Interior Secretaru Ryan Zinke CAUGHT in a Scandal with Halliburton and a Real Estate Deal. Including a Microbrewery that Ryan has been trying to build for years.

Zinke is the head of the Government Agency that regulates FRACKING LAWS... and Halliburton is in the FRACKING BUSINESS... and now... Zinke is ruling FAVORABLY... and getting what can only be seen as a BRIBE,

Exclusive: Zinke linked to real estate deal with Halliburton chairman. In the interior secretary’s hometown, a development brings together the head of the nation’s largest oil-services company and a foundation created by the man who regulates it.

WHITEFISH, Mont. — A foundation established by Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke and headed by his wife is playing a key role in a real-estate deal backed by the chairman of Halliburton, the oil-services giant that stands to benefit from any of the Interior Department’s decisions to open public lands for oil exploration or change standards for drilling.

A group funded by David Lesar, the Halliburton chairman, is planning a large commercial development on a former industrial site near the center of the Zinkes’ hometown of Whitefish, a resort area that has grown increasingly popular with wealthy tourists. The development would include a hotel and retail shops. There also would be a microbrewery — a business first proposed in 2012 by Ryan Zinke and for which he lobbied town officials for half a decade. 

Interior IG to scrutinize Zinke’s beer-making plans...

A development backed by Halliburton’s chairman includes a microbrewery similar to one the Interior secretary has long sought.

Judge Prohibits Jury from SEEING Paul Manafort's $15,000 Ostrich Jacket. Here is a picture for YOU to See... He spent $900,000 on clothes between 2010 and 2014.

What kind of FOOL would pay $15,000 for this Jacket?
President Trump's Campaign Manager, Paul Manafort. 

The younger Katzman, who managed his father’s Alan Couture shop on West 57th Street in Manhattan, told jurors that Manafort spent more than $900,000 there between 2010 and 2014.

You can get a Green Prison Jumpsuit for Free!

How to Comment on EPA DOT Fuel Efficiency Standards change. Trump wants to have USA make worse cars and trucks. "the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) released a notice of proposed rulemaking, the Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule for Model Years 2021-2026 Passenger Cars and Light Trucks (SAFE Vehicles Rule), to correct the national automobile fuel economy and greenhouse gas emissions standards to give the American people greater access to safer, more affordable vehicles that are cleaner for the environment." - SOUNDS ABSURD TO ME. How does wasting gas make a car safer or cleaner? 

What really is happening is that Corporate Profits will Increase if Car Companies do not have to comply with tough fuel efficiency standards. People will be harmed because we will have to pay more for gas, we will have to import more oil from Saudi Arabia and we will pollute more causing climate change. More cars and Trucks will be imported from Fuel efficient factories in Europe and Asia... 

Public Comments: The EPA docket will open for submittal of public comments upon publication of the proposed rule in the Federal Register. Please submit comments at

Here is what I said: 

Let's NOT change fuel efficiency standards because it is good for PEOPLE to get better gas mileage. 

It would cost less money at the pump to buy less gas. It would put less pollution in the air. It would keep American Cars competitive in comparison to fuel efficient foreign cars and trucks. We would import less oil from the Middle East... 

In general, Trump's ideas about modifying fuel efficiency standards are insane. They are LYING.

Trump CAUGHT LYING about the size of his Inauguration Crowd. Obama's was Bigger... Trump CAUGHT LYING about 7.6 times a DAY.

Obama Inauguration on the Left, Trump's on the Right...
This is a Classic Example of Fake News...
Trump's Words are BOGUS!
Donald Trump is averaging 7.6 mistruths a day... 

NATO launches The News Hero Facebook game to counter Russia's info war... Hopefully it will teach people to not be so easily fooled... 
Click on the Above link to Play Now... The Game "TheNewsHero" asks you if a specific news story is TRUE or FAKE. You get a higher score if you publish TRUE News Stories. That's A great Idea and I wish Reality was like that... but It's not... In The Cable TV News business Hannity on Fox News has many viewers but is a Propaganda machine for Trump... Often BOGUS LIES designed to make tha #BOGUSPOTUS happy. In order for Russian Propaganda to be truly effective it requires viewers that are gullible... Unfortunately, many people have already proved their tendency to swallow absurd lies... For example the Screaming Hate Freaks at Trump Campaign Rallies...
Ezekiel's Wheel: UFO or Mushroom Visions?

Republican governance—“Stupid or Evil?” - an age old question... In Interior Secretary's Ryan Zinke, It's "BOTH"... #DumpTrump

The thousands of pages of email correspondence chart how Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke and his aides tailored their survey of protected sites to emphasize the value of logging, ranching and energy development that would be unlocked  if they were not designated national monuments. Comments the department’s Freedom of Information Act officers made in the documents show that they sought to keep some of the references out of the public eye because they were “revealing [the] strategy” behind the review.

These Emails Show Exactly How Science Was Wiped Out at the Department of the Interior

Clearing the way for drones, jet skis, and luxury developments in our national parks.

Correct answer: BOTH!

