Thankfully, when I did a Google search for my name and street address the results came back with many places that I lived long ago but no results show where I live now... This is very handy because the FBI and SS are unhappy with what I post on Faceborg... They made threatening phone calls to my brother... And they visited my ex-wife in person... But they haven't bothered me... yet... My CAL ID card shows an address that I lived at 10 years ago... And I'm not about to update it or tell them the mistake!
So I deleted about 40 blog posts that could be upsetting to the Failed Trump Administration... He becomes unhappy quite easily... as a matter of fact, his whole life has been a disaster and he knows it!
I get No Mail at all at my Current Address... I used to Live Next Door and I Get Mail THERE... and They Walk it over Here... because the Landlord Owns Both Houses... and The Caregivers Work at Both Houses... My Voting Ballot is Delivered There...
and If I Get a Jury Summons, I Plan to Write "He Moved! Not Here!" and put it Back in the Mailbox...
My Driver Licence has an Old Address on it... My FaceBORG Account has a VERY Old Address on it... I do not Subscribe to any Newspapers or Magazines...
I live in an Old Folks Home and NO ONE ELSE VOTES...
The Four Other Residents have no Interest in Politics or Severe Dementia... or BOTH! and the Employees are all Immigrants from Jamaica or Africa and NOT ALLOWED to Vote...