Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

End Welfare for the Rich. We Do Not Need Anything Lockheed or Boeing Makes... It's a Total Ripoff of the Taxpayers... #France1789 Paying Lockheed and Boeing for Unneeded Weapons is Corporate Welfare... I Know about this because I worked as a Defense Contractor in the 1980s... We Built Stuff for the Air Force... and CHARGED a Lot... Hey, FREE MONEY! Why Not???

Well, I'll Tell You Why Not... It's Morally Wrong... Creating Machines that Cause Death for Corporate Profit is EVIL! and The Hippie Chicks Won't Like You... I Switched Careers and Became a Designer at the United States Post Office... and Felt Good About Myself.

HEADLINE: Lockheed Martin Corp. and Boeing Co. received about half of an initial $2.3 billion in increased, accelerated payments the Pentagon provided contractors to help companies’ cash flows after the Covid-19 pandemic erupted in the U.S.

The initial infusion was included in $13 billion in regular, periodic progress payments paid to the companies, according to newly released defense figures.

PENTAGON - free coloring book by gvan42
PENTAGON - Feel Free To Print as Many
Copies as You Like... Color With Feltpens, 
Pencils, Crayons or Potatoshop!

You Can Find More Free Coloring Book Art
At Google Image Search - Keyword: gvan42

You Can Find More Free Coloring Book Art  At Google Image Search - Keyword: gvan42
You Can Find More Free Coloring Book Art  At Google Image Search - Keyword: gvan42

You Can Find More Free Coloring Book Art  At Google Image Search - Keyword: gvan42

My Autobiography: Growing Up in Los Gatos, California in the 1960s by Gregory Vanderlaan and Living in San Jose, Washington DC, Chico, Eureka and Orangevale, CA.

Please Campaign Online in Favor of Legalization of Medicinal Psychedelics. Write to Your Senators and Representatives. Or at the Very Least, Like and Share this Post. There is Absolutely No Valid Reason for Doctors to Be Prevented from Prescribing Certain Medicines... If You Can think of a Reason The US Government Should Continue to Behave Insane, State it Here... Now... Go Right Ahead... 

I remember Redwood Summer... Earth First! Protests in Humboldt County... In the End The Taxpayers of California Bought a Huge Piece of Land and Made the Headwaters Forest Park. Thanks! It's Great! Better than the "Stumps of Mystery" - I was Living in San Jose at that time and Did NOT Participate in the Protests... and I DID NOT "Spike" Redwood Trees In San Jose... at the Corner of Lincoln and Willow... Not Me... It Was That Other Guy... "Lumpy the Biker" - (Not His Real Name) Remember DO NOT CHAINSAW Redwood Trees... Might be Dangerous! SAFETY FIRST!
Trail in the Headwaters Forest near Eureka - gvan42

Earthday Everyday... coffee cup for sale...

Nasa photo of the whole earth...

"The Path Forward" - 20 Simple Suggestions for Making the World a Better Place to Live... #1. Tax the Rich, Cut Taxes for the 99%. All that Extra Money in People's Paychecks Will Bubble UP Thru The Entire Economy; Increasing Sales, Increasing Profits...EVERYBODY WINS!

2. OUTLAW GERRYMANDERING: That way We Could Have Majority Rule in the USA. In Fact, Most People Prefer Majority Rule... We Tried Corporate Rule and That Was a Disaster!

3. Trump's EPA=Enable Polluters Agency. Let's FLIP The Mission to Protecting the Environment; 

4. Legalize Marijuana Nationwide, Tax It and Free All Cannabis Prisoners; We Will NEED Empty Jail Cells to House TRAITOR TrumpNiks!

5. Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics; Let Doctors and Patients Decide What the Best Medicine Is... DUH...

6. End The Electoral College; Let The People Decide Who Becomes President. 

7. Overturn Citizens United; Get Corporate Bribery OUT of Politics. 

8.Cut Pentagon Spending in Half; Why Pay for BOGUS WARS?

9. Build Solar Powered Desalination Plants - We Need Fresh Drinking Water!

10. Wear a Mask, Practice Social Distancing and GET a Vaccine. Let's End Trump's Coronavirus!

11. Medicare for all. Costs Less, Works Better! Just Look At CANADA, They Pay Less Money and Live Longer... DUH... 

Click Here for 9 MORE Simple Ideas!

Medicare For All Costs Less Works Better - Banger Typeface - gvan42

If YOU Have Any Ideas, Tell Me and I'll Include them in this eBook. gregvan[at]yahoo[dot]com

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How To Wake Up and Notice Reality. It's Easy, Just Follow these Simple Steps!

Look Around You. Find 5 Things You Can See. 4 Things You Can Touch. 3 Things You Can Hear. 2 Things You Can Smell. 1 Thing You Can Taste.

Remember: None of These are Located in Your TV Screen, Laptop or Phone... UNPLUG AND NOTICE REALITY!

Take a Walk in Nature... BIG FUN!

Open the Doors of Perception - gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan
Open the Doors of Perception

Text Art - Lightning Bolt Skull - GD LOGO - gvan42

Suppose You Have Been Believing tRUMP's Lies for Years... Wouldn't NOW Be A Great Time to Think For Yourself and Question Authority?

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Freedom of the Press No Longer Exists if You Consider CORPORATE CENSORSHIP. I'm No Longer Allowed to Post My Words on Parler... Apple and Google Shut that down Entirely... and Both Google and Facebook Censor my Words on Occasion... "Forbidden Words" or "Forbidden Pictures" -and- Youtube (a Google Corporation) made me Take Down Some Songs... The Corporate Freaks That Represent The Eagles Threatened to Erase my Entire Youtube Chanel if I Didn't Remove Videos of Me Singing "Hotel California" and "Witchy Woman" - I Said in the Notes That THE EAGLES Wrote Those Songs BUT... Singing Their Songs? THAT'S FORBIDDEN!

Links to More!

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