Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Luffenholtz Creek Beach near Trinidad, California and Moonstone Beach & Restaurant - Wild - Windy - The Rugged Coastline of the Pacific Ocean in NorCal near Oregon.

Looking at Trinidad California
Between Eureka and Crescent City
Bench for sitting and Observing the Pacific Ocean

Moonstone Beach looking North

Northern California Coastline

moonstone beach and restaurant
Both Pictures Taken from the Same Place...
Bar Closed at Moonstone Beach


Trinidad pier from inside the restaurant - gvan42
Trinidad pier from inside the restaurant - gvan42

Here is a Trick for Taking a Self Portrait on a Laptop - Look at the Camera Lens - Not the Button - gvan42
Here is a Trick for Taking a Self Portrait on a Laptop.
Look at the Camera Lens - Not the Button - gvan42

"Lessons Learned" by Gregory Vanderlaan. A Lifetime of Trial and Error Yielded These Words of Wisdom...

 #1. For Maximum Effect, Don't Read This Book. Write Your Own!

Orange Rose at Home
Intentionally Seek Beauty

"Live Your Life as If Every Action Was Going to Be Published on the Front Page of the Newspaper." - J. D. Vanderlaan

Secret Trick To Life: "Stop Believing Lies."
GUNS DO NOT SAVE LIVES - reality - meme - gvan42

Owning a Gun Makes Your Own Family Less Safe
and Puts the Rest of Us in Danger.

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Rainbow Spiral Multiverse Multiple Rainbow Spirals form a Trance Inducing Icon. A Visual Mantra. You May Add Words if You Want To... The Name of Your Band or Business... or a Slogan... Manifesto...
Rainbow Spiral Multiverse  Multiple Rainbow Spirals form a Trance Inducing Icon. A Visual Mantra. You May Add Words if You Want To... The Name of Your Band or Business... or a Slogan... Manifesto...   rainbow, spiral, multiverse, trance, bliss, gvan42, automatic, hypnosis, freedom, quest
Original Art Printed on Many Different Types of Gifts:

LINK to all my Spiral Artwork Printed on Gifts:

LINK to all my Most Popular Rainbow Gifts:

How To Wake Up and Notice Reality. It's Easy, Just Follow these Simple Steps!

Look Around You. Find 5 Things You Can See. 4 Things You Can Touch. 3 Things You Can Hear. 2 Things You Can Smell. 1 Thing You Can Taste.

Remember: None of These are Located in Your TV Screen, Laptop or Phone... UNPLUG AND NOTICE REALITY!

Take a Walk in Nature... BIG FUN!

Open the Doors of Perception - gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan
Open the Doors of Perception

Text Art - Lightning Bolt Skull - GD LOGO - gvan42

Suppose You Have Been Believing tRUMP's Lies for Years... Wouldn't NOW Be A Great Time to Think For Yourself and Question Authority?

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Freedom of the Press No Longer Exists if You Consider CORPORATE CENSORSHIP. I'm No Longer Allowed to Post My Words on Parler... Apple and Google Shut that down Entirely... and Both Google and Facebook Censor my Words on Occasion... "Forbidden Words" or "Forbidden Pictures" -and- Youtube (a Google Corporation) made me Take Down Some Songs... The Corporate Freaks That Represent The Eagles Threatened to Erase my Entire Youtube Chanel if I Didn't Remove Videos of Me Singing "Hotel California" and "Witchy Woman" - I Said in the Notes That THE EAGLES Wrote Those Songs BUT... Singing Their Songs? THAT'S FORBIDDEN!

Links to More!

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