Greg, got interviewed by the BBC Saturday in Butler, PA right after everything went south -- just outside the rally itself -- where he says he and his friends were partying, only to head up a hill outside the facility to watch Trump's remarks from afar.That's when Greg says he and his pals saw a man shimmy up a nearby building -- which was also outside the main grounds of the rally -- with what he says was a rifle in hand.

Of course, the alarm bells went off ... and Greg says he and his group started to scream and yell for help -- with Greg claiming he even flagged what he was seeing to nearby police officers ... and he even claims he got the attention of the Secret Service, who was monitoring from across the way. Greg says he saw agents watching him/the gunman with binoculars.

Trump Assassination FAILED. "Somehow" The Secret Service "Forgot" to Check for OBVIOUS SNIPER LOCATIONS! Was This a Staged Media Circus?

This shooting is a FALSE FLAG OPERATION. Probably set up by right-wing nuts, and I wonder if Trump knew it was going to happen as well. The shooter likely was recruited by the right-wing and killed to shut him up. Trump may have even known it was coming and the goal of the operation is to give Trump another reason to project more violent ideas to his followers; to create license to commit similar attempts on his "enemies". The shooter was a registered Republican voter from a very red voting district. Most even average shooters wouldn't have missed from that distance, and his wildness after the first shot is telling. THIS IS WHAT THE AMERICAN PRESS AND PEOPLE NEED TO BE TALKING ABOUT!

This shooting is a FALSE FLAG OPERATION. Probably set up by right-wing nuts, and I wonder if Trump knew it was going to happen as well.

JB Said:
All star pro wrestling stunt... knew that bottle of ketchup he pitches in a fit, would come in handy... leftover hamberder packets of tasty red stuff...
How can you leave one building, unarmed and unmanned for some rando-commando to go scaling with a visible rifle on him... just reeks of one of 45s cult members taking one for the team... scripted and rehearsed... now his cronies will elevate him past the level of their pseudo-Christ imaging. 45 will play the matyr all the way to November. A true crisis actor, he thrives on the glorification as that was a bit too obvious. He'll be compared to JFK and Reagan as a campaign tool to elicit donations and add new merch to his side hustle. (Marybeth)

Anti-Trump meme

Ketchup ear meme

Anti-Trump meme

Anti-Trump meme

Anti-Trump meme

Anti-Trump meme

Anti-Trump meme

On FaceBORG: SE aid:
I really wish people would understand this. Voting a "protest vote" for a third party candidate only helps Trump get elected. Please save the protest votes for a future election where the stakes aren't so high. PLEASE vote blue to save our democracy.

I was in a group called Gen X Uncensored, but I finally decided to leave the group. The name of the group is deceiving. It's NOT a Gen X group at all. It's a right-wing extremist group. The group has a rule that no political posts are allowed, but they actually allow right-wing political posts. Any time I've ever seen anyone post something left-leaning, the person gets completely ridiculed by the horrible people in the group. It's full of anti-vax and anti-science posts, and the people in the group love to make fun of anyone who got a Covid vaccine or wore a mask during the pandemic. I don't even need to tell you what people in that group say about Biden. I'm sure you can use your imagination.The final straw was yesterday, when a woman made a comment about women's reproductive rights on one of the right-wing political posts, and this poor woman got attacked with comments from people accusing her of wanting to "kill babies." I left the group after that.
They've got a lot of nerve calling it a Gen X group. In the time I've been in that group (6 months or so), I've seen maybe 2 Gen X posts. Everything else has been right-wing extremist garbage which has zero to do with Gen X. If you're considering joining that group, keep that in mind.

and JB Replied:
It is the absolute proven truth that in effect, voting 3rd party is a vote for greater evil. It was proven in 2000 when 2,882,738 people voted for Ralph Nader. This essentially handed the victory to GW Bush with an assist from SCOTUS. A disastrous 8 years by any measure.
Again in 2016, 6,632,214 citizens voted for 3rd party candidates ushering in the most dangerously corrupt and inept president in American history according to 159 of the nation's prominent presidential historians.
During our 248 year history there has been only 1 independent candidate of the two party system that won the presidency and his name was George Washington.
So I urge anyone who is thinking of voting third party in Nov please know you will chock one up for Trump. The harsh reality is in voting 3rd part you are wasting your vote. Worse than that, you just helped elect the worst candidate. Elections in a two party system is no time for a self righteous 3rd party vote. Presidential elections ALWAYS result in either the Republican OR the Democrat winning 4 years. With this disgusting SCOTUS decision of immunity, the stakes have never been higher. Fascism or Democracy. Its a binary choice. Planning not to vote? Congrats you just gave an assist to the greater evil.

With this disgusting SCOTUS decision of immunity, the stakes have never been higher. Fascism or Democracy. Its a binary choice. Planning not to vote? Congrats you just gave an assist to the greater evil.

project 2025 meme

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