Showing posts with label mockery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mockery. Show all posts

Why is a Catholic Woman's Body Like a Clown Car at The Circus? Because an Endless Stream of People Keep On Popping Out!

Clown Car at the Circus

Clown Car at the Circus
Question: Is the Pope a Freaking Conehead?

Here is The Path Forward! Sim[ Actions that Would Make the World Better!

1. Tax the Rich, Cut Taxes for the 99%. All that Extra Money in People's Paychecks will Bubble UP Throughout The Entire Economy. Raise the Minimum Wage to $15.00 and Increase All Social Security Checks by 15% - People WILL Spend that Extra Money at American Businesses Causing Higher Profits... and Increased Hiring to Handle the New Customers. EVERYBODY WINS!

2. Gerrymandering Allows Unpopular Candidates to Serve in Elected Offices. By Drawing Crazy Lines on a Map We Have Insane Monsters Represent Minority Viewpoints. A Tool That Has Allowed the Republican Party to Rule... UNTIL 2020... In That Election Trump Backlash Caused the Democrats to WIN The House, Senate and Presidency. A Total Rejection of Trump AND His Evil Minions!

3. Trump's EPA=Enable Polluters Agency. Let FLIP The Mission to Protecting the Environment! Do It For The Children!

4. End Federal Subsidies for Oil and Gas. Start Subsidizing Solar and Wind. Create a "Manhattan Project" to Do Basic Research into Better Batteries... and Solar Powered Desalinization... We Need Clean Drinking Water... 

5. Increase Federal Spending on Our Crumbling Infrastructure. We Can Pay For It By Cutting Defense Spending In Half. Remember: Since 1945, The US Military Has Never Defended The Country. NOT EVEN ONCE. All Those Taxpayer Dollars are Just BOGUS Welfare for The Military Industrial Complex... 

6. Start Training Classes For the Police So They Stop Murdering Unarmed Black People. This One Simple Trick Will Save Billions of Dollars Currently Wasted on Rebuilding Cities from Riots! There Simply Will Not BE Riots! and No Million Dollar Settlements With the Family of the Murder Victim. DUH!
$12 Million Awarded to Breonna Taylors Family AND Countless Millions Spent on Riot Control... The Police Don't Work For Free!

7. Legalize Marijuana Nationwide, Tax It and Free All the Cannabis Prisoners. Use the Empty Jail Cells as a Homeless Shelter. Just Remove the Bars and They are Already Set Up With Food, Medicine, Showers, a Library and Basketball Court! This Would Cause a Massive INCREASE In Voluntary Taxes and a Massive DECREASE in Government Spending... EVERYBODY WINS!

8. Fund Basic Research into Fighting Compulsive Hoarding of Money Syndrome. It's an Epidemic! Destroying The USA By The Blood Sucking Leeches of the Ruling Class... This Mental Health Disease Manifests Itself By The Super Rich Purchasing Senators and Congressmen That Pass Laws Benefitting the Super Rich... at The Expense of 99% of Americans... The only Solution I Can Think of is #FRANCE1789... #OccupyWashingtonDC There is a CrazyLaw® Called Citizens United That Needs to Be Reversed... It Legalizes Bribery of Politicians... WITH NO RECORD of Who Spent What... Enabling Russian Funding of The NRA and the GOP... 

9. #ImpeachBrett #ImpeachAmy - Remove Bratt Kava Kava NOOGIE from the Supreme Court. Remove Amy Too... No Reason Needed... Just Have the House File Impeachment Charges and The Senate Convict Them... Before They Do Any More Damage to the USA... 

10. Allow ARREST of a Sitting President by the Department of Justice... There is a DOJ OPINION that Says We Cannot Indict a Sitting President... EVEN IF HE IS GUILTY OF A CRIME... That's a Crazy Idea... In Effect, It Made Crime Legal for "HE WHO SHALL NOT BE NAMED" and His Friends... #fuBARR is a Co Conspirator... It's Just an Opinion... The Supreme Court Has NOT Ruled That It's VALID... 

11. Overturn Citizens United. Remove Bribery From US Elections... 

12. End the Electoral College. Most Americans Prefer Majority Rule... The Electoral College allowed the TWO WORST PRESIDENTS IN AMERICAN HISTORY to serve... George Bush The Son and Donald Trump The Insane...

13. Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics. Let Doctors and Patients Decide for Themselves What Treatment is Best. Get Corrupt Lawmakers OUT of Medicine... They Are Just Puppets of Big Pharma. The GOAL of Pharmaceutical Corporations is PROFIT, NOT HEALTH. 

14. We Could Provide Shelter for Homeless People in the Unused Jail Cells that Once Were Used to Incarcerate Cannabis Prisoners... Once you remove the Bars, a Jail Cell has a Bed, Food, Medicine, Showers, a Library and Exercise... Everything Needed to Rebuild a Life...

15. Get Vaccines for Your Children. They Save Lives. Not Just Your Own Children's Life but Everyone In The Community.

16. End Trump's Trade War With China. That Would Let American Farmers Sell Them More Food... 

17. Let's Cut the Budget for NSA Spying on Americans. And CIA, FBI, DIA, DARPA and EIEIO Spying on Americans Programs... Those Program has Proved to be Useless and a Fundamental Invasion of Privacy... a Violation of the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution... Hey, If You're a Freaking NARC, UckFay OuYay...  

18. Wear Masks, Practice Social Distancing and Wash Your Hands. It's Not Complicated. 

Wear Masks, Practice Social Distancing and Wash Your Hands. It's Not Complicated. meme - with AT&T Spokesmodel "Lily"

19. It Ought to be Illegal for People to Go on TV and Call for Murdering Other People. Like Steve Bannon, Rude Julie Anna and Trump's Lawyer Joe DiGenova Did.

20. Net Neutrality. Let the Internet be a Level Playing Field. 

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~ 

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,[Except Blacks and Women] that they are endowed by their Creator [Named Jesus, Allah, Yahweh, Odin, Thor, KRSNA, Buddha or a Thousand Other Names] with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”[Unless your Pursuit uses Marijuana or Psychedelics as a Sacrament] - DANG... So Many Disclaimers... Was This Written by a Freaking Lawyer? "

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Popular Posts:

Somehow, I feel that using an AI Content Generator to Write my Blog is Wrong. My Readers Deserve to Read My Own Words... I tried using a Blog writing program and YES... IT DID WORK... but I'm going to continue to Generate Text the Old Fashioned Way...

"Take Drugs and Type Like Crazy!" - That Technique worked for Philip K Dick, Edgar Allen Poe, Jack Kerouac and Lewis Carroll and... uh... Wait a Minute... I'll think of something to say in a minute... duh... OH YEAH! That's Good Enough for me!

AI Danger Exaggerated - Bender Says: Kill All Humans! Cartoon
The real trick for Blog Writing is to Post TEXT that is not published elsewhere on the web... ORIGINAL WORDS... and The Google Search Engine Defines Original Words as Text that it can't find ON THE WEBSITES IT HAS SEARCHED... Well... There is NO Evidence that it Searches FaceBorg... SO... Copying and Pasting Paragraphs that I Have FOUND HERE... is All Original Text... and WORTHY...

and always remember to include at least one Picture... Readers Love Pictures! and They have a Tendency to CLICK on Pictures... and TEXT that is Embedded in a Picture is NOT Read by the GoogleBot... so Plagiarism is Not Noticed! For Example: This Timothy Leary Quote...
Free Coloring Book Drawing by gvan42
and CSH Said: 
Be brave. Write on!

ALSO... It's interesting to read my words years later... and Modify the Blog Posts as I Learn and Conditions change... I wrote an Entire Novel that Quickly Became totally out of Date! It was all about Eco-Warriors that traveled Across the Country to Assassinate President Donald Trump... Well, Once he became "The Former Guy" That book Became Dated... So I Added a Disclaimer at the Beginning!

It was interesting to do research for that novel... I wanted to know IF a sniper could hit the President if he was in the Rose Garden and the Sniper was Standing on the Roof of a 15th Street Building... YES HE CAN! The Internet has Information about the RANGE of Sniper Rifles and Google Maps allow people to Measure Distances! [SPOILER ALERT] - In My Novel, The Assassin Was Unsuccessful because the Secret Service Guards standing on the Roof of the White House SHOT FIRST and Killed the Sniper before he made the shot... What an Excellent PLOT TWIST! 

Book Cover "The Violet Overgrow" by Gregory Vanderlaan

Flip Flops with ART Zazzle Gregvan

Some Guy on FaceBorg Posted: 
If it were up to me, Medicare Advantage plans would be illegal. They are part of a scheme to bankrupt the Medicare Trust Fund.

and I Replied: 
They are Intentionally Complex and It's Difficult to figure out which one is best for me... One REALLY Horrible thing is... IT'S ELDER ABUSE! Asking Old People to Make Complex decisions and providing a bewildering array of choices that are all cloaked in misinformation, disinformation and outright flim flam is a Horrible thing to do to people at any age... but truly evil to do to people on their 65th birthday! I made My Decision by selecting the Plan offered by My Labor Union at work... I figure that the best deal would be the one negotiated by SEIU... My Sister in Law Chose the Plan that was Endorsed by AARP... They are a Trusted Organization... None of US Were able to Figure out the Actual details of the Plans and so Made our decisions on "WHO DO YOU TRUST."

Here's another Example of Using FaceBorg to Help Writing a Blog Post... I Originally Uploaded this Photo... 
Andersen's Split Pea Restaurant... We always stopped there when Traveling South from San Jose to Santa Barbara... Taking my Brother to UCSB...

and Someone Commented:
We always stopped there too. Love their pea soup. There is also an Andersen's on Highway 5 in Santa Nella, just south of Los Banos, but I hear it's not nearly as good as the original.

and I Replied:
When I visited their website I see that there is a second location (on 5) that I never knew about either... This is a Classic Example of Marketing By Billboards on the Road... It's pretty difficult to drive by without stopping after reading the advertisements for hundreds of miles... and In My Humble Opinion... Pea Soup is Pretty much the Same no matter WHO the cook is ...

and then I read:
About 75% of my fb feed is “Amazon Must Haves” articles and it’s become a bit of an issue. There hasn’t been one article I’ve seen and not opened (which would explain why fb has decided my feed should consist of nothing but these articles). And there isn’t one item on any of these lists that I can’t convince myself I don’t need. My “Amazon cart” is more like an “Amazon 18 wheeler” filled with the most ridiculous things that I will never actually purchase but can’t bring myself to delete from said 18 wheeler. Send help.

and I Replied: 
FREE YOURSELF from the Grips of Consumption!

Remember: There are Two Ways to Get Everything You Want... Get More or Want Less!

QUESTION CONSUMPTION: Coronavirus Has Taught Us That Buying More More More Plastic Crap is Totally Optional! Ecstatic Dancing is Possible Without Buying Chinese Junk from WAYFAIR!
Remember: There are Two Ways to Get Everything You Want... Get More or Want Less!

 and then I Read:
We're nearing the end of our journeys here on planet earth.
Sharing our losses publicly makes us more human and in turn, more humane . It is weird how we can share disease, but not the preventative solutions that could ease our lifetimes.
My own family has what I term poor people's diseases:hbp, diabetes, arthritis, dental disease,heart disease; to date I've avoided many because I chose a different path to maintain health.
All roads lead somewhere, right?Eventually we come to our road's end bruised and in need of a place to rest.
So many of us with no one to hold our hand. No one with whom to share a memory.

and I Replied:
You can Share Your Memories With Me... I'll Listen... I find that typing on FaceBorg is an Excellent way to Fill Up My Time now that I'm Retired... There are People Here that I Enjoy Talking to... and Experiencing Their Journey Thru Life With...

and she replied: 
Thank you so much Gregory! I, for one, am not afraid to show my scars to the world. Especially if it means I improve my humanity.

Finding God on the Farm - Ville Game!

and then I Read:
What does "from scratch" mean on a working farm? My mom's chores for her family of 10 meant early rising for her and her sister, Alma. Bring in 2 loads of firewood, and start the fire in the kitchen cook stove and the pot-bellied heating stove...Go out to the barn and gather the eggs. Run out the kittens or king snake sometimes, too...(It is real, guys. I had a king snake while visiting 1 summer, and had egg gathering as my chore.) Then, time to milk the cow...Mama hated the smell of milk till the day she died because of this. But, I was never bothered by it. I loved milking the cow...
Then, the mules had to be fed because Grandpa was up by now and getting ready for the fields. It was around 5 am. Roosters were crowing, and life was awake. Bacon and ham were gathered from one of the 2 smokehouses. The grocery store was in your yard...Gather the coldest water in the world straight from a hand-pump beside the long, wooden porch...The day Grandpa modernized that pump I was there, and it broke my heart. I haven't seen one since then. It was easy enough to use..By 4 pumps, water was on its way, so WHY ?? (If it AINT broke, don't fix it !!)
The breakfast was sausage, ham, bacon, eggs, grits, toast, homemade biscuits, jelly, jam, apple butter and fresh water or milk...The part bought here would've been the flour and grits. All else was farm supplied...including that "frigging" butter and cheese...(Granny tricked me into churning it one time. I ran from then on if she had the churn out. Your arms will fall off and you can NOT stop or it ruins the process.) Sometimes, the lard was homemade too.. When the hogs were killed, nothing was wasted. Huge black cauldrons were fired up, and the hides were boiled. The scraping off the insides of these hides made "country lard."
One son, my uncle Charles, would finish his breakfast and head to the hitching barn. A team of the best country mules around the area were about to head into a sunrise to begin their day on the 104 acre George Hammond farm in Belton, South Carolina.
(My family is gone now, but these memories will never die of an AMERICA that is dying herself now... I am gonna share my mom's chicken and dumplings here today, and how they cooked them on that farm from "scratch." If anyone can get it more country than that----then, have at it !!) Be patient...i gotta work first awhile...keep watching...and thanks for reading, and allowing me to share these memories.

and I Replied:
We all just worked until everything that needed to be done, was done... We had Four Apricot Trees... and Wanted to Dry the Fruit to eat in the Winter. So we went over to a Neighbor's that had a Smoker and We were free to use it any time as long as we worked cutting their Cots...

Psychedelic Art Freakout by gvan42

and I Wrote:
My Sister in Law Asked: "Why did they tear down Winterland?" - a Concert Hall in San Francisco... and I said: So they Could Build Condominiums on that Land... But That's not the Entire Answer... That Rock Concert Hall only Sat 5,000 people... and the Audiences became so large that Bill Graham started Holding his Concerts at A Basketball Arena in Oakland (seating 19,000) or at the Football Stadium (60,000) - and That allowed Everyone that wanted to Go easy access to a ticket... and Some of those Day on the Green Shows Were EPIC... Kezar Was Excellent Too... SNACK and Led Zeppelin with the TUBES!

Here's a Song about America's Love for the Land... and The People That have Left the City to enjoy the Rural Lifestyle... I always think of Remote Humboldt County Marijuana Farmers when They Play this Song... - Listen to the Thunder Cry "I Am!"

I typed my Name into the Search Box in the Upper Left Hand Corner and Found a FaceBorg Account with NO PICTURES and NO WORDS... So I requested It Become My Friend!
Heart Face by gvan42

Heart Face by gvan42

yahoo blurb in the meddle of the night..
"Elon Musk Joins Anti-LGBTQ+ Libs of TikTok to Mock Fired Employee'
BIFF: They SHOULD mock everything and everyone. We live in a Mockracacy........if you wanna live in a DEmocracy....then.....but who wants THAT? To DEmockratize mean you have to stop mocking and what will the birdies do den de poor tings...they'll fly to the South with a vurm in dare mouth...und tuck dear head unter dare vings de poor's going to be a lon-n-n-n-n-n-n-ng Vinter

I replied:
I always use the letters GBLT+Q to refer to the Great Bacon Lettuce and Tomato Sandwiches... PLUS CHEESE! (Queso) ... Remember the AIDS QUILT when Promoting "Pride" - Being Gay is Not Just Parades and Riots, It's also Spending Countless Hours in the Hospital with Dying Lovers...

This Sad Man is Speaking in Favor of Puberty Preventing Medicine and Sex Changes for Teenagers... ABSURD!
Amy Jeopardy Champ - This Sad Man is Speaking in Favor of Puberty Preventing Medicine and Sex Changes for Teenagers... ABSURD!"I truly believe that all of us here have the same goal: to keep Ohio’s children safe and healthy," she said.
But, she added, the “Save Adolescents From Experimentation (SAFE) Act" — which seeks to restrict doctors' ability to provide puberty blockers, hormone replacement therapy and gender-affirming surgery to minors — would put some children "in grave danger, and a danger that not all of them would survive."
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
I feel that It is Unfair That Julia Collins
is No Longer the Best Woman JEOPARDY! Player... "They" Say Amy Schneider is the Best BUT SHE'S NOT A WOMAN! She's a Man that Had a Sex Change and That's Different! 
AI Generated Portrait of E C Vanderlaan

How to Do the "Bait and Switch" EMAIL Marketing... Remember: If the Person Getting your email deletes it unread... your words of wisdom are pointless... SO... I Include Something that They are Likely to be interested in as the Subject Line... and then Deliver What I Promised as the First Sentence of the Body of the Email... Most people will continue reading down to see what I want to say! and maybe they will even Scroll down further! For Example: I believe most of the people in my family ignore all my emails... WhatEVER! So Today's Email Subject was: AI Generated Portrait of Grandpa Vanderlaan. EXCELLENT! and Then I Included the Picture and a Link so they could do their own... Then I Wrote what I wanted to Write About...

and Then SE Said on FaceBorg:
I don't know what it takes to find lasting friendships in this world. I can occasionally find someone to hang out with for a day, but then they always seem to disappear. Other people seem to have friends who stay in their lives. I wonder why that is so elusive to me? If I hang out with someone and we have a nice time together, why can't we hang out again? Where do they disappear to?
Romantic relationships are a joke at this point. I should have been more focused on that when I was younger. That ship sailed years ago. I untied the rope myself and pushed the ship away from the dock, thinking another ship would come along shortly. I didn't understand that that was the only ship. Once it sails, it's gone forever.
The main thing I care about now is just having someone to spend time with who cares about me. A friend would be fine. Yes, I know I do have friends, but most of them aren't local, or they aren't available to spend time with me because they have their own relationships that take priority, and there's nothing wrong with that. But you'd think it would be easier to connect with other single people in my area. You'd think other single women would be looking for a single friend like me to go out and have fun with every once in a while. There is so much I want to do, but I don't want to do it alone. I've got a good job now, and I can afford stuff. Can I buy a friend? Just kidding...but really, I would if I could. I've tried going out alone hoping to make friends, but that's impossible when nobody else is alone. Everyone else is always with other people, so I go out alone and remain alone the entire time. Meetup groups in my area aren't very good either. I've tried a few, but they tend to be cliquey. Hard to make friends in groups of people who have already formed a clique.

and I Replied:
That's always been a mystery to me too... I DID meet many friends in Alcoholics Anonymous... but That's a Club that you Might Not Qualify to Join... In order to Join you have to have a Drinking PROBLEM... and from what you have written... you don't have a PROBLEM...
We will be leaving for Texas in a few days for Thanksgiving. We are driving there. I've been really looking forward to that part, because the time I drove to Texas in 1994 was one of the coolest experiences I've ever had. I've never been able to afford to do much interstate traveling, and I remember how cool it was to be out on the open road, and to be able to stop and see all kinds of interesting things along the way. I also remember the miles and miles of saguaro cacti in Arizona with the beautiful red rock formations in the background. This trip will be a lot speedier, though, so there won't be time to stop very many places along the way. I'm a little worried about what to pack (I tend to get anxiety about packing for trips), and I'm also a little worried about spending time in a red state with COVID still out there. Probably should get a booster before we go, although I hate the fact that it might give me side effects and slow me down for a few days, but I feel like it wouldn't be smart to travel to a red state without getting boosted first because right-wingers have made COVID into a political issue instead of a health issue, which is still so bizarre to me. But I know there is a much higher likelihood of encountering unvaccinated people in Texas than there is in CA, and that does make me a bit uneasy.
and I Replied:
It IS a Beautiful Drive. Have Fun. Wear a Mask... and Be Grateful That Right Wingers were More Likely to Get Sick and Die... We Certainly Don't Need People Like That in the Future.
Larissa Stow Four Arms - meditation - Water Ceremony - gvan42

Water Ceremony - Group Meditation... Take a Full Glass of Water and Hold it Between your Eyes and The Sun... Say the Sun Prayer... Drink Half the Water...
"Great spirits of the sun we call to you this day, we thank you for the blessings of our lives, the lives of our children, and all of our relations we are thankful for our life."
and Then... Say a Prayer for the Dirt... and Dump the other Half of the Water on a Plant...
"Great Spirits of The Earth. We Call to You On This Day. WE Thank You for your Nurturing and Your Sustenance. and the Ground on Which We Stand. We are Grateful to Be Alive."
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
and then I asked a ChatBot to:

Write an Article entitled "How Can I Make money on the Stock Market using AI?" 

It Said:
Many people believe that artificial intelligence (AI) could be the key to making money on the stock market. After all, AI has the ability to process vast amounts of data and make predictions based on that data.

So, how can you use AI to make money on the stock market?

There are a few ways to do this:

1. Use an AI-based stock trading platform: There are a number of AI-based stock trading platforms available. These platforms use AI to help you make money on the stock market.

2. Use an AI stock market advisor: Another way to make money on the stock market with AI is to use an AI stock market advisor. These advisors use AI to help you make investment decisions.

3. Use an AI stock market simulator: If you want to try your hand at making money on the stock market, but don't want to risk any real money, you can use an AI stock market simulator. These simulators use AI to help you make trades.

Whichever method you choose, if you're looking to make money on the stock market with AI, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

Firstly, remember that AI is not a magic solution that will guarantee profits. The stock market can be unpredictable and there will always be risks involved. However, AI can help you make more informed decisions and potentially increase your chances of success.

Secondly, make sure you do your research and choose a reputable AI-based platform or advisor. Look for reviews and testimonials from other users and make sure the platform has a track record of successful investments.

Lastly, don't rely solely on AI. Use it as a tool to supplement your own knowledge and research. Keep up with industry news and trends, and always be willing to adapt and change your investment strategy as needed.

In conclusion, while there is no foolproof way to make money on the stock market, AI can certainly be a valuable tool in your investment arsenal. Whether you choose to use an AI-based trading platform, advisor, or simulator, be sure to do your research and use it to supplement your own expertise. With patience, discipline and the right approach, you can potentially use AI to boost your investment portfolio.

Rather Insightful Article!

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

  • and Then I Asked the AI Chatbot:
  • How can I Increase Sales on My Zazzle Giftshop?

  • 1. Optimize your product listings: Make sure your product titles, descriptions, tags, and images are clear, informative, and professional. Use keywords relevant to your products to improve their visibility in Zazzle's search results.

    2. Promote your products: Share links to your Zazzle shop and individual product listings on social media, email newsletters, and other marketing channels. Consider creating targeted ads to reach your ideal audience.

    3. Offer promotions and discounts: Run special promotions, coupon codes, and sales to attract customers and encourage them to make a purchase.

    4. Improve your customer service: Respond promptly to customer inquiries and concerns, provide helpful and friendly support, and consider offering a satisfaction guarantee to build customer loyalty.

    5. Expand your product range: Create new designs, add new product types, and explore new niches to attract more customers and increase sales opportunities.

    6. Participate in Zazzle promotions: Participate in Zazzle's promotional events like holiday sales, site-wide discounts, and themed collections to increase visibility and drive more traffic to your gift shop.
So, That's what an AI Chatbot Sounds Like... and to tell the truth, No Epic Revelations! 

I Didn't Actually Learn Anything of Value... It was NOT WORTHY!

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Who WAS Ram Dass? In the Sixties, He was a Psychedelics Researcher and Promoter at Harvard with Dr. Timothy Leary. (LSD, Magic Mushrooms and Peyote)

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Peace Sign Pie Chart
History of the Vietnam War. 58,000 Americans Died for Nothing... Something They Don't Teach in School Now... "Too Controversial" -

During the 1950s Americans went into a Mad Panic about Communists taking over the world. We built thousands of Nuclear Missiles and Fallout Shelters. The US Congress had witch hunts (Joe McCarthy-HUAC) to expose "Commies" who worked in The Hollywood Movie business and blacklisted folksingers that were leading our young people astray with Labor Union Organizing songs.

During the height of this hysteria Vice President Richard Nixon went on Television and explained "The Domino Principle" while pointing to a map of Asia. His theory was...


Who Won the War? DOW CHEMICAL AND HUGHES AIRCRAFT. Selling Napalm, Agent Orange and Helicopters...

Military Death Chart USA

AMERICA'S BOGUS WARS - Since 1945, The US Military Has Never Defended The USA, Not Even Once.

Ever since Victory in Japan, All of Our Wars have been Marketing to Sell Weapons for the Military Industrial Complex.

Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - UFO and Alien Hieroglyphics