Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

We used to Eat "Miner's Lettuce." Mom showed me what the plant looked like and said it was good to eat. In these Days, YOUR SURVIVAL May Depend on Hunting/Gathering... It's The Growth Industry!

The California Gold Miners in 1849 survived on it.

We used Eucalyptus Leaves and Seeds as a Natural Flea Killer for our Dog... We just Made a Big Pile Where He Liked To Sleep... Mom Knew Many Natural Solutions to Common Problems... She Came from an Apricot/Prune Farming Family.
ALSO... "They Say" Dandelions are good for digestion and may ease rheumatism or liver problems. They can be eaten whole or divided up. Young dandelion greens can be tossed in salads and young leaves can be cooked like spinach. Leaves should be gathered before the plant blooms as they will become increasingly bitter and tough. I've Never Eaten Them...

Makes me wonder... What OTHER food can I get that doesn't come from the Grocery Store? We have a Mulberry tree in the back yard and I ate the little fruits today... They look like Blackberries. Pretty Good... 

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