March for our Lives ROAD TO CHANGE.

This summer, the students of March For Our Lives are making stops across America to get young people educated, registered, and motivated to vote. We call it March For Our Lives: Road to Change.

When people across the country rallied at the March For Our Lives just over 2 months ago, we showed our politicians that we refuse to accept gun violence as an unsolvable issue. Now it’s time to turn our energy into action. 

The Road to Change kicks off on Friday, June 15 in Chicago, where we’ll be joining the Peace March, led by students from St. Sabina Academy.

From there we are traveling from city to city, with more than 50 planned stops in over 20 states including Iowa, Texas, California, South Carolina, and Connecticut. We’ll also hold a separate Florida tour with more than 25 stops, visiting every congressional district.

We’re going to places where the NRA has bought and paid for politicians who refuse to take simple steps to save our lives — and we’ll be visiting a number of communities that have been affected by gun violence to meet fellow survivors and use our voices to amplify theirs.

At each stop, we’ll register young people to vote and educate them on the reforms we need to save lives, and whether their local elected officials support these reforms or support the NRA.

For more information about the Road to Change, text CHANGE to 977-79.

Great Book: A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn. Labor Union Strugglers - Class War - IWW

Since its original landmark publication in 1980, A People's History of the United States has been chronicling American history from the bottom up, throwing out the official version of history taught in schools—with its emphasis on great men in high places—to focus on the street, the home, and the, workplace.

Known for its lively, clear prose as well as its scholarly research, A People's History of the United States is the only volume to tell America's story from the point of view of—and in the words of—America's women, factory workers, African-Americans, Native Americans, the working poor, and immigrant laborers. As historian Howard Zinn shows, many of our country's greatest battles—the fights for a fair wage, an eight-hour workday, child-labor laws, health and safety standards, universal suffrage, women's rights, racial equality—were carried out at the grassroots level, against bloody resistance.

Covering Christopher Columbus's arrival through President Clinton's first term, A People's History of the United States, which was nominated for the American Book Award in 1981, features insightful analysis of the most important events in our history.

Trump Foundation accused of fraud. Stole charity money, spent it on campaign... Eric, Junior and Ivanka charged also.

New York attorney general sues Trump Foundation.
The New York attorney general on Thursday sued President Donald Trump's charitable foundation along with its directors -- the President, his sons Eric and Donald Jr. and daughter Ivanka, alleging they violated state and federal charities law.

When I was a child we went to visit San Francisco often as my dad had friends there with children of the same age.

Once we visited the Exploratorium, a science museum housed in the old Place of Fine Arts from the Pacific Exposition of the 1915... I really liked the music playing inventions that allowed random tourists to play strange devices that were controllers for synthesizers. They were pre programmed to play the "right" notes so we could jam and have fun without having any musical training or skill. There was another display of "virtual reality". It involved wearing a VR headset and wherever you looked that's where you went. It was a video game inside a long tunnel with floating spinning cubes with people's faces. One looked like Jerry Garcia. The goal of the game was to fly thru the cubes... They also had a strobe light dancing area where we cast shadows onto a wall that was painted with phosphorescent paint. Every second a light would flash and you left a shadow that lasted about 10 seconds... so you could "stack" shadows to form dancing images... FYI: You can see the building in the Movie "The Rock" with Sean Connery in the scene where he meets his daughter...

Dad's friend worked as a psychologist for the Jewish Boys Club and he had some very interesting "Mind Games". My favorite was a mirror game where you tried to do mechanical skill puzzles while looking at your hands in the mirror. Like "thread a needle" with a thick needle and rope... He also took us fishing for crabs in the bay.

We also went mining for Shark's Teeth in the Santa Cruz Mountains. There was a privately owned hill of sand that you could sift for teeth. We had a wooden box with a wire bottom that we would pour sand thru. The teeth would remain on the screen while the sand went through. It amazed me to think that this hill at high elevation had once been on the sea floor. However, there were shark teeth and sharks left them behind when they were swimming around a million years ago. Makes you wonder about the stories of Noah's Ark. Maybe it really happened!

Read more of my autobiography at:

The IMPORTANT question about climate change is: "How do we stop it?" NOT "What caused it?" We need to DO something... Not argue about why...

While Climate Change Deniers distract us from the REAL question... EPA is helping the Fossil Fuel industry pollute the world... Let's stop mining COAL and let's stop Burning Oil... Let's stop FRACKING...

The answer is SOLAR and WIND power. Close all COAL fired Power Plants.

Bicycle Power Generator

How to save A LOT of Electricity and help prevent Global  Warming... It's EASY!

Simply MOVE all marijuana farms OUTDOORS and grow the plants in the Sunshine instead of using Gro-Lights. Currently there are thousands of clandestine farms indoors using millions of fluorescent lights... The electricity that powers those lamps is often generated by burning natural gas or coal... Creating greenhouse gasses that cause Global Warming  and Climate Change. For Example: All farms in Colorado are indoors... wasting electricity.

