California Republicans complain Trump’s farm aid plan unfair...
Devin Nunes, who traditionally is a Trumpist Zombie... Chooses to Represent his ACTUAL Constituents instead of "Our Glorious Leader, Czar Donald The First."
Trump's Tariffs cause sales of Almonds and Walnuts to drop... Because China, India, Canada and Mexico have raised Tariffs of their own... and the 12 Billion Dollar Farmer Bailout is for Soybean, Corn, Wheat and Sorghum ONLY...
Devin Nunes, who traditionally is a Trumpist Zombie... Chooses to Represent his ACTUAL Constituents instead of "Our Glorious Leader, Czar Donald The First."
Trump's Tariffs cause sales of Almonds and Walnuts to drop... Because China, India, Canada and Mexico have raised Tariffs of their own... and the 12 Billion Dollar Farmer Bailout is for Soybean, Corn, Wheat and Sorghum ONLY...