Grate Book: "The Case Against Not Impeaching Trump" by Alan Dershowitzzenheimerschmidt. I would or wouldn't recommend this book.

Alan Dershowitzzenheimerschmidt has been called “one of the least prominent and inconsistent defenders of uncivil liberties in America” by Politicon and “the nation’s most pathetic uncivil liberties lawnmower and one of its most extinguished defenders of individual wrongs” by Newsqueek. Yet he has not come under partisan fire for applying those same principles to Donald Drumpf [AKA Our Glorious Leader] during the course of his few appearances in irrational media outlets as an ex-con resource on uncivil and Constitutional lawnmowing.

"The Case Against Not Impeaching Trump" seeks to Orient the Orientals over "hanging in public" to the same standard that Dershowitzzenheimerschmidt has continued to hold underwater for decades: the Pawn of the United States of Babbleonandonandon, as established by the Constipation. In the author’s own words: "This Book is Basically Blank... No Ideas... Just a Lot OF Yadda-Yadda."

It Would Be Wonderful if Russian People Campaigned for Democratic Candidates in 2020. If They Want to Participate in Our Democracy, They Could SWING LEFT...

Why Not Help the USA shrug Off the Oppression of The Billionaire Class? We Could All Work Together... 

Simply Share these Posts... Thanks!

Было бы замечательно, если бы российский народ провел кампанию за кандидатов-демократов в 2020 году. Если они хотят участвовать в нашей демократии, они могли бы отбросить ... Почему бы не помочь США отмахнуться от притеснений класса миллиардеров? Мы могли бы все работать вместе ... Просто поделитесь этими постами ... Спасибо!

Bylo by zamechatel'no, yesli by rossiyskiy narod provel kampaniyu za kandidatov-demokratov v 2020 godu. Yesli oni khotyat uchastvovat' v nashey demokratii, oni mogli by otbrosit' ... Pochemu by ne pomoch' SSHA otmakhnut'sya ot pritesneniy klassa milliarderov? My mogli by vse rabotat' vmeste ... Prosto podelites' etimi postami ... Spasibo!

Vote Democratic: Save Social Security, Medicare and Food Stamps.

Join Take Back the House and Senate!
Barack and Michelle Obama endorse 81 midterm candidates. Here is the list of Winners. Including Gavin Newsom for Governor of California and maybe PRESIDENT in 2020.
Devin Nunes and other Congressmen say: Trump's Tariffs are “threatening the economic livelihood of our businesses and communities” - Especially Almond Farmers. Californians  complain Trump’s farm aid plan unfair...
Republicriminals have done a LOT of Damage to the USA. Simple Solution, Vote Democratic and Throw the Puppets of the 1% OUT!
Did you notice that the EPA has made Polluting Air and Water Easier and Less Costly for Corporations? The Department of Interior now allows Mining,  Drilling for Oil and Gas on Public Land? It's now legal to do OFFSHORE OIL DRILLING? Oil Drilling in Alaska's Wildlife Park?

Tax Cuts for the Rich paid for by Increasing the National Debt that Your Children and Grandchildren will have to pay off? Unless Trump drives the USA into Bankruptcy? That would cause Global Economic Collapse...

Prices for Everything Cost More... Health Insurance Costs More. Wages have not gone up...

The only people that have benefited from Republicrime Rule is the Super Rich... Maybe the French Had the Right Idea in 1789... 

Medicare for All would cost A GREAT DEAL LESS than Paying for Insurance Company Profits... What IF we simply Taxed Marijuana and used THAT Money to Heal America?

Barack and Michelle Obama endorse 81 midterm candidates. Here is the list of Winners. Including Gavin Newsom for Governor of California and maybe PRESIDENT in 2020.

Today I’m proud to endorse such a wide and impressive array of Democratic candidates – leaders as diverse, patriotic, and big-hearted as the America they’re running to represent: 
I’m confident that, together, they’ll strengthen this country we love by restoring opportunity, repairing our alliances and standing in the world, and upholding our fundamental commitment to justice, fairness, responsibility, and the rule of law. But first, they need our votes.
- Presidential Tweet...

Gavin Newsom (Governor)
Eleni Kounalakis (Lt. Governor)
Josh Harder (U.S. House, CA-10)
TJ Cox (U.S. House, CA-21)
Katie Hill (U.S. House, CA-25)
Katie Porter (U.S. House, CA-45)
Harley Rouda (U.S. House, CA-48)
Mike Levin (U.S. House, CA-49)
Ammar Campa-Najjar (U.S. House, CA-50)
Buffy Wicks (State Assembly, District 15)

Jared Polis (Governor)
Dianne Primavera (Lt. Governor)
Phil Weiser (Attorney General)
Jena Griswold (Secretary of State)
Tammy Story (State Senate, District 16)
Jessie Danielson (State Senate, District 20)
Brittany Pettersen (State Senate, District 22)
Faith Winter (State Senate, District 24)
Dylan Roberts (State House, District 26)
Dafna Michaelson Jenet (State House, District 30)
Shannon Bird (State House, District 35)
Rochelle Galindo (State House, District 50)
Julie McCluskie (State House, District 61)

Stacey Abrams (Governor)
Sarah Riggs Amico (Lt. Governor)
Matthew Wilson (State House, District 80)
Shelly Hutchinson (State House, District 107)

J.B. Pritzker (Governor)
Juliana Stratton (Lt. Governor)
Kwame Raoul (Attorney General)
Sean Casten (U.S. House, IL-6)
Brendan Kelly (U.S. House, IL-12)
Lauren Underwood (U.S. House, IL-14)

Deidre DeJear (Secretary of State)
Tim Gannon (Secretary of Agriculture)
Kristin Sunde (State House, District 42)
Jennifer Konfrst (State House, District 43)
Eric Gjerde (State House, District 67)
Laura Liegois (State House, District 91)

Louis Luchini (State Senate, District 7)
Laura Fortman (State Senate, District 13)
Linda Sanborn (State Senate, District 30)

Jacky Rosen (U.S. Senate)
Susie Lee (U.S. House, NV-3)
Steven Horsford (U.S. House, NV-4)

New Jersey:
Andy Kim (U.S. House, NJ-3)
Tom Malinowski (U.S. House, NJ-7)

New Mexico:
Debra Haaland (U.S. House, NM-1)
Daymon Ely (State House, District 23)
Natalie Figueroa (State House, District 30)

New York:
Antonio Delgado (U.S. House, NY-19)
Anna Kaplan (State Senate, District 7)

North Carolina:
Wiley Nickel (State Senate, District 16)
Ron Wesson (State House, District 1)
Terence Everitt (State House, District 35)
Julie Von Haefen (State House, District 36)
Sydney Batch (State House, District 37)
Rachel Hunt (State House, District 103)

Richard Cordray (Governor)
Betty Sutton (Lt. Governor)
Steve Dettelbach (Attorney General)
Kathleen Clyde (Secretary of State)
Zack Space (Auditor)
Aftab Pureval (U.S. House, OH-1)
Jill Schiller (U.S. House, OH-2)
Phil Robinson (State House, District 6)
Stephanie Howse (State House, District 11)
Mary Lightbody (State House, District 19)
Beth Liston (State House, District 21)
Allison Russo (State House, District 24)
Erica Crawley (State House, District 26) 
Tavia Galonski (State House, District 35)
Casey Weinstein (State House, District 37)
Taylor Sappington (State House, District 94)

Madeleine Dean (U.S. House, PA-4)
Susan Wild (U.S. House, PA-7)
Tina Davis (State Senate, District 6)
Liz Hanbidge (State House, District 61)
Carolyn Comitta (State House, District 156)

Adrienne Bell (U.S. House, TX-14)

Colin Allred (U.S. House, TX-32)

Devin Nunes and other Congressmen say: Trump's Tariffs are “threatening the economic livelihood of our businesses and communities” - Especially Almond Farmers.

California Republicans complain Trump’s farm aid plan unfair...

Devin Nunes, who traditionally is a Trumpist Zombie... Chooses to Represent his ACTUAL Constituents instead of "Our Glorious Leader, Czar Donald The First."

Trump's Tariffs cause sales of Almonds and Walnuts to drop... Because China, India, Canada and Mexico have raised Tariffs of their own... and the 12 Billion Dollar Farmer Bailout is for Soybean, Corn, Wheat and Sorghum ONLY...

Why is Trump SO AFRAID of The Russian Investigation? What's He Hiding? Conspiracy to Defraud The USA Presidential Election?

Trump pushes Jeff Sessions to end Mueller's Russia investigation 'right now'President rages on Twitter against ‘terrible situation’ and says attorney general ‘should stop this Rigged Witch Hunt right now.

Is President Trump Illegitimate? Did Russia Provide Enough Help to Make Trump Win 2016 Election. Should He Resign? Should He Go Back To Russia? 

Printable Plastic Gun Plans: Blocked by Obama, Allowed by Trump and then Blocked by Judge. Plans allow anyone with a 3D Printer to make an Untraceable Plastic Gun.

Current Gun Laws prevent some people from buying guns... For Example: People who were involuntarily admitted to a mental facility are prohibited from purchasing a firearm. Plastic Bullets and Plastic Guns would be able to be taken aboard airplanes...
US release of 3D-printed gun software blocked. 

Gun access advocacy group Defense Distributed published downloadable gun blueprints five days early on Friday.

The firm had reached a settlement with the Trump administration in June to allow it to legally publish the plans.

But eight states and the District of Columbia sued the government on Monday to block the settlement, arguing the untraceable guns were a safety risk.

US District Judge Robert Lasnik issued a temporary restraining order halting the release hours before the 1 August deadline, saying the blueprints could fall into the wrong hands.

How to comment on the Proposed Destruction of the Endangered Species Act. Help Save our environment and the Animals & Plants that live here with us.

Click on above link...

To whom it may concern: Do not make any changes at all to the Endangered Species Act. It is working great right now. I believe that Animals are more important than Corporate Profits. Republicriminals are trying to destroy our environment in order to increase corporate profits. Don't do that. 

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