Another simple thing we could do is MOVE the Workplace closer to where people live. Many people work at office jobs... AND... Offices can be located in the anywhere. For Example: Google, Facebook and Twitter are all located in the Bay Area... those jobs could be done in Chico, Eureka, Sacramento or Mendocino where house prices are lower and there are fewer traffic jams... Current employees that own a house could sell their house for a Million Dollars and then buy a similar house for $300,000... AND PUT $700,000 IN THEIR POCKET.  Quality of life is better without a two hour commute in traffic jams. We have the technology to move corporate headquarters to locations close to where people live. Simply map where the employees live move the workplace. That would save a LOT of Gasoline and Improve the people's mood leading to higher productivity.

Another simple thing we could do is convert Exercise bicycles and treadmills into electricity  generators. Millions of people visit health clubs every day. Why not create electricity on the gym machines? Simply spin an alternator using the kinetic energy created by burning Human Fat. Sell that electricity to PG&E or SoCal Edison.

EPA Scott Pruitt is doing permanent harm to America by legalizing pollution. Causing sickness in PEOPLE. THAT IS THE REAL EPA SCANDAL!

All the Corruption Scandals are distractions from the destruction of the environment... Even rich people breathe air and Scott wants MORE AIR POLLUTION!

He has tried to change the EPA from an agency that Protects the Environment to an agency that Enables Polluters... He has attacked laws about AIR POLLUTION, WATER POLLUTION, CLIMATE CHANGE, NUCLEAR and COAL Burning... These regulations will harm the USA for Decades... He just makes up lies to support his corporate backed crazytalk...

Trump fires all members of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Another disaster for Americans... Help for the Super Rich!

Since the goal of the CFPB is to protect Consumers from Banks... Closing the Bureau helps Banks do evil... The CFPB was created after the economy meltdown in 2008... when bankers gambled away all our money and had to be bailed out by the Federal Government. Dodd-Frank law was passed to prevent Banks from gambling with people's money... Now that law is being repealed setting up the Economy of the USA for disaster again!

Mick Mulvaney fires all 25 members of consumer watchdog’s advisory board... 

Congress Approves First Big Dodd-Frank Rollback...

ARREST Scott Pruitt EPA for using his office for personal gain... Actually, He TRIED but FAILED to use his office for personal gain...

Scott Pruitt Sought ‘Business Opportunity’ With Chick-fil-A While Leading E.P.A.

Scott Pruitt, the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, gave a political aide the task of helping him seek a “business opportunity” for his wife with the fast-food chain Chick-fil-A.

Emails released to the Sierra Club under the Freedom of Information Act show that Sydney Hupp, a former scheduler for Mr. Pruitt, contacted Chick-fil-A’s chief executive, Dan T. Cathy, in May 2017 at Mr. Pruitt’s behest to set up a meeting.

More job benefits for EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt

Having a GUN in Your House makes Your Family LESS Safe... "Accidents" cause more Deaths than "Defense" saves lives... DUH...

six out of ten gun deaths are suicide... Bad for NRA membership as they are killing themselves in record numbers...

The SOLUTION is to CONFISCATE GUNS and MELT them down...  Why IMPORT Steel when we can simply RECYCLE Guns?

MELT GUNS: How can we NOT SEE that Guns are Evil? Let's Confiscate 'em and melt 'em for a cheap source of Domestic STEEL.

Why import steel from foreign countries when we could just melt guns and use them as a cheap source of American Steel?

Trump: Tariff on Steel is a BONEHEAD move says Wall Street. Stock Values go DOWN. Canada, EU and Mexico retaliate with their OWN Tariffs...

Did you notice that Trump is an Idiot when it comes to Business? Yep, that the truth.

In other news, Harley Davidson closes an assembly plant in the USA and opens one in Thailand. AND... then they took their Tax Cut for the Rich and bought back stock... enriching the super rich while laying off the employees... Classic Voodoo Economics... Didn't work when it was called Reaganomics and it still is a FAILED IDEA.

Trump's tariff fight could hurt the red states that support him.

Harley-Davidson will ship work to Thailand from closing U.S. plant

The 4 Biggest Consequences of Trump's Disastrous Tariff Plan
For starters, the decision could cripple the U.S. economy

Trump's New Policy of Separating Children from their Parents at the Border is PURE EVIL. He wrote it, now tries to blame SOMEONE ELSE... ANYONE ELSE...

Why can't we see the children in cages on TV??? Senator refused visit of abandoned Wal Mart Store that houses a thousand children...

Trump blames Democrats for his policy of separating migrant families at border...
The White House is on a campaign to falsely blame Democrats for the Trump administration's own decision to separate children from their parents. 